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Everything posted by Coralc

  1. Oh Phoenix. I am so sorry for you. That is really sad to hear. 💔
  2. Really? We had a bunch of bottles of water, but we never received any cookies or other food gifts on Navigator. We did receive 2 more towels.
  3. 30% off full onboard price of DBP when purchased onboard. Pinnacle discount is 40%.
  4. We are definitely bringing sweatpants in September. We were out of practice and under packed for the cold weather at the end of April.
  5. If you are ever out this way, you need to check out the Monterey Bay Aquarium. You can watch the otters for hours in their display, and then go outside on the patio and watch them in their natural habitat with pups and the kelp right behind the aquarium and in the tidepool below the patio. It is really a lot of fun, and worthy of an all day visit.
  6. We were just on Navigator in JS, and I guess someone had requested a lounger, in addition to the 2 chairs and tall table. There was no room to walk without tripping on furniture. So I hardly went out there. I almost asked the room steward to take it away. But then I figured someone else would probably want to out there, so left it as it was. If it is like that next time, we will just turn it on its side to get it out of the way.
  7. And here's another telemed proctored testing company. Any FDA test kit and only $18.99 for the proctoring session OnPoint Testing. Link: https://onpoint-testing.com/product/certified-teleservice-covid-testing/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw1ZeUBhDyARIsAOzAqQLHNcbL0t56V4FojzX-DKpdK-ZUfzdq8aDdqvuRs8aVmCCAg_fRB3AaAiFIEALw_wcB I like corporate competition with regards to pricing.
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