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Just off the Grand

Charlotte sometimes

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After The St Vincent tour we got back to the ship and I decided at 6pm to do some laundry. The dirty clothes pile was getting huge and I had nowhere to store it. I suppose, I could have lugged the suitcase from under the dodgy bed and crammed it in there or maybe, put it under the egg crate on my husbands side of the bed to raise him up a bit. His side, had started out two inches lower than mine ,but with a few good dinners it seemed to have sunk to four inches lower than mine.I have always felt that I have been living on the edge, now I was sleeping on it too.


Anyway, off I went to the laundry to find two women just finishing theirs and I heard it had been laundry hell day. Everyone had decided to do a load while it was raining and all day washers and dryers had been going on every floor. I was going to say people,but lets face it, it was women, had been wandering around the ship with arm loads of clothes looking for spare machines.When they had gone, I luxuriated in the peace, doing some ironing while the wash was going. An elderly man came in then, with his lot, of course, he had no wife! He didn't know how to work the machines,get the soap powder, put the money in. He was a lost laundry soul, drifting on the Tide, away from the Sunlight, so I gave up my peace, to practically do all his washing. If he's reading I didn't mind. I thought you were very sweet, but you need a wife.


Now on to St kitts. We docked at the side of the Celebrity milleneum, so close, we could have almost shaken hands across the balconies and decks. What I noticed about their passengers is that they looked identical to the Princess passengers.It was like Clonesville, exactly the same demographic and Lands End outfits. We were getting off the ship at the same time as them. The usual photo ops were taking place. Princess, had 2 women crew in an understated national dress type outfit for the pictures. celebrity, had two crew dressed as giant parrots, they looked 7ft tall and were as brightly coloured as could be. The poor crew must have been cooking in that get up. Anyway, the Princess photos were dwarfed by what was happening on Celebrities side of the dock.


We had a tour booked, but it didn't start until 11am so there was time to shop. The shops were only a short walk away and they were great,lots of clothes shops with pretty sundresses and beach wear.I was impressed. I was more impressed with a passenger, I think he was off the Celebrity, feeding a hungry cat. I said, it was great what he was doing and he told me he never comes to the Caribbean without cat food and dog biscuits.In the stores apparently, there is no dog or cat food and animals are left to scavenge. I told him, that he was a very good man, his wife was close by and she gave him a loving look and said, "yes he is". awwwwwww. There are some really good people in the world and it's nice to be reminded.


Well we started lining up for the tour feeling slightly worried because it was a Kayaking around the peninsula tour and right there,in the line up reading the ticket I noticed it said, "must be in superb physical condition to do this excursion". Why hadn't I read that before? Sure enough, the handful of late 20 and 30 year olds on the ship all showed up for this one. I hadn't seen anyone of them in the dining room or the buffet because it was obvious, they must have spent all their time eating lettuce leaves in the gym. There were buns of steel and arms and legs with ripped muscles. there were defined pecs and hard stomachs and then there was old flabby us, sagging all over and easily knackered. I started to get really panicky, worse than the formal night trying to hide my Walmart feet. Then some fit older people showed up lean looking, hiking types, then a couple who were quite fluffy, so we started to calm down a bit.


We got on the bus and there was the usual bit of an island tour. It was all very scenic, but it seemed an empty kind of beauty. It was quite mountainous, it was clean, but somehow I didn't love it. Anyway, we get to a rocky beach and started out with a swim and snorkel. The guide said we were to Kayak to a beach two miles away and a bus would then pick us up. When I booked the tour there was a photo of a still looking lagoon with a happy relaxed couple in the kayak. The reality was a choppy sea and a strong wind!! It was two to a kayak and we all got set with oars and life jackets. We were off, the young things pulled ahead like excretement off a shovel and we tried to get going. Oh it was hard going and we fought like cat and dog. My husband telling me, that I should have sat in the back because I was heavier than him.....not true. I tried to turn around to give him a swipe with the paddle, but the boat tipped so I had to give it up. Then, he should have been steering and he kept giving me the wrong direction so I started calling the shots and he got bitchy about that. We zigzagged all over the place fighting the wind and the waves and each other. I was determined that we shouldn't be last and we finally made it 3rd from the end. The young things had reached the beach ages before and were looking tranquil sipping cold drinks. We staggered out that bloody boat, sweating and gasping for breath. The guide helped us in and said, "that was fun wasn't it" well it is when your 25 and live in a gym otherwise it darn well wasn't. However it was funny when we had recovered.


There was a bit of a picnic they had prepared for us and the women all made a dive for the coconut cake. It was to feed a skinny looking dog that we had all spotted on the beach. The dog loved it and it was gone in record time.

Then there was a man who offered a small monkey to have a photograph with. It was cute, I wanted to help the man and I said how much? He told me $5. I gave it to him and later found out another woman had only paid $1. I have sucker written all over me.


When we got back to the ship it was just hilarious. The Princess crew were out with the usual ice cold cloth, but Celebrity had out done themselves. They had a cold cloth, a designer sofa framed with tall vases of lilies and silver urns with drinks being given out to their passengers. I kid you not....Yet again, I was laughing my silly head off.



Thanks for all the kind comments. I really do wish I could meet some of you.


I'm very hot.....better go and turn the heating down, hahahaha:D


Next up is St Thomas .....definitely tomorrow. I have written reams today.:)

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LMAO at the kayak-ing :D


I want to cruise with you! I would even do traditional dining if we could share a table lol!


Poor laundry man. Good job you gave him some 'Comfort' and helped him by being 'Bold' and a good 'Fairy'. You could have gone one step further and set him off 'Surf'-ing for a wife. :)



Very, very funny about the Celebrity ship haha. I've actually got my eye on a Celebrity cruise :eek:. If it happens I will sooooo think of you as I sit alongside on the sofa, with my cold towel and drink :D


ps is your foot better?

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Today I woke up groggy, with a bad cough and a headache, It's probably being snowed in and the cheese on toast and cornflakes.I'll have to try and get some groceries before I end up with scurvy on top of everything else.


Despite the blahs, I'll try and make a good go of the ongoing review.


So we were leaving St Kitts and sailing to St Thomas. The Captain comes on the speaker to give the usual sailing info and he says and this is approximate, "Ladies and gentlemen, We have to do some special manouvering to get out of port because as you must have noticed, the Millenium is docked beside us. If we are not very careful, we could embarrass the millenium and we certainly wouldn't want to do that".


In other words, Shove your designer couch, the lilies and the urns, right where it hurts. I even noticed, coming back to the ship that a very elegant couple were sitting on the couch sipping wine. This wasn't Mr and Mrs average cruiser. They looked like models posing. I love cut throat competion when I'm just the observer.It would be great if it started an all out war, with Princess finding out when they will be docked with Celebrity and rolling out a red carpet lined with flunkies fanning passengers as they got on the ship. Each woman would be given a long stemmed rose and the men would get a set of the boxed cuff links, that they are always trying to get rid of in the shops. There would be waiters handing out the most lucious looking cocktails flashing lights in the glasses, umbrellas, cherries and melon up the ying yang. There could be designer furniture all over the dock with solid gold, diamond encrusted urns serving out iced drinks.


Then I noticed, that when we started to sail away, a lot of the celebrity passengers up on the decks just like us, were waving at the Princess passengers, but not many Princess passengers were waving back. I was though, waving and smiling, showing that there were no hard feelings.



Hmm I think I'll post this now so that the post doesn't get too long.



U2, we would definitely get along. I like punny people. :cool:


Yes, it was the Havensight dock.

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So after a calm night we arrived in St Thomas. It was the only port on this itinerary that we had been to before, so I wasn't excited. It's very nice, clean, very prosperous, another playground of the rich, it just doesn't do much for me emotionally. We had chosen to do the St Johns Eco Walk and Beach visit and I was semi looking forward to it even though we had also visited St John before. The Ruby Princess was also in port, but at another dock. The excursion had been combined with passengers from the Ruby. The Ruby was a one week cruise and I noticed the passenger demographic was younger. It seemed like a lot of 40 somethings.


The Ferry crosssing to St John was rough, maybe extremely choppy would be a better description. We were quite nicely dressed. I had on a sundress, hat, and the Princess tote bag. My husband had on smart Khaki shorts and a T shirt and was carrying his backpack. We decided to sit on the outside deck as the inside space was full. I was amazed at how many people were sitting inside. I thought, fancy them not wanting to be out here on such a beautiful day. So the boat gets going and at first, it is quite pleasant. The ferryman is droning on, pointing out the homes of Madonna and Micheal Jackson, even though he's dead. Then it starts, the boat hits some big waves and the water completely drenches us, over and over again. The waves are so strong one of drenchings knocks my husbands glasses off. My hat starts dripping water, the backpack is sodden, the Princess bag with the dry towels is sodden, my long hair is in rats tails wet, doesn't even come close to describing the utter deluge we were subjected to. Our dripping clothes were clinging to us, then we started to get really cold and shiver. Now I knew why all those people were inside, warm and dry, they looked at us impassively as we struggled to get the door open and move to where they where. Inside, was really crowded with dripping people by now as the whole outside tried to get indoors. We would have been much better to have just worn our bathing suits on the ferry.



We meet the guide at the terminal. He's an American called Seth. He looks a bit like a granola chomping, tree hugger, but he's awfully nice. Another American keeps asking him questions about his background. Seth has travelled a lot and done many things, anyway, this conversation culminates in the passenger accusing Seth of perhaps working for the CIA. I was a bit shocked, but Seth took it in good part and said "I can neither confirm or deny that". hahaha


We walk to the trail head which is close to the terminal and there we had a jolly nice walk, well it would have been better if my injured foot hadn't been

killing me, but I hobbled along, managing to keep up. Seth pointed out the interesting plants and stuff along the way. It wasn't overly scenic, but the

plants , hermit crabs and termite nests were interesting. I think we maybe walked for 45minutes and then we came to the beach, it wasn't just a beach, it was the BEACH.......One of the most perfect beaches I have ever seen and I have seen a lot. I used to live in Malaysia and Singapore. It is called Honeymoon Bay on the edge of the Caneel (sp?) resort, where the cost of a room is $1500 a night. The turquoise blue sea, the white sand, the soft feathery, swaying palms, it was perfection.


Of course, the bliss was spoiled by only having an hour to spend in this paradise. I saw the rich with their wicker picnic baskets and designer swimsuits settle down for the day with cold champagne and edifying novels and I envied them. I would live happily ever after in a place like that.

Seth told us, that the day before, Victoria's Secret models had done a photo shoot there. I was sorry I missed it, I could have modeled my Marks and Spencer granny knickers in an exotic location and given them girls a run for their money!


So we swam and floated in the turquoise water, we watched white sand fall off our toes and then it was done, time to go. I wanted to scream and cry. Stamp my foot like a toddler, but I had to be good and pack up the stuff. We walked back to a taxi bus through the Caneel resort. Yes, I would highly recommend it as a place to stay...twas immaculate.


The taxi bus was crammed and my husband and I, who are not so big, got the short straw and had to ride back to the ferry on the front seat with Seth and the driver. It was sooooo cosy, but fun.


The return ferry crossing was much calmer and we stayed dry this time. We met some nice Ruby cruisers who were enjoying their trip. We got to the Havensite shops and mooched around, but it was incredibly hot and my heart wasn't it. I wanted to be back at that beach.



ok, I'll continue later....I need coffee and groceries.

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Really enjoying your tongue in cheek/informative review.


I notice you are from Canada....but you sound/write as if you were a Brit? I may be way off mark, but as a Welshwoman....your writing smacks of British humour?



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You seem to mention the rich in a rather sneering way, Charlotte, so I hate to tell you but the majority of people in this world look on all cruisers as being filthy rich, and maybe we are in comparison to their sorry state in life. Thanks for the reviews. We'll be on the Grand in 10 days and I won't care if I don't get off anywhere except the two new ports it hits. Did you stop in Santo Domingo? I can't wait to hear.

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Nerys, I am British, living in Canada. My husband sometimes looks over my shoulder as I'm writing and tells me off for using Briish slang, He says the Americans won't understand it, but I think they get the idea.


I'm glad your enjoying the review. I get the feeling that I'm going on a bit with unnecessary detail, but the bare facts can be a bit dry sometimes.:)


Bosox, This cough and headache is trying to turn into full blown flu and I feel

yukky. Tommorrow, I have house guests and no time so I'll go off now and try to write up Santo Domingo, that's next anyway.


Hmmm well I wish I was filthy rich so perhaps I'm jealous. I do realise though with my middle income that I am rich compared to millions.


What I don't like is pretentiousness and snobbery. Like that Maitre D sucking up to people if he thought they were worth something. I think the Maitre D we liked was named Franco.


Right, I'll go and see what I can do with Santo Domingo...hopefully I won't ramble on. I sit down and just write what comes into my head. It might take a couple of hours I'm a slow typist.:p

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After looking around the Havensight complex and being uninspired we got back on the ship and swam in the lotus pool. The captain comes on the speaker system and my heart skips a beat. Through all the port stops I had hoped for runners, people nearly missing the ship at the last minute. On the RCCl cruise it had happened a lot and I loved to see those latecomers run while everyone cheered and clapped. I hadn't been on Princess long, before I realised that the crowd we were with was not the type to be late. Mostly people had been back on the ship a good hour before they had had to be.Our St Vincent tour, had been the latest back and that didn't count because the tour was Princess arranged. The captain, announces that we have two "lost sheep" his words. However, they had phoned the ship and said they were stuck in traffic so we were going to wait for them. It's not really nice to be happy about something like that and I have no excuse, except that it appeals to my sense of fun, even funnier, when it happens to normally disciplined people.


So I go to the railing and watch the dock in anticipation, expecting to see two of the young things running like mad, back to the ship. It was such a disappointment the pair drew up in a taxi and they were quite elderly. Instead of rushing they took their time liesurely getting out the cab and paying the driver. No-one cheered, no-one clapped. It was an anticlimax, but at least we had one late pair. Twas better than nothing.



I will mention here, that St Thomas was the only port that asked for photo ID for getting back on the ship. You are advised to have it for all ports,but St Thomas was the only place that we were asked for it. We took driving licences out with us rather than passports. Also, In all the ports, they won't accept anyone wearing camoflauge patterned clothes....not a problem for our crowd hahaha.


So a calm sail to Santo Domingo and as I said, it was a total shock to see what a huge city it is. It's never in the news like other big cities are. I found it a bit surreal.


We had booked a tour that said we would visit Tres Ojos national park and then do a city tour. I had the idea, that we would walk through a park like Arikok in Aruba. The bus taking us to the park was the most luxurious coach I had ever been on... Really, I was fascinated at the opulence of this thing. I had expected the usual mini bus or the clapped out local bus, that you usually get in the Caribbean. It had big plush seats and window shades, a toilet at the back, white cloths over the head rest, air conditioned and seemingly brand new.. BY heck, you could have travelled to Acapulco and back and been totally comfortable. The literature had described this tour as being strenuous so I was amazed at all the grey heads getting slowly on the bus.


We drive to the park through part of the city. It's big, busy, dusty and bustling. There are parks here and there with nice shade trees though. what I do notice, is that all the residential windows have heavy bars on them and occasionally barbed wire at the top of walls and this is on modest houses not mansions. There are people, usually men slouched against trees or fences, they look poor,but not hungry.I had saved most of my spending money for here. I knew it was poor and I wanted to give to this economy more than any other. St Thomas or Barbados, certainly didn't need an economy boost. Already I had bought, a larimar [local stone] bracelet, chocolate oil, mango oil and a cup of coffee. back at the santo Domingo port shops.


We get to the so called park, but what it is, is a cave complex. no trails through wild bush or tropical vegetation, which is what I was expecting. Outside the complex, are vendors selling mostly necklaces and bracelets.

Walking vendors, not behind a stall, so you know what a menace that is! There were echoes of Ochio Rios aghhh. One of the vendors collars me on the way in. He shows me beads that I don't like. I see he has an amber necklace and a amethyst necklace. I'm one of those funny people that love crystals. I have them all over the house, garden. My desk here, as I write has about 10 different crystals on it. He says, the ameythyst necklace is $54. I say no, he says, he will give me a jade necklace for $30. I tell him, that I will see him on the way out. My husband is going mad, dragging me away... I tell the hubby, that I'm going to offer $20 for the amethyst necklace when I come out. There is a bit of groaning, but I'm used to that hahaha. I tell my husband It's a huge bargain for amethyst which it is.


We enter the huge cave complex. It's stunning, just massive and has pools of deep water within. It was totally different from the Hato caves, beautiful in a different way. They were limestone caves, so big, as to be like a cathedral. Light filtered in from the doorway and other openings, illuminating the rock and the stalagmites. It was a jaw dropping moment. There are lots of steps in the caves and slopes as there are different levels, some people had achy knees going up and down. There was a lake at one point, open to the sky. The lake was teeming with fish shining in the sun. Another Zen moment, not to be contemplated because of old father time, running away with the clock. A few bats flew around but they were high up and far away.


I think we are about an hour in there and then back outside where bead man is waiting for me. He insists, he wants $ 50 for the amethyst. Then there is some bargaining and I get him down to $25. I'm being careful, because once I bargained hard, for a beautiful leather bag in Mexico. I got it for a ridiculously low sum, seeing all the work that had gone to it. That bag, never bought me any luck and I had to get rid of it. Bead man, doesn't look happy and I'm worried. I don't want to drive these people into the ground. He throws the amber at me as well and asks for $35. I'm thrilled. I was really coveting that amber. I give him the $35. My husband is looking thunderous, to heck with him. I run the gauntlet of other sellers and jump on the bus.


Next stop is an amber museum. It sounds boring, but there are some really lovely specimins in there and it's clean and cool. You can buy a drink and I was thirsty. We had been warned against food and drink in Santo Domingo because of the cholera in Haiti. On offer, was free water from a cooler and when I asked for bottled water at the drink stall, the vendor pointed me to the free stuff. Of course my husband ever one to save a dollar, goes towards it. i have to pull him away, smile sweetly at the vendor and insist on the bottled.


I show one of the guides my new amber necklace and ask about it. "Come with me", she says. She gets an amber necklace out of a case and makes me wear it to feel the difference...There is a big difference, the one I bought is plastic....I examine the amethyst more closely, plastic!!!! I was ripped off, but a family might get new shoes or groceries for a week. The real amethyst necklace was a $ 170, just to let you know.


After the museum, we walk around the old part of Santo domingo. Yes, it's not the cleanest part of the world, the traffic is busy. It's very hot, but for all that, the architecture is beautiful. I was enchanted with it. It does happen to be a Unesco world heritage site. Everywhere, when you look past the chaff are Vignettes of 15C Spanish loveliness. I was transported to the landscapes of Gabriel *****, "a 100 years of solitude" and the appropriate "love in the time of cholera." I liked it very much. We came to a big leafy square with shade trees, benches and pigeons, it was the cathedral square. The fellow passengers, a lot of them, were not happy. The guide wanted to leave us there for an hour. There were shops surrounding the square. Some complained that they were hungry and wanted to get back to the ship. I was sad, but I didn't say anything. Finally, the guide said he would be back in half an hour. I spent it in the cool cathedral contemplating the beautiful tile work and an ancient beaten silver panel.


Then it was back to the ship, the buffet, the pool and sweet Caroline grrrrrr.



Phew..... I hope that's enough. if I wasn't getting so tired I would tell you about Cairo which is a really dirty city and horrendous poverty... Santo Domingo is nothing compared to that.



Princess Cays next...We walked to those graves I read about on here.

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Hi sea star, Truly I'm touched, by how many have said that they are enjoying this....I never expected it.



I don't remember about many tours from Princess Cays.


There was a deep sea fishing one, that sold out.


There was the glass bottom boat tour and Yes, I think there was a tour of the island.


It's a small island and I don't think there is that much to see. I'll try in the morning before the guests come, to get Princess Cays written up and then you will have a better idea of it.

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You seem to mention the rich in a rather sneering way, Charlotte, so I hate to tell you but the majority of people in this world look on all cruisers as being filthy rich, and maybe we are in comparison to their sorry state in life. Thanks for the reviews. We'll be on the Grand in 10 days and I won't care if I don't get off anywhere except the two new ports it hits. Did you stop in Santo Domingo? I can't wait to hear.


YES--stopped in Santa Domingo



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We noticed early on that they weren't calling names and cabin numbers--the only one we heard was the "sheep one"


we're used to always hearing for a lot of folks to check in-----and then the list would get shorter as time went on.


Much more fun when they come staggering aboard---



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Thanks for the Santo Domingo review, Charlotte. . It's one of the places we haven't visited, so we'd like to make the most of it. Probably not a fair question to ask, but did you hear others speak highly of different tours? My wife is an inveterate bargainer, having learned the art years ago from a bunch of international airline employees. I'm all for her skills when she bargains in high priced shops, but in flea markets I always feel bad for the people and caution her to give them pretty much what they ask, within reason, of course. Your attitude is the proper one and it didn't cost you a lot.

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Absolutely wicked sense of humour. I don't know which bits I can pick out to comment on as it's all so funny (and educational of course)


I'm not one bit surprised you're British as:


1, The only Canadian/Americanism I've noticed is the word 'heck'. I think the Marks and Spencers knickers kind of gave it away in the end LOL!

2, Your observations of people and situations could only be British. I think our American friends are far more gracious, forgiving and open minded than us lot :)

3, You've never once referred to your long suffering husband :p as your honey.


You did get a bit carried away with your imagined Princess competitive tactics to welcome people back to the ship haha! I loved the cufflinks idea.


Cruel wickedness enjoying watching the 'runners' catching the ship at the last minute lol! We had 2 on our P&O cruise, on the Great British sailaway out of Dominica, so they got a 3000+ flag waving 'Rule Britannia' welcome back as they literally danced up the gang way - you would have loved that!


I'm loving the detail as it adds another dimension. May as well just read a travel book if you want the bare facts of a place.


I was also absolutely gob smacked with Santo Domingo. While on an all inclusive holiday there, we were advised not to venture out of the resort (quick, organise a rental car at once) so the city was quite a nice shock. Very beautiful architecture.


Too bad about the fake amber. No surprise that the guy was waiting for you. Your descriptions of the caves/plants etc suggest there's an artist in you? Are you an art/botany critic/writer/illustrator? (delete as applicable)


I'm not sure what you can find to rattle on about on Princess Cays, but I'm sure you'll manage it. Looking forward to the mysterious graves, which will no doubt have the makings of a novel in your description. :D

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Truly one of the most interesting post in C.C..:)


Charlotte, have you or anybody else ever heard of PETER MAILLE ???:confused:


He gained his fame from a book he wrote called "A year in Provence"

He also wrote many other similar books.


You possess the same intriguing descriptive style and perhaps/obviously you ought to consider entering your talents into this field.:cool:

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Truly one of the most interesting post in C.C..:)


Charlotte, have you or anybody else ever heard of PETER MAILLE ???:confused:


He gained his fame from a book he wrote called "A year in Provence"

He also wrote many other similar books.


You possess the same intriguing descriptive style and perhaps/obviously you ought to consider entering your talents into this field.:cool:


Now this is spooky. I started a book yesterday, not A Year in Provence, but very similar 'Extra Virgin - amongst the olive groves of Liguria' by Annie Hawes and I swear it could be Charlotte writing it :eek:.


Excerpt- *The lodgings in which we are doomed to spend the next ten weeks - in the hands of Luigi, walrus moustached landlord of the village's only hostelry and livliest spot in town - have turned out to be a tiny pair of echoing tiled rooms above a barful of peasants who take thriftily to their beds at about 10.30.'*


Dear Charlotte,

Don't mind us discussing your future career will you? ;)

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Hi Charlotte!

Brilliant review !! informative, humorous, and also very intense

I am, along with so many husbands the one who stands silent, while

our wives try to get something for nothing!! normally i just walk away but

my wife needs to get dragged away (usually holding on to the shop doorway as i am pulling her!) anyway Charlotte keep up the good work

as my wife & myself are on the "Grand " next week !!


P.S. you are the female Bill Bryson !!



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Hi Charlotte!

Brilliant review !! informative, humorous, and also very intense

I am, along with so many husbands the one who stands silent, while

our wives try to get something for nothing!! normally i just walk away but

my wife needs to get dragged away (usually holding on to the shop doorway as i am pulling her!) anyway Charlotte keep up the good work

as my wife & myself are on the "Grand " next week !!


P.S. you are the female Bill Bryson !!



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Thanks for the review! We get on the Grand (for the 3rd time) in 13 days :-)


Did you go to Santo Domingo? We have been hearing they weren't going to go there anymore, possible diverting to San Juan. Princess is denying it, but they always have in the past as well as we ended up going where the folks on CC said we would :-)


I can tell you that the January 17-31st cruise did go to Santo Domingo, my mom & her crew were on that cruise. She said Princess should skip this port, she did not care for it.

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I'm just about to start Princess Cays and you guys are just spurring me on to more silliness hahaha.


I read so many enjoyable reviews on here before we went on the cruise some are just outstanding and It's really gratifying to know that I might have returned the favour.


Some reviews I remember, one was a woman who had left the passports at home which she realised on the plane. So hilarious, I could really relate to her absolute panic.


Another was a woman who had been on a South Pacific cruise. Her writing and photos were really enjoyable. The Pareo girl.



The sailor jack reviews....excellent



The lady with Stowaway....loved it.



One of the best tips I read about was the port side hall carpeting having a pink stripe. We were on the port side and it was great to just glance at the carpet and know you were in the right hallway. I even helped and elderly couple just off the elevator, who were trying to work out their room number and the odd and even numbers. "Just look at the carpet, for the pink stripe," I said. They looked at me with mouths open in admiration. Just a simple thing, but it makes a difference. This site is just great for all the good info you get.


Bosox... a lad after my own heart. Yes I would definitely bargain hard in plush stores. I never went in one though. All our spare cash goes on travel so no diamonds for me.


U2 Another lad after my own heart. I would have been ecstatic on that P and O cruise with the flags.There were quite a few British on this cruise and I enjoyed most of them...You always get one or two who are bum clenchers.


There was a Russian man who was hilarious, On the Grenada tour before we set off all the women had to go to the toilet. There was one toilet and about 10 women... He was going mad, banging his stick, saying we will leave the women and just go! He was deadly serious and shouting. the guide thought it was really funny. He gave him a shot of rum to calm him down.....Women have to go often. They have little tiny bladders and that's just the way it is.

It must be different in Moscow.


There were 70 Serbs who played cards a lot, they were quite funny when they got excited and had probably been drinking.They didn't seem to speak any English.


There were 4 Austrians. I met two of them from Saltzburg. They were really friendly. not something you usually associate with Austrians. I told them I had been to Wengen in the Alps and they looked really confused, I said you know Wengen? more confusion. Then the man got really excited "ahhhhh Vengen you mean Vengen" hahahaha. No, they were great.


No I'm not an artist in any way, but I love art and nature and I try to really look at shapes and colours and forms, instead of just glancing at them.


i think Americans like Canadians are brought up to be polite and probably not say what they really think. I think I would rather have someone tell me the truth. I can handle it. I'm sure many Americans think Brits are really rude and lets face it we are....but it's damned funny. on the St Vincent boat there was a really funny British guy. At that point in the cruise we were getting quite sunburned so looked quite red. Anyway, my husband was drunk at that point and leaning on a post with one leg tucked under him hahahaaah (I'm laughing again just thinking about this).


The British chap says to me about my husband standing on one leg, "Does he think he's a flamingo"? I said I don't know, The Brit says, "Well he's the same colour as one". It might not sound so funny but I was Paralysed with laughter. It was probably the sunset rum....:D




Thanks for the other comments.. I have read Maille and Bryson and could never be that good. My punctuation stinks for one... You have no idea about all the comma crisises I have! My education was patchy. so I'm blaming it on that.


I hope I didn't miss a question? I'm not ignoring anyone. I love reading all the comments.



Right, look how much more that you have gotten out of me. A coffee and Princess Cays...It will take a couple of hours.:)

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