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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Good morning, thanks for the Daily! I Forget Day is becoming more frequent around here - as evidenced by the amount of notes left lying around. I believe in UFO's and would like to see one; DH is a skeptic and said he'll believe in them when he gets to kick the tires and check the oil on one. I'm all for special recreation for the disabled - they are left out of so many fun activities. A little late to the party this morning - I'm not used to getting up at 4AM to a 7 year old sneezing in his sleep (apparently a regular thing, who knew!?) and then gettting up to cover him up again. There's a reason why people have their children when they're young. After getting up and finally falling back to sleep, we woke up at 7:45 - which is almost 2 hours later than when I normally open my eyes. We had a great Canada Day at our house - long walk in the park nearby, followed by a kids water fight with the hoses (Grandpa hooked up a Y connection so there could be 2 of them from the same faucet), resulting in tons of laughter and 2 little drowned rats. There was no way anyone was going to be able to be up to watch fireworks, so we were all in bed by 10:30 and apparently missed an amazing display of northern lights! Darn. @Sharon in AZcongratulations on Craig's retirement; it really is the best job ever! @dobiemomprayers for your friend's DH - that's frightening! @aliaschiefsafe travels! @marshhawksorry your DH didn't get the result he was hoping for - I hope getting a pill minder will help him manage his medications properly. Not sure what's on the agenda today, that will be determined once the household is up, but I'm sure it will be fun. I like today's menu suggestion, but it seems more like a brunch idea rather than an evening meal, but you never know. There was a request made by a certain 7 year old for tacos tonight, so I'll be getting all the ingredients put together this afternoon for a make your own taco bar. It'll be tacos and laughter on the deck for dinner tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do. Extra for the people of Ukraine who are remaining so brave. We'll raise the glasses tonight to salute all on the celebration list. Stay safe, get your boosters, wear masks when needed, and be well. Smooth Sailing! πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚ Gerry
  2. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Happy Canada Day to all Canadian cruise lovers! Zip codes and postal codes are the same thing, just different words. I like visiting zoos once in a while, but haven't gone to one in ages. Financial freedom? Wouldn't that be nice! LOL We've been to Sarande, Albania - the country has very little infrastructure and there was trash everywhere. The one thing we did see that was truly beautiful was the Blue Eye Park - look up the photos on the internet, you'll get an idea of what it looks like. Breathtaking colours. Well the whirling dervishes have arrived - they got here around 8 last evening and it was an absolute delight. The smallest (2.5 yrs) is no longer afraid of us and has totally rearranged all the travel magnets we have on the side of the fridge. As soon as they got here, our oldest DGS (he's 7) pulled me aside to quietly tell me he's afraid of flying insects - great, it's mosquito and wasp season. Well, we'll just do our best to kill off the offending beasts while they're here. Lots of fun and laughter throughout the evening; it's so good to have them back in the house again. I'm not sure what we'll do today, all I know is there will be a lot of activity - much more than we've seen in this house in over a year. It will be great. I'm not a fan of today's menu suggestion, but I'm pretty sure DH would like it. We'll be having ribs on the bbq tonight; we'll get DS to oversee the cooking of them, and will supplement that with bbq potatoes (potato cubes, onions, dill and butter, cooked in foil), air fryer asparagus and a tossed salad. There has been a special request from a certain 7 year old for brownies and ice cream for dessert, so that will be making an appearance as well. And wine. @0106thanks for the suggestion about sliders, and yes, I've seen them in the stores, but haven't seen a lot of slider buns to go with. However, rather than buying more, I'll be using up the pre-made burgers I've frozen and will make the little burgers as I mentioned. @StLouisCruiserswhat a trek through Heathrow! Glad you're home and can now relax; don't worry about the unpacking and laundry, it will wait for you. @rafinmdBon Voyage today! @lindalerwelcome back - enjoy your new home and location! Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do. Extra for the people of Ukraine and their determined spirit. We'll raise the glasses and sippy cups to celebrate Canada's birthday and all who are on the happy list. Stay safe, wear masks when needed, get your boosters and be well. Smooth Sailing! πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚ Gerry
  3. Good afternoon, time for a cup of coffee and a check-in here. Our family is on their way and should arrive around 8 this evening. I can hear DH "resting up" in front of the television, in anticipation of needing extra energy for the littles tonight. @smitty34877wishing your DH a very Happy Birthday! @bennybearwishing your DH a very Happy Birthday as well! I hope both gentlemen have many happy returns of the day. @Vict0riannsorry to hear about DH's nosebleed; hopefully they can get it stopped and he won't have a recurrence of it. Hope everyone is having a great Thursday afternoon!
  4. Wow, that will make it a lot easier for so many people, especially those embarking at a European port!
  5. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We enjoy watching the meteorite showers - whenever the skies are clear enough to do so. Gosh, I haven't shaken anyone's hand in over 2 years, not sure if I remember the correct positioning! I love CC and am active on FB, occasionally on Twitter, but that's it. I've been fortunate to have made many friends here and have reconnected with others on FB. This site, however, is definitely the most welcoming and supportive. A busy day in the works; breakfast with friends, then I have a brownie to bake followed by a batch of chocolate chip cookies. You have to have sweets when the little ones arrive - and the big ones, too. DH has a hair cut after lunch, then it's a final sweep of the house to make sure any of the breakables that are loose are safely tucked away, and prepping for the family's arrival. For those with littles in the house, or visiting, I came up with an idea that DH referred to as "genius" - I wouldn't go that far, but thought it was clever. You know how a regular hamburger and bun are so unwieldy for little hands? Put the bun and burger on a cutting board, then using a drink glass, cut out a smaller size from both and voila, you've got a child sized burger. The extra burger trimmings can be put in with one of the adult buns and the bun scraps can be tossed in a bag to be made into bread crumbs later. For hot dogs, cut the wiener and bun in half and you've got something more manageable for them. @kazuyour flowers are gorgeous . . . as usual! @rafinmdBon Voyage and safe healthy! I love today's menu suggestion, but tonight we're having something simple - air fryer chicken strips with ranch and honey mustard dips, a vegetable tray and brownies. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do. Extra prayers for the people of Ukraine and all who continue to support them. We'll raise the glasses high to celebrate our family and all on the happy list. Stay safe, wear masks when needed, get your boosters and be well. Smooth Sailing! πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚ Gerry
  6. @Seasick Sailorsorry, my mistake - thought it was your DH, but his name is Allen, not Ron, right? Must not have had enough caffeine in my system yet! @kazuWoo Hoo on getting you AND your luggage home at the same time - that hasn't been the case for literally thousands of other people these past few weeks. Do the minimum for today and get a good rest so you can accomplish more tomorrow. @1ANGELCATI am so sad for you losing Jaguar, but we know there's a special place on the rainbow bridge for our fur babies and he'll be waiting there for you along with his brothers.
  7. Continued prayers for your DH for a quick and complete recovery! And for @kazuand her luggage.
  8. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Since I've gotten an iPhone, I rarely use our camera - although DH still prefers to take photos of his thumb or finger with it when we travel. Hug holiday is interesting; I wonder if bosses would object to people not coming in and declaring they thought it was a day off? I remember playing in mud as a child - we had a low spot in our back yard that would always collect water, and children. I also remember mom hosing us off before we could even come into the porch. After a couple of drinks of the day, you could become a wide-awake drunk! @kazumy heart goes out to you - and anyone traveling right now, especially through YYZ. There was another spot about it on the late news last night and it's terrible. I hope you get off the ground soon and that your luggage makes it home with you. @St Pete Cruisersorry to hear you ended up with appendicitis - hopefully you were treated well in the hospital far from home and that you'll fully recover now that you're home. @dfishI do love your hair colour, it really suits you. However, that's a good base if you decide to add some eye catching highlights to it as well. We've got clouds and wind this morning, but there's much excitement throughout the city, as it's the last day of school for elementary and high school students. I'm sure there are many families packing the cars this morning, and will be heading out to the lakes for summer vacation as soon as the kids come through the front door. And there will be a million of them on bikes and skateboards on the streets, so we'll have to keep a watchful eye. I like today's menu suggestion, but because it's cooler out today, I think I'll bring up a container of frozen stew and reheat it for us for dinner tonight. Stew and a side salad will be what's served on our deck this evening. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do. Extra for the people of Ukraine who refuse to give up. We'll clink the glasses together to celebrate all on the happy list. Get your boosters, stay well, wear masks when needed and be safe. Smooth Sailing! πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚ Gerry
  9. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! My first two jobs were in the insurance industry - I realized early in life the value of it. Yay for Paul Bunyan and Babe. I admire columnists for the work they do and can't imagine what goes on in their brains sometime. I like today's quote, although I like seeing the dawn after having slept through the moonlight. I'm a morning person. It's a beautiful morning here today; clear blue skies, just a gentle breeze, and the sound of robins singing throughout the neighbourhood. Life is good, especially when I'm able to sit on the deck with my laptop, morning tea and Sochi. We're listening to the city waking up, knowing we don't have to be anywhere or do anything specific today. DH is heading out this morning with his friend - they're going to be entertaining at a food bank for a couple of hours. It'll be the first time he's played publicly since his heart issues in January and he's now second-guessing whether he should have agreed to it. I know he's a perfectionist and doesn't want to be seen making any mistakes, but I told him I'm pretty sure there won't be any America's Got Talent judges in the crowd, so he'll be fine. The only thing I have on my agenda is baking a brownie, as the friends who will be joining us on our January cruise will be coming over this afternoon to talk about the trip. We'll be figuring out if we'll travel together or not, as it's going to depend on flights and prices - which are out of control! I've been researching flights and they're going to cost almost as much as the cruise itself - yikes! @1ANGELCATI made the orange pie and found it to be very rich; I think it's because the orange juice concentrate is much thicker than lemonade. Next time I'd use a double amount of Cool Whip and would likely turn it into a cake, using the 9x13 pan lined with graham wafer crumb base instead of the pie shells. @SusieKIslandGirlI'm glad to hear you tried limeade - I know we'd like that one, as we both really enjoy key lime pie. I like today's menu suggestion, but will be tucking it away for another time. DH and I went out to a lovely Greek restaurant last night where the portions were huge, so we'll be having leftovers tonight. DH has pork souvlaki and lemon roast potatoes while I'll be enjoying the rest of my chicken frajolaki and Greek salad on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do. Extra for the people of Ukraine who are having to endure much more than they ever should. We'll raise our glasses and salute all on the celebration list. Stay safe, get your boosters, wear masks when needed and be well. Smooth Sailing! πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚ Gerry
  10. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I use a lot of onions when I cook - I feel they always enhance the flavours of a dish. We wear sunglasses year round; although we have tons of snow, we also have the most sunshine, so our sunglasses never take a break. And there are always a few extra pair around just in case. I've only played bingo a few times and am not very good at it; I see these people with a bajillion cards in front of them while I've got two cards and still miss numbers . . . it's not the game for me, obviously. Oh boy, it's 7AM and the construction has started behind us and a couple of doors down. I thought our noise bylaws stated you couldn't begin until 8AM, but they're out there pounding away already. I guess that's going to be our norm for the next few months, as they have torn down the beautiful home that was there and are starting from scratch. @kazu, I hope your trip to see family and friends was rejuvenating for you; you needed to get away. @smitty34877hoping your DH has good results at the doctor today. I like today's menu suggestion, as it sounds like something I've ordered from our favourite Italian restaurant, but won't be making it today. Today is the 8th anniversary of the last time I closed the door to my office; I can't believe I've been retired for 8 years already. During that time I've gained 2 grandsons, 18 cruises, have survived a pandemic, and made a million memories. I really am blessed. DH will be taking me out for dinner today, and I really don't care where, just as long as we get to be together to celebrate. Whatever is served to me tonight will be enjoyed immensely. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do. Extra for the people of Ukraine who are so strong, and for all who are providing assistance to them. We'll clink the glasses together to celebrate all on the happy list. Stay safe, wear masks when you need to, get your boosters, and be well. Smooth Sailing! πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚ Gerry
  11. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I really appreciate my beauticians - the gal down the street who has a salon in her home for my hair, and the woman at the nail salon. I can forgive, but I have a long memory and am guarded about being hurt again. I loved canoeing - went on many canoe trips with my son's schools, both when he was in elementary and high school. Now I'm not sure I could get in or out of one without tipping it! LOL Interesting quote, but some people don't know that they don't know. Would someone mind buying a bottle of today's wine so we could all have a teeny sip? Yikes on the price! @mamaofamiHappy Birthday to you with many returns of the day! @smitty34877sorry Tana's cough is an issue; that can be so disruptive at night. Glad DH's able to walk a bit better. @kazuyour accommodations are beautiful ... love the sign above the hot tub - wonder where they got the idea for that one? LOL I hope you're able to relax in the comfort of good friends and family. We had a real mix of weather yesterday, hot sunshine and thundershowers. We took advantage of the late afternoon sunshine by sitting outside in the pergola with drinks and snacks, just enjoying the serenity of our yard. We call it our "lake property" because we're totally surrounded with foliage from trees and vines and it's very private, so we don't feel we have to leave the city to get away from it all. The bonus is that we don't have the boat and jet ski noises to disturb the peace. DH is taking the topless car out this morning and will spend a couple of hours with others showing their vehicles . . . I'm staying home. Since we got rid of our beautiful 1961 Pontiac Parisienne, I'm no longer interested in showing cars. I'll stay home and continue getting stuff put away (child-proofing) in anticipation of our grandsons visit later this week. I like today's menu suggestion, but want to try a new recipe for chicken in the air fryer - using crushed "piggy puffs"(I think that's a Canadian term) or bacon rinds as a coating instead of panko crumbs. Chicken and a Caesar salad will be what's on our dinner table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do. Extra prayers for the people of Ukraine and all they've having to endure - the shelling is just relentless. We'll raise our glasses to salute all on the happy list, especially those who are able to be on BHB's. Get your boosters, stay safe, wear masks when needed and be well. Smooth Sailing! πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚ Gerry
  12. Love the flowers - what a thoughtful thing for you to do! Enjoy yourselves!!!
  13. Good afternoon, time for a check-in. First of all, welcome @ktbraun and @Nickelpenny! You're both more than welcome here - we're a pretty good group of folks who have never met, yet feel like family. I'm hoping we'll be able to meet some of the Daily family on the Oosterdam trans-Atlantic from Barcelona in November. It will be nice to put faces and voices to the names we see and read almost every day. Be assured, though, there's always room at the table for you. BTW, we set ours at 24C (75.2F) because it just feels too warm if it gets hotter than that in the house. We've only had to run it once this year, but for us, summer hasn't really appeared yet - it generally happens in July and August. Hope everyone is having a great Saturday!
  14. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! The most spectacular log cabin I've ever seen was located at the north end of Flathead Lake, Montana and had been made from locally sourced tamarack trees. It really wasn't a cabin, it was a mansion, but it really left an impression on me. We've had catfish, but weren't impressed enough to order it again. Yay for the bartenders and mixologists; sure wish we were on a BHB and could enjoy their company again! It's a cool and windy morning out there today - we had more rain overnight. Hopefully the temps will go up so we can enjoy warm days and cool nights this summer. At least the rain is helping replenish the parched soil from last year's drought. @StLouisCruisersI'm delighted to hear your DH made bail! Let's hope you both have enough energy to be able to enjoy the rest of your days of the cruise. @Quartzsite CruiserI'm pleased to learn that your DH enjoyed the pie (which looked lovely); today I'm going to get some frozen orange juice concentrate and make an orange pie. We'll see what happens. @Crazy For CatsBon Voyage!! @JazzyVI hope your leg issue is short-lived! @mamaofamisorry Sam's still in hospital and that he won't be able to celebrate your birthday with you tomorrow. There's not a lot on our agenda today, so I think it's time I took a good look at the guest bedrooms and got them cleaned up and ready for next week's guests. DS and his family (yay, the grandsons are coming !!!) will be here on Thursday night or Friday, so we've got to relocate some of the stuff we've been storing in both rooms. I like today's menu suggestion - and really like @rafinmd's alternate (one of my favourite, actually), but I think I'll make sloppy Joe's with ground beef for dinner tonight. Served up with a crunchy coleslaw, it will be an easy dinner on a summer evening for us. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do. Extra prayers for the people of Ukraine and all who are giving them aid. We'll celebrate all on the happy list with the clinking of glasses tonight. Stay well, get your boosters, wear masks when needed and be safe. Smooth Sailing! πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚ Gerry
  15. Inquiring minds want to know if the duct tape pulled off the paint from the air con unit when you removed it. πŸ™‚
  16. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and the Daily! My foster parents (who cared for me for the first 18 months of my life) said they were sure the faeries brought me to them. It still warms my heart thinking about that. I'll have to go online to see where all the food trucks will be and we might be able to hit one up for lunch today. Don't have a dog to take to work, which is fine, because we're cat people in this house. Well the severe thunderstorm watch that was issued yesterday morning continued throughout the day and ended up with a big bang session last evening. There was lots of thunder and lightning for a couple of hours, which we enjoyed while sitting on the covered, glassed-in deck with our beverages. DH read his book while I continued knitting - we looked like a couple of really old people, when I think about it now. LOL We did get rain with the light show, but DH forgot to put out the gauge to see how much actually came down. Not a lot on the agenda today; I know a grocery run for the cat is in order, as her canned food is in short supply in the pantry. Will try to combine that with the food truck stop, rather than making a couple of trips. Oh, the other night when we took the topless car out, we stopped for gas - of course being a Jaguar, it only takes premium. Talk about sticker shock . . . 17 litres was $40. Good thing it only comes out of the garage once in a while! @Sharon in AZHappy Birthday to you with many returns of the day!! @kazuI hope being among family and friends will help ease the pain of your first anniversary without Jose. Let those tears flow and help wash away the sorrow. @StLouisCruisersargh on DH still testing positive - sure hope he makes bail tomorrow! @smitty34877our dear Miss Camilla is becoming more beautiful every day! Trust me, fish heads are not going to be part of my culinary creations - as @dfish suggested, I think if I were making this dish, I'd be using fillets instead. Having said that, however, it's Friday night pizza night at our house. We'll have to peruse the menus to see what appeals to us and have a good one delivered (save the gas) so we can enjoy pizza on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do. Extra for the people of Ukraine and all who are providing assistance. We'll raise the glasses to celebrate all the happiness on the positive list. Get your boosters, stay safe, wear masks when you need to and be well. Smooth Sailing! πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚ Gerry
  17. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Sending big hugs to all the widows I know; sadly there are many. Letting it go is easier said than done. I thought National Pink Day was a day to help eliminate bullying, but this one is just to appreciate the lighter shades of red! Who knew? I take exception to today's quote - I'm relatively intelligent, and I'm pretty happy. @rafinmdHappy Birthday to you with many returns of the day!! @VMax1700 Happy Birthday to you as well - enjoy your day on that BHB!! @StLouisCruisersI'm sorry DH failed the test today - is tomorrow day 10 for him so he'll get bailed out regardless of his status? @Quartzsite Cruiserhopefully the new medicine will give your DH relief and you'll be able to bring him home later today. @mamaofamiso sorry Sam and his aide have tested positive - keeping my fingers crossed that you stay healthy and can enjoy your birthday with others. We had another rain last night - at least we were given good daytime heating and night time rain, so it will benefit the crops. There's a severe thunderstorm forecast that just popped up on my phone, so we'll see what happens. It sounds rather ominous "High risk for severe thunderstorms and a possible tornado risk" - yikes! I'm sure it will amount to nothing, but here on the "frozen tundra" you just never know! Well I don't get to claim princess status because I didn't get a crown yesterday - my dentist offered me the option of filling my tooth or putting in a crown. I chose the less expensive option, but was told if this filling comes out, the next time it will have to be crowned. I'm fine with that because I love my dentist - he treats me like gold because he knows what a chicken I am in the chair. He's always reassuring me, checking to see how I'm doing, etc., which means a lot when you're a scaredy-cat. Not a lot going on today; the city has lifted the no laundry/dishwasher request, so I guess that's what I'll be doing today. I like today's menu suggestion, but we just had lemon shrimp pasta the other night, so will take a pass on it. I've got some hamburger patties thawing in the fridge that - depending on the weather - will either be done on the barbecue or I can bring out the George Foreman and cook them there. Burgers and a tossed salad will be what's on our table on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do. Extra prayers for the people of Ukraine and all who are providing assistance to them. We will salute all who make up the celebration list with our raised glasses tonight. Stay well, get your boosters, wear masks when needed and be safe. Smooth Sailing! πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚ Gerry
  18. Oh no! Sending healing vibes and prayers for a good outcome for your DH! @Cruzin Terrisorry you’re having such a bad day, hopefully tomorrow will be better for you. @Quartzsite Cruisergood to hear your DH is responding well to the IV steroid will be home soon, and can do PT at home. Hope he can get relief for his pain.
  19. Good afternoon - it's hot and muggy out there and we've just had a notification on our phones of a severe thunderstorm warning. It'll be interesting to see if it really develops or not. @Quartzsite CruiserI'm so sorry to hear about your DH; I hope the time in hospital with physical therapy will bring him home to you soon! @HeartgroveKika looks adorable; I hope she soon becomes a part of your pack. @kazuTHEY RAN OVER YOUR PURSE????? Yes, I intended to yell that! Seriously, that's terrible - and they need to replace your phone for you with their insurance. And to have ruined a beautiful purse you and Jose chose just adds insult to injury. On the positive side (as if there is one here), you weren't physically injured, although it sounds like they were close enough you could have been! Hugs to you.
  20. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! The neighbours had the HVAC techs at their house yesterday, I hope it wasn't an expensive repair. DH loves onion rings - I can take them or leave them, mostly leave them . . . give me good french fries. We need to save our rain forests and the countries who have them need to take better care of them. Yesterday was the girls day at the spa - both Sochi and I had our hair cut and nails done - today is DH's turn for a hair cut. It's always a good feeling coming away from having one's hair cut; it even changes the way I walk. I always weigh myself after a cut to see how much I might have lost . . . apparently I have very light hair. @StLouisCruisersI'm so happy to see you're out of Covid jail. Hopefully your tummy issues will subside and you'll be able to enjoy the rest of your cruise. Also hoping your DH gets sprung soon! @smitty34877I'm glad Tana's son went to the party with his friends - good for the parents to take the phones out of circulation! Sorry Tana had such a bad night; wish there was something we could do to help. @rafinmdI'm holding off wishing you a Happy Birthday till tomorrow. I had planned on doing laundry today, but after Monday's flooding, the city is asking people to hold off running dishwashers and doing laundry to help the overloaded sewer and water drains recover. Guess I have a free day - yippee! A bit of my day will include a visit to the dentist to have my filling replaced; I'm thinking a nap will take place after as the freezing wears off. I'm not sure about today's menu suggestion as a sandwich; I guess it works well for vegetarians, but not for us carnivores. As a side dish though, I think it might be a good one. DH has suggested we fire up the barbecue tonight, so there are smokies thawing in the fridge and they'll be served up with some crunchy coleslaw on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do. Extra for the people of Ukraine and all they're having to endure. We'll celebrate everyone on the happy list with the clink of our glasses this evening. Be safe, get your boosters, wear masks when needed and stay well. Smooth Sailing! πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚ Gerry
  21. @kazuwe're in a pretty good location, higher ground than a lot of the city. We're about midway on our block and get rain pouring down the street to the storm drains whenever it rains. Yesterday it was coming down so hard and fast that the entire street and sidewalks in front of our house were covered by the water, but fortunately it drained away. @Tbaythank you, I hadn't thought of chair yoga. @Quartzsite CruiserI used the small can (I think 6 oz), but even with the rest of the ingredients, it made enough filling for 2 graham wafer pie shells. Thankfully there were no physical injuries, just many vehicles that sustained water damage, as well as homes and businesses with flooding. We watched the news report last night where they showed people in a church foyer using snow shovels to try to scoop the water out the front doors. Again, glad we're on higher ground.
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