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Everything posted by land64shark

  1. Thank you Steve. So how does it work if you purchase the policy within the 14 day (or whatever) time frame after first deposit and you are are "medically stable" for the lookback period at that time, but then have an event or even just a medication change/adjustment thereafter? But then you are medically stable again by cruise time? This is clear as mud to me.
  2. I just booked a cruise for February and I am looking at trip insurance, primarily for the medical and evac benefits. I am reading the fine print, but I don't understand when the "effective date of policy" is for the pre-existing conditions waiver (to be purchased timely). When is this "lookback period" of 90 days or so? Is it 90 days prior to the first deposit date, 90 days prior to the cruise/trip, or 90 days prior to the purchase of the trip insurance policy?
  3. Hmm. I am surprised. I was recently on a Princess cruise and I was really sick with the Flu for the last 8 days of a 12 day cruise. (Stayed in bed and ate nothing but sorbet and Sprite for 8 days.) I really should have gone to medical. I did have trip insurance with Alianz, but admit to not reading it. I didn't go because I didn't know for sure if cruise ship medical facilities were covered and I have heard horror stories of their expense. (I also wasn't in my best thinking frame of mind.)
  4. How much did the onboard medical facility charge you for a visit with prescription if I may ask?
  5. Interesting. I have been on three cruises since Covid times. The first was a seven day Alaska. I fell ill on disembarkation morning and then it hit fast...Covid. DH got it after me. The second was a 7 day Mediterranean last summer that I got married during. My sister and 92 year old mom got Covid on Day 4 or 5. (I still don't know how mom survived that one.) DH, I, and my other sister managed to stay healthy until we got home and then all turned up positive with Covid. The third was a 12 day Caribbean about 2 months ago. This time I got the full blown FLU on Day 4. I didn't move from my bed AT ALL for days and really didn't leave my cabin or eat or drink anything for the rest of the cruise. Seriously, just Sprite and sorbet for the rest of the cruise. (I cannot overstate how sick and fatigued I was for the next 8 days of the cruise. What a waste of a premium drink package as well as the cruise itself. (I lost 5 lbs.) I'm a pretty healthy person and I had my flu vaccination, but that knocked me on my ass and I couldn't kick that cough for about a month. DH got a lesser version of it afterwards from me. So yes, I am leery about getting sick again on a cruise. There's nothing you can really do to avoid it on a ship. And yes, absolutely, post cruise is a big consideration now for what I might plan. I'm still kinda traumatized from this last one
  6. Doesn't matter anymore. Just got notice (less than 5 days before sailing) that we are no longer going to Tortola. We will be going to St Maarten instead....due to "port congestion". I understand 3 ships is a lot for Tortola, but it's shown 3 ships and also that we were to tender since I booked my cruise months ago. Why wait until now to change it?
  7. Is there a restroom at this beach? This has become more important the older we get
  8. So after reading the prohibited items list, I'm gonna go ahead and say he can't bring it, even though it is obviously not real (bright orange plastic). This does not break my heart, Thank you
  9. Haven't tried. He just brought it home tonight.
  10. My husband takes shooting lessons and does small shooting competitions at the range. It is a serious hobby for him. (Can you feel my eyes roll?) He "practices" his aim at home in the house, with an empty gun obviously. Well, he came home today with a bright orange replica gun thinking he will practice in the cabin on our upcoming cruise. Now, I'm not asking for opinions or judgements of his activities, just if the orange plastic gun would even be allowed to be brought on the ship.
  11. If you partake in Bingo or Deal or No Deal and the likes, these are also charges to your onboard account/OBC. There are plenty of ways to spend it. However, my last cruise on Celebrity I had several hundred dollars of non-refundable credit left after settling my onboard expenses. I went to the casino and tested a theory. I charged $100 to my casino account (or whatever it was called) at the slot machine. I played for a while. I was up. I was down. I was up, down, up and over my original $100. I cashed out at the casino cashier and received cash. I did this for the remainder of my non-refundable credit. I happened to come out just a little bit ahead. I have seen on other threads that the key to being able to cash it out is that you have to actually BET the entire amount. Not all at once, but over time. So sitting at the slot machines for awhile, up, down, up, down, etc, you end up actually betting quite a bit, even if your net gain is very little if anything at all. Even if you end up losing some of it, It's better than just leaving it unused in your account. Something is better than nothing. And it's fun.
  12. That's what I do. Refundable or not, play a bit and cash out works.
  13. Yes, that just stupid. Really, how much can that cost them? Or in the app, like Carnival?
  14. I've never understood why all the negative posts about MTD. I only do MTD and it's equivalent on other lines. I do not want to make reservations because I want the flexibility in my plans. Sometimes there is a wait, but never more than like 20 mins in my experiences, so we go and grab a drink at the bar while waiting. Simple and enjoyable. What's the big deal?
  15. I was there last month when we were 1 of 4 ships in port and one of them was pretty small. I am here to tell you the queue for the cable car was scary. I actually got married that day in Santorini. When my groom and I got off our tender, my heart sank as I saw the line up. It was literally hours long. Fortunately, I decided I had nothing to lose and marched up near the front of the line with my updo hair style and makeup and carrying my wedding gown and grooms outfit in our arms. I pleaded for someone to take pitty on us as it was our wedding and instantly two very nice ladies let us in line with them. I also must note that nobody else in the line seemed to mind either. I don't know what I would have done otherwise. I knew there would be a line, but not THAT much. All of our other guests had wisely taken early ship tours to assure they got ashore in time ("Oia on Your Own" was their tour.) I couldn't do that as my salon appointment was at 9:00 am on the ship. So, yes. Definitely book a ships tour and do it early since they sell out.
  16. Just off Infinity. My TA had confirmed select dining for all 4 of our cabins. Once onboard, we were actually all assigned late dining. They were very accommodating and had no trouble seating any of us whenever we wanted to dine.
  17. Thanks. That's what I thought, but others we are traveling with insist their wait times on Royal Caribbean were untenable and don't want a repeat. Would a table for 8 be easy or hard? Also, do they really charge $10 per person for reservation cancellation less than 24 hrs?
  18. Yes, I was asking about the headliner/production shows
  19. Carnival has a very nice App feature that allows you to check in for your Main Dining Anytime Dining from your App. It gives you an estimated wait time and then a message when it is time to head to the dining room. Does Celebrity have any system in place for their Open (anytime) dining other than having to personally show up at the dining room with your party and wait?
  20. Summer Med 7 day cruise. Are there 1 or 2 shows a night? Are any of the shows repeated on another night? I am figuring out dining times.
  21. I will need a few items to be pressed. How long should I expect? I will need them back the morning of day 4 (with embarkation day being Day 1) for my wedding😃
  22. Yes, I have thought long and hard about this. That is why we are having a secret courthouse wedding before the cruise, in case that were to happen. My planner in Santorini would have to do some fast maneuvering and set us up in Athens where we are all staying for 2 days post cruise. But being a "symbolic" wedding, it should be doable and there are only 13 of us. But I am optimistic weather will be fiiiiiine for us in mid June for Santorini. Fingers crossed!
  23. My TA asked if there were any special occasions onboard when we were booking. I don't think he was expecting to hear "yeah, my wedding". So I'm pretty sure he noted it.
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