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Everything posted by sailingdutchy

  1. Just a few pictures of a wonderful evening that Jacqui @kazu had set up for a good size group at Senior Fado in Lisbon in 2019 while on the Prinsendam . Jacqui and Jose near the fantastic performers after having had a delicious meal . If in Lisbon I can recommend Sr Fado but book very early , there is limited space and it fills up fast ! Tony 😄
  2. We have been a number of times to Lisbon and a couple of times on the” Elegant Explorer " , The beloved Prinsendam in 2016 and 2019 . Thank you all for the very nice pictures I saw a lot of familiar shots from places we have visited in Lisboa . In 2016 we were on a small group tour from Lisbon to Sintra and Estoril so I will show a few pictures from that particular day , will see how many pics CC will allow me . We first went to the Palace of Pena built in the 1850’s on the site where a medieval monastery had stood . It lies on higher grounds plus there still was some morning fog which is seen here on my photos . Despite being very late today I love to show you some pictures of one of our visits to Lisbon Talk about workmanship ....... Coffee break in town and some of Portugal's best Cascais The man I was named after , my Patron Saint , Saint Anthony Time to go back to Lisbon and after a visit to the Cathedral to go back Home to the Prinsendam Back on board was not until 8 pm so we had time to shoot some nice pictures in a beautiful light from the sun going down slowly . Have a great day everybody . Take Care and Stay Safe ! Thank you to all the contributors who are keeping this thread going Tony 😅
  3. Like already mentioned by Jacqui we had a wonderful day in Guernsey and I saw a lot of pictures this afternoon so I will spare you or at least try not to post many duplicates .Thank you Jacqui , Sandi for al the pictures ( saves me a lot of work ) For anybody that will be landing in the future on Guernsey I can highly recommend a walking tour with Annette who will show some nice corners of the town and she has a lot of historical facts which she will share in a playful way . If you are planning to go to Guernsey I can recommend also to read this book or watch this movie on forehand. On Annettes Walking Tour everybody is a participant and you don’t know what is in store for you , here Jose was picked on for Annette to tell us about the history of Guernsey My thoughts take me back to dear Jose , a wonderful person ! Also Martha was chosen a little while later ..... The tidal movement in St Peter Port are on average 5.2 meters or 17 feet . The Elegant Explorer , the Prinsendam Tony 🙂
  4. Good evening to all , we have been very busy after we returned from the Rotterdam and even though it is already late I just like to add a few pictures. I just have a few pictures of our day in Manilla where we arrived with the Volendam in November of 2017 . We had a very nice welcome in the Port where of coarse there also were a lot of Philippine families looking to meet crew members who are such a large and important portion of the crew on all of the Holland America ships. We had a very nice and adventurous tour in a crowded and noisy Manilla but I lost a good number of nice pictures because of technical camera problems but here a few of them without too much commentary . I had a lot of fun in the Jeepney but for Martha it was the first and last time ………..guess she is use to more luxurious forms of transportation . Sorry there is not much more to share today . Guess we have to go back there again we got very close to Manilla in Febryary of 2020 when we were on the infamous Westerdam cruise when Covid struck , we made it almost to the 200 mile nautical border of the Philippines when we were told by that Government we do not want you turn around ………..so we than floated in circles for another 12 days to find a place that would accept us , and you know the end of the story there were absolutely no cases of Covid on the Westerdam ! Did we look concerned ............. Tony 😁😁
  5. Just before we are driving to Toronto and flying to Ft Lauderdale Saturday morning , if it ever stops snowing today , I will gather some pictures from our visit to Nha Trang on Jan 24 , 2020 while we were on the Westerdam . YES on that cruise ! We had not heard at that time any rumours yet about a Covid outbreak in China but one week after this tour we saw the first signs that something was up when we docked in Hong Kong and saw all of these people with masks and 4 days after that we were lost at sea looking for a place to land on shore and rush home because nobody else in Asia wanted to see us go on shore ! We had a wonderful tour with our guide Dung Pham to a number of beautiful places and also visited a number of places where we were between the local people . Sorry no time today to give you names of places just some nice photos without any comments . We saw a lot that day which made a lasting impression on us of hard working people that made us feel very welcome. That evening we had a great dinner with friends …….and it was a pop up night , guess where ! This is probably the last you will hear from us until we get back home after our cruise , I do not want to post from my iPad on board ship . Take care everybody ! Tony 😄😄
  6. Thank you very much @kazu Jacqui and all other Daily friends for the good wishes , we are almost finished packing our suitcases and are counting on nice weather in the Caribbean ! Tony & Martha 😍
  7. @Seasick Sailor could you tell me please who the current Captain of the Rotterdam is would it be Werner Timmers or Bas van Dreumel ?
  8. Will do Joy and Allen , I send a reminder to myself ! Enjoy the rest of your cruise and safe returns home !
  9. Good morning to all ! Thank you for the Daily : Jacqui , Rich , Vanessa, Debbie , Roy, and for ALL the contributions from many others . I might not be posting that often but I have been reading the Daily almost everyday . We have been to Napier , New Zealand and had a wonderful day there so I will check if I have some special pictures to share. This from the Oosterdam on April 1st 2013 . Uhhh….. NO honestly…….we did not go to Hooters ……..and I have no pictures from there! Six siblings from one family live in these similar houses although exterior looks different . Different architectural designs even for newly built homes and offices The Art Deco architectural designs found in Napier where a direct result of the rebuilding of this city after the devastating earthquake hit the city on Feb 3rd 1931 and the rebuilding started right after that. Mission Winery Beautiful scenery outside of Napier Back into Port we had a nice send off . DW forgot her ID when returning to the port and she was taken into detention for a while , but was later allowed to rejoin me after a lot of questioning . ppppfffftttttt ! Lucky me ! Have a wonderful week everybody ! Tony 😄
  10. Might as well give you our weather report as many like to do : Currently it is 0 degrees ( Celsius of coarse ) and it feels like -5 C . There is snow on the roof and a sprinkling on the ground , high time to go on a cruise soon ! So for you down South 0 is the point when water freezes ! Today just a couple of pictures from our cruise in 2013 on the Oosterdam from Auckland to Vancouver in the spring of 2013 . We made it through all three inlets in Fiordland National Park that day , had sunny but cool and very calm weather. Milford Sound / Piopiotahi was the most impressive one of the three . It had been a dry summer in N.Z so there were not a lot of waterfalls to be seen that year . After that day we had to cross what the locals call “ The Ditch “ , which is the Tasman Sea named after Abel Tasman to Hobart, Tasmania for a couple of days where very often it can be a very, very rough crossing . Ours was nice and calm. BTW Abel Tasman was a Dutch seafarer and explorer best known for his voyages in 1642 and 1644 in the service of the Dutch East India Company searching for routes and looking for uncharted regions in the South Pacific Ocean when he first reached Tasmania ( which he had named Van Dieman’s Land and soon thereafter the West Coast of New Zealand so named after the Province of Zeeland in the Netherlands ( * Wikipedia ) PastedGraphic-1.tif Tony 😄
  11. Today an older Posting popped up about Big Band transatlantic crossings , so I added my 2 cents worth which I would also like to share here with our Daily Friends ………….. I believe this might have been the very last time with HAL that on a Transatlantic Cruise we had a Big Band on board . We happened to be on the Oosterdam from Florida to Rome in March of 2016 and we had the extreme pleasure to be serenaded almost every day by the Harry James band ( 16 members ) under the direction of Fred Radke . This had been advertised on HAL which attracted a good number of cruisers and there were also a large number of fantastic dancing couples on board ship and on the dance floor in the crows nest ! The Harry James Band were also a couple of evenings the Entertainment on the Main Stage ! We also happened to receive our Silver medals from Captain Michiel Willems on that cruise Fred’s wife was the singer at the time in the Harry James Band A fantastic crossing was had by all ..........very nostalgic ! Tony 😍
  12. I believe this might have been the very last time with HAL that on a Transatlantic Cruise we had a Big Band on board . We happened to be on the Oosterdam from Florida to Rome in March of 2016 and we had the extreme pleasure to be serenaded almost every day by the Harry James band ( 16 members ) under the direction of Fred Radke . This had been advertised on HAL and there were also a number of fantastic dancing couples on board ship and on the dance floor in the crows nest ! They were also a couple of evenings the Entertainment on the Main Stage ! We also happened to receive our Silver medals from Captain Michiel Willems on that cruise Fred’s wife was the singer at the time in the Harry James Band A fantastic crossing was had by all Tony 😍
  13. We were on the Oosterdam last fall going form Athens to Fort Lauderdale a 28 day cruise and either in Civitavecchia or Barcelona the new " Traveling " Lincoln Center had come on board ship and treated us to 2 concerts on the main stage on 2 evenings to a full room , Piano , Cello , Violin , Guitar and Flute/ Clarinet / Saxofoon . They received standing ovations playing the adapted classics and also some South American compositions . They explained that indeed the plan was to go from ship to ship , they looked a little more " mature " players versus what we had seen over the last 3 or so years of the L C quartets , and also told us that they had studied in some 34 numbers specially adapted and composed for concerts like this as directed by head office . We were kind of lucky that the ship after we visited Malaga changed coarse and we had to go over the Canary Islands instead of Madeira or the Azores due to a huge storm system so they were stuck on the ship for a few extra days and three of the five treated us for a couple more nights in the "Old" space where Adagio used to play to some extra concerts . The pianist for instance played a fantastic Piano Concert ( by heart ) and the guitarist some Spanish classic compositions . I do not know if there is only one or more than one quintet on the road for the 9 ships for cruises longer than 10 days . Let's hope that what they told us is the plan for the next few years ! Tony
  14. Our visit to Kyoto from Osaka Part 2 After lunch Ken took us to the Ginkaku-Ji Temple a World Cultural Heritage site ( Silver Pavilion ) with some of the most incredible gardens we have see in Japan . Here a couple of gardeners were sitting on their knees with tweezers taking out very small plants that did not belong in the particular desired moss or ground cover . Ken took us next to the downtown Gion street area a very old part of this old Imperial City Young Japanese ladies that dress up for the occasion , there are a lot of kimono for rent locations . Sorry I misidentified the first site from the other post it should have been the Ninna-Ji Palace and Gardens NOT the Fushimi Inari Shrine because that is where we went next and it is quite different . The cleansing ceremony explained and shown to do the proper way After a long but incredible day we arrived back in Osaka to continue our journey Sorry I am taking so much space today , but it so hard to make a choice out of hundreds of pictures on an incredible day .................... Hope you liked Kyoto a great location to go to from Osaka . Tony 😀😀
  15. First of all I would like to wish everyone of you on the Daily a Happy and Healthy 2024 ! This was on our cruise with the Volendam in October / November of 2017 . We had a fantastic tour from Osaka , Japan to go for the day to Kyoto with 3 other couples and guided by a retired professor Mr Ken Sakurai a man with incredible knowledge and wonderful humour in a very comfortable Jumbo Taxi with wifi for all ! Because of the large number of pictures I might do it in a couple of posts First stop was at the Fushimi- Inaru Shrine and viewing the five storied Pagoda Our next place to visit was the Kinkaku- Ji Temple ( Golden Pavilion ) . An incredible beautiful place and gorgeous setting which despite a mild rain we all really enjoyed. After spending quite a bit of time here it was time to dry up a little and have a wonderful Japanese lunch , I always invite the guide and the driver to join us ,that way we get the best information about the local menus and what to order in the foreign countries for a little bit of extra cost for the group . To be continued after the break ……..
  16. When on the Zuiderdam Panama Canal cruise in 2017 we also visited Cartagena and made a similar tour as @StLouisCruisers to the monastery , the same shops and walked possibly a few more different neighbourhoods so I will add some more pictures . Will try not to duplicate ………. Suburbs of Cartagena seen from the Mount I did NOT touch , promise ……….but you can see where people did …….! Had to get some Columbian coffee of coarse Tony 😄 BTW We should be back in Cartagena in about 3 weeks and have a nice very private tour booked for 2 so maybe I can come up with some new pictures .
  17. Merry Christmas to all hope you had a very nice day ! We are very busy today and I have not had a chance yet to read the Daily Before they close the door on todays access to the Daily I would like to post just a few pictures from when we were in Basseterre - St Kitts cruising the Caribbean on the Nieuw Statendam in March of 2022. For a change we joined a HAL sticker tour which we quite enjoyed , we had a nice ride on a catamaran which in the end did not end very well because we suspected that that was the place where we picked up Covid even though we were fully vaccinated and when we returned to Ft Lauderdale to start our second leg of the cruise we were unceremoniously taken to a Covid hotel instead of continuing our cruise ! The captain of the catamaran kept saying that day “ Don’t worry be happy ……..” Once we had reached our destination after a nice and relaxing ride with a couple of drinks we boarded a train for a very nice ride back towards the ship with more drinks …... For the very first time after about 30 cruises with HAL we were in a very nice Vista Suite but not for long anymore because everybody on the BTB cruise had to get tested ……and yes we received the dreaded call and were moved to a Covid cabin behind the fire doors ……….wooden dinner ware and styrofoam cups for the wine .......at least we had a balcony to talk to the neighbours . Sad memories but at least we were not ill and had NO symptoms whatsoever , at least the Covid Hotel was very good and we enjoyed our stay there with a lot of freedom going outside the hotel . This was after a few days when we walked to town and had a very nice dinner while staying outside the restaurant . Tony 😥
  18. Today it is Darwin where we landed with the Volendam on November 30th , 2015 on a 31 day cruise from Sydney on the Great Barrier Reef Cruise to be followed by a Far East Explorer Thank you very much Roy @rafinmd for posting the link , I remember we had a very nice day there good enough to show my pictures again today . After we arrived in Darwin we walked with our friends to the Crocosaurus Cove in town where we watched some shows with the saltwater crocodiles and saw in the museum many other creatures from this area . Different to see a Christmas tree for us Canadians in 92 degrees heat After a drink to cool us off we hopped onto the HOHO to go to the amazing Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Australian Territory where we spend a few hours to see all the indigenous art in this beautiful building . After another drink while watching and listening to all these gorgeous colourful birds we went back to the ship for a special dinner . Very nice adventurous self guiding day was had by all while we learned a lot about the Northern Territories . Great day in Darwin ! Happy Holidays , Merry Christmas and let's pray for Peace on Earth ! Tony😍
  19. ..........Oh and I forgot to tell you that day I did NOT go to see Dolly in Port , I had my thrills ......... 😁😁
  20. All the way back in 2007 we were in Ketchican for the very first time on the Zaandam and I booked for myself a floatplane tour to the lake to see if the bears were out looking for salmon . Martha and DMIL were not up for this so I said my goodbye enjoy the town I will see you later ………. It so worked out perfectly for me and I was allowed to ride shotgun with the pilot as long as I did not touch anything ….. Perfect place to shoot a few nice pictures and what a thrill It was a very nice and clear day . Getting ready to land on the lake. There is one After a nice walk through the salmon farm we pulled back up And ready for another perfect landing near the Zaandam Don’t know if I have a chance in the coming days , if not , I would like to wish all the Dailyites a Merry Christmas enjoy the holidays and than we get ready all together to count our blessings and celebrating the birth of a New Year . Thank you to ALL the contributors of the Daily , this is a wonderful place to meet cruise friends Tony 😍
  21. Thank you for this picture @Crazy For Cats great to see this is a fairly old coin from during the reign of King Willem III of the Netherlands who was King from 1849 until 1890. From what I can see it was from 1872 , from about the same time " Holland Amerika Lijn " was formed ! A little bit of history about these coins The value of the coin for most countries is a very unusual amount , 2 guilders and 50 cents which can throw you off when using a few of them if you are bad in math , to pay for your purchases. Called the " Rijksdaalder " these coins staid in use until guilders were replaced by Euros on Jan 1st 2002 . Also unusual was that these older coins during the reigns if King Willem I to Willem III had a silver content of about 94 % or about 18 grams of fine silver and if you had a few in your pocket they became weighty . Later on the silver content was dropped considerably and by 1969 silver content was removed completely . T
  22. Few more pictures of Chania when we were in Oct of 2022 in Souda on the Oosterdam . We took the shuttle bus again and strolled through the city . Chania is also a Port town but only for smaller vessels The weather was beautiful this time so Martha had to do some posing in the pretty little harbour . Commercial : " Time for a real beer ! " There is that guy again the birdie has left its post on top of his head ….. See you all in the next Port , take care and be well ! Tony 😘
  23. We have been a couple of times to Souda while of the Oosterdam and took the shuttle from the port to Chania the second largest city on the Island of Crete. After visiting the market and making a few purchases we walked to the pretty port of Chania , enjoyed a nice beverage when a flash thunderstorm opened the skies which was good for a few nice pictures ! Just to be clear dear Martha did NOT bend that tree We had to abandon our seats on the front row on the terrace but 20 min later everything was normal again , After returning on the shuttle and the captain was ready to leave we enjoyed watching a beautiful sunset in Souda I might check out if the pictures from the second visit were much different . Enjoy your day and be well Tony 😄
  24. In April of 2018 while we were on the Trans Atlantic crossing from Ft Lauderdale to Rotterdam on the MS Rotterdam VI we landed in Brest , France and with the great help from Jacqui @kazu I chartered a full size bus and provide transportation for a group of 27 of us to go to the beautiful medieval town of Quimper . This was done through a broker and even though it was quite an undertaking and I was a little nervous because I felt the responsibility but everything went great and we had a very nice day with great transportation . Once in Quimper everybody could choose whatever they wanted to see or do as long as they were all back in time to get back to Brest . Always have a problem with pictures taken with my iPad , but you get the idea . A little bit of rain did not bother us , with all we were able to see For a nice lunch we went to a very nice Creperie In the afternoon we went to a very nice market in the center of town but for some reason I lost those pictures I was very happy to see everybody was back on the bus on time and Mrs Berangere drove us back right into the Port next to the Rotterdam . That evening we went over our adventures with our friends having a nice dinner in the Pinnacle Grill and later on partied because it was the Kings birthday April 27 and Orange Party night . Cheers , Tony 😄
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