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Everything posted by Eddie99

  1. Morning all. The sun has got his hat on, and I Wordled in 2. Very good start to the day! We didn’t stay up to look for the northern lights - I’ve read Day of the Triffids 🌱 - but I’ve enjoyed looking at the hundreds of pictures this morning It’s Walking Week here, with lots of various events. We’re going on a guided walk of the water meadows this afternoon, followed by pub supper Have a lovely day everyone, especially those who’ve been poorly, or have poorly rellies
  2. I’ve seen that boarding Princess in San Francisco Many passengers called to *The Table of Shame* in the embarkation hall 🙄
  3. I’ve just read a piece on cryptosporidium infection in the uk. Apparently numbers are going through the roof at the moment I’d be guilty of breaking the “No politics” rule if I proferred my explanation of the reason . It doesn’t take a genius So - extra, extra, hand washing and vigilance (I wonder if this is behind the ships’ outbreaks?) https://www.gov.uk/guidance/cryptosporidium-public-advice
  4. Looks like another lovely day coming up @P&O SUE, so sorry you’ve been poorly. I hope you wake up feeling a bit better today, and manage to shake it off completely very soon. Look after yourself We’ve finally found some “free” time, so once himself has finished at the museum this morning, and once the car is back from its expensive visit to the garage, we’ll head off to the caravan, for that lovely sun & sea mixture
  5. Sarah - I hope your Mum starts to improve very quickly and that she has a smooth road to recovery from this point x
  6. Good morning The sun has arrived, at last! Lovely walk on the beach & fish lunch yesterday Group walk with the Wednesday group today Everything feels so much better with a bit of sunshine! On the minus side, the car is playing up (battery/electrics) so himself will have to miss the walk and get that sorted. Boo
  7. Rather like us Seaview cabin on deck 4. The only times we ventured above 8 were to go to Beach House and Epicurean. It was January though. Maybe we would have explored the pool decks in hotter weather We though 6, 7, and 8 had lots to offer
  8. Thank you for the review - I enjoyed reading it and I’m glad your group had a great time @AndyMichelle - we were apprehensive about Iona but loved our time on her. So many facilities! Somehow she does a Tardis and is huge, yet accessible at the same time. Embarkation, disembarkation, and getting off & back again in ports was smooth. My only gripe concerning her size and payload is that she can easily “fill up” some of the smaller ports
  9. Lovely! Glad you’re posting Have a lovely cruise on the lovely Ventura. Hopefully you’ve chilled out from the journey to Southampton and are enjoying good weather
  10. It’s a dull day here, with added spells of mizzle. Such a shame after a rare sunny day yesterday. It was nice for the balloon festival, but a shame (afaiac) that they had to conclude with a window-shaking firework extravaganza at 10.15 last night. I expect I’m just a miserable old fart 🙄 My best bit of today was coming across a little field vole on our walk today. He was very bold (or perhaps unconcerned?). Crossed the path in front of me and then sat chomping on a seed case from a tree, as OH, I and the dog walked past Not my pic, but this is what he looked like
  11. Thank you Jane - you look lovely. Your brows are gorgeous. i have sparse eyebrows but somehow can’t stand myself with pencilled-in etc. it just doesn’t look right to me. I feel I have a look of permanent surprise Yes, Pauline is lovely. I recognised her on Iona - was more confident that it was her than that the gentleman of the couple was Graham
  12. There is a number in a pinned post at the top of this sub-forum However, it was unobtainable when I tried it recently
  13. It’s also World Naked Gardening Day 😳 Eek!
  14. Morning all For the first time this year (I think) I’ve done the early dog walk without a coat. Light hoodie yes, but no actual coat. That must indicate progress. Hurrah! We seem to have missed out on recent decent weather/nice temperatures, so I really hope this is the start of some decent weather Sarah - hope your Mum had a decent night and makes good progress today Graham - your meal looks lovely. We didn’t go out but we did splash out on some lovely brill from the fishmonger. Plus the first of the Jersey royals. Even if I say it myself - doesn’t that look good? It certainly tasted good Have a lovely Star Wars Day everyone. May the Fourth be with you.
  15. Agree about the Chef’s Table The only advantage is that you get the guaranteed time
  16. Morning all Best wishes for all with hospital appointments today We’ve been to vote, so I thought I’d do a *Dogs at Polling Stations* picture. Excuse the state of her - the polling station is the cricket club so she had a good run around the (wet) cricket field before we went in.
  17. Morning all Happy May Day - it’s dull and drizzly, with thunderstorms forecast for this evening 🙄
  18. Has anyone mentioned propulsion system, stability, storm-worthiness, etc? They’re probably important Outside my area of expertise though. Anyone? 🚢
  19. That makes 3 folk complaining about the weather in the SW 🙄 We still have that cold wind. It’s 11° apparently, rising to 13, but still not pleasant
  20. Cafe Jardin from Oceana
  21. Happy Birthday Avril 🎂 🎈 🎉 Remember the song Things Can Only Get Better 🎶 🤞 We have weak sunshine but that nagging wind is still around 😠
  22. Graham! (And Pauline) - Wow! Yum yum! The artisanal market was mostly *stuff* (nice stuff) but some edibles. We got orange chocolate brownies, which were very nice with vodka soaked poached cherries and crème fraîche Preceded by steak & chips with asparagus. Might be time for just a few 💤 now, in front of the footie/cricket on the telly
  23. Morning all Chilly here too, at 5°, but pretty much dry. We had rain overnight, if it was real rain I heard and not just part of a dream. We have an *artisanal market* around the place today. Handy if you need to buy an artisanal, I guess? They were setting up their stalls and gazebos as Hattie & I were walking an hour ago. Looked like nice stuff, but seriously, it’s all *stuff* and we’re trying very hard not to fill our place with more and more stuff. We’ll have a look round after our proper dog walk - maybe there will be tasty treats, which is a much more attractive proposition Have a lovely day all. Bon voyage @zap99 and @IlovemygardenHope you have smooth seas and sunshine ☀️
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