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Everything posted by bosswench

  1. Has anyone stopped in Punta Arenas or Ushuaia without anything pre-booked? Are there operators offering tours at the port? I am booked on Sapphire Princess this December and it's looking like my husband may not be able to go at the last minute. I am an experienced solo traveler, and speak Spanish, so am comfortable grabbing something on arrival if I know there will be options. TIA
  2. My husband and I are booked on a b2b2b European cruise August 2025. I will reach 50 nights the second day of the second leg. Will I start receiving the Platinum benefits with the first leg or will I have to wait until the second leg or even the third? Half price internet may be the deciding factor on whether we upgrade to Plus.
  3. I found the Plus wines on Emerald Princess gross two weeks ago. There were much better options by paying the $2.48 up charge for Premium wines. I only drink wine with dinner so my wine bill totalled under $50 for a 15 day cruise.
  4. Is there any advantage to calling to upgrade? My TA just got us a large amount of new OBC for our cruise leaving in three weeks, and we already have Plus. I was planning to just upgrade to Premier when we are onboard.
  5. Can anybody who has been to Huatulco recently tell us the current taxi rate from the Port into La Crucecita? I know that it's walkable, but my travel companions may not be up to it. Thanks!
  6. Thank you Dee for this wonderful blog and sharing your adventure. Your pictures are incredible. Since you mentioned the accessible cabin, have you noticed if there are many scooter or wheelchair users on board? Do you know if they have been able to use the tenders and get off the ship at the ports? My husband and I are booked on this cruise in December 24, and he has mobility limitations.
  7. Caffeine free, diet soda is available? Wooohoooo!!!! This alone could make Princess my favorite cruise line.
  8. There are car rental agencies right on the pier. Rent a far and spend the day exploring. It's a small island with reasonably good roads.
  9. We are booked on Emerald Princess in April with quite a lot of OBC to spend. It there a way to use it in advance of sailing? I would like to be able to make a reservation for Crown Grill in advance.
  10. My husband is a developer for a major corporation. *Carnival Corporation IT SUCKS" is heard daily and loudly in my house.
  11. Well that's concerning. Taking my first Princess cruise in 20 years on the Emerald in April (I am a cruise line agnostic cruiser). This is a 15 day special event sailing, almost sold out at a hefty premium price . My traveling companions are not very experienced cruisers so I hope the crew will be in a better mood.
  12. Thank you for this great review. We are stopping in Cartagena in April and looking for a fun DIY day. Can you estimate how much walking you did over the course of the day? One of our group doesn't walk well.
  13. @NorbertsNiece Loving your adventure and looking forward to following along. We are booked on this cruise next December. Thank you so much for sharing with us!
  14. Thank you for the clarification. We are arriving at LAX the day before our cruise, taking a hotel shuttle from the airport, but need transportation to the Port the next morning. The cruise is a Panama Canal transit so our end point is Ft. Lauderdale.
  15. What is the difference between "curbside" pickup vs. regular pickup? I've always had normal Uber pick up at the hotel entrance or port/airport designated area in the past.
  16. Any suggestions for transportation from an LAX area hotel to San Pedro? We are four adults boarding Emerald Princess for 15 nights, so we will have too much stuff for a standard Uber. TIA
  17. I received $250 twice in this situation on Carnival. I have never taken a b2b on HAL so can't say if it will be different.
  18. Thank you for the info. We are not concerned about getting around out on the streets. We travel quite a bit and he is used to those conditions. Our problem is getting from place to place, his chair can go 5-6 miles on a charge, much farther than I can walk.
  19. Has anyone noticed recently if the free trolley or local buses have wheelchair lifts? There are some general references to things being accessible, but nothing specific about transit. My husband and I would much rather explore on our own than take a tour. TIA!
  20. I'm not sure how we would go about doing that. Do you have any ideas?
  21. He is able to transfer. He can walk a bit, go up and down a few stairs, and get in and out of the tender with minimal assistance. But, his power wheelchair is heavy and we had a problem with them allowing it on the lifeboat tender in another port last year, which is why we are hesitant to book in advance.
  22. Does anyone have experience booking Stingray City at the Port? My husband uses a wheelchair, and with the tenders we cannot be absolutely sure he will be able to go ashore, so we will not book in advance. Has anyone had a particularly good or bad experience with any specific vendor? What time should we try to arrive on shore and how much should we expect to pay?
  23. This was my experience with a 6nt/8nt b2b on Carnival as well. I received $100 for the first leg and $150 for the second.
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