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Everything posted by Eddie99

  1. Ha! So much sports overload I didn’t even check the cricket schedule. Well done them. Good that they were able to complete between the showers. Maybe they had a dry day I think today is likely to be much the same as yesterday, with a little less football-induced boredom, frustration, anxiety and relief than yesterday. It’s quite calming when the opposition miss the very first one. Sort-of built in wriggle room Have a lovely day everyone
  2. Morning! Well, it’s bright but it’s not terribly warm and it’s actually quite nippy when the wind blows - which it does A great weekend for sport, I think, with nearly everyone catered. Cricket fans have to wait till later in the week for the first test but we have footie, tennis, rugby and the Silverstone GP No news here. All good. I get to remove my leg covering tonight … will be interesting to see what’s happened. I seriously haven’t felt a thing, either during the procedure or since
  3. Lots of overnight rain here. Cloudy & dry now, with quite a bit of wind. *sigh* Today’s football looks good. Watching consecutive games is tough though Enjoy today and if you have exciting weekend plans I hope they go well
  4. I’m back! Nothing to report really. The treated area is hidden under an elastic stocking, which is not to be removed for 48 hours. The procedure was entirely painless - for me - some people find it uncomfortable. Worst thing is likely to be paying for it - I’m not sure but I don’t think vv are treated by the NHS now. So, I’m looking on it as a cruise foregone, to help my overall health and comfort Thanks to everyone who sent good wishes Have a good afternoon, and rest up if you’re thinking of spending all night watching the results 🙄
  5. So many frail elderly in hospital when it’s not the best place for them… it doesn’t help anyone and , atop the personal distress, must be the wrong way to use funds? Enough - I’m off to get lasered
  6. That all looks yummy Graham. Is Sarah well? Is her new friendship progressing? I remember you talked of her “young mam” a while back. It’s a sunny morning here. Always nice to wake up to clear blue sky. Polls open in half an hour. I get my vein procedure this morning (eek) and that’s all the plans I’ve made for today. We’ll see how it pans out. Hope everyone has a good day
  7. Morning Sunshine here, for the moment, and pleasant enough, so no complaints. It’s hardly *flag-cracking* temperatures but I’m content with *no coat needed* OH has a busy day of assorted appointments but I have nothing on the agenda, bar some domestic goddess-ery
  8. Morning all. It’s a dull mild one here We’re packing up & heading home this afternoon, ready for a busy week, which includes “getting me veins done” on Thursday 😬 I think there’s something else that day too, but can’t quite put my finger on it now 🙄 Hope everyone has a good day - quiet if you want quiet; productive if you need to be busy
  9. What a contrast in weather between yesterday and today. Yesterday really couldn’t have been nicer, today is just really grey, with the possibility of a little rain mid-morning 😳. That will be a bit of a surprise No plans - we’ll see what turns up
  10. Such a shame that, despite promises, they hadn’t got his present finished. Waiting to put the top on 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  11. Talking of big, and back to one of our favourite topics … 😬
  12. Hey all. It’s been the most beautiful of days, and continues to be a perfect early summer evening It’s Mr Ed (can’t help thinking of the blond talking horse from TV a million years ago) ‘s birthday today. Three quarters of a century 😳 We had a fabulous fishy lunch (wine was taken 🙄) Now football, sunshine and sneaky few 💤 in the chair 🙂 Food porn A sneaky Bloody Mary - almost a gazpacho starter! Mussels for me. I think the nicest I’ve ever had. All small and tender. Thyme and lemon in the liquor gave it a lovely flavour I’m so tidy (ocd?) 🙄 Skate with chorizo (why did chef give me the extra piece? Not complaining but I do look malnourished! 🙂) and a pudding! Unusual for me but hey - how often do you get to treat a sweet old pensioner to a fish birthday lunch? 🤣 Cherry chocolate pot and espresso All quiet here now! The dog will want her supper soon but apart from that, I think the kitchen is closed Have a good evening all. I hope your team wins!
  13. It’s informative to get other people’s views on cruises/cruise lines, and this comparison has been an interesting read imho we should welcome such threads. It takes time and patience to compose them.
  14. We woke at 4.36 precisely, when him indoors, dreaming about driving two cars at once (🙄), knocked over his water glass 🙄. Of course, there was no further sleeping after the mopping up Much cooler & more liveable this morning. Even clouds 6
  15. Hang on in there anyone sweltering 🥵 Looks like tomorrow will be significantly more comfortable So, we’re not getting the fabled English summer - *3 hot days and a thunderstorm*. Just *3 hot days, then not so hot* It might be a bit warm tonight though Luckily we’re at the caravan and it has windows on all 4 sides, so we should be able to organise a bit of air movement 🤞
  16. Morning all I think this is the last of the really hot days; seems daft to complain for months about bad weather & then say that the temperature is hard to deal with but here we are. As others have said, I think 20-22 is the optimum for most Brits The best comment I’ve seen on the football was from a cricket fan - “Don’t let an England football fan tell you test cricket is boring, ever again” Have a nice day. Take care in the sun
  17. Morning all Hot days forecast today and tomorrow, so shall adjust activity accordingly. Still feeling nicely “exercised” from yesterday’s strenuous hike. It’s book club this afternoon, so that will be a quiet couple of hours indoors.
  18. That looks fun kalos, and I hope Mrs k is recovering well and that the trip helped Busy day today, with lots of posts & lots of people on the move. We met up with my sister & bil & we went for a walk around the Cerne Giant. Poor Mr Giant is badly in need of some weeding and re-chalking - he didn’t display very well at all. However, we had a grand walk (with a couple of precarious descents) and a lovely lunch in the courtyard of one of the 3 pubs in the village. She brought her 2 dogs, so with ours as well we were quite a pack! The sun stayed stubbornly hidden, but given the fairly strenuous walk, maybe that wasn’t so bad. It’s sunny now. Pictures would have improved with sunshine, but you can see the glorious countryside 6168325A-18D7-43BC-A8AF-B0CEE6BB574A.MOV
  19. Welcome back Graham and Pauline We missed you, despite your daily weather reports from the north east of England I’m glad you had a lovely time and it’s good to hear a good report of Arvia. Was it your first time on her?
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