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Everything posted by Eddie99

  1. The weather is brilliant today. Cloudless skies, no wind, very warm. We walked round the shore, as the tide was out. Had to wash the dog on our return, as there is a bit of clay amongst the sand and pebbles. I was pleased with my pics of The Fleet
  2. That’s a ridiculous way to use (abuse?) volunteers, and feels like the best way to lose them. Whoever is organising should get a grip and arrange shorter shifts with more support. I hope it’s not like that when I go for mine on Friday. It’s at the site we had our booster in November, so I think it’s mostly manned by zero-hours, minimum wage, admin staff, alongside trained jabbers. I think I described the set up as amiably amateur. Will report back
  3. Every P&O cruise leaves me saying, in frustration, surely, SURELY, they could come up with a plan to help the last morning movements? It would take a few staff but I feel it would pay dividends - leave passengers with a rosy glow and warm feelings, leading to future bookings, rather than the opposite So - what do they do? I’m not sure of the details but it would involve making (and policing!) some lifts wheelchairs, walkers and buggies, plus the rest of the travelling group, only; some lifts people going up and down to breakfast only (no luggage); and some lifts (possibly including the ‘not for public use’) only for people and their luggage making their last journey up or down to the disembarkation deck. This might need authoritative crew members riding the lifts, or policing the lift lobbies on each deck. It would definitely require clear signage Could it work? Who knows? People are people but I think the majority are happy to keep to the rules, especially if they can see benefits
  4. You’re made of sterner stuff than me John! It’s improving as the day progresses. Sunday roast, out, with a couple of glasses of wine probably helped. Will now explore the inside of my eyelids for a little while and return to pain-free normality
  5. Suffering (mildly, but bravely 🤣) with post flu jab arm today. I wouldn’t chose to have either both arms this uncomfortable or one arm doubly so. Perhaps that’s not how it works though? The important thing is to get them done
  6. Apologies. I’ve possibly broken the politics verboten rule. By way of penance - hope you like this. I do
  7. I may have the wrong end of the stick but I believe there are circumstances where people on benefits need to interact with the DWP etc using a smartphone. Fossils like us (ironically here using phones, tablets, wi-fi and the rest) are making a mistake by thinking it’s not necessary to be connected to live a normal life btw, phone contracts aren’t necessarily expensive. My sim-only monthly rolling contract, with unlimited phone & text and 4gb of data is £6 a month. Hardly within the realms of luxury … of course people shouldn’t be rude to volunteers but people probably shouldn’t be in circumstances which lead to them needing to rely on food hand-outs. Can you imagine how that must feel? I don’t think it would help any of us improve our *sweetness and light* quotient.
  8. Yes, we wimped out and left a week. I think I remember reading that some clinics were offering both jabs on the same day - one in each arm 😳. Imagine if you got a strong painful arm reaction to both, at the same time - very uncomfortable for a day or two
  9. Josy, you’ve been a star through the Covid story - from volunteering for the vaccine trial to returning to the jab clinic now. Hope it goes well and everyone remembers their manners We have flu jabs on Saturday and Covid boosters next week, so hopefully will be well equipped to cope with whatever the winter throws at us. Planning to try to steer clear of monkey pox. Does everyone know that 65+ can now get boostered? It was 75+ until yesterday, unless there were special reasons. It’s damp here for a couple of days, then the nice weather is forecast to return. There certainly seem to be plenty of *the kids are back in school - let’s make the most of the tail end of summer* holidaymakers around. Whist I’m posting I’ll take time to send best wishes to Sue wrt her parents’ situation. It’s not easy; I hope they, and you, get the help you need. Also Sarah - hope you’re fit enough to join the forward party of your family for a half-holiday
  10. Weird world they live in, isn’t it? Imagine starting a new job at nearly 74
  11. This whole week has jarred Started with the weather changing, after what feels like 6 months of summer, then the children went back to school, then there was politics (gloss over quickly), then the Queen’s passing This Saturday feels very different to last. I’m glad the rain has stopped - though we need lots more. It would be good if it could come 1am to 5am.
  12. Morning everyone. Sunshine & blue sky - hurrah! Interesting times eh? All a bit unsettling Have a good weekend all
  13. Is it possible to get your beta blockers from one of the online pharmacies? You’d need to register & do an “e-consult” with their qualified doc - and pay, of course! - but a months worth, say, would give you continuing ‘headroom’ wrt your prescription and future travel I don’t know if this is possible; I don’t know if the cost is prohibitive, but it might be worth exploring?
  14. Rain! Even got us for the last 10 minutes of our walk, so had to change all our clothes & run the hairdryer over the soggy doggy. Still warm though
  15. Bon Voyage to all those starting cruises this weekend. Looks like grand timing - there is an autumnal fell here this morning, although it’s still warm Welcome back Vamps. Look forward to your thoughts on the other line
  16. Great value lunch. Even better when it was £20 for 2 but I’d be happy with the current price. Sensible sized helping of chips too Anybody else feel like this?
  17. Norwegian Prima, on her maiden voyage apparently, docked in Portland today Not pretty, is she, but I bet the interior and facilities are good Not a lot of public open space for all those people
  18. I’m mildly amused by waiting staff commenting on my menu choices as if I’m at primary school - “Great choice”, “Wonderful”, “Amazing”. I’d rather they didn’t but I suppose it’s better than silence? What did they used to do? - just repeat “sea bass with new potatoes and mixed greens”, I suppose. Anybody remember? This amused me
  19. Sue i hope you get good news soon Damian Lovely pics!
  20. I forgot to say that our walk was interrupted by volunteers asking us to “call back your dog” because they were dealing with a distressed badger who was *quite feisty* We took a different path over the cliff walk and saw them heading off with a sturdy crate, presumably taking Brock away for help. Hope he’s going to be OK 🦡
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