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Everything posted by Megabear2

  1. If your form has been completed and you are walk ons without assistance you can carry on as normal, at least that's what we do on P&O. The assistance would be presumably only in an emergency which thankfully we've not tested to date. Our first cruise under the one to one assistance isn't until August so I'm afraid I haven't up to date information at present.
  2. The "insider" on the P&O forum said some months ago things had to be tightened following the Britannia line breaking incident when it was realised a large number would be in difficulty if they needed to go swiftly to their muster station. As to whether this is the full reason or even correct I have no idea but the timing does tally. Also trade press carried stories last year that Carnival Cruises had been ordered by authorities to clamp down on "unofficial" wheelchairs and mobility scooters as they'd been turning a blind eye. Reading all this a combination of the two would seem to have led to the clampdown and new arrangements across all the Carnival mainstream lines.
  3. Deservedly so. I was very shocked it was considered acceptable particularly as it was apparently an all girls church school in Kent. Myself being an oik went to a comprehensive school, ond of the first after the scrapping of secondary modern and grammar in our area. I was a year older than all my classmates after missing the 11+ due to being in hospital for over a year. We had navy pleated skirts, white shirts, black and white diagonal striped tie and black blazer. In summer we could wear a gingham dropped waist seersucker dress. There was a catch, we had to make the latter in sewing class and my sewing was so bad I never actually got to finish a dress before leaving school!
  4. A shirt such as the ones in this picture would where I come from be called a "business" shirt. A dress shirt would be worn with evening dress as would a formal one. Incidentally several leading UK shirt makers refer to "short sleeved" business shirts. These are plain for striped with the same collar styles as long sleeved ones and can be worn with ties. Just another take ... Incidentally I doubt many UK businessmen would buy the work shirts at Harrods as there are specialist business shirt makers who most use.
  5. The problem with the one to one assistance is mainly for the "inbetweeners", ie those who occasionally need an aid such as a wheelchair ashore or a stick to help them rise. Having discussed this subject to death on the P&O board I have come to the conclusion that it is best to mark all bookings for one to one assistance in an emergency if you use a stick even occasionally as in my husband's case. Interestingly I have four bookings, two Cunard, two P&O where my husband is travelling. One for each company was marked ond to one, the other wasn't. After reading of all the problems others are having I have resubmitted forms to state ond to one for the other two cruises. I consider it a total waste of a ship staff member as the chances are high the walking stick won't come out of the case but I certainly do not want to be refused boarding. My husband has fibromyalgia and does not under normal circumstances need the stick. He is very fit, plays 6 a side soccer, walking rugby, swims a mile 5 days a week and attends a class for people with his illness once a week. I can assure Carnival Corporation he would manage far better than I on stairs but they won't accept that. Ironically in any real emergency I would rely on him but apparently we would be dealt with separately.
  6. If you are taking anything mobility related onboard do it as soon as possible as apparently they are limiting numbers of certain aids. Click into before you sail. Mobility needs is to the right and them form is within that tab
  7. On strict skirt lengths, I have a friend who told me when she was at school one of the teachers used to make them bend over to see if knickers were displayed by doing so! She thought it was quite normal and didn't understand why I was appalled. Worse it was her head of house male teacher ...
  8. Good morning, the clouds are gradually rolling in and it's beginning to look a bit grey again. Thankfully I had a good night with uninterrupted sleep. Today I have my pre holiday catch up with the health coach and hopefully she will be pleased with my progress. This afternoon the last of the packing to do. I've decided to hell with worrying about my luggage and have added an extra case, I'm probably the only solo traveller with two huge cases and a holdall - the latter with a full range of boots, shoes, sandals and trainers! I'm looking forward to wearing all my new clothes now so why spoil things by not taking the shoes as well? Just been watching the BBC weather forecast for the coming days, oh the joy to hear of the massive amounts of rain in Scotland and the north over the course of the week, I just hope the "better" for the weekend forecast is true! I hope all the clean ups are successful and send as ever best wishes and prayers for those who are sick and hopefully on the mend.
  9. They already do! She is Queen Victoria's godmother. Seriously if Princess Catherine wasn't unwell I'm 99.9% certain she would be Anne's Godmother, there are so many pictures of her in videos shot onboard it can't be coincidental. The guessing game continues for Liverpool 3 June!
  10. As I said, a Cunard girl!!! Screenshot from a blogger currently on Queen Anne.
  11. I'm so pleased you are learning to like (I remembered you said not love!) her as we seem to be going to be acquainted with her for quite a while. Thank you for all your pictures and interesting offerings on lifts and things. Enjoy your remaining time onboard and here's looking forward for the next time. Thanks again.
  12. I'll try a glass half full rather than half empty approach and say I'm very much looking forward to sunrise and sunset stretches up there, in fact if I even see the sun it sounds like it will be a minor miracle the way the weather has been.
  13. Thank you for that, much appreciated.
  14. I don't have an opinion on Grills passengers' facilities, it is for them to decide if the ship and it's offering is for them and if they decide not they will no doubt decide to spend their cash elsewhere. I'm afraid I cannot say why the designers and Cunard decided on this occasion you should be deprived of what you consider a basic advantage but I'm at a loss to see why that "depravation" has to be rectified by removing something that has not been tested yet. I have no opinion one way or the other, I merely offered my opinion on what Cunard may be trying to achieve with this ship. I've absolutely no axe to grind with you or any other Grill passengers and frankly challenging me about the ship's design is fruitless because I had nothing to do with it and cannot influence any amendment to it.
  15. Well I'll see the Wellness Studio for myself in a few days as I certainly intend to use it if there's yoga etc there. I cannot speak for Grills passengers as I'll never be amongst them but I do think it's nice for the rest of us number maker uppers if we are getting a nice view on any line for once. It could of course be the full programme for this area isn't fully up and running yet. I'm sure the designers won't in any way be hurt as everyone is entitled to express an opinion.
  16. Are there any more recent updates on the situation, ie is there still a threatened crew hands down or what? Her next cruise is 25 May so not far off if they are going to do anything drastic. This ITV news report seems to suggest there is going to be a meeting on 25 May, that's pretty useless for boarding passengers many of whom will be in Southampton or on the way. https://www.itv.com/news/meridian/2024-05-18/health-officials-to-meet-p-and-o-cruise-after-gastrointestinal-illness-outbreak
  17. I think perhaps you are over reacting to my health conscious comment. I'm a long way off young at 68 and my reference was not to older people not being health conscious more that Cunard have a stated desire to encourage younger people onboard and these younger folk are perceived, rightly or wrongly, to wish to follow a different health regime to those of my generation and above. My observations on Arvia's vegetable based restaurant are just that, ie many said it wasn't being used and was a failure but it has subsequently proved not to be the case. What I meant by that is the prejudging of it as a failure was wrong. Whether a restaurant is based on any eating style is surely a matter of personal choice. For my part I do not like Indian food or curry of any description, however I would not be so silly as not to understand others love it so an Indian/Eastern restaurant or theme night is a good thing. I'm not vegetarian either, but I would say the meal I had in Arvia's vegetable based restaurant was one of the best I've had a sea on any line in recent years, so horses for courses. I understand the Wellness Studio is an area open to all, not just Grills passengers. My comment really is that just because it seems under used at the moment it may prove not to be going forward. I'm sure the ship designers would not wish after 1 1/2 voyages to be told their design is wrong and I doubt very much Cunard would want to redesign things either at this point.
  18. I'm very happy with any time. As I say I sail in the bilges, those who pay thousands are more than entitled to board earlier as far as I'm concerned.
  19. The Wellness Studio is surely there to appeal to younger demographics. I understand all the early voyages are heavily loaded with a large number of very frequent Cunard cruisers and possibly and older demographic as a result. Once things settle down more younger people and first time travellers will start to book and this area may well prove popular with them. I'm basing this on the premise that P&O experimented on Arvia with a vegetable based restaurant which was barely used initially and yet now in second season is heavily booked by mainly health conscious younger people. The Wellness Studio may yet prove a hit. I'm also guessing the next voyage is also heavily loaded with Diamond CWC members as I have been given a boarding time of 3.00pm and am indeed one so any lack of use should really take a season to be properly judged on popularity.
  20. Fabulous! Thank you so very much, now I can relax and look forward to getting onboard.
  21. Hopefully with a gold bladed lawnmower for the money they made on the sale of Upton Park.
  22. At the moment there seems to be a lot of bravado by those who successfully get an "illegal" bottle on. It seems very naive to post it all over social media like some badge of success as I would have thought that would strengthen P&O's resolve to be seen making the policy work.
  23. We had never sailed Princess when we took a staycation. My husband had taken five P&O cruises at that point, the first being on Azura's fourth cruise. This strange symbol came up on his booking and on enquiry our travel agent was informed it was his Elite membership. We kept quiet but I have the distinct feeling they mixed him up with our uncle who was very much an Elite. Myself I'm a lowly Ruby.
  24. Slight difference here though, we actually reported ourselves as we did to EUFA. We will be damned whatever we do by other fans. Chelsea have accepted the punishment given on two occasions, didn't go to appeal spent a year under a player embargo and paid the EUFA fine last year. It's not the club or the current ownership who make the decision on the penalties for misdemeanours and breaches, it's the various hierarchies. We accepted wrong doing and paid up. Other teams have squirmed and wriggled to get off the hook, City among them along with the big Spanish and Italian teams. The situation with Everton, Foredt and Leicester is ridiculous but Chelsea or for that matter City, are not responsible for that decision. The constant pushing for investigations of Arsenal and Totttenham is growing yet their "crimes" seem to be related to building new stadiums for the benefit of their fans. Unlike Man City and West Ham no one came along and gave them what effectively belonged to the tax payers of Manchester and London for virtual peppercorn rents compared with market rates in those two cities.
  25. Have a wonderful time on the beautiful Queen Elizabeth who I have very fond and special memories of having sailed on her Maiden voyage with my mum and said goodbye to her from when we had her ashes scattered from Elizabeth in a ceremony six miles from Gibraltar. I'm also having Cunard website problems as there's something wrong with their servers apparently but being Cunard they're very laid back and taking the no problem route. My round of haircuts, colouring, nails, toes and other excitement starts on Wednesday. Meantime today is a ride to town to collect some tights for my cruise. Went to M&S and our local department store on Friday to be told they no longer carry stock and they have to be ordered online into store! Apparently ladies no longer require them so I wonder what that makes me!! Putting my tin hat on here with the footie fans, but just want to mention the amazing success of the ladies of Chelsea with their fifth title in five years. So sad to see the departure of the wonderful Emma Hayes to the USA, she'll be sorely missed. Hmm ... our boys didn't do too bad either in the end!!! Thinking of everyone who is under the weather, has the worry of family and friends who are unwell or is just a bit down. I hope your problems ease soon. Have a wonderful day everyone, it's a beautiful world we live in! Oh, by the way ... meet Designer Sunset and Harry's Rose who sort of adopted me yesterday!!!
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