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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Thank you, it's a pleasure to see it up close in the bright sunshine!
  2. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I hope some day there are definitive answers as to what happened to Amelia Earhart; she was a real pioneer. I appreciate the cousins I have, even though they're not close by. I was blessed with great parents who adopted me; my siblings didn't have the same good fortune. It's a nice, cool morning, but the temps will be creeping up again close to 30C, so we'll enjoy having all the windows open for a while longer. We certainly live with a wide range of temperatures - yesterday we both were wearing our bunny hugs, and today we'll be back to shorts and t-shirts. At least we don't have to shovel anything right now. LOL @JazzyVI'm sorry to hear your power is still out - was it caused by a storm? @smitty34877It's nice to know that Tana's anxiety is a little better; I bet it helps to have visitors from the "outside". @StLouisCruisersgood luck to the Tigers! I'd love to try today's drink - I'll bet it would be very refreshing on a hot summer's day. Today's wine also caught my attention, especially the note about the bottles emptying easily. LOL That seems to be a trend at my house! Not a lot happening here today, just have to do a quick grocery run to get some ingredients for tonight's dinner. I think I'll cut up a pork loin into chops that DH will cook on the barbecue and serve them alongside dilled potatoes and coleslaw. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do. Extra for the people of Ukraine who remain so brave. We'll clink our glasses together to celebrate all on the happy list and to remember our dear departed friend. Be safe, wear masks when needed, get your boosters, and stay well. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  3. Good morning (it's still morning here), thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! DH's uncle was a true cowboy - he broke his last horse when he was 83 and lived healthfully until his passing when he was 92. Ice cream is a great vessel for other flavours. Drowning prevention is so important; our son was awarded the Royal Lifesaving Award medallion a couple of years ago when he saved a young boy's life while we were all at a lake not far from Calgary. Those swimming lessons early in life paid off. It's been a difficult morning for us - we woke to the news that a dear cruising friend had passed away. We met on our first trans-Atlantic in 2014 and although we lived thousands of miles apart, kept the friendship going by getting together a few times over the years. You know how you meet people and you have a special bond? That's how the 4 of us were; when we got together, it was like we just picked up from where we left off. We'll always remember him at Happy Hour because he was always the first one of the 4 of us to get there to have a seat. LOL He will be missed, but Heaven will be a funnier place with him there now. Today is a cool day, certainly not tank top and shorts weather; it looks like we may even get some rain later this afternoon, as the clouds are building and look very heavy with moisture. I think I'll spend time indoors working on sewing more bags and/or knitting little blankets. DH wants to use part of the afternoon to organize stuff in his garage - there's so much stuff!!! @RowsbyI feel your pain having to cancel a cruise, but know you've made the right decision for now. @StLouisCruiserscongrats to the Tigers; good luck for tomorrow! @kazuyour flowers are always so beautiful, thanks for sharing them with us. @summer slopea very Happy Birthday to you! I like today's menu suggestion, but haven't ever made tortillas from scratch. Our friends cooked up so many ribs yesterday that they sent home a care package for us, so all I have to do is make a potato salad this afternoon and we'll be set for dinner. It's definitely going to be ribs and salad for the 2 of us on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do. Extra for the people of Ukraine and all who are providing aid - let's hope their grain does get distributed to the rest of the world. We'll raise our glasses tonight to celebrate our friend and all who make up the happy list. Stay safe, get your boosters, be well and wear masks when needed. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  4. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We've never had a hammock, but they're fun to relax in when on Half Moon Cay. Every day around here is summer leisure day, no matter the season. I'm geally rood at spoonerisms because I'm dyslexic. LOL I'm pretty good at telling the story of Rindercella and the Three Sisty Uglers. We woke to a gentle rain this morning which means the hot temps will abate somewhat for today. Unlike many places where you live in the south, when it rains here, the temperature drops several degrees, often making it necessary to wear a jacket. When we visited friends in North Carolina a number of years ago we experienced our first warm rain ever and were delighted that we didn't get chilled by it. Thanks for your care over DH's leg - the edema has gone down a lot, but his calf is still very sore. The doctor feels he might have pulled a muscle, and that may be what is causing the discomfort. I know many of you golf, so thought I'd post this photo - it was taken on a golf course in Manitoba just the other day. The reason why you should leave the golf course if there's a storm anywhere around. I like today's menu suggestion, and know we've had it when DH taught at the university and there was a delegation of South Korean teachers who came for the summer. They served it with the most amazing kimchi - yum! Normally it's Friday night pizza night at our house, but we're invited over to friends for the late afternoon for appetizers and a barbecue, so who am I to argue with that? We're going to be talking cruising, as we'll be traveling together for our January Caribbean cruise. Should be fun. And wine. @StLouisCruiserscongrats to Ren and his team; fingers crossed they win on Saturday! @bennybearI hope DH's surgery went well. Junk drawers - there's always been one in our house; where else would you put the bread tabs, twist ties, string, screw drivers, pliers etc? It makes sense to keep those things where you'll need 'em! Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do. Extra for the people of Ukraine and for their strength to continue the fight. We'll celebrate all on the happy with the clinking of glasses tonight. Stay well, be safe, get your boosters and wear your masks when needed. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  5. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I think I'll be myself today; it's too hard trying to be anyone else. Junk food has always had a little space in our pantry. Yay for everyone who has dogs and who train them to act appropriately around people. I've got a weird sense of humour, so immediately laughed at today's quote. Would anyone like to offer me a teaspoon full of today's wine; I think that's all I could afford! Wow, I've been away for 4 days and have a lot of catching up to do! We spent a wonderful time with our friends at their cottage at the lake where, along with their 2 daughters and sons-in-laws, they treated us like royalty. We ate, we drank, we fished, and we floated. We had an assortment of marine conveyances from which to choose: kayak, canoe, rowboat, motorboat, motorized raft, pontoon boat, and catamaran. We ultimately went out on the motorized raft (all 8 of us sitting in lawn chairs - what a hoot!) and 4 of us went fishing with the motorboat. Here's our catch of the day - 15 walleye (pickerel) after only a couple of hours on the lake. I was hoping to be able to post a bit from the lake, but they don't have wi-fi, and the cell phone service is such that you have to hike up the hill and stand with your arm outstretched in order to get a signal. In an emergency, they would drive up the hill, but I didn't need to post that badly. I was able to post on FB a couple of times, but that was about all the service I could get. Whenever I tried CC, I enjoyed seeing the blue circle of death until it timed out. Here's the gorgeous sunset we were treated to on our first night - now bear in mind this photo is unretouched, I simply pointed my iPhone and clicked it. There are no filters to enhance colour or anything. It was absolutely spectacular. I see @marshhawkhas had a bad time with her latest vaccination - sorry to hear that; I hope you're better today. @bennybearif memory serves me correctly, today is your DH's surgery; please wish him well for me and know I'll be praying for a good outcome. @Sharon in AZplease wish Craig a very Happy Birthday and Happy Retirement as well. I'm sure I've missed some - if anyone has had a birthday, anniversary, or other celebration, please know I'd be happy to celebrate with you. For those who have had hardship, I'm sorry, and know you've all been in my heart. Yesterday when DH woke up his calves and ankles were very swollen, so on the way home I called our PCP and was able to get him in for a late afternoon appointment. He's now on a diuretic and informs me he counted and was up 17 times during the night. LOL The doctor didn't think it was a DVT, likely a combination the heat and his blood pressure meds, but has ordered an ultrasound, and blood test, so we'll see how those turn out. It's always something, isn't it? Today we're back to the real world, so it's time to get the laundry started and check to see what's needed from the grocery store. I like today's menu suggestion, but I think we'll be having something simple like smokies done on the barbecue and a nice crisp green salad that we'll be able to enjoy on the deck tonight. And wine. The sunset from our last night at the lake. Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do. Extra prayers for the people of Ukraine and all who are helping them. We'll clink the glasses together to salute all on the celebration list. Stay safe, get your boosters, wear masks when needed and be well. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  6. Taking some time now for an iced coffee and a break from our pre-lake preparations. A question - does anyone know if @Vict0riannever received Pat's luggage before they boarded the ship? I certainly hope so. I posted this on FB and thought I'd share it here - it's a tad too hot to eat on the deck this evening; DH has said he's going out to pick up "something" for dinner which we'll either eat in the house or maybe the pergola. I'm thinking the house will win because of the air conditioning. . . .
  7. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I like spinach in moderation, abhor snakes, and would love to have owned a Woody. Today's quote is still true today. I know I'd like the drink of the day and who wouldn't like a wine that has notes of blackberry and chocolate? Yum. Another hot day in the offing for us, even hotter than yesterday, so will be closing up the house within a couple of hours. It'll be a busy day for us - DH has to drive about 1.5 hours away to attend a memorial for a an old school chum. I'm not going, as I won't know anyone there. I'll be a busy bee at home. Last night our "older" friends (they're nearly 90) called and invited us to come to their cabin at the lake on Sunday to stay for a few days with them. We couldn't say no - even though they're in good health right now, we all know it could turn on a dime and we'd seriously regret not going. So today I'll be making up a big pasta salad and a couple of lemonade pies to bring along. I also want to make up a couple of grocery bags to give them as a host/hostess gift. @StLouisCruiserssorry your leg pain has returned; I hope you can get it under control soon. @HAL Sailer glad your DB's symptoms are lessening; I'm sure he's disappointed he won't be able to race, but will certainly be cheering on his son. @kazuyour flowers are always so beautiful - thanks for sharing them with us. While I like today's menu suggestion (great job @0106), it's going to be too hot to cook much. I baked some salmon in the toaster oven on the deck the other night and it's sitting in the fridge, so will flake it up and make salmon salads for us for dinner this evening. Salmon salads and crusty buns will be what we'll enjoy in the pergola tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do. Extra prayers for Buddy's family and friends as they say their final farewells. Extra for the people of Ukraine for all they're having to endure. We'll raise our glasses and salute all on the happy list. Stay safe, get your boosters, wash your hands, hydrate, don't forget the sunscreen, and be well. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  8. I just ordered 2 Air Tags directly from Apple because I can't find any local retailers who have them in stock. Even the Amazon Canada site says they are currently unavailable. Both DH and I have an iPhone, so we should be able to keep tabs on our luggage if it doesn't arrive with us.
  9. Here's the link to the Air Passenger Protection site; if you scroll down you'll see the portion titled If Your Baggage is Lost, Damaged or Delayed - it spells out what you should do. https://rppa-appr.ca/eng/notice/airport-congestion-and-flight-issues?destination=node/256 Good luck to you; I hope for the sake of ease, that it appears in your hotel tonight, otherwise the two of you have some shopping to do instead of seeing the sights.
  10. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We don't have a sticker on our house alerting that there is a pet inside, but I will go out and get one. I respect our country and am ever so grateful to live here. I've always got a box in the spare room that I can toss things into that are no longer needed. I look around our house and sometimes wonder why am I keeping all of this? It's time to declutter, I know. Well we're under another heat warning for today, so we've got all the windows open letting the cooler morning air into the house. Usually when it hits 24 or 25 outside I close things up and try to keep the house cool for a little while. Predicted high for today is 35C (95F) which means it could even go a bit higher, so we'll be breaking out the iced coffee and fans this afternoon. @Seasick Sailora belated Happy Birthday to your DH; I hope it was a great day for him. @0106good job on today's menu suggestion; don't worry about the size of the pics, we enjoy them. @Vict0riannI do hope DH's luggage arrives; if not, you know you can purchase up to $2300 of essentials for him. Keep all receipts and submit a claim to the airline when you return home. @kazucongratulations on the win; I think it will be very appropriate to serve them at Jose's celebration of life. Thanks for your comments on the grocery bags yesterday. I'm happy to make them, as I know they're going to last longer than the ones I can buy from the grocery stores. The stores in our city no longer have the regular plastic type, so we've been using the sturdier ones you can purchase, but I find they don't hold up well in the washing machine. Yesterday we drove around to a few different dollar stores where I was able to pick up more table runners so I can make a few for us and some for gifts as well. As much as I'd like to try today's menu suggestion, it's too hot to think about cooking. I was going to say it's time for salmon sandwiches, but caught myself in time - it's Friday night pizza night at our house! LOL I'll let DH do the ordering tonight and we might use the roofless car to go and pick it up. I'm pretty sure it'll be too hot to enjoy it on the deck, so we'll set ourselves up in the pergola and enjoy pizza in the shade. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do. Extra for the people of Ukraine as they continue to be inundated with missiles. We'll raise the glasses and salute everyone on the celebration list. Stay safe, be well, get your boosters, wear masks when needed, and hydrate! Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  11. Good morning, thanks for the Daily! Happy Bastille Day to our French friends. I'm fearful of sharks and as @Crazy For Cats, the only Pandemonium I like is by the Pet Shop Boys - my brother and his friends introduced me to this great group. I think macaroni and cheese is good, but will wait for cooler days to enjoy some. We are in the middle of a heat wave here on the "frozen tundra" and our city was the hot spot in the province yesterday with a temp of 34.9C (94F). Because of the heat, we had a thunderstorm roll through last night which helped cool things down, but we're expecting temps to rise again today. Ever so glad we installed central air a few years ago. It was too hot to enjoy the deck and yard yesterday afternoon so I tasked myself with making a couple of new cloth grocery bags. I'm all about short cuts, so went to the dollar store and bought some heavy, lined table runners for the bag. They didn't sell webbing that was needed for the handles, so I improvised and bought a ratchet tie-down thingy that I cut the hooks and ratchet off for DH to use in the garage and used the webbing from that. I had to look up on Google how to make box corners, but managed to get them made and I'm quite proud of my final results. The two bags should last a lot longer than the plastic ones from the grocery stores. @dfishwishing you and your sister a wonderful holiday, hoping you and your luggage all arrive together! @HAL Sailerthank you for the update on Curt; because we hadn't heard anything, I was going to ask about him today. Today's menu suggestion is interesting; I would never have thought of putting cabbage and coconut together! I'm not sure DH would appreciate it, so I think I'll take a pass and instead will be defrosting some pulled pork that will be made into sandwiches along with coleslaw for an easy meal on a hot summer's night. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do. Extra for Buddy's family and friends. Extra for the people of Ukraine and all who provide aid for them. We'll clink the glasses together to celebrate all on the happy list. Get your boosters, stay safe, wear masks when needed and be well. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  12. @StLouisCruisersmy heart goes out to you and your family. I pray for Buddy’s soul as it transitions, and for his family as they deal with his loss in their lives. I am glad he was able.to spend his final days surrounded by those he loved and in a place where he felt comfortable. Bless all who loved him.
  13. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Not a fan of barbershop music, I sometimes need to embrace my geekiness when DH has trouble with the computer, and not sure about the Fool's Paradise. It's a beautiful day out there this morning, so we're enjoying the cool clean air and a bit of a breeze while sipping our morning tea on the deck. Temps are expected to soar (soaring for us means normal for the rest of you), so we'll be closing up the house within an hour or two so it doesn't get too hot throughout the day. To me it feels like the summers I remember as a child, hot days, cool nights, and lots of sunshine. @smitty34877I'm happy to hear you're enjoying your time at Cape Cod, but SHARKS? O M G. @dfishyour travel time is almost here; how exciting! Not a lot happening in our house today, so I think I'll make a couple of cloth grocery bags, as some of the plastic ones are starting to wear in the corners. I'd hate to lose a load of groceries because the corner gives out! I found a table runner at a store the other day that I thought might make a good one - will have to try it and see. I'm not a good sewist, just a brave one. LOL Ice cream for dinner! Heck yeah! It's too hot to even cook on the deck, so the air fryer will be moved down onto the patio and will be cooking up some salmon . While that's cooking, I'll have DH grilling some garlic/parmesan asparagus for a nice light dinner for us on a hot summer's night. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do. Extra for the people of Ukraine and all who are assisting them. We'll clink the glasses together to salute all on the celebration list. Get your boosters, stay safe, wear masks when you need to and be well. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  14. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I appreciate cows for all they provide for us; DH grew up on a farm and had to take care of cows - he doesn't like them. I never had an Etch A Sketch, but we bought one for our DS and even had a mini one for him to take on road trips. Great fun, except when you hit some bumps. We don't have many paper bags any more, as we always use cloth bags for groceries. I think the local stores are charging anywhere from 10 to 25 cents for one now. It's that time of the year when the "frozen tundra" isn't frozen any more - we're under a heat warning for the next number of days. It got pretty hot on the deck yesterday, so hot that with all the fans going, it blew the breaker and we had to wait a couple of hours until it would recycle again. Thankfully we had the A/C on in the house and didn't need to go out there until later in the evening. Today we're supposed to hit 33 (90) and tomorrow we could hit 35 or higher; the city has announced the opening of cooling centres for those who need them. Hydrate, sunscreen, repeat. @kazuI'm glad to hear you had some relaxation time with your neighbour. @HAL Sailersorry your DB has been diagnosed with covid and had his racing career end this way - praying for a quick recovery. I like today's drink, wine and menu selections, but the thought of a hot pasta dish today just doesn't appeal to me. I've got some frozen, seasoned ground beef thawing right now that will be turned into taco salads for us for dinner tonight on the deck. Or if it's too hot on the deck, we'll set up the tables and enjoy dinner in the pergola. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do. Extra for the people of Ukraine and all they're going through. We'll clink the glasses together to celebrate all on the happy list. Be safe, wear masks when needed, get your boosters and stay well. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  15. @rafinmdI am sorry to learn of your cousin's passing. I hope your good memories will help ease the loss. @StLouisCruiserskeeping my fingers crossed that the ultrasound reveals nothing major for you.
  16. Don't forget bubble making supplies can take up some of their time and energy as well!
  17. Great reporting, thanks a bunch! A suggestion: tuck the carry-on into one of the bags you stored under the bed and you're luggage free in the cabin.
  18. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I do my best to try to cheer up the lonely by randomly sending cards and making phone calls; I think the good feeling goes both ways. We enjoy blueberry muffins and I happen to have some blueberries in the fridge right now, so might just make up a batch for us this morning. I had to look up Bowdler's Day; it's interesting that it should come up at this time when there appears to be censorship happening in various places. We had more rain yesterday, but it appears the clouds have all moved on - the forecast for the next 7 days shows temperatures for us in the high 20s and low 30's (80's and 90's), which is typical for summers on the "frozen tundra". Of course the rain means the little biters (mosquitos) are proliferating, so we'd better be sure we have lots of citronella candles available if we want to enjoy the outdoors. @kazuI'm glad you've been able to secure the support of your friend Debbie who will take care of Shadow (love the name!) when you are away. You're so fortunate to have someone who understands dogs and loves them as you do. @StLouisCruisersI'm sorry your DD tested positive and hope her symptoms are mild. I do hope her family will still be able to get away and enjoy the vacation, even though Mom is at home with Sadie. Continued prayers for Buddy as he prepares for his journey, and for his family as they prepare for life without him. I like today's menu suggestion, and with the hot weather coming, I'm leaning toward salad for dinner. I've got a large chicken breast thawing, will toss it on the barbecue, slice it up and top a big Caesar salad with it. Served with crusty bread, I think it'll make a nice summer's evening dinner for us tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do. Extra for the people of Ukraine and all who continue to provide aid. We'll salute all on the celebration with the raising of our glasses. Stay well, wear masks when needed, get those boosters, and be safe. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  19. @LAFFNVEGASif I were you, I'd have spirited away a couple of pieces of the peanut butter pie and stuck them in your fridge for another time . . . .
  20. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Is there anyone who can really resist the cuteness of a kitten? I'll enjoy a Pina Colada once or twice on a BHB; pretty sure I'd like a Mai Tai, too. There are lots of teddy bears in our son's old room, enough that we could have a great picnic. @kazuyou gave us a teaser yesterday with the tetanus shot, but I didn't want to bug you online, so waited until today to hear the story. YIKES! Sorry you had such a day, but glad it's over with now. If you feel the time is right to bring a new dog into your life, then go for it - pets can provide healing in a number of ways and you'll be doing yourself and the dog a world of good. The only thing I worry about is when you leave on cruises, if the new pupper has trust issues, will he/she be okay in pet care? @Horizon chaser 1957thank you for sending @kazuthe beautiful scarf on behalf of all of us. Your work is so pretty and I know how much you put of yourself into each piece. @HeartgroveI'm happy to hear your brother got home - let's hope he can be comfortable there. We had another hot day yesterday, but this morning we're waking up to cloudy skies and a possible thunderstorm around noon. Our normally dry prairie air is thick with humidity and it will be a relief once the rain comes. There was another storm cell that blew through yesterday, but fortunately we only had a bit of wind, nothing more. About 2 miles from here at the big box store, the wind and hail was so strong, people couldn't get to their cars and once they did, they found them all pitted from the hail. The insurance companies are going to have a busy week ahead! I like today's menu suggestion, and will keep it as an idea for a hot summer evening meal, but tonight DH has requested that we order noodle bowls - something we haven't had for quite a while. I'm sure he will have a vegetarian bowl while I'll enjoy the barbecue chicken bowl with Vietnamese rolls accompanying both. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do. Extra for the people of Ukraine for their continued bravery. We'll raise the glasses to celebrate all on the happy list. Stay well, wear masks when needed, get your boosters, and be safe. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  21. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! For me, making cracked sugar cookies at Christmas is a must. While we get to see a lot of the horizon from here, it's much more enjoyable from the deck of a BHB. When I worked, I had a great wardrobe; now it's what I call "Clean and Comfy". What a day yesterday was - from figuring it was Thursday (when it really wasn't) to a series of emergency alerts on the phones, radios and televisions throughout the day, it was anything but dull! The excitement began at 6:45AM with the phones exploding with that horrible tone signaling an emergency; the RCMP sent an alert that there had been a shooting in a community about 25 minutes from here and that the shooter was on the loose. There were a couple of updates later in the morning but by 11 it was declared all clear. And speaking of phones, hundreds of thousands of people across Canada didn't have phone service because the Rogers telecom company went down. It also meant stores couldn't accept debit, only cash or credit cards. What a mess; thankfully we are on another network and didn't have to worry. Then the afternoon was filled with more of those bone jarring noises indicating more alerts - this time warning of tornado activity. We had very high temperatures (at least for us) with high humidity, that combined with a line of storms coming from the west, created conditions perfect for tornados. There were many updates throughout the afternoon and fortunately for us, the storm went north of us and we were spared any of the bad stuff. Believe me, yesterday was anything but frozen on the "frozen tundra". Here's a shot of the thermometer on our deck - all the windows were wide open and there were fans at both ends trying to provide some relief. Today is going to be hot again, but we've got the air conditioner on already to start with a cool house, rather than trying to cool it down once it heats up. We'll keep the windows and doors closed to maintain an even temp throughout the day and see what happens. I like today's menu suggestion, but we had our pizza last night (thanks to some CC friends!) - we had chicken bacon ranch pizza that we haven't ordered in a long time. Tonight will be - wait for it - fajitas! LOL Rather than doing any cooking in the house, I'm going to be using the barbecue to grill the vegetables and beef. If it's as hot as last night we won't be eating on the deck, so we'll set up some trays and enjoy our fajitas in the pergola in the yard instead. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do. Extra for the people of Ukraine who continue to show bravery on a daily basis. We'll raise the glasses to celebrate all on the happy list. Stay safe, get your boosters, wear masks when needed, and be well. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  22. OMG, you just blew me out of the water . . . I thought it was Thursday from the moment I woke up this morning! Heck yes, the fajita fixings are staying in the fridge - I'll be perusing the online menus to see what pizza appeals to me! Thanks for bringing me back to reality, girls !!
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