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    Hamilton, Aotearoa/New Zealand

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  1. Thank you Susie. I have managed to get a real person at Property Claims (in California) to answer the phone this afternoon (after 8 days). They have promised to look into what has happened and get back to me. This has been quite an experience, especially trying to deal with it from New Zealand. Kind regards, Colleen
  2. This is me on Facebook. My luggage is still sitting somewhere in Seattle having been passed to HAL. I have still had no contact from a real person at HAL. One of the automated replies said that it could be 6 weeks before they answered my email. The Office of the HAL President has simply forwarded my email to one of the email addresses that I have already tried. The phone number that the Sydney office suggested I try just rings and rings and nobody answers. Air New Zealand Support meanwhile, has rung me every day to tell me that the plane from San Francisco has landed and that there is no luggage for me. AirNZ has set up a RUSH order so that the bag can be transported by them without me as a passenger. They will deliver it to my home. I have instructions and a reference number that I need to give to HAL for the RUSH to happen. I am not hopeful that anything will happen before my bag just disappears again.
  3. Port Valet assured me that our flights were eligible, and Neil's bag came through no problem with us. My big concern is that now I am out of the States I cannot use the Port Valet 'track my bag'. I have emailed asking for them to check for me. (The last time I had a missing bag in the US I never saw it again, so I am a little bit nervous)
  4. Only one of our bags arrived in New Zealand with us. 😒 At the moment nobody seems to know where the other one is.
  5. Hummingbird are you on this cruise (28 day solstice)? If so, I have spare 150 anniversary tiles you can have if you want them.
  6. This was a great day out. More information for anyone on the 2025 cruise -
  7. Excursions are priced in US dollars.
  8. You are scheduled to be at White Bay Cruise Terminal. You are best to book a hotel in the city and take a taxi or rideshare to the dock in the morning. See page 16 of the port schedule. https://www.portauthoritynsw.com.au/cruise/sydney-cruise-schedule/
  9. This one from Mid Canterbury. (Photo supplied to local news by SJ & SJ Schmack)
  10. Colourful morning in Aotearoa New Zealand. This one was taken from an AirNZ plane.
  11. Is that the ship that Life at Sea Cruises are planning to use?
  12. Phone 1300987322 If that doesn't work for you then phone Carnival Cruises in Sydney and ask them to put you through to HAL.1300 385 625. I have to put +61 in front of the numbers to call from NZ but I am assuming that you do not have to if in Aust.
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