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Everything posted by sailingdutchy

  1. As promised some more pictures of Singapore , this is from our 31 day cruise on the Volendam from Sidney , Australia to Singapore . Approaching Singapore on November 2015 Spending our evening in the Gardens by the Bay , which was all lit up and in the Christmas atmosphere , with Christmas music and beautiful light shows , Next morning after an overnight on board ship ready for a nice walking tour through Chinatown and old Singapore . Going through a number of Temples and churches of different religions all within a mile on the same street This was called the Hawaiian Shirt Tour and I was the only one dressed for the occasion …….. Singapore a very nice and very well organized city but with lots of regulations …. for instance no chewing of gum , no smoking streets , etc , etc A wonderful “ Food Court “ area with dozens and dozens of stalls , just point at the picture , pay and eat . Delicious ! They need lots of air-conditioning ! It is an extremely clean city . One more temple She’s like my Dear Wife , she can do everything ! That’s not me ….. Wonderful walking tour was had by all ! Ready to shove off and we are on our way to Thailand . See you in the next Port ! Have a great day everybody ! Tony 😁😁
  2. Good morning to all Dailyites . I have a few minutes before meeting up with the many mosquitos in my garden to harvest some more delicious veggies for tonight . These pictures are from our second time in Singapore while we we waiting to get on board the now well known cruise on the Westerdam just before the big outbreak of the Covid when after the second nice week of cruising the BBC started calling us the “pariah “ ship trying to find a place in SE Asia that would accept us to go ashore after 13 days circling at sea ……… Beautiful new Hotel near Chinatown and a nice welcome with a bottle of wine ! DW was almost going to buy me one of these T shirts ………. that would not have been a good beginning of our cruise ........ It was getting close to Chinese New Year I will try to find my pictures of when we we for the first time in Singapore on the Volendam . Tony 😄😄
  3. As promised here is part 2 of our day in Naha Here a few more pictures of Shurijo Castle The original castle was built in the 1400’s destroyed in 1945 rebuilt in 2000 and during a huge fire destroyed again in 2019 as of last February rebuilding efforts are under way after crowd funding campaign . At the end of our visit we walked back along this 500 year old stone path , Kinjo-cho Stone path good thing we did it from the top down instead of climbing it it is quite steep and could be slippery . So sad that beautiful castle with all it's history is gone Tony 😁
  4. Good thing I got up early this morning to watch the Final day of the Tour de France and also the F1 Race in Hungary .............But first some nice pictures and wonderful memories of Naha , Japan ! Naha , Japan is located on the island of Okinawa and is the largest city and capital city of that Japanese Prefecture . Okinawa was part of the Ryukyu Kingdom from 1429 and officially annexed by the Empire of Japan in 1879 . Naha suffered extensive damage during the battle of Okinawa during WWII and the entire city centre had to be rebuild . Civil administration was returned to Japan in 1972 but a large portion of the US forces ( 26.000 ) are assigned to this prefecture. On Okinawa the Ryukyuan people make up the majority of the population and the traditional culture and language are still alive and well. We were in Naha on the Volendam and due to a storm they switched the date and we were very lucky that we arrived there on Nov 3rd , 2017 . Lucky because when the four of us walked to the monorail station to go to the Shurijo Castle we found out that a once a year special cultural event was to take place , the “ King of Ryukyu " was visiting the Shuri castle and going to pray at the different temples an amazing festival that only takes place once every year . There is a little more to come ........ Tony 😁😁
  5. Knowing from how nice our day in Ceuta was from 2019 we went with our friend Andrea in 2022 for another taste of this nice city ! Here you see exactly where Ceuta is almost right across and in site from Gibraltar The Central Mercado Very nice that at the entrance of the Port they show honour of the fact that Holland America is in today ! Hercules again and in the distance Gibraltar ……… this is the right place for this smaller monument and the right moment to take this picture ! We celebrated that night with our friend and her mom in the Sell de Mer and yes with Caviar ! A little bit of Food Porn should not hurt anybody on this Daily Report . It also was her birthday ………our day could not been any better than this ! Have a great weekend everybody ! Tony 😄😍
  6. Thank you for the pictures Jacqui @kazu from when we were also with you on the Prinsendam in 2019 , BTW I loved seeing the picture of Jose being interviewed ! Ceuta is a much nicer and more convenient Port than we had ever expected , you just walked from the ship into the town which feels very European and is also in the EU . We did not want to take the chance to cross into Morocco which is not too hard but getting back into the EU could be a problem on your own. Thank you also Linda @Quartzsite Cruiser for the very nice pictures from when you went across the border , being on a tour with HAL gave you enough security to get back into EU territory ! I will try not to duplicate with my pictures also from when we were there on the Nieuw Statendam for the second time in 2022 It is a huge Fort just to protect the town and Spanish territory near the Strait of Gibraltar ! Giving Hercules a hand ……… Kids working on their " floats “ for the Semana Santa procession And of coarse we had to get some Tapas Oops must be an iPad picture but you can see the lovely fresh fish The Elegant Explorer ! .........tsk , tsk ! Leaving the Port of Ceuta there is the smaller statue of Hercules What a lovely day we had in this Port that we had not expected at all Will try to find some more but than from the Nieuw Statendam cruise Tony 😄
  7. Good afternoon all and many thanks to all of the contributors of the Daily . It is a very nice day here in SW Ontario today the humidity finally left us after a big vicious storm last evening so there is a nice little breeze to keep the mosquitos away and than I can go out and do some gardening . We have been a couple of times in Skagway and the first time in 2007 made the nice train ride up to the Canadian border into the mountains which was very exciting for me as a person growing up in the low lands . So today just a couple of pictures from our cruise in Sept of 2007 on the Zaandam . We first visited a very nice garden and were surprised everything was growing so well there in that climate . This looked very spooky near the top close to the border …… The Zaandam was only 7 years old at the time ( built in 2000) and it was only our second cruise we were quite impressed with the whole experience so we were hooked for life ! Back to the Tour de France and than my garden to do some harvesting , have a great day everybody ! Tony 😄
  8. Good morning / afternoon to all Daily-ites , Rich and all contributors , I was happy to see that today it was the turn for another nice port we had been to on one of the HAL ships , Puerto Chacabuco . We were there on Feb 2nd , 2015 with the Zaandam on our cruise from Valparaiso to Buenos Aires. In a way we were a little bit lucky to do our small group tour from the port that day because on the last cruise before ours some upset local fisherman had been on strike and occupied and blocked the bridge which was near the port and none of the groups or large tours were able to get past the strikers . Beautiful scenery when we approached the port which is very small and where we had to tender. After a short walk out of port we found our mini bus and met up with our guide Here we are crossing the bridge which was guarded by a number of local police so there would be no disruption or occupation by strikers . After a nice scenic ride we entered the National Parc where we admired the beautiful flora and fauna and scenery . After another short ride we stopped in the middle of nowhere had to walk through some fields and grazing lands to end up at a large hall converted from an old barn where we were welcomed by the locals with a drink In the fire place a lamb was being roasted for those who chose lamb for lunch while I had a couple of delicious empanadas , with two different kind of fillings . After lunch it was time for a lovely show of a Folk dance teacher doing a number of dances with some of his pupils . At the end of this lovely show a couple from our tour were chosen to participate , here is DW , Martha , glad I did not have to perform . It was than time to start to go back on a different scenic route to port . A wonderful day was had by all , leaving than to go through all of the many channels and fjords towards Ponta Arenas where we would arrive 3 days later Hope I did not take up too much space today but it was very hard to choose from the many pictures I had , while describing a little bit of the wonderful day and our story of Port Chacabuco. Tony 😄
  9. 77 Numbers have always played a big roll in my life , I consider myself being a numbers man , I was educated as such and always bring everything back to numbers , so I just noticed that the number 77 is mentioned quite a few times today …………yes you can call me nuts or I am looking like I have nothing better to do but you could also say I paid attention to the Roll Call today ……….! Smitty…..77 , Ger_77 , Jimmy and Rosalynn 77 , and Linda saying it was 77 in Texas and it feels like 77 ……… So I thought today this was worth a special post on the Fleet Report and let you know how my brain works ……… other than that I watched the stage of the Tour de France today Max Pedersen won in Limoge , it was very exciting , and my favourite F1 driver Max Verstappen won another Pole position for the race tomorrow in Great Britain ……. Taking a break now and go into my garden see if the deer did not eat any more of my beans that I was almost ready to pick but I lost out to them ....... Have a great day everybody ! Tony
  10. A few more pictures from another tour out of Civitavecchia , this one from last year while on the Oosterdam . There are so many lovely places to visit around Civi , and you will see we are again with one of my favourite guides Susanna and will end up in the “ Secret Garden “ where the Opera performances take place where Susanna performs , last year it received an upgrade ! Don't think I have to explain this one ........... Medieval town of Vetralla , ………and again we were treated to a lovely Italian “Tasting lunch “ in “ Il Giardino Secreto “ ( Secret Garden ) The stage and seating are for the Opera performances have been transformed A wonderful tour was had by all ! Civitavecchia just before our departure Buongiorno a Tutti ! Tony ( Antonio ) 😆
  11. Your wish is my command @StLouisCruisers I got up early today to watch the bicycle race “ The Tour de France “ which I have followed since I was a kid and for me this is one of the most interesting sports event of the year and it is so nice to see all the beautiful areas in France . We have had the pleasure to be in Civitavecchia about 8 or 9 times to climb on board a BHB sometimes as initial embarkation to start a cruise and other times on a B2B cruise and exploring the beautiful area with a wonderful guide who lives nearby . Just love to show you a few pictures from a couple of tours without too much commentary . I won't go into Rome today just the area around Civitavecchia . The sinking and disappearing village of Civita di Bagnoregio Going to our guides home in a beautiful medieval town , visit her "Secret Garden " and have a wonderful lunch . Lovely lunch at our guides place in Vitrala . Their back yard all set up for a concert or an opera performance , this is the "Secret Garden " A very happy group , here with our wonderful friends Ann and Pat @ after a wonderful day on a tour from Civitavecchia , we will have to do this again hopefully soon ........ A wonderful day was had with our good friends Ann and Pat @Vict0riann I have just finished booking another tour for October when we are on the Oosterdam with the husband of our lovely guide Susanna when we reach Civitavecchia again . Tony 😄😄
  12. We have been a few times in Valencia and surroundings because my youngest brother lives nearby . The inner court of his home . Enjoying a nice lunch with my Dutch brother who has a summer home near Valencia and my Spanish Brother who has lived there for 40 some years . It was a long time ago the three have met all together Enjoying a fantastic original Paella with the familia , cooked outdoors on a wood fire . Fred makes the best ones with either chicken , rabbit or seafood . Brothers home on the left and to the right is where the ladies meet in the morning doing their laundry at the well . A lot of talking is always going on ............ The village from the tower in the centre where he plays his guitar because of the great acoustics Lunch : a Set Menu of the day and bring your own bottle of wine . My brother works with a few Bodegas so nothing but the best ! Youngest brother Fred ( Alfredo ) is a great classical Spanish guitar player and composer . Valencia . The nice old entrance hall of the Valencia train station The Arena in Valencia Entrance to the Ceramics Museum . Palacio del Marques de Dos Aguas . The ceramics museum The Catedral . After sundown when the Spanish heat subsides in Valencia ( 38 C ) an nice outdoors dinner I am also still looking for the cruise pictures when we had another very nice day in Valencia and met up again with the family near the “ City of Arts and Sciences complex “ . Spain has always been one of our favourite destinations . Hope you enjoyed seeing a few personal pictures from in and near Valencia . Tony😀😀
  13. Thank you for the beautiful pictures Sandi @StLouisCruisers and others that saved me a lot of work because we also did the beautiful Lysefjord tour so I will just add " my 2 cents “ worth as proof we were there , lol ! Rain , rain and more rain and thundershowers for us today in SW Ontario , more time to spend behind the computer and dream about cruising again .......... Will skip my pictures today of lots of rocks and more goats ..... Have a great day everybody . Take Care and Stay Safe ! And for the Americans in this Community have a wonderful July 4th ! Tony 😄
  14. Good morning all and thank you Rich for another interesting Daily report with a wonderful destination . Will have to look for some worthy pictures to share before I start my daily tasks . These are from 2015 while on the Zaandam to Antarctica from Santiago to Argentina . We are almost there …. Some Expedition ships are waiting in port The flora in this most Southern Town was a big surprise Getting my postcards stamped at the “ End of the World “ postoffice . Another War monument in Argentina for the war in the Malvinas ……... Falkland Islands That is NOT me escaping from prison ...... Back on board ship …….tonight it is the Indonesian crew show ……. Tony 😁
  15. We have been more than a dozen times on a Trans Atlantic crossing out of about 80 days at sea we maybe had 2 or 3 days that it was a little rough . It can be rough anywhere at sea the Mediterranean can be rougher and so could be the North Sea . There really is nothing to worry about @WVU_Neal ! Tony 😄
  16. Good morning all and thank you for another nice Daily to participate in because today we are in Nawiliwili , Hawaii where we landed on the Oosterdam on a Trans Pacific Cruise from New Zealand to Vancouver in 2013 . We had also booked a flight going around Kauai with “Wings over Kauai “ a very exciting and amazing tour flying over the canyons with very limited access for people to go through over land by car or even by foot. After the five of us were weight in so the weight was distributed properly over the plane we put on the headphones through which each of us could hear the pilot and also ask him questions we were ready to take off . I had the extreme pleasure to be able to “ ride shotgun “ besides the pilot I only had to promise him not to touch any of the controls ! …..and off we went The coffee plantations The interior At one point we even saw a whale swimming close to the surface with a baby whale just under her so the pilot made an extra circle for us to watch that ……. Sorry my camera was not ready to show you all . Amazing pristine uninhabited landscape Almost home …… What an amazing tour , Pilot , guide and an excited DW , Martha ! The rest of the day we walked around the mall , still in a cloud , looking for the famous delicious chocolate covered nuts ! Another amazing day and the name Nawiliwili I will never forget ! Tony 😄😃
  17. Happy Birthday Roy , @rafinmd have a wonderful day , with our Best Wishes ! Tony 😄
  18. Some pictures from when we were on the Zaandam Antarctica cruise when we landed in Montevideo , Uruguay . This is a very nice and easy port to start exploring either on a good walking tour or on your own because the heart of the city is so close by. Without too many comments today I hope to show you a few nice pictures of the city and the different customs in this South American country What kind of stuff is in your pipe …………she is thinking……... And when we arrived back on board , after seeing all that meat on the BBQ’s in the city , more meat on the Lido deck . Bet you we will not be able to see that anymore …………... Another lovely day to remember ... Have a great day everybody ! Tony 😄
  19. A few new photos of Rotterdam and area from when we were with the Rotterdam VII celebrating Holland America’s 150 Anniversary on April 18th , 2023. Pictures of the Erasmus Bridge , Hotel New York , the former Holland America Line Headquarters and the SS Rotterdam V Hotel / Museum About 65 years ago myself an my 2 younger brothers were present at the Christening of the SS Rotterdam on Sep 13 , 1958 by the then Queen Juliana of the Netherlands near Rotterdam ……..and last month I was finally able to get on board while we were for 2 days in Port ! We were there ! From on top Hotel New York Departure Rotterdam These huge doors that in case of extreme high water levels could close the water way to prevent flooding of much of the grounds behind that are below sea level to flood . Tony 😁😁
  20. Hello Jacqui . Thank you very much to keep the " Future Cruise listings " up to date for all of us . We hope you are doing fine now , that your garden is growing again and after you had to deal with so many problems over the last few years , our thought s have been with you . Martha and I have booked a few cruises for the future : Oct 20 , '23 - Oosterdam 26 days until Nov 15 , Ancient Empires & Spanish Farewell. Jan 14 , '24.- Rotterdam 21 days until Feb 4 , Panama Canal Sunfarer / Southern Caribbean Apr 7 , '24. Nieuw Statendam 28 days until May 5 , Bermuda , Brittany and Canary Island Allure Thank you and Best Wishes Tony
  21. A few pictures from our second visit to Sevilla , Spain in 2014 Went again to the Plaza d’ Espagna which was build in 1928 for the in 1929 held for the Ibero - American Exposition , a gorgeous place Going through the old Jewish quarter to the Cathedral , smelling the beautiful aroma of the orange blossoms . I found the Barber of Seville ………. Have a wonderful Sunday everybody Tony 😄
  22. Another beautiful Port is hi lighted today Korcula . We have been there a couple of times and had a couple of wonderful small independent tours with our guide Stanka Amadeo , these pictures are from when we were on the Koningsdam in 2019 On our way to the Western end of the Island we visited a small museum with old tools , utensils and furniture The small pleasure boat harbour of Vela Luka where we made a coffee stop From there on our way back we enjoyed our first Croatian wine tasting with 4 different wines ( …and we did not spit it out !!! It was very nice ! ) Computer does not like pictures taken on iPad of DW but you get the picture ! After another short drive we visited the the next winery Grk so now we were in great shape to stroll through the old town of Korcula Tony
  23. Thank you very , very much for telling about your dad @superoma who you recently lost and who I can hear you are really proud of ! I loved reading this , you made my day ! Tony 😍
  24. My Corner Brook pictures and “adventure “ from all the way back in 2009 , and I can still remember the day very clearly , it was a very “wet “ one ….. A special phenomenon is taking place here , usually in this location near Corner Brook , called reversing tide which really you have to see that happening in person or on a good video . Take a step back dear ..... This smile disappeared a few minutes later ……… Martha said just back up a little , same I told her kiddingly a few minutes earlier , and think I took one more little step …….which was fatal …….this fairly new ramp had already moss growth on it and I went down flat on my stomach up to my belt into the water …….. soaking wet about 15 mins later I went back to the bus and the driver who wanted to be helpful and save his seat laid on old tarp on the seat …… which had ink or still wet pain on it …… well I continued on the tour with all the others and DW laughing I even went into the small towns church basement where the church ladies were having a special sale , they did not have towels ! ……. My nice comfy pants did not come home with me !!! She was laughing so hard and forgot to take a picture while I was trying to claw back up out of the bay. I should have joined Eddie and Chris and gone out fishing ! Martha made up with me that evening going to a nice Indonesian dinner and watching the crew show ! Loved Corner Brook . Tony 🤣
  25. I believe a bad mistake is to scrap the delicious soup with the sea food they have had for years and years under a couple of different names for me that is bringing back the meal from 2 to 1 coarse with a little bit of appetizer ........... so maybe no more Canaletto for me !
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