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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. Golly, I'd be delighted! 🥴
  2. In QG on QV, if not put on your bed at turndown, the menus are frequently put in the fans [they are the communication 'pigeon holes' on the wall just outside the cabin door Jim_Iain ] during the night and we retrieve them at breakfast time. I've never seen the following days' menus in a black folder at the restaurant entrance. That days menu, yes, but if you want to know what they are, you can ask your Head Waiter. They will get you a copy in advance. This is all QE/QV. Hopefully, QM2 will be similar. Don't forget Jim_Iain and cavaaller if you're not sure of anything, just ask. Butler or wait staff, just ask. Nothing is too trivial. I do hope you enjoy whichever ship you're on [I have a sense it might be QM2 for Jim] 🙂 We jumped cruise line in 2011 to Cunard and have never, ever looked back.
  3. Every day on QV. I presume it’s the same on all Cunard ships.
  4. QG menus are delivered to your fan/cabin the previous night or first thing in the morning so you can browse through. The Grills galley will do their best to recreate most of the pop up/Verandah meals for you and yes, you can have these in your cabin. QE/QV Q2s have full sized dining tables for six and if having a full dinner in the cabin, the meal will be delivered on a course by course basis [or it was the last time we experienced this just before Covid halted everything] and it's fun to have a dinner with fellow passengers as your guests in your cabin, but on a regular basis, it's still not as special as dining in the restaurant. Can't help you on any drinks packages as we buy on the hoof as it were.
  5. Wearing a flapper dress might be a stand out one off but I have a beautiful red and gold jacket I often wear on Gala occasions, whatever the supposed 'theme'. Wear what Gala outfit you want and not what's necessarily 'advised' theme wise.
  6. If you've never been to Rome, you have to do it. It's a bit like your only visit to Egypt on a cruise and you never see the pyramids! We weren't on a cruise and were staying in a fabulous hotel in Fiuggi which is about an hour out of Rome. The hotel arranged a limo/driver and guide for a full day's tour. We had priority admission [called 'skip the line' tickets now] to a couple of the sights which were well worth arranging and ticked off all the sights on the bucket list. So Been there, done it, seen the sights. Sorted. Won't be fussed about going back.
  7. Well derr! you know the solution, don't collect 'ill bits' with your face and remember, full PPE is the preferred cuddle suit! 👍
  8. No need to prebook, you can buy daily and it lasts for 24hrs so with use of shore signals if in port and/or appropriate plus judicious timing, your allowances will go quite a long way on a seven day cruise.
  9. We buy daily on two weekers or less. We share it [good for one device online at a time then and use the other device] and when that runs out, use the other internet allowance. Works for us. and no, you can't put the two allowances together. They are separate which is why we use both by buying daily and when one runs out, change to the other account.
  10. Possibly a little TOO much info here, but I instinctively put my hands out when children were 'ill' and let's say, 'I got coated'! Mad hand scrubbing, change of clothes and more hand washing and I didn't catch anything, well nothing apart from the 'ill' bits! 🥴 I've caught nits though!!😁
  11. More likely the milk was UHT and fresh was required.
  12. Certainly would. I was rather hoping for engines rather than sails. ☹️...😅
  13. Instruct your agent to stop dithering. A dithering agent is worse than useless. If he/she continues dithering, change agents once issues are sorted.
  14. As a complete culinary slob, I love pick and mixing foods on the same plate. Sushi, smoked salmon, wasabi, pickled ginger and piies of stir fried noodles? Yum Yum. Can't see that happening up on the Gods 😄 and as a Lido lover, I haven't used existing utensils in the Buffet.for well over a decade. I always take a fresh set of napkin wrapped cutlery and use them as my utensils. Lido revenge tummy? What Lido revenge tummy. 🙂
  15. We sanitise our hands to distraction... and yep, it works. I don't. I'm the one folk might sneer at as I bypass sanitisers but with eczema as bad as mine there is NO way I'm using the stuff. We wash our hands many, many times a day, and that works too. That keeps my hands clean and a small refillable tube of hand balm keeps cracked skin from excessive dryness at bay.
  16. That was us. I asked about a certain cabin on a cruise whilst onboard and was told it had quite a list of 'wait'ers' so not worth joining the wait list. I looked a few times a day as full payment neared and there it was. Wait listers or not, I rang our agent and booked it there and then, so no, I don't believe in the wait lists!
  17. OK, your circumstances are what they are but all our flights, and they have all involved major airports to be fair, have been put to Cunard as fait accompli and I must admit, I assumed they took over the booking and charged accordingly rather than looked to see if airport/carrier were within their remit.
  18. It won't help much I know but I regard the Singapore-Columbo-CT and/or S'ton one of the jewels in Cunard's itinerary. We have been fortunate enough to sail it a few times and on every occasion, it's been a stand out memory. 🙂
  19. You can still have your flights bundled up with the cruise booking into a 'package'. We decide what our flights will be, eg, dates/routing/carrier/class of travel and anything else I've missed out and via our agent, it all comes under our Cunard booking. Obviously, we have to go with whatever Cunard charge us for this set up. We then pay the flight/s element asap and we get to choose our seats. Works for us.
  20. I don't for one moment envy Cunard. Legal requirements or gestures of goodwill, whatever, there are going to be some very upset passengers.
  21. Whilst this is not a Covid scenario and it's not the fault of Cunard or passengers this situation has occurred it highlights the pluses of having a flight bundled up into the cruise ticket. I will keep my fingers crossed those who made their own flight arrangements manage to be reimbursed by one way or another and that rearranging flights is fairly painless. Anyone involved, please keep us informed.
  22. There is a possibility and you are right to inform. However, just because it has happened, doesn’t mean it’s the norm. it will be most interesting to see what unfolds.
  23. For all, and for the expense of rebooking a probably more expensive flight? Whatever the outcome, the pitfall of booking your own flights will involve extra expense and the hassle of making your own arrangements.
  24. Actually, I am correct. It IS a pitfall of booking your own flights. Will Cunard will step in if insurers won't? I'm sure they can, but will they, for everyone? No idea.
  25. Depending on the time line of course, but I was answered 'yes' to that question as you could have sold the shares in between cruises [as if 😃].
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