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Everything posted by AusMum

  1. at least most people on here are being respectful - some on Facebook are so abusive about saying people should get super dressed up, I'm actually dreading our cruise (not because of what we are expected to wear, but because of the elitists trying to push their personal agenda).
  2. Perfect time for the north of Australia. It's technically winter, but it's the dry season.
  3. If you need any tips/help with Perth let me know (I live there). Rottnest really is amazing!
  4. EVERYTHING in Australia is air conditioned. We die when we go to cooler climates that have heating. You will find Australia's heat is very similar to what you get in California, especially on the coast. It will vary with the seasons. The worst time to travel is from about November to February because it's very wet in the north, but a lovely dry heat in the south. That's also cyclone/hurricane season. We have just driven from Perth to Karratha (in the very north) and the weather was sublime. Think 75F with no rain, and just a nice breeze.
  5. We have just driven from Perth to Karratha. If anybody ever has questions on Australia, I will do my best to help you!
  6. and often they are online just to push their agendas
  7. I'm someone who gets 'dressed up' happily, but am also getting that vibe
  8. My husband is an accountant whose office is in a traditional business district. In the past, it was frowned upon if you didn’t wear a business suit, tie and well shined shoes. He still wears a shirt and tie most days, but has ditched the impractical jacket in our warm/hot climate (Australia). It’s now unusual to see men wearing ties, and I’ve noticed it’s becoming more difficult to buy them. Most men are wearing nice shirts and trousers, and have ditched the ties. Accountants were one of the last professions to do so.
  9. We booked Silversea because we saw an ad and loved the itinerary; which was unlike any we had seen offered before. We have done numerous cruises, and it hasn’t been an issue ‘dressing up’, but imho travel has become more complicated post Covid, with airlines cutting back in luggage requirements, and passengers being more concerned about losing their checked in luggage. I believe our Greenland cruise isn’t as formal as other cruises. We are going to a wedding in Denmark prior to the cruise, so we will at least have those clothes to wear on the ‘informal’ night. I think much depends on how far away a passenger is from their destinations and port, and just how much you can carry? if you’re doing a land based tour in Alaska or Iceland, you need to make room for practical cold weather gear, so you have to weigh up what’s important. I don’t think passengers should stress over what they are going to wear for dinner on two nights of a cruise. I like to believe that the pandemic gave us all the opportunity to gain a reality check on what’s really important in life. Many of us are just thankful to be able to explore the world again.
  10. when are you bringing the family to Australia? lol This is where we are driving to tomorrow (we have a caravan). It will always be one of my most favourite destinations in the world, even though it's in our state. I've bought a new lens for my camera (75 to 300mm) and hoping to practice some photography for our Iceland/Greenland trip. This is peak time for whale sharks and humpbacks. We've seen orcas up there too!
  11. AusMum

    Muster Drill

    My least favourite activity on cruises lol
  12. We did Alaska with another cruise company in 2018. We did a week in Denali 'on our own' and caught the train back to Anchorage. We loved having our independence, so hired a car. It was an amazing experience. Make sure to look out for bears! we kept getting a false sense of security whenever we pulled over to use rest areas.
  13. Can't believe it's been almost 30 years since we went there - we were in our early 20s and could barely afford to eat, but we had an awesome time 🙂
  14. Interesting to know. We are also early 50s and were wondering if we might be the youngest on a Silversea cruise, but guess you can never really tell.
  15. we were going to do that, but then we got tantalised by Icelandic crime drama, and decided we wanted to see more 🙂 we initially thought we would spend a week in Scotland, but we were more likely to go back to the UK in the future than Iceland
  16. https://www.silversea.com/destinations/cruises-arctic-greenland/reykjavik-to-reykjavik-ev230905016.html that's our cruise
  17. Ours will be on The Endeavour in September next year, so will look forward to your posts! are you planning to do any days in Iceland pre-cruise? we are considering doing the Ring Road
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