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Just off the Grand

Charlotte sometimes

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I didn't realize it until you mentioned doing a review - that our 14 Feb cruise is the only one NOT going to Princess Cays. Not much of a loss from what I hear, but I wonder why. The cruise before and after us stop there.

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Stowaway's owner, GreySkies should be in here having fun. I loved her review and her observations. She made me LOL!


I'm not a lad :mad:


Do most Americans find us really rude? I hope not as I certainly don't intend to be. I think my SOH may have gone down the wrong way once or twice though :o. I often half type instant responses to posts then change my mind as I think it could come across as too sarcastic.


I hope you stick around these parts as many new review posters disappear into the sunset once their cruise memories are up in print :(


I shall pour a glass of wine (it's 5 o'clock here!) to enjoy the Princess Cays debacle, oops I mean write up.

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Cruel wickedness enjoying watching the 'runners' catching the ship at the last minute lol! We had 2 on our P&O cruise, on the Great British sailaway out of Dominica, so they got a 3000+ flag waving 'Rule Britannia' welcome back as they literally danced up the gang way - you would have loved that!



I too used to laugh at the "Lost Sheep" returning. We had a tug actually bring several older ladies back to the ship once. The ladies were loaded with shopping bags and had to climb a rope ladder to get aboard. Photos taken from the tug would have been a hoot.

I say "I used to" laugh at such antics, until it happened to us in Cozumel. We got back to the dock and all the awnings and palms and welcome back signs had been stowed. The security guards were laughing at us as we ran down the dock to the gangway. I don't even want to think of how close we were to missing the ship.

Dang those Margaritas!

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Cruel wickedness enjoying watching the 'runners' catching the ship at the last minute lol! We had 2 on our P&O cruise, on the Great British sailaway out of Dominica, so they got a 3000+ flag waving 'Rule Britannia' welcome back as they literally danced up the gang way - you would have loved that!



I too used to laugh at the "Lost Sheep" returning. We had a tug actually bring several older ladies back to the ship once. The ladies were loaded with shopping bags and had to climb a rope ladder to get aboard. Photos taken from the tug would have been a hoot.

I say "I used to" laugh at such antics, until it happened to us in Cozumel. We got back to the dock and all the awnings and palms and welcome back signs had been stowed. The security guards were laughing at us as we ran down the dock to the gangway. I don't even want to think of how close we were to missing the ship.

Dang those Margaritas!


Rope ladder?! Old ladies?! Haha! I would need 10 Margaritas to do that!


Were you delayed somewhere in Cozumel? We were tendered there so ship would have been a loooong swim. :D

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:) Before Princess Cays we had another sea day. It's really a nice break after a port intensive cruise. I was going to say that you can have a lie in, but not on the bed we had. It was impossible. I remember on HAL I couldn't get up in the mornings because I was so comfortable.I love the ship in the early mornings so I wasn't too bothered. I was up at 530 am. The hubby sleeps longer probably because he wasn't on the cliff side of the bed. It had got to the point that I was trying to do anything to avoid the room steward. It had got to be really funny, how we would look out in the hallway before we left the cabin to make sure he wasn't around. We would think that the coast was clear and scurry like hell down the hall only to have him pop out of a room he was cleaning to wish us good morning, good afternoon, goodnight, have a nice dinner, enjoy your evening, "Where do you go today"? He never missed a coming in or going out. He was really nice and did a great job, but it was a little trying. Sometimes you just want to get in or out fast. Anyway this morning at 530, I thought well he can't be there now. I'm really groggy in the mornings and it takes 5 expressos or one full strength Princess coffee to get me going. I opened the door really quietly. There was absolute silence in the hall. I shot out as fast as my sleepy legs would go and Bam he pops out of a crew door, oh nooooooooooooo, "good morning" cheerier than a budgie on crack. "What are you doing up so early". I felt like saying, "trying to avoid you", but I made all the polite responses and got myself up to the Lido deck where I had my fix.


It was another day of the beloved spa pool, lolling around with ice cold drinks, going for a snack although that was always fruit, I just couldn't eat during the day and still enjoy the dinner at night which was so enjoyable. I read my book, went for a swim, sat in the hot tub, watched other people, slept. Everyone does the same except the very old who tend to stay in the air conditioning and do goodness knows what, Make crocheted evening bags hahaha. I'm not knocking it One day I will be doing that too.


I was wondering wether to tell you about my wardrobe malfunction. I will, even though it's so embarrassing. This had happened on another sea day not this one. Well I was floating in the pool one day and an elderly man got out to go in the hot tub and his swim pants had not held his most delicate part so it was squeezing out the side. It was not the most lovely sight so I thought I hope he gets in there quick "Poor old thing". I think I was the only one that noticed so that was good. Later on that day, we had quite rough seas and the water was sloshing about like mad in the pool. It was really good fun and I played in there for ages especially as the swim against the current feature wasn't working. This was the next best thing. The sloshing water would carry you along, and knock you over. It was powerful. Well I had on a swim suit that was slightly too big on the top. After coming up for air after one of the sloshings, I stood for a minute with my hands on my hips looking around. I turned a full 360 degrees. The pool area was busy. Then a man, thank goodness he was gay, is pointing at me and giggling. I looked down and there is my right boob completely exposed in all it's glory. Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Please be careful in sloshing pools. I was very dignified, gave him a super sweet smile and popped the boobie back where it belonged.


I was excited about the upcoming formal night because we were to have free cocktails. I already told you that I am cheap, stuff like that excites me. I get dressed up, wishing for a Dior gown and Jimmy Choos to match the other passengers and having to make do with Sears and Walmart. We get down to deck seven in plenty of time, there is only a 45 minute window for free cocktails. Princess are not stupid. The place is swarming with people. I'm shocked at how many love a freebie.It was disappointing. On the first formal night we had free champagne, but honestly it tastes like weak battery acid...don't get excited about the free champagne and don't get excited about the free cocktail it was so weak. Because I'm cheap and crafty, I had managed to place myself in 2 different areas to get 2 cocktails. I know, I'm disgusting, but I wasn't able to make the most of the food so I was trying the drink. if I had drunk 2 normal cocktails I would have been tipsy, but there wasn't even a slight buzz with these....then I noticed wine was on offer as well...a quick move to another area and I was enjoying a glass of wine. Sad...But the wine was great.



Right I have digressed and Princess Cays won't get done Until much later now. sorry


U2, I thought you had mentioned a wife?


Love the rope ladder story


It might have to be tonight for the Cays, as I say....I'm a host. I won't feel like talking about the holiday to friends, I'm giving you my all!:)

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I am absolutely loving your review!! The last couple of days I've found myself clandestinely popping into CC during working time just to see if you've given us another hilarious update, and then when I see you indeed have, it's all I can do to supress the excited little giggle that wants to escape from me!! :p Can't wait to hear about Princess Cays.


Keep it up, and enjoy your company this evening :D

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LOL! No wife but a husband sat opposite me wondering what the hell I'm laughing hysterically about :D


How dare you neglect us for visitors? :mad: Tell them you have a fan base to satisfy :D


Good point u2... your readers need you, Charlotte!! In fact, instead of worrying about how you'll entertain them with stories about your cruise, you can just print this entire thread and hand it over to them to read while playing some breezy steeldrum infused music in the background - start with page one for the appetizers and end with the Princess Keys segment you're about to write for us for their dessert!! LOL!!!:p

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Good point u2... your readers need you, Charlotte!! In fact, instead of worrying about how you'll entertain them with stories about your cruise, you can just print this entire thread and hand it over to them to read while playing some breezy steeldrum infused music in the background - start with page one for the appetizers and end with the Princess Keys segment you're about to write for us for their dessert!! LOL!!!:p


Ha! Bang goes the theory of Canadians/Americans being more gracious. You were just being polite before ;)


Anyway, great idea and we could interact on the dessert so we'll sort of be Charlotte's visitors too :D

Wonder what we're having? Love Boat dream? I really think she'll need Neil Diamond for the background music...........Sweet Caroliiiiiiiiiiiine..........

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Charlotte, I totally agree with the above posters, your reviews are fab. We were on the Grand last Feb and leave again in 10 day with her. We has a wonderful time on our cruise and your insite gives me a whole new prospective for enjoying our upcoming cruise.


Its always interesting to see what you have seen thru someone elses eyes (especially such clever and funny eyes) Not sure that came out right, but I hope you know I mean it in the nicest way. I had a good laugh about the pink strip in the Port side carpet...we were told its a red stripe...just another sign that the Grand really needs dry dock (and new carpet).


Even though we do not stop at Princess Keys, I am looking forward to desert (your review)

Thanks again for the laughs...I have sure needed them.


Snowed in, in Chicago


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I have so enjoyed your cruise review. We too will be on the Grand next week so your timing is perfect !! Your attitude is wonderful - we would absolutely love it if you were our tablemates next week. Interested in a repeat itinerary ... surely we could fit you in a suitcase! :)

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Here it is, a big stodgy pudding for desert.



So onto Princess Cays. It's a sad day because you know it's the very last one. I was used to the ship now, we could finally find our way around instead of fumbling around for half an hour trying to find lounges and stuff. We had the elevators cracked and that's no small feat. There is one elevator in the atrium area which says it goes to floor 14 where the Lido deck is, but only stops on floor 12 and then descends again. We spent hours in elevators having aborted trips. We had every intention of using the stairs all the time, but after you finish dinner it's just not possible,,,There are times after dinner that you need a wheel chair because you are so full.


Then the dining rooms were a constant argument as to wether it was the Michealangelo on 5 and the Da vinci on 6 or visa versa. By Princess Cays we knew exactly. There is quite a lot of walking on this ship because it is big and

spread out. That was the problem with our favourite pool, it was a long way from the Horizon court to fetch a drink. I wished that there was more than one help yourself beverage station. It was great exercise and if I hadn't been so chintzy we would have paid for the sanctuary and been waited on, so you get what you deserve.


Anyway with all it's quirks, lurking room stewards and dead zones, I was getting really fond of the ship and our days had a rythm and a routine that I knew was close to ending. The waiters and deck stewards had started to recognise individual passengers by now and the smiles were wider and genuine if they liked you. They seemed to like me. I was always nice to them and grateful for the little things they did. It's hard when they are away from their families. If they are treated kindly it must make a difference. I once came on a young Phillipino staff girl crying in a seldom used washroom. I felt awful for her. I guessed it was homesickness or a ship board soap opera, where she had been promise endless love by one of the bar staff only to find the rotter kissing one of the waitresses.


I didn't intrude, she had gone in there to cry alone and I'm sure she didn't want to talk about it with some strange passenger. I hope she wasn't a single mother missing her little baby....Sob.


I'm digressing again aren't I ?


I wasn't looking forward to Princess Cays one of the Ruby passengers told me it had been cold there and they couldn't swim. One of the most perfect cruise days I had ever had, had been at Labadee with RCCL I think it was.

It was beautiful and I wanted to repeat a similar lovely day at Princess Cays. The Ruby had been to the island before they got to St Thomas.


After an excellent breakfast..I'm hungry so I'm going to tell you what I had, then the ones going on the Grand soon can anticipate. Smoked salmon, smoked trout, capers, onion, lemon for the fish, 2 hard boiled eggs, papaya, pineapple, a croissant and a small piece of cheese. The hubby had cornbeef hash, an omlette, a yoghurt, some fried potato, melon, 2 pieces of toast. Our stomachs had got bigger now to accomodate more food. They are now back to shrinking fast. We were in the lounge at 9am and on the tender at 0910, not bad as the lounge was very busy with passengers ready to go. You just take a ticket and sit comfortably to wait.


It was bit crowded on the tender. We were sat about 5 to a bench, facing another bench of 5 people. It makes you wonder, if you did have to use the tender as a lifeboat the irritation that would arise after a few days at sea with such close proximity. Anyway, the people we sat with showed no murderous feelings they were very nice and we were having a bit of a lively party when we reached the island. It took maybe 15 or 20 minutes.


We had ordered a useless Cabana. Once you order those you can't cancel, also a swim board. It was warm, but not hot so the cabana was totally not needed. We used it to store our stuff, an expensive shed at $29. The island is flat and narrow. We sat to the left of the bridge, from the direction as if you were facing the ship. There were plenty of beach chairs and limited shade. If it had been really hot the Cabana would have been needed for the shade.


I quite liked the landscape, there was sand and sea and back from the beach lots of greenery. Of course it's a Disneyland beach, spotless, with every amenity known to mankind, how could you not like it?


The water on our side of the bridge was very shallow. There is a stone plateau under the water that goes on for miles both along and away from the shore. It's too shallow for swimming and of course I only found that out after choosing a cabana and getting settled. It's nice to wade in though and there are many conch shells to pick up. Definitely have water shoes. We had our trusty crocs.


We decided to find the graves first thing so I asked a local beach attendant if I was starting off on what I thought was the right way... He literally gasped, "How do you know about them" I said, what I say a lot these days. "I read it on the internet". I was going the right way and that's just from the description I read on this site.


We started walking on the beach. I found two lovely conch shells for the sleeping girls. There must have been a lot of Canadians on previous ships because all along this part of the beach it was covered with inukshuk...That's not some form of Canadian bowel waste. It's little rock formations they build. A strange Canadian habit, that is caused by extreme cabin fever and too many coffees from Tim Hortons. Maybe it does have something to do with constipation?


We could only get so far along the beach because of rocks so we moved inland to a path that has a swampy lagoon on one side and trees/bushes on the other. It was a pleasant walk. We were the only ones on the path, it was a strange feeling after being with people all the time on the ship. I was surprised no-one else was going to the graves. They are fairly hard to find. At one point, I moved into the trees and found 2 other graves, but there was no names on them just the stone outlines I'll guess we walked for maybe 30 minutes before we found them. I recognised a nearby rock formation from someones photo on here.


So we stood and paid our respects to Olga and Myrtle and placed a conch shell on their graves. There are other shells there, but not too many. I don't think they get many visitors. It's a beautiful spot. We could see the Grand out in the sea. The wind was sighing, moving the bushes and the ocean otherwise it was very silent. We did the wondering thing, how did they die so young? Did they know each other? Were they related? Did they drown on a starry night waiting for lovers in a boat? Did they trip over one of the inukshuk and bang their heads? RIP dear girls I'm sorry that you died so young.


We walked back and as we drew near the beach we could hear the band going and smell the sausages frying and it was back to PARTY! Well the Princess equivalent hahaha.


We decided to take the board out to try in the water. We moved near the bridge where the water was deep enough for swimming. There were some big rocks there that people were snorkeling around. Now this board we had, you could snorkel with it. It had a frame for your face and a clear plastic window to see down in the water. It really worked well for seeing the fish and the coral. It was just uncomfortable having your face planted in the frame. My husband had a turn after I had had 5 minutes with it. It was a little preacarious to balance and hold on to, but we managed. Well, he was still at it after 45 minutes, floating around with his face planted, not moving his arms or legs I just swam around. . We were the only people that had this board there were plenty of other swimmers around and a couple of women reading books on floating chairs. I could see people keep glancing over at the hubby thinking, what the flip. I started shouting at him that it was time to get out. A woman said, "is that your husband, I thought he was" .....she was going to say dead, but changed it to asleep. It was funny. All these people in the water and suspecting a dead body floating around, but not doing anything about it..:eek:


After that we got a drink and just relaxed. We couldn't face the barbecue, still full from breakfast. The barbecue was hopping though, line ups galore and overflowing plates. It looked good though if that's any help.


All too soon the day was over and it was back on the ship. The band played some sad songs, "take me home country roads" whaaaaaaaaaaa there was a sad subdued atmosphere...and the packing was begun.



Arlene I have seen the photos of snowy Chicago, time to start planning your next cruise.


Cruise to end, I wish we could be your table mates. I would do it all again in a heartbeat.


I hope everyone going on the ship has as much fun as we did. You will love it.



I think someone asked me about the other shore excursions and I didn't really hear much about them....We just saw the results in all the plaster casts, limping, and wheelchairs.


There must be some good stories out there:)

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I thoroughly enjoyed dessert, Charlotte - not too sweet and not too heavy :p


Hope your guests this evening were as entertained as we've all been for the last several days - you really do have a gift for writing and I would imagine meeting you in person would be even more fun!

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Ahhh! I've really enjoyed the Princess Cays souffle ;)


*sniff* about the sleeping girls. Isn't it nice that they now have regular visitors because of CC? I didn't know about it on my last 2 visits, though we did walk in that direction for quite a way. We will definitely go and find them next visit.


The swamp you passed is rumoured around these parts to be the Princess syrup coffee swamp for the whole fleet, which is why many itineraries call at PC, to stock up on the lovely concoction.


Too funny about the ignored floating dead body haha!


Isn't it ironic how the ship becomes like home just as you have to get off it :mad:. I think it's designed that way so that you feel the need to come back soon.


If you get chance, have a read of the book I mentioned in an earlier post. It will be just your thing, about 2 Brits purchasing a ramshackle house on an Italian hillside. The observations of Italian customs and food descriptions are hilarious. I can't read a paragraph without thinking it's you writing it ;)


Thank you so much Charlotte for the entertainment. Please don't disappear. :)

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Thanks again Charlotte...really enjoyed our Princess keys Desert...a big plus,...it was non-fattening. I will tuck the information away for the next time we visit there.

You suggested planning our next cruise...have already picked out a RT Hawaii cruise for 2012...always have one waiting. This method gets us thru the long Chicago winter.

Starting to pack for the Grand, leave on the14th. Your printed out reviews are coming with me.

Wishing you blue skies and spring.


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Thank you, U2 and Nun, Both you girls sound so much fun and I have enjoyed your input too. I will definitely check out that book. I love reading travel literature.


The desert was a little indigestible. I was rushing and getting tired.



It would be nice to stay around, but It will probably be a while before we cruise again. I want a land vacation in the South of France next. I love cruising, but mostly I'm a land bunny.


I thought I would write some miscellaneous stuff that I would have found useful before I went.


I packed too much. I have so many outfits that I really like and wanted the chance to wear them. There was about 10 items that never saw the light of day. I bought two dresses and two pairs of shorts, good cotton at irresistable prices in the ports. The ships store has some nice stuff and there were sales as the cruise went on. They had some nice costume jewellery too.


Don't buy evening shoes from Walmart if you go to the formal. The people were dressed with a capital D.


Take band aids and tylenol these were fairly expensive on the ship and I went through tons of band aids.


The casino was tight. We only went in 4 times and lost $80. Usually in other casinos we win a little bit. This was just feeding the machines for nothing. I have already mentioned a good moisturiser and sun tan lotion if you are going to be a sloth on the decks.:p



Take some of your own music if you are out the mainstream. :cool:


Don't forget the trainers. I would have really used that fantastic gym.


Our extras bill was $1700 that included all the excursions.


We gave the steward an extra $40 it seemed about right. We kept the auto tips on.


The port tips were usally about $5 to the main guide. A couple of dollars here and there for drivers.


We took $500 in cash and brought money home. I'm not sure how much, but it was probably a couple of $100.


Ginger worked fantastic for the hubbies occasional sea sickness.



I would have preferred a balcony on this ship and I'm not sure why? Other ships we have been happy with the insides. I think it was because of the shade issues and the size. We have sailed much smaller ships before. I tried to upgrade before we went, but the balconies were sold out.


Things we noticed that is telling on the economy. The sanctuary was virtually empty no need to rush to book a space.


Hardly anyone was buying cocktails during the day, but most people had wine on the dinner tables at night. Sometimes the bar staff during the day were a bit downcast and under employed. Always they were friendly and polite.


The strawberries came out only twice on the buffet they must be getting pricey, everytime I asked at the buffet for what I didn't see though I got.

It was mosty fruit things.


I read about the upselling on here and was slightly worried, but it didn't bother us in the least. We were asked to buy the soda card, that was easy we don't drink soda. I didn't buy the coffee card, I do drink a lot of tea though. We bought coffee on occasion and for a large latte or cappucino it was $3 each...costs much more in Starbucks. A regular real coffee was $1.25 for a large. The swamp coffee half strength and black was ok...just!:)


We completely ignored the art auction. There was just flyers about that.


We were asked to do the wine tasting..It was at 3pm so no, I'm having my nap time on the deck then.


I was surprised to be asked to try Sabantis I thought it would have been full all the time. It was easy to say no to that. I just could not handle that much food. I never waste food. I ate everything I was given at dinner and it was plenty.


Judging by all the spa flyers that wasn't being well used either, but I'm not sure about that. My husband gives great massages. that's all I needed.;)


Just saying no thanks did the trick, no Spanish inquisition tactics to make you say yes.


There are hardly any announcements on deck. I liked that HAl seemed to be bad for that, but that was a few years ago.


We saw the Chefs table two nights from a distance. It was well attended,but I wasn't tempted.:D You might need to book early if you want to do it.



If I think of anything else I'll let you know.



Thanks again for reading and making me feel useful..Y'all helped me while I was lurking. :p

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Thanks again Charlotte...really enjoyed our Princess keys Desert...a big plus,...it was non-fattening. I will tuck the information away for the next time we visit there.

You suggested planning our next cruise...have already picked out a RT Hawaii cruise for 2012...always have one waiting. This method gets us thru the long Chicago winter.

Starting to pack for the Grand, leave on the14th. Your printed out reviews are coming with me.

Wishing you blue skies and spring.




Have a wonderful time Arlene, I'll be thinking of you and wishing you well. I'll be happy to be back on the Grand even if it is only in print. :)

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Thanks Charlotte for the wonderful review. We were on the same cruise and a few comments. We are Princess regular cruisers. I don't know if this cruise was any dressier than normal but I'm sure your Walmart shoes were just fine. I certainly wouldn't have noticed. You usually see a bit of everything as far as dress goes. I did notice, though, that the staff were not very picky about what was allowed in the dining room on formal nights as there were all types of dress in there. If you had clothes on, you were dressed well enough on this particular cruise.


I think this cruise was different from any others we have been on in that we could always find loungers no matter what time of day. We usually sat at the aft pool and never had a problem. A couple days we went to the main pool area and didn't even have problems finding somewhere to sit. I just think that the cruisers weren't sun worshippers. Actually most of them were pretty old. :D


We had Anytime dining and never had problems getting a table. There were 3 of us and we always shared a table. We usually went to Michaelangelo Dining Room around 7:30. I don't think we ever had bad dinner companions and had some good laughs. Too bad we didn't meet you :) You should have joined our roll call. It was a good group.


Loved your wardrobe malfunction stories. It's too bad my husband didn't see you as he is always looking for sightings and complained about not seeing any this time round! :D


We only did two Princess Shore excursion on this one since we've been to all the ports before except Santo Domingo. We did a walking tour to the Colonial City in Santo Domingo and enjoyed it. Santo Domingo surprised me too with the size of it but it is one of those places where you have to get away from the port area. I thought the colonial city was ok but I'm sure some people hated the hawkers. I found that saying no worked though. During our free time, we stopped at an outdoor cafe and had a beer. In St Thomas we went on a catamaran trip with Castaway Girl to Buck Island and while it was OK I don't think we would book it again. In St Vincent we made a mistake and didn't do anything. There isn't much at the port area and it was a rainy day. In hindsight we should have picked up a taxi and done a tour. We have been there before and it is beautiful once you get away from the port and downtown area. The rest of the ports we went to a beach. Granada, Barbados and Aruba have great beaches. We love taking the water taxi to the beach in Grenada and the local bus in Aruba to Eagle Beach. This year we went to the Boatyard Beach in Barbados and enjoyed it immensely and will go back there. Curacao is a lovely place to just wander around the downtown. We went off the beaten path there and did not feel one bit uncomfortable. We grabbed a taxi in St Kitts and went to Cockleshell Beach.


Entertainment is very subjective. Didn't like the two singers at all Lisa Donnovan and Tony Cherry. The singers and dancers were pretty good for cruise ship entertainers. Really liked the new show The British Invasion. We'd seen the other three shows before and this cast was better than most. They are being replaced next cruise and the new cast was boarding as we got off. I was one of the subjects for the hyptonist. He wasn't the best one I've been hypnotized by but he got the job done :D We didn't spend much time with the band, wasn't fond of them at all. We didn't have much contact with CD staff, saw Martin Moss at the shows and he was good, don't know if I liked the Deputy CD that much, his name was John.


I don't know the name of the head waiters in the dining room. They met us at the door, asked for our cabin numbers and escorted us to a table. Didn't say much else to them. We sat pretty well every where in the dining room over the two weeks. Food was good. We didn't eat in any of the alternative dining rooms. Like you, I didn't see the need.


Agree with you about the casino, it was very stingy and wouldn't give me my money back. :eek:


I wish I had your way with words. This is no where near as entertaining as your review. :o


Hope to see you on a future cruise.



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Thanks for your input catsdinner and I'd forgotten about Charlotte's hilarious wardrobe malfunction :D. Princess's motto to escape completely must have been coming into play there.


You were hypnotized? I am so sure no one would be able to hypnotize me! How did it feel? Did you know you were doing silly things when it was happening?

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Thanks for the great review, will be on the Grand Feb 14. I printed off your review to give our friends, first time cruisers a view of what to expect. Enjoyed your writing, great laughs along the way..........

Derrick and Miranda, Alberta

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sarah, Thanks for that review. I thought it was great to read another perspective from the same cruise. You do write well....I'm just a clown, wish I had met you.


I feel that half the ship did see my wardrobe malfunction. It was the busiest time around the pool , trust me to do a 360! I'm glad the gay guy was there to point it out. A straight man would have just have ignored it or made a hasty retreat. Gotta love those gay guys, most of them have a terrific sense of humour.:p


U2...LMAO at the princess motto. :D


Derek, Miranda, Have a wonderful time. I know you will. It will be great escaping from Fort Mcmurray and all that snow. Erm you should tell your friends that I'm a little bit crazy.


Your friends are in for a treat. A first time cruise is really special...it usually ends up being the first of many. I have never met anyone who didn't enjoy a cruise.:)

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Thanks for your input catsdinner and I'd forgotten about Charlotte's hilarious wardrobe malfunction :D. Princess's motto to escape completely must have been coming into play there.


You were hypnotized? I am so sure no one would be able to hypnotize me! How did it feel? Did you know you were doing silly things when it was happening?


yes, I knew I was doing silly things, but couldn't stop myself from doing them. This is the third time I've done it on a ship and it is fun. However, I don't think I would allow myself to do anything that my morals would disapprove of. For example, when I've been told that the audience is naked, I never see naked people. Darn it! Though maybe that isn't a bad thing with the age of most cruisers. Maybe if the male dancers were sitting down there I might allow myself to see them. :D Never thought I could be hypnotized until on one cruise I was sitting in the audience and was hypnotized. Thought just as well go on stage and provide some entertainment. lol



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This is a great cruise---2 weeks away--Unfortunate that Princess is stopping this. After April if you want 2 weeks you have to do a b2b which means a wasted day in the middle in Ft Lauderdale, repeat on menus etc.


I loved this 2 week cruise. While it's bad news for us its better for the cruise line as they make more money on 2 1 week cruises than 1 2 week cruise. Also the people on board make more money in tips on 1 week cruises. I was talking to a few bartenders while on Grand and they were saying they wish they were on 1 week cruises as they make more tips that way.

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