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Everything posted by Eddie99

  1. Morning all First day of meteorological summer and the weather looks like it might, finally, be playing nicely. 🤞 Have a lovely weekend
  2. Wish I’d found this when the gull conversation was at its beak, sorry, peak! 🤣
  3. … of the many changes over the years, I really lament the demise of the pre-cruise booklet! Its arrival meant your cruise would soon be here, gave you the chance to browse the excursions in a way I find more enjoyable than on-screen, and - gave you good, simple, functional luggage tags! Ah - the olden days 🙂
  4. Yorkshire Phil Welcome to the forum, and your first post. 😳 What’s going on there then? Have you had your records scrubbed??? Anyway - have a good journey and a great holiday We May have a little rain today, apparently, so that will make a nice change Enjoy BH Monday everyone @P&O SUE and @Josy1953 - hope today is better for you @grapau27 - continue to improve. Maybe do another test. Throat, cheeks & nose Take care everyone
  5. I’ve enjoyed catching up with everyone’s news. Feels like I’ve been away for a month! Josy - I hope you get reassuring health news. Graham & Pauline - get well soon. Current virus variations apparently often don’t produce +ve test results till days 4 or 5 We have sunshine! And a beer festival! Sounds like summer may be here at last
  6. Dry and sunny? It can’t last Someone told me our jaws are getting smaller as we evolve away from heavy, bone-crunching, caveman features. So our teeth are getting more and more crowded, adding even more problems to our already problematic wisdom teeth.
  7. Yeah - she already knew quite a lot about the aqueduct 🤣
  8. Thinking of you @P&O SUE It’s nice that her new home are thinking nice thoughts about her. In my very limited experience care home staff are wonderfully kind and patient It’s a horrible day here, with a Met Office warning for thunderstorms and torrential rain. I don’t think I’m being over-dramatic in saying this little part of the country has fared very badly for weather this year. Hardly a 2 or 3 day period of pleasant settled weather We did have a good day yesterday and enjoyed our Roman Aqueduct guided walk. However, the FitBit read 7.4 miles total walked, so unsurprisingly we’re all a bit tired today, including the dog! We’ve been out this morning though, and clocked up our routine 10,000 steps Here’s a pic. We are so lucky to live so close to views like this, and the history is a bonus
  9. Have you thought of train travel to a destination where you can self cater? The Man in Seat 61 is a great resource https://www.seat61.com/ So many ideas!
  10. There’ll be instructions on a card in the cabin but, iirc, it’s deck followed by cabin number So If your friends are on Deck 11, cabin 342, you dial 11342 from your cabin or from any of the public phones around the ship. No charge
  11. Morning all. We have mist this morning, just to add to the wonders of *Weather 2024*. It’s certainly not been the greatest year, so far, and seeing as it’s nearly half gone (can you believe it? 😳) it had better buck its ideas up. To the cricket field/fish van for our morning walk. This afternoon the town walking festival continues with us joining a guided walk of the Roman. aqueduct. - Pah! What have the Romans ever done for us? Sun & warm forecast - we’ll see Enjoy your day everyone. Bon voyage to anyone about to start a holiday
  12. Morning all. It’s dry and mild, if not exactly roasting, but the nagging wind has dropped so we’re going to use our bus passes and spend a few hours at the coast The fish man at the market had local grey mullet yesterday. Smashing, with English asparagus and Jersey royals. A drop of olive oil/lemon dressing worked with all. Enjoy your day
  13. Bon Voyage @Purdey16 I hope the flights go smoothly; I’m sure the cruise will be super Look forward to hearing about it Here’s the bear we saw in Alaska - as close as if you were looking out of your bedroom window! Have fun! Dull sort of day here, but dry, so I guess we’ll have to be content with that
  14. Mushroom stroganoff for us today too. I haven’t made it yet though. I’m being lazy - feet up watching IPL cricket for a little while. Completed my 10,000 steps (and quite a few more) this morning, so I’m allowed Megabear - my condolences for your aunty. I hope, at nearly 100, she had a gentle passage to whatever might come next. Raise a glass of something wonderful to her at the time her funeral takes place.
  15. 🤞 for Freddie and the prescription diet The wind (breeze) has changed direction, so a little solar therapy is on the cards. Bet it changes again just as soon as I’ve put on some factor 30 and adjusted my chair
  16. Poor Freddie Have you tried a daily spoonful of Yakult? Help build up his natural “friendly” gut bacteria. Don’t think it could hurt, unless he is lactose intolerant. There are soya or oat yoghurt or kefir alternatives if he is. Pumpkin is reputed to be really good for gut issues, whichever end of the hard/soft spectrum is the problem Anyway - hope he gets better very soon and both of you can cope with the exclusion diet The weather is less “scorchio” today, with high cloud and a little niggly sea breeze that’s coming from somewhere cooler than here. We’ve done our daily big walk and called in at a shoreside cafe for a lovely wholesome brunch (Sausage bap/fried eggs bap are wholesome, aren’t they?) My sleep tracker records me as falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow at 9.15, and being in deep sleep for 1hr 18 minutes then, and sleeping for over 8 hours in total. That’s a treat. I don’t know if I’d be able to cope with walking 6 miles in 22°C every day though! You can see from the above timings that I didn’t watch Eurovision. I’ve never really liked it, not even in the Cliff/Sandie Shaw era. There was a time I liked to dip in to hear Terry Wogan, but not the acts It’s half gone now, but enjoy the rest of the day everyone.
  17. Lovely day The history of water meadows is fascinating. I recommend Google searches to learn more. I certainly didn’t know very much, even though I thought I did 🙄 Good supper too. Liver & bacon with mash, peas & onion gravy. Not everyone’s cup of tea but it certainly hit the spot for me. Now the decision - stay up & look for the lights, or not? Someone on the walk suggested setting an alarm for 1am. Mmm 🤔
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