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Bomb Threat Last Night on the Fascination

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Yeah, I can see people joining CC just to report this, especially if they were Newbies who only lurked for their first cruise or two. It would also be normal to do an internet search to get more info on any unusual event you've been through, and a cruise related search would likely lead them to CC.

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Hi Cruisin6,


Do I have enough of a posting history? My daughter and I were on this ship and yes, it did happen. About 3:40 there was a knock at our door. Like another poster said I thought it was probably just someone being obnoxious so I ignored it. Seconds later another knock and I heard some voices. Looked out and saw a young woman in uniform. Opened the door and she was very apologetic and explained what was going on and needed to look in our room. No problem, she came in, looked around a bit, apologized again and left. Certainly alarming to be woken up, when I saw her in the hallway all I could think was there was horrible news from home and someone was trying to get word to me. After I realized that wasn't the case it was no big deal. And I appreciated they didn't signal an alarm and make a general announcement, I think that would have sparked panic. It really wasn't a problem at all and in no way lessened our enjoyment of the trip. The next morning there was a nice letter from the Captain explaining the situation.

It just thought it was odd that someone would join CC to report something like this without any credible backup...that's all.

CC is so much more than stuff like this. I am just skeptical that's all...and btw, I still don't see any link to a story, nor are there any other threads on this issue....usually there are multiple threads when anything bad happens. My guess is that it was a non-issue.

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Hi Cruisin6,


Do I have enough of a posting history? My daughter and I were on this ship and yes, it did happen. About 3:40 there was a knock at our door. Like another poster said I thought it was probably just someone being obnoxious so I ignored it. Seconds later another knock and I heard some voices. Looked out and saw a young woman in uniform. Opened the door and she was very apologetic and explained what was going on and needed to look in our room. No problem, she came in, looked around a bit, apologized again and left. Certainly alarming to be woken up, when I saw her in the hallway all I could think was there was horrible news from home and someone was trying to get word to me. After I realized that wasn't the case it was no big deal. And I appreciated they didn't signal an alarm and make a general announcement, I think that would have sparked panic. It really wasn't a problem at all and in no way lessened our enjoyment of the trip. The next morning there was a nice letter from the Captain explaining the situation.


So what exactly did the Captain say WAS the situation? Bomb threat or missing child or what?

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It just thought it was odd that someone would join CC to report something like this without any credible backup...that's all.

CC is so much more than stuff like this. I am just skeptical that's all...and btw, I still don't see any link to a story, nor are there any other threads on this issue....usually there are multiple threads when anything bad happens. My guess is that it was a non-issue.


If there had been multiple threads, everyone would have been bashed for starting them instead of posting on the original. :rolleyes:


Not saying the incident did or didn't happen. Just stating what history has been...

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Sorry I was typing the 1st post from the Jax Airport before we boarded the flight. I kept the letter of the bomb scare as a scrap book momento, just an odd thing to get. Dont know why its not out but I can assure you it has. Makes you wonder what else they manage to keep under wraps.:eek:


Any chance you could scan that letter and post a pic of it here? Thanks!

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My printer/scanner isn't working but here is a bit of the letter...



We hope you enjoyed your cruise....... I want to take this opportunity to provide you with some information on an incident that occurred early this morning.


At approximately 1:00 AM the Jacksonville Police department notified the ship that they have received a possible bomb threat. Although it was confirmed to be non-credible, as per standard protocol and in an over abundance of caution, a full ship search was conducted. At this time, we do no anticipate a delay in our arrival into Jacksonville.


We sincerely apologize...


Anyway, that is the bulk of it. If I have time later I will take a picture and post.


I am not finding anything online about this particular incident either, but it does seem to have happened before with other ships / ports.

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It just thought it was odd that someone would join CC to report something like this without any credible backup...that's all.

CC is so much more than stuff like this. I am just skeptical that's all...and btw, I still don't see any link to a story, nor are there any other threads on this issue....usually there are multiple threads when anything bad happens. My guess is that it was a non-issue.



You are right, it was a non-issue. They knocked on our door, looked in our room, they left and we went back to sleep.

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If you choose to believe it didn't happen, that is up to you. Maybe it is not a big deal to you because you didn't see how the search was conducted - if they were truely looking for a bomb, the search they performed in our room was not suficient.

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I am really not sure what someone's post count has to do with this - hopefully mine is high enough to be credible. Maybe some of the newbies just heard about cruise critic on this cruise - I know I talk about it.


But here is the letter. I live in the local area and there was nothing on the news or in the papers - but it DID happen. 1st time I've experienced anything like this in 27 cruises. Just glad it was a hoax.

CCL ltr.pdf

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If you choose to believe it didn't happen, that is up to you. Maybe it is not a big deal to you because you didn't see how the search was conducted - if they were truely looking for a bomb, the search they performed in our room was not suficient.


I don't think anyone is saying it didn't happen. :) And I agree the way the search was conducted does not match what I would expect for a crew searching for a possible bomb. (JMO)


The subject is interesting to me because I live in Jax, (about 15 minutes from the port to be exact), and it raises questions reguarding other local issues.

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If you choose to believe it didn't happen, that is up to you. Maybe it is not a big deal to you because you didn't see how the search was conducted - if they were truely looking for a bomb, the search they performed in our room was not suficient.



I agree that it was a pretty half hearted search. At least of our room anyway. But the way the letter reads, they had already determined that it was a hoax before they conducted the search. At least that is the way I read it anyway.


I found it all to be absolutely no big deal. Others may have been shaken or upset by the whole thing. Understandable.

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I think that it is so funny that it would be unbelievable that I would join cruise critic to post about a bomb threat on a cruise that I was on. Actually, this was my 7th cruise in approximately 10 years and I have been using Cruise Critic for info for most of that time. However, I'm not one to spend my days blogging so I was unaware that there was a mandatory posting rule to prove legitamacy!!! Nevertheless, I did search for news on the bomb threat and was directed this site; I was interested to read my fellow passengers' experiences and to share my own.


We were told that the threat was a hoax but given the arrests on the boat as well as other issues that I witnessed, including the way in which the search was conducted, I think that its entirely possible that there was something else going on or that we were not given the entire story. I think that it is important for other cruisers to have this information, and decide for themselves what they believe is important.


Personally, the bomb threat aside, I can say that the staff on this boat was pretty slack so it is easy for me to see how things could have easily gotten out of control and resulted in arrests -- there was absolutely no rule enforcement throughout the cruise. I only wonder if the situation was handled as appropriately as it should have been. These days, when it comes to bombs, I don't want to hear that they could pre-determine the threat was a hoax!! I want to be awaken and PLEASE, PLEASE search the boat!!!!

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I was also on that cruise and was woken up around 3:30 that morning. I was a little surprised to get that knock at the door but was in no way frightened by it. I had a fantastic time and would gladly take another cruise aboard the Fascination.

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I think that it is so funny that it would be unbelievable that I would join cruise critic to post about a bomb threat on a cruise that I was on. Actually, this was my 7th cruise in approximately 10 years and I have been using Cruise Critic for info for most of that time. However, I'm not one to spend my days blogging so I was unaware that there was a mandatory posting rule to prove legitamacy!!! Nevertheless, I did search for news on the bomb threat and was directed this site; I was interested to read my fellow passengers' experiences and to share my own.


We were told that the threat was a hoax but given the arrests on the boat as well as other issues that I witnessed, including the way in which the search was conducted, I think that its entirely possible that there was something else going on or that we were not given the entire story. I think that it is important for other cruisers to have this information, and decide for themselves what they believe is important.


Personally, the bomb threat aside, I can say that the staff on this boat was pretty slack so it is easy for me to see how things could have easily gotten out of control and resulted in arrests -- there was absolutely no rule enforcement throughout the cruise. I only wonder if the situation was handled as appropriately as it should have been. These days, when it comes to bombs, I don't want to hear that they could pre-determine the threat was a hoax!! I want to be awaken and PLEASE, PLEASE search the boat!!!!


Woodie841 -

Just curious what rules weren't being enforced. I was on the cruise too and while I saw some people enjoying themselves differently than I did, I didn't see anything that seemed completely inappropriate. Not saying you didn't, just curious what it was? I had no idea there were 5 arrests. And you make a good point about the search - perhaps it was something else entirely.

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Oh my goodness - a bomb scare and 5 arrests (including one for sexual assault). :eek: This makes me VERY nervous for my cruise on the Fascination this summer. :(


kcbutterfly - please don't let this scare you off from cruising. This was my 27th cruise and the 1st time anything like this has happened. I didn't hear about the arrests (not saying they didn't happen - just didn't hear about them) until I read on this thread. Go with an open mind and have a blast.


I didn't see anything bad either as far as behavior but then I wasn't really looking. Not much of a drinker so didn't hang out in the bars. We did go the deck party and it was alot of fun. Everyone seemed to be having a great time. I did see one guy who was a little obnoxious at the adult comedian but that was about it.


I can't wait to cruise the Fascination again

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I am really not sure what someone's post count has to do with this - hopefully mine is high enough to be credible. Maybe some of the newbies just heard about cruise critic on this cruise - I know I talk about it.



Post count is often brought up because internet trolls are a fact of life on message forums. While not all posters with low post counts are trolls, almost all trolls have only a very few posts. Hence the skepticism of people who have spent a lot of time on internet forums. They've seen many trolls come and go...

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Coming off a 4 night cruise on the Fascination out of Jacksonville. We had a great time but last night around 3:30 a.m. my wife told me someone was knocking on the cabin door. I just rolled over and said it was probably just some lost drunk guy who couldnt find his cabin and told her to go back to sleep. Shure enough 10 seconds later another loud thud came from the door. In my early morning stupor I crawled out of bed and answered the cabin door not thinking of the clothes or lack there of that I didnt have on.


There stood a male and female "Officers" in white uniforms with stripes stating "We need to search your cabin immediatly!" Now normaly I would protest and demand and explination but I was still sleep walking and they seemed hell bent on doing it so I conserverved my energy slunk back to the still warm bed spot and said for them to "knock themselves out"


They stayed for about 1 minute searching everything but our luggage, checking the balcony, begind the curtain under the live vests and even under the narrow passage under the bed. Turning to say goodnight they flicked off the light and chut the door behind themselves where I could here the familiar thud on the cabin next door to mine.


When we awoke some 3 hours later and found a slip under the door advising that the Jackosnville police had advised them they recieved a bomb threat at 1am that early morning. While waiting in the human sea of bodys waiting to disembark (which was delayed to to the bomb inspection I guess) We also heard there had been 5 arrests made aboard our whip during my cruise including a fight and a sexual assault. I did witness a few people being escorted off by Jacksonvilles Finest as we departed the ship at 10:30 AM and we were on deck 4 ( snuck down from 7). It was the most interesting cruise and worst disembarkation I have ever been apart of..


Thought you might want to know!



I love your rendition of what happened during the bomb search. You are so accurate when you talk about opening the door in whatever clothes you happened to be wearing at the time. I just happened to have on pajamas but I'm sure I would have done the same thing you did since I was half asleep at the time we got that knock on the door. Reading the way you wrote about it was hillarious to me and really just made the cruise that much more fun. Thank you for that.

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Yes, I had a low post count, my first post was actually to the roll call, other than that I used the boards to answer my questions, so there was no reason to post.


Since it was my first cruise, I can't very well respond to other people with questions. I am pretty active over on the DISBoards and have established myself there, but it is pretty bad when certain people here seem to imply that new members can't post without being criticized heavily.


With that being said, I am sure when I post my trip report it will also be criticized as being from a troll because all did NOT go well with our cruise, but I am trying to follow up with Carnival before I post anything.

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I find it odd that security didn't take part in the search...


Also odd that a couple of web searches don't yield any results for a bomb scare or anything involving the Carnival Fascination lately.


i was getting on the boat on may 10 and YES there was a bomb threat and an arrest of a woman off shore-she apparently was angry that her ex was on cruise with another woman-this was confirmed by numerous carnival employees. and our embarkation was delayed due to ship arriving late due to bomb threat

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It wasn't just officers and security. The crew member that searched our cabin was wearing a Polo shirt and seemed she might have been part of Camp Carnival. Seemed it was all the best English speaking crew members. There were a lot on each floor going door to door. I figuered it was a missing child until we got the letter. She told us it was a safety inspection due to a report they received.


the asst cruise director said they are ALL trained in searching and they were woke up at 3am to do so

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We were also on this cruise. Had a wonderful time until the 3:30am knock. I also thought it was probably some drunk, but they were very persistent. Security officer just said it was an emergency and they had to search all rooms - they looked behind the shower curtain, in the closets and under the bed - kept asking if everything was OK. They apologized repeatedly for disturbing us. Hey, better safe than sorry.


I live in the local area and there was nothing on the evening news. Latest we've ever disembarked - it was after 11am. I'm sure there were lots of unhappy folks arriving that were delayed in getting on the ship.


Other than that one incident we had a great cruise. Loved cruising out of JAX.


i was one of the passengers arriving-we were delayed but thanks to VIP boarding we were on by 1205

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