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Everything posted by not-enough-cruising

  1. Taking care of it on your own is just as easy.
  2. Only if the head waiter did something other than come to your table to remind d you of the post cruise survey. I haven't had a "tip-able" interaction with the head waiter in a long time.
  3. MANY reports on various blogs accommodating these requests defeats the purpose of the new menu
  4. Check out AWAY luggage, bit of a pill to swallow initially, but I have never looked back. Lifetime warranty, that they have stood behind, no questions asked, for me
  5. Boilerplate language that does not apply to the itinerary of the OP. If this were accurate information, then the following would be true. “You can use a passport (the ultimate ID) unless it expires in 6 months, then it’s worthless, but don’t worry just bring a birth certificate and a drivers license” nonsense
  6. You were given bad information, but you seem to have all the right documentation to have a great trip
  7. As long as the name on your photo ID matches the name on your new BC, you will have no problems. BTW, for most closed loop Caribbean cruises, you would have been fine with your old passport; as long as it is valid the day you return home, you are good.
  8. Whomever answers the phone when you call room service. I don’t get hung up on titles, they said “please leave the tray in the hall” so I leave the tray in the hall.
  9. No, I certainly did not - - thank you for noticing
  10. Not sure why you quoted me; none of your comment applies to my comment
  11. On a “package drink” they probably get the same share of the gratuity regardless of how many drinks you order (or are rung up)
  12. Not only are there different prices for different ships; there are different prices for the same ship from week to week.
  13. We did a private session last summer at Coco Cay; it was FABULOUS, and the photographs were priceless.
  14. I have been told, more than once, that placing your room service tray in the hallway was the staff’s preferred method
  15. No, they won’t. They do not have TSA keys; and they won’t break the lock-they will set the bag aside until you come to inquire about it. I love the rest of your post, it reiterates what I have been trying to convey throughout this thread in a very concise manner.
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