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Everything posted by Drazil65

  1. The neighborhoods are what we enjoy about Royal, so we are excited to see how CCL did with the concept.
  2. Since we have a suite with extended balcony (and also love serenity) we are not interested in the loft 19 cabana. But, its interesting to see CCL lower the price to $1750 for next week in what seems a bit desperate to entice sales. Looks like they have succeeded in selling 4 so far. It seems like this is what happens for many of the MG sailings right before embarkation, all 12 cabanas were all available until they lowered the price so it does not appear they are selling at $2500 for the week. Seems like they would start at the $1750 and maybe have a better chance of selling out?
  3. Interested...we leave this weekend on MG and look forward to your thoughts and pix thank you in advance!
  4. They are selling the 7 day pass for the thermal suite on MG leaving this weekend for $149 pp.
  5. Our Mardi Gras sailing 12/17 is gone from the website as well. They are also selling the loft 19 cabanas for $1750 for the week, looks like 4 are sold and 8 available.
  6. Used to be anytime was a good time (yes, we were the parents that took DS out of school if needed just to vacation) but now that DS is in college we are much more restricted. We have always gone the week before Christmas (big family gift to each other) so that we are home for Christmas (we drive to port). So that is a given, and then typically sometime around mid to end of May/very beginning of June. DS is out of school for the summer early May. Next year we will be in London for 10 days the last 2 weeks of May so our cruise will be in beginning of August (unless I get a really good offer for spring and move it to spring break timeframe.
  7. Cruise cash is a silly concept as a drink package. I don't get the obsession of prepaying. That's not a net difference in your finances. What if you want more? What if you want less? It's non-refundable if you do. Sure there are tricks. There have been plenty of people that forget and get burned. Choice is a great thing if you dont like it then dont get it. Its just an option no need to be so angry, I am sure OP will do what is best for them.
  8. If you are not going to use a credit card attached to your account (we do not use one for our onboard account) then buy the first $200 in cruise cash and put on your account ahead of time. Then bring 200 or 300 more in cash to add to your account when you check in (or you can add on ship using a kiosk). That gives you a nice starting point on your account and you dont need to worry about losing anything in the long run. The cruise cash is the first thing they will utilize from your account and you will more than likely use that with no issue (especially if you purchase bar drinks). Then they will use the cash portion of your account and if any is left over then it will be refunded (you can go to guest services or the casino cage and cash out the night before disembarkation or they will mail you a check).
  9. If you are speaking to me, no, I am not rich. I thought I had made it clear that for me, it is about choice - choosing to take "quality" vacations over quantity of vacations. Three thousand cruises in an Interior would cost far, far more than one cruise in a Suite. It is not about quantity of money spent for me, but the quality of the experience on which my money is spent. Exactly...This...100% agree and happily in your minority...
  10. We never get it as I am not a big drinker (wine with dinner and maybe 1 or 2 in evening) so its not going to work out for me. DH is normally not a big drinker BUT if he paid for a beverage package like cheers he would feel like he NEEDED to get his 15 in or close to it and that would not be good for anyone day after day. So we bring our allotted wine, get beer for the cabin (DH) and once in a while we will get a wine package. Most of time we just purchase drinks as we want them and the dollar amount is no where near what the cheers package would be for 2 people.
  11. Interesting view to say the least, not so sure I would want to keep the curtains open truthfully. Wasn't aware of these cabins only the obstructed balcony ones that relatives have booked in the past.
  12. Whenever brother and SIL have had an obstructed view balcony, they go for one that is on either end of the lifeboats. They say it is a little more open on the ends and they still get somewhat of a full view on one side if that makes sense. Not sure is you meant obstructed view balcony and not inside but congrats if you get one.
  13. Can always use the showers in the spa/gym if you need/want more room when you shower. Also, on most ships if you get a suite, you will have a full tub (with jets)/shower combo if the single shower size is a concern for you.
  14. If given the choice between 15 cruises or just 1 in a suite, I will infer that more people would choose quantity over quality. For some people money is the issue (for whatever reason) and obviously they would not be looking at a balcony or suite and that is ok. However each person wants to spend their vacation money is cool and people should do what fits their lifestyle and budget. For us, our vacations are about family time and quality all the way. We cruise 2x's a year typically we can drive to most east coast ports very easily so no plane fare (once in a while if we choose Miami port). We do one in first 6 mons of the year and always one the week before Christmas (our family gift to each other). We have been cruising for a little over 2 decades and we know what we like and what enhances our vacation. We dont do insides (never did actually) and never do any deck below 7 and our budget for each cruise vacation has a balcony or suite built in, its just part of the equation for us. So we are definitely in the 1 suite over 15 insides camp.
  15. Its ok if we all dont agree, that is why we all have choices right? Do what you feel you want or need to do and leave others to their own choices. This really should not be an issue as no one is stopping anyone from doing exactly what they want to do, the rest is just semantics.
  16. Good offer and great choice taking it, have a blast!
  17. Know that there may be times that are difficult for you or your dad during the cruise. Unexpectedly, it was taking that first step on the cruise ship that brought me to tears, for example. This...my thoughts exactly, our family has been through this very thing and the first time we did it was much harder than anyone knew. For us it was my FIL (they were married 50 years) and we all thought it would be a warm/and fuzzy good memories feeling for MIL (and kids,, grandchildren) and bring many smiles. You just want to fix it and do what you can to make the surviving parent happy again. I am going to be honest, it was too much for MIL and we all felt horrible for bringing her back there so soon. This was more than a year after FIL passed and she spent a lot of time in her cabin crying (even when we tried to plan fun things) she just didn't feel it at that point. We now know that she was just trying to make us happy at the time by agreeing to go to begin with. It was a couple more years after that before we tried again and she was much better with handling the flood of memories and actually enjoyed most of the trip. Just be prepared for the sudden tears and maybe him wanting some time alone for a bit. The cruise and the holidays together will be a lot for both of you being the first of both but I get that you want to get away. Good Luck and hopefully the cruise will be the start of new happy memories for you and your dad.
  18. We book balcony or suites, we love that piece of outside real estate for coffee in the morning (in PJs) or sipping wine before dinner, to have our own space to getaway from the crowds outside and can always get a seat. It works for us and that is part of our cruise experience. That extra $600 or whatever it turns out to be is used by some people on cheers cuz that is their thing and we prefer the upgraded cabin with a balcony and we love it! So as many others have pointed out, its a personal preference, to each their own!
  19. Thank you for all the great pix and information gives us a good starting guide to navigating the MG...21 days and counting!
  20. The insurance should have a phone number included to call about claims or coverage. They will more than likely be better served calling and hearing the information from the source. In addition they should have some kind of info from the travel company in writing that gives some explanation of coverage to start with.
  21. Rudi's Seagrill is amazeballs on Mardi Gras. Worth more than the per person charge honestly. We made reservations for our upcoming MG cruise partially based on your amazing video of the food and your review of the restaurant. My family loves seafood and it was already on our radar so we are very excited to give this a try, thank you!
  22. “funships@carnivalcruiselineemail.com” I put in an order for a specialty restaurant this week for our MG cruise in 3 weeks and this is the exact address that was in the confirmation than came through almost immediately. I went back and looked at other orders for this trip over the last few months and same address. This email address is legit from Carnival. Also explains why they had the last 4 digits of your credit card, you might want to check your CC statement for a pending charge from CCL to see if it did go through or not.
  23. It's also on deck 8 starboard side with not much of a view. Havana cabins (Mardi Gras) are on both sides of the ship, port and starboard. For those of us that don't sail aft for various reasons (typically go with port), this works great and gives us the opportunity to try the area out.
  24. Done it in past especially when DS was younger and we came back from beach excursion. Would hand wash all of our bathing suits (after shaking out the sand of course) and hang them to dry in bathroom shower. Worked fine and I may have even done some other small items along the way. You should be good.
  25. DH and DS will order off of the steakhouse upcharge (cost is much lower than in the steakhouse) menu in the MDR in addition to whatever entrée the choose in MDR. I dont care for steak or many of the items in the steakhouse so not worth the price for me, the upcharge in MDR is very cost affective for DH and DS. They also love to get the sushi boat and split it in MDR.
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