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Everything posted by mcrcruiser

  1. Charging this $9.95 service fee is absurd ,Another nail in the cruise line coffin imo . What is going on with the bean counters ? Don't they realize that at some point adding real costs ,lessening good quality & quantity & thus making the cruise experience less than a good vacation & will result in at a point in time that people in general will do other types of vacations . The general public in the US pocket book is getting a lot thiner with this high inflation . Remember that charity really does begin at home first .Paying that mortgage bill every month or rent bill & all other bills takes priority over cruises .already most American families have dipped into savings to stay afloat & hoping for a better tomorrow
  2. The cruise lines are their own worse enemy . When the CDC got them to shut down they should have brought it into court because the CDC is not a governing body but is a advisory body . These increases can not last & expect people to absorb them . when a person has to make the decision to pay rent or their mortgage .The later will come first .Most people in the states have dipped into savings to survive this inflation brought upon us.
  3. Tips are already included in your drink pkg . If a serving person goes above & beyond normal service we will tip a extra $1 per drink . What I mean is making a better drink than a normal drink because of the effort they put in Otherwise I will order 2 drinks of the same & no tip
  4. We been to Alaska 5 times & imo going to Alaska via cruise ship is OK but to really see Alaska, the great land, you really need to drive at least from Anchorage to Denali National Park & do the tours .Best place we found to stay just 10 minutes from the entrance of the park is Denali Lake View In n . check it out ,it is a AAA triple diamond B&B with reasonable prices & a ATV store very close . The rooms over look Lake Otto with lots of ducks ,geese & swans ,Take a ATV out into the tundra with a leader from the ATV store , See the dog sled demo at Denali National Park .If time & budget allow go to Fairbanks ,in May walk on the frozen sea ,see the University of Alaska fabulous museum 😃 Taking just a cruise to Alaska is like easting half the meal 🙃
  5. I think you found the Jennie id that bottle because a miracle of sorts will be needed for the mass market lines to keep sailing . In addition cut backs in food quality & the portions while raising prices imo is sticking their neck on the chopping block
  6. Disney has it 's share of problems as well that is why Bob Eigger came back for 2 year contract as CEO .He came out of retirement at 71 .Disney stock has had a big decline .Being that said their cruise line does well .Again ,a luxury line vs mass market carriers . They & Viking do not have casinos
  7. Very well said .Add this to what I just said & it all adds up . so if I want that extra OBC for share holders I will buy that 100 shares to be on record & sell it as quick as I bought it
  8. The vast majority of wealth in the USA is held by the older generation . because this is a fact the numbers each year shrink Although there are the younger who inherit monies their spending habits are very different than those of the past who were savers & not spenders .This as well will ultimately impact cruise lines sales . Remember the rent/mortgage must get paid before a cruise at lofty prices gets booked .Again ,a downside for buying cruise line stocks with projected shrinking sales as the cash flows start drying up .Still the luxury brands will do well . Yes there are head winds out there & imo the mass cruise lines will be one of the first to feel it's impact
  9. The question remains will port taxes continue to increase & if so then how would that likely impact cruise sales along with the higher prices being set by the cruise lines Consumers have been using saved up finds to combat rising costs in every area of living . So to speak when will all the price increases impact cruise line sales which are considered in the luxury category .In my opinion it is headed in that direction faster in that direction than one may think . This is why cruise line stocks are not appealing along with their very high debt Although main line cruise lines could suffer lower sales in the future there is always room for the luxury brands to continue to flourish as there are those with very deep pockets
  10. Just copied these taxes /port fees for the March 18 ,2023 Coastal Ca cruise on Celebrity Soltice with SF , Monterey ,SD , LA . Ensenada Mx : These taxes are on the least costly veranda (1) Cruise Fare$795.00 (1) Cruise Fare$44.00 (2) Government Fees$515.62 *EST. TOTAL$1,354.6
  11. Long Beach is the huge cargo center yet ships were stacked in the harbor for months waiting to unload . Logically there was plenty of unloading facilities in the Gulf & East coast ports that those dummies could have used to keep the supply chain moving .Monopolies are never there to serve the best interest of the consuming public . .These things need to change
  12. Ir could easily reach the point where the port taxes for the 3 deep sea ports pushes business away from the California ports including cargo ships who may be apt to unload in Mexico or Oregon . There are always ends to both good & bad things
  13. The point here is the high port taxes we pay not the cruise line for in port services which includes electric power to the ships . When does these high port fees end or do they ever end . There can become a time when they price themselves out of the market . There is only so much consumers will absorb . Even Alaska is going wild with taxes as has the Panama Canal . It seems to me that these jurisdictions can charge at will . If enough people don't accept it then things will have to change but will they is the question or continue to pay high fees or even higher fees . Taxes never have gone down
  14. The Caribbean ports yes are very similar to Mexico in buying any thing vs US prices
  15. Mexico is warmer than the coast & we are able to swim in Mexican waters from Cabo San Lucas south but not in the cold waters off the coast of Calif .Same for Hawaiian waters being nice & warm Many people buy perscription drugs in Mexico because of the high cost here in the states;wgich is a shame . We love the in port shopping in Mazatlan where we can get a Mexican beer for $3 vs the high cruise price . We also buy many things while in port with additional saving . Where can you negotiate prices not in the US but at these Mexican ports .Lots of Fun 😁
  16. The hardest working crew members are your cabin stewards & dining waiters & their assistants .This is where we feature xtra tips
  17. When does X charge for towel service at the pools & how about charging for towels in the gym .We can go on & on but you all get the drift
  18. You are what X wants as their spokesperson .There are many lines who don't charge that outrageous fee & how many people you know who fall asleep before the delivery ? LOL
  19. The $9.95 charge that X introduced for room service is way over the top imo. We always tipped well for room service but to be forced to pay this outrage fee is the crowning blow for us ,back to other cruise lines after these 2 cruises are completed .This is pure greed imo
  20. Who starts these types of threads needs to rethink what they re started ,It is a can of worms always
  21. When will this tip /gratuity issue ever stop . It is much easier to have auto gratuities now than when we used the envelope system . Additional cash tips are at the discretion of the individual . These additional cash gratuities are definitely appreciated by "your " crew
  22. Instead of the high port taxes HAL should rebate the unused fuel savings to off set those high port taxes in SF ,SD ,LA & Ensenada
  23. Yes shire power is possible .Then the cruise lines would be saving fuel costs & yet they are not sharing that with the pax .As long as these port dees are so much higher we will stay away from Calif Coastal cruises
  24. Santa Barbara & Monterey are both tender ports . SF & LA are deep sea ports & Ensenada Mexico is also a deep sea port
  25. We are seeing over $600 for port taxes for the Calif ports . We once use to di these cruises but now stay away because of the high port taxes .Both Mexico & Hawaii port Taxes are much lower . Besides being California does any one know why these port taxes have gone up so much .They are even competing with Alaska & The Panama Canal for the highest tax rates
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