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  1. Its a real shame because it could have been great!
  2. I've been watching this programme and I feel it it is nothing more than a very misleading ADVERT. Any other media - ie online or in the Daily Mail it would have to have a disclaimer that it was Promoted by the company. There is no mention on the show that the people have been gifted these holidays. There is very little I recognise about the cruise experience - for example where are the queues for embarkation? Why was the man with the little girl met at the dock in Piraeus and brought to their room? This doesn't happen. It makes it look like everyone gets champagne and plates of canapes, I know that isn't the case. Being approached by the Captain and the Cruise Directors asking you how your holiday is going - nope! Never a mention that the Sanctuary area is not general seating. No mention of muster No "washy washy" staff No get your foot analysis or art seminar, no scrambling for a seat. Where is the queue when MDR opens - why does the buffet never look like the bunfight it can look like in reality The nearest this show has come to showing cruising how I recognise it is when they went to Santorini and had to queue for the gondolas! The endless repetition of what you have just seen, and what you are going to see after the break! If I was a first timer going because of what I had seen on this show I would be massively disappointed.
  3. I would quite like to do this when I retire but I'm a woman so not sure there is much call for me! But there is a definite gap in the market for someone to be good company for older solo ladies, you know things like make sure they aren't sat on their own in the bar, someone to play cards with or attend the quiz, a lady who could help that lady zip up evening dresses. Somebody to see her safe to her room at the end of the evening. What a job that would be!!
  4. Cats may well be very successful in theatre land. That's because they have a larger group of potential bums on seats and those people actively want to watch it. People will travel a long way to see a show they like. Also, if you have paid big bucks to see a show, you are probably less likely to walk out if it has proved to be not what you thought it would be. Bit different on a ship. I thought it was dreary. As an aside, last night I saw Kinky Boots. I didn't know any of the songs, but they were mainly upbeat, toe tapping numbers. There was colour, there was comedy, there was a story. All a bit lacking in Cats Grease, I think is a story of its time. I don't know much about the 1950s but it is probably a good reflection of what life was like for women then, (making a man happy, sexism, the shame of a pregnancy etc). I think stories set in the past should reflect the values of that time. We should not use modern values to assess such things. As for the men and their rude songs, I reckon men are still like this when women aren't watching them!
  5. People ask me about investing. I always say the following:- MOST IMPORTANT ONE only invest money you are prepared to lose. Don't get over your head. Buy stocks in fields you are interested in, because hopefully you will get some fun and education in your research. For example, my main stocks are in travel. I have lots of small investments in drug companies, some doing better than others, it has to be said.. But God I so much want to see a cure for cancer, a successful sepsis test, a way of identifying brain tumors easier, so I invest in stuff like this and pray for success with more than money in mind. . Amazon started as a penny stock. I have made good money in penny stocks, but I have had 2 companies go to the wall! Don't ever think a company is too big to fail. If someone is giving you financial advice, always think about their motives. They may be getting paid to push a certain thing - e.g. crypto!
  6. in 1995 I was just about breaking even with my pay and outgoings. Shares and investments were for other people. Now, I have probably lost more money investing than I have made!! whoops!!
  7. I smoke cigarettes in a designated smoking area. I have stopped and started smoking often enough to acknowledge that smoking stinks. I respect my fellow passengers enough to only smoke in designated areas. It is then up to them, they can keep out of those areas, or they can keep their opinions to themselves when they walk through "our" area. I have smoked cannabis on and off. I smoked cannabis because I liked the effect, the feeling of being smashed - and not quite "there" . If a person in an adjoining cabin is doing this and perhaps taking the risk of falling asleep whilst holding a joint I think a person has every right to be very upset and concerned. If this is the case and they have been caught I think they should be kicked off the ship. I don't care about whether something is legal or illegal on land. What they do in their own homes is up to them. But when they are putting people at risk in a confined space that's a different story.
  8. We have all come across professional complainers, and they are quite draining. Personally, I always have a good time wherever I am - but anyone who has cruised for more than a few years will know that the cruising experience has been downgraded considerably, even before Covid. The half and half thing, in a way I can see where OP is coming from. Things should be labelled correctly for what they are, and not what they want us to think it is. Now I take my coffee black, so I don't have a dog in that particular race - but lets say there were scones offered at afternoon tea, and you asked, and were told it was "fresh cream", and it turned out to be cool whip. Or, if the soda had a sticker saying "coke" but it was a Walmart own brand. In itself, it isn't an issue, but its disingenuous to offer one thing and give another, to mislead. Because it is misleading behaviour. I don't blame the staff, they can only put out what they are given, and are probably told what to say by their management. All the complaints are small, inconsequential things - until the time when they swap out something YOU value for something you wouldn't have at home. The argument of "well, I am happy because I don't have to cook or do laundry", doesn't wash with me. We are spending thousands of dollars here. I haven't been on a Royal ship for a while because I have seen the experience downgraded dramatically. Other companies offer far more bang for your buck, so for the foreseeable that is where I will be. For balance and honest, I have shares in Royal, so I want to see them get back on track. That's why I understand about the once a day cleaning, the one lobster, the new menu. But don't tell me you are giving me something that you aren't.
  9. Hi yes, make sure you submit your own because there are benefits for Gold, such as an hour spa access. You can go to the diamond party/butchers cut as your husbands +1, and obviously can take advantage of priority boarding etc - so long as you are travelling with him.
  10. Diamond Plus? Shat's that then? have I missed some news?
  11. Hi I'm going as a solo this time. Normally a Diamond member can bring a guest (same cabin), but as I don't have a cabin mate this time I wonder if there is any chance that I can bring someone from a different cabin with me. Will feel a bit odd sitting in there on my own! Also, what about the Diamond parties - can I bring a guest? I know what the policies say, but wondering if anyone has any experience of rules onboard which we all know change with the wind!
  12. I've never been in Yacht Club, and to be honest, I've no desire to either. I am far too nosey, and I want to be at the big pools in the day and the bars where the entertainment is at night. I'm also not interested in food - so I don't need an elevated experience in that regard. I am young(ish) and small (ish), so I don't need assistance that someone less mobile might, for example getting a seat in the theatre or needing to avoid a long queue. But I think it's great for those who want/need it and can justify the expense. I wish the denigration of non YC would stop though. I do try to remember that if we are talking about North Americans and their preference for YC, perhaps Europe is a "big trip", so they are wanting a splurge and want the best of the best. For us, a week or 2 around the med is probably something we have done more than a few times, so it's no big deal. If we miss a day's port there's always next year for us - or a £40 easyjet return for the day. I've been on Virtuosa 5 times since she started up doing those covid trips, and I have always had a great time. (disclaimer - I often haven't had a seat in the Virtuosa Lounge, so have had to just find a space on the dance floor 🙂 )
  13. Thinking about sailaways, when you are on a P&O Ship and they play Sweet Caroline and Hi Ho Silver Lining - that gets old quick!!
  14. RD64, you say that but the first time I ever heard it was actually in Las Vegas. They were playing it at Bellagio Fountains. It was our last night there. I admit I cried.
  15. Is being played on Classic FM at the moment, and its made me think. Do they not play this for sailway on Virtuosa?. I have been on her 4 times last year and cant remember it being played, yet every other ship it was being played? Was I perhaps not concentrating?
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