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Everything posted by Eddie99

  1. Today was as lovely as yesterday was awful - the British summer, eh?
  2. Such a wet day here 😱 Forecast suggests this is the last rain for a while though, and we may even have a tantalising glimpse of summer from the weekend 🤞
  3. What a nice little sidetrack you’ve started Avril, and what a good idea to reread - quite a task! I agree with all the posts saying this thread is one of the nicest places in the wwworld 🙂
  4. Good luck with everything Brian. Hope Marilyn will wake up ok. My son lost a walking holiday in Italy earlier in the year after waking up on the morning of the flight with crippling sciatica Fingers crossed for you. Have a lovely cruise
  5. Please be patient, our technical team is working very hard to resolve the issue.
  6. This Simon Calder article might be more pertinent to holiday travel than the previous one https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/eu-entry-exit-system-british-tourists-b2486171.html
  7. This is good to hear I’m obviously behind the times (or maybe don’t do many cruise line excursions?)
  8. That looks a yummy lunch! It was Wednesday walk today and we found ourselves at “Broadchurch”. The coastal path is closed off, as the cliffs are so unstable. Very worrying 😕 Gorgeous day. Sunny. Not too hot, not too cold There was quite a lot of talk on a recent thread about new European entrance measures due to come into force shortly. I have tried to find the thread again, but failed miserably Anyway, this press article says it gives the latest position. I haven’t read it (because I am lazy) but it might be of interest to those who were conversing in the original thread. Or maybe someone would like to add the article to that thread? https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/border-checks-eu-uk-brexit-entry-b2581142.html
  9. Probably a dozen years ago, on a Cunard excursion in St Petersburg, we were all kitted out with wireless earpieces (sort of wireless. There was a wire between the bit in your ear and the small box of tricks you hung round your neck). This was such a good arrangement and I’m really surprised I haven’t seen it anywhere else since. It allowed our excellent walking guide to move at a decent pace whilst everyone in the group was able to hear what she was saying without having to cram together around her. When she was ready to move on she simply raised her voice to get everyone’s attention and it was up to us to keep up
  10. I think that’s only football Avril? Certainly rugby and cricket don’t have segregated crowds and don’t need swathes of police - just traffic management for the most part. We were at Old Trafford years ago when Twickenham was being redeveloped and the England autumn internationals went “on tour”. We spoke to a mounted police officer, whose horse was stamping its foot. She said he was bored, just standing there with nothing to do. She said it was the quietest day at Old Trafford since Songs of Praise was there! 🙂
  11. Good luck indiana. That sounds like the kind of thing nobody would enjoy. Hope it goes well and, whatever the matter is, that it can be put to bed I think the rain has finally stopped. There was a final noisy splatter about 4am but it’s just dull now, with the promise of sun this afternoon and a lovely day tomorrow Haircut for me today - that’s as exciting as it’s going to get. I must say I am enjoying the calm
  12. P&O could take a leaf from the Princess tours book. I am always impressed at their detailed description of excursions. Number of steps, distance necessary to walk, terrain, availability of “rest rooms”, specific time at a destination, “gift shop” time, etc Almost like a responsible person has trialled the tour and therefore knows details and any pitfalls 🙄 You know exactly what you are signing up for, and anyone with mobility, or other personal issues, can determine whether they will enjoy the trip
  13. The Sun’ll Come Out Tomorrow 🎶 … but I think you should abandon all hope of seeing it (through the deluge) today 😕 It’ll probably be good for the gardens. I’m not sure the farmers welcome it at this time
  14. What a horrible wet day! At least I can read my book without guilt 🙂
  15. Matt, from tomorrow’s Telegraph *hollow laugh*
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