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All things EARTH...

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Margaret...your time is even shorter than ours! I keep watch on that Texas thread. Let me know if you have any last minute questions. My FIL/MIL are back in that area actually...so if you have any specifics...I could also ask.


I know! 25 days! I'm so excited. I dreamed about being on the ship last night. :) Thank you so much for all your help in answering my questions. It is especially good to know about the humidity so I can pack accordingly. I want to have my Texas clothes easily available in the suitcase.


I have a tendency to want to see and do everything, but I think we have a pretty reasonable plan for what we want to do. Believe it or not, we are looking forward to dinner at Carrabas our first night, since we don't have them here and are limited to our once-a-year visit to the one in FL near my parents. I need my Pasta Weezie. :)


I really went off the rails this weekend on my diet. DH had poker night last night so we girls went to a Texas smokehouse BBQ place in NoMad. It was awesome, but oh the calories! They also had a killer fruit tart thing that tasted just like Key Lime pie. Yum. Anita, I had a Lonestar in your honor.


You know, on my last cruise I had just started losing weight, and I didn't want to invest in new summer clothes for one trip. This time, anything I buy is going to be my wardrobe for the coming summer so I've been much more generous with myself on the clothes front. It's much more fun to anticipate wearing things that I truly like and that are flattering, instead of just making do. And to look at my wardrobe and actually have more than one choice. It has also been fun to pull out the old clothes from storage and find old favorites. It's been interesting to see what I chose to keep and why. That's a whole other post!


I'm having a hard time with deciding about my dresses, so using Laurie's advice I took photos of them the other day. I'll get them ready to post and ask for your feedback. However, the photos alone told me a lot and I'll share my thoughts about that too. I have some Vogue photos to share also that have been sitting in a pile on my desk, so hopefully I'll get to those as well.


Just a quick thought - the right bra is EVERYTHING. I got re-fitted on Friday and with "things" where they're supposed to be, all my clothes look just that little bit better.


It took a week of steadily chipping away at the ice a bit at a time, but I finally got my car out on Thursday! And now, today, almost all the snow and ice is gone. We have our windows open a crack and we can hear the squirrels chattering in the trees and the kids playing basketball in the court. Sounds of Spring! Yay!

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I agree about Jessica Alba being an earth, and that dress was so perfect for her. I absolutely loved the clutch as well. To me, when you are in the right colors, it makes a world of difference.


Mousey, just a note to you that I give to everyone: don't pay attention to how dark or light your skin is by itself. Skin tone is the trickiest thing, because people will look at themselves while wearing makeup, or say things like "I tan easily" or "I burn easily". Naturally brown hair with golden highlights could be earth. As the others have said though Curt is really an expert on this, and very helpful.


My internet purchases can be mixed sometimes too. I ordered a bathing suit and two cover ups from swimsuitsforall.com. The cover up that I was sure was filled with great, earthy colors was not! I was shocked. You just can't see it in the picture, but when it came in, there was a dominant amount of black in it. Some of the colors that I thought were earth were a bit more ice. I put it on and my husband, who will normally hold back if he doesn't like something, told me that it wasn't right for me. He didn't like the style, and he knew right off the colors were all wrong.


The coverall that had that tube top styling at the top was much better than thought. It is a white background, but not quite a pure white. There are earth, spring and a bit of ice colors in it. Overall though, it was a very good choice that matches two of my bathing suits.


The bathing suit...I just can't figure this out. It didn't list a name for the color, because it was the only color sold. It look distinctively brown in the picture, but it's really a cold looking slate gray! Then, it is easily sized about 3 sizes too small, I kid you not. So, two out of three things are going back.


I didn't have to have bathing suit, but I would prefer to take 3. I have one that is navy with white polka dots. It's really cute on, just the wrong color. I have a great warm purple tankini I just got, so that is good. I have a very fire looking coral tankini that is quite bright. I'm not 100% comfortable with the bottoms, but it is wearable. I'm swimming with the dolphins in Conzumel, swimming with the stingrays in Grand Cayman, and ziplining, beaching and swimming in Labadee. Plus, if I want to use the pool or hot tubs on board...


I am thinking that I will send those two items back, and may try ordering something else that looks really good in the site. I may just plain return them. I really think that if I find what I would really like to get, I shouldn't pass it up. Most of what I am looking at there is fairly inexpensive. We will see.


Anita, I like that Kenneth Cole cover up. It is a bit bright, but at least it is warm. I go with earth first, then fire, then air and ignore ice whenever I can. I would suggest tea staining, but you never know if that will work.


My coral dress is now hemmed. Much better! I don't have a picture of it on, because it's just me and the dog home right now, and he's not very good with the camera. :D I loved it with the sandals, necklace and bracelet. I'm very excited to wear the outfit. I have a wedding in June as well, and I'm already liking this outfit for the wedding too.


I have horrible lighting in my room, so those pictures I take of items laying on my bed aren't the best. But, here goes:




Here is a picture of my new skort with a top I like. It's pretty, but easy to wear. Anita, I think you would love this skort from Eddie Bauer. Very breathable lightweight fabric. When looking at the skort, think of a light tea staining. There is just a touch of warmth here, so it works.



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I'll be sailing the week of Memorial Day. We are so excited. You guys are closer to your sailings than me, you must be so excited!


Charming Charlie didn't have that gold necklace with rhinestones, by the way. It's probably just as well, because there was something I wasn't fully loving about it. There is another necklace that I am looking at that may work. I was thinking of wearing that brown dress when we go to Chops or Portofino. Usually, we choose one specialty restaurant and just the two of us go. My daughters call it our date night. They go to Johnny Rockets or something. This time though, I think they are both talked about wanting to go to Chops. So, it may be all 4 of us this time. They are so much fun! My husband is such a good team player too. Because we will be dressed nice, he will wear a dress shirt and his sports coat.

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First, here is the tomato red dress that I’d like to wear for our first night in the specialty restaurant. It is a little snug still so it will probably be a last-minute decision whether I bring it or not. I tried it with a necklace but that didn’t work: the neckline is really architectural and I guess it just needs to be itself. So, I’ll probably wear my citrines and maybe a sparkle clip in my hair. I have some gold leather, gold-studded sandals that go with pretty much everything I’m bringing for evenings. Oh – I’m wearing them in the photo, I forgot! I’ll wear red lipstick, and likely do my hair like in the photo that Anita posted before (though mine isn’t nearly that long):





Next up is a dress I bought at least a year ago because I liked the colors so much, even though it was too small for me to even try on. It was on clearance for $14.99! So, I had to have it. It’s gold, olive green, EARTH purple, and a bit of unfortunate white. It’s definitely coming because it’s a bit stretchy and super comfy. I haven’t decided on jewelry yet. Pile on the gold? Wear my purple pendant? I’ll have to do some experimenting:




This one I didn’t think would fit yet, but it does. I love it. The beading at the neck is brushed gold. I have a set of teal sparkly bracelets to wear, but I don’t know if I should go for gold or turquoise for earrings:




Here is a poor choice I made because I was seduced by the colors and the comfort. If you compare the shape to the previous shift dresses I posted, you can see that this one has a bell shape that is really not flattering on me. The other dresses taper to the knee and are a bit longer, so not as boxy as this one. The colors are amazing: brick red, tan, gold, peach, a bit of brown. It looks good with flats or heels. But, as soon as I saw this picture, it went in the Goodwill pile.



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Dresses, part two:


Here are my two maxi dresses. The teal one I actually bought thinking I would use it as a nightgown, but it would also make a nice beach cover-up. I always feel weird walking around hotels and ships in just a short beach cover-up, so I tend to buy them and never wear them. This I might, though. But, I don’t know if I’m very happy with it as a dress. The red one is I think the exact same dress as Laurie’s coral one. Based on our recent discussion on hems, I’m toying with having it shortened to just below the knee to make it more wearable. Only one of these will go on the trip, and I’m leaning toward the red one:






I think the red dress is really more ICE than EARTH. I think in contrast to what Laurie said about her hierarchy of choices, I tend more toward EARTH first, then the ICE deep reds, blues, and greens. I’m attracted to FIRE colors generally but they wash me out so much that I’ll try them on but won’t buy. AIR is just a disaster for me. I also think where I live has a lot to do with it, because in winter especially we go for the darker colors.


So, what do you think? Any advice would be appreciated.

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I love it when outfits start to come together. I decided to get the bracelet that goes with the necklace, and its funny because I wasn't expecting it to be so full. I was concerned the necklace would be and it wasn't. it worked out very well. I didn't get the earrings but I have a pair that should go very well.


I am loving your dresses, Margaret!! I see why the one dress is your least favorite but I am thinking that it isn't as bad as you think. Maybe it just pales in comparison? You look really good in the higher necklines. Those usually work best with stronger earrings and no necklace. I am having trouble picking a favorite!

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We were posting at the same time! My post was taking exceptionally long, because my puppy was in my lap, tying up one arm. It's hard to type one handed!


I lean towards your red maxi over the teal one. It looks sharper to me. However, as you pointed out, they make good cover ups for swim suits, so it probably wouldn't hurt to bring the teal one along.


I'm having trouble picking a favorite dress with the shorter ones. The tomato red one is really classy, so I think that is #1 for me. Then I go to the dusty aqua/teal dress with the gold beads. It is both fun and tailored at the same time. Next up is the one you don't like, believe it or not. It has a lot of interest to it.


You are right about the sandals - they do go well with everything. They look comfy too.

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That's a hard one to know...that kind of color can be anyone's. You have to see it IRL to know...


Margaret!!! You look FANTASTIC!! WOW!!


The first red dress is stunning. I like the pattern of the second one a lot, too... Since I have seen your gorgeous eyes IRL...I can imagine how the blue dress looks IRL. I read somewhere that it's a good rule of thumb to match necklace and earrings...match bracelet to rings...so I think I would go for gold earrings with that dress, treating that golden neckline like a necklace accent.


I also don't think the dress that hit the giveaway pile is that bad...and might I suggest that you bring that dress to the Meet and Greet? I'd try that on...;) Analyzing it...I think the issue is in the shoulder straps...all the other dresses have more wide set straps going straight up from under the arms...and that dress curves inward from under the arms...so it is a different look from the others.


So...I like the color of the blue maxi better than the red maxi...but I think I like the way the red one hangs on your better...BUT...you would need a different bra, n'est-ce pas?

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When Anita mentioned the earrings for the turquoise dress, I remembered that I didn't comment on that. But I agree with her, gold, especially brushed gold, would be great. That beading is beautiful, and should be picked up on. A bracelet would be great also. I was thinking a brushed gold bangle bracelet, with some substance but nothing over the top.


Those crops from Old Navy look very earthy on my monitor. You know, someone once said that some designer or fashion expert was asked what one color will look great on anyone, and the answer was not black, as one would think. The answer was teal. It got me thinking, because I do think myself that most people could probably wear that color, but not all. That was an interesting thing to ponder...


Sometimes, it is great to grab something when you see it if you don't think you can find it commonly. I remember a year or more ago when we were all talking about purple, and I didn't get the idea of a warm purple. Looking back, I now realize that there wasn't a lot of warm purple in the stores at that particular time. Now, I feel much more apt to grab something that has staying power because I know that next year, we may not be able to find that color. Some colors are really had to find outside of fall time, because they market earthy tones in the fall, for example.


Anita, I was going to go back last night and comment on that one dress, and never did. You said what I was thinking though - the other dresses cover Margaret's shoulders more, and that could be what is bothering her. Margaret, do you agree? I didn't really see the dress as bell shaped. It just didn't have the same shoulders as the others did, overall.

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I lean towards your red maxi over the teal one.

I do too, I think because the teal one makes me look more busty than I really am and it makes me self-conscious.


I'm having trouble picking a favorite dress with the shorter ones. The tomato red one is really classy, so I think that is #1 for me. Then I go to the dusty aqua/teal dress with the gold beads.

These are #1 and #2 for me as well.

You are right about the sandals - they do go well with everything. They look comfy too.

Yes, they are! I have my eye out for a wristlet that matches for the cruise, but I'm not going out of my way to find one.


Margaret!!! You look FANTASTIC!! WOW!!


Thank you :D I can actually imagine having a waist again sometime in the near future.


The first red dress is stunning. I like the pattern of the second one a lot, too... Since I have seen your gorgeous eyes IRL...I can imagine how the blue dress looks IRL. I read somewhere that it's a good rule of thumb to match necklace and earrings...match bracelet to rings...so I think I would go for gold earrings with that dress, treating that golden neckline like a necklace accent.

I have some brushed gold double hoops that would look great, but I dug them out today and they are pretty scratched, so add another thing to the list of "keeping my eye out."


I also don't think the dress that hit the giveaway pile is that bad...and might I suggest that you bring that dress to the Meet and Greet? I'd try that on...;) Analyzing it...I think the issue is in the shoulder straps...all the other dresses have more wide set straps going straight up from under the arms...and that dress curves inward from under the arms...so it is a different look from the others.

Will definitely bring it to the M&G, I imagine it would look great on you! I think my issue with it is that usually when I wear that kind of top it's for working out, and I have capri leggings on, which provides a different more narrow silhouette overall and a generally athletic kind of look. I mean, I wish my arms were more toned and all but I like my shoulders because they are shapely from skiing, it's not that I mind showing them. I just don't think this look is as flattering as it could be especially compared to the others.


So...I like the color of the blue maxi better than the red maxi...but I think I like the way the red one hangs on your better...BUT...you would need a different bra, n'est-ce pas?


Mais oui! I took these in the morning before work, and didn't have time to take off the dress, take off the bra, fix the straps, put everything back on, etc. I'm not one of those Sex in the City bra-strap showing kind of girls. Besides, everyone knows that if your bra straps are gonna show they have to be red, blue, or turquoise. :) Or so it appears from what I see on campus.


I still haven't found my favorite t-shirt yet. :confused: I probably squirreled it away so I wouldn't ruin it before the trip, but I don't remember where. What do you want to bet it's in my suitcase!


I'm starting to think that I'll be bringing 7 pairs of shoes, which seems excessive. Once I put everything on the bed to pack, I'll see if I can streamline (but I really don't want to...).

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So, I received the belt I won on Ebay yesterday. It's not going to work. The bronze color is not as warm as the picture was online, and the style just doesn't work right with the dress.


I will take a picture tomorrow of the bronze sandals and the jewelry I have picked out. On a day to day basis, I'm not one of those people who has to match her purse to her shoes, that sort of thing. I am wondering if a gold belt I already have in the closet would like right with the bronze sandals. I would really like to bring in some deeper color, and the jewelry and sandals will do it. the belt is a gold twisted chain type, but it has a bit more substance than the tiny gold snake belt. The snake belt was a bit loose too, and there was no way to adjust it. The chain belt is typical in that I just use the hook to adjust it to wherever I want.


I know I can be on the lookout for a bronze belt, but I want an option in case I don't see one.


It's fun to see how everything is coming together. I am having the same dilemma with shoes that you are, Margaret. I may actually decide on the dresses based on that. There is a part of me that says that if I'm not excessively overpacking, it may not be a big thing. Both of my daughters were saying that they are bringing less shoes than me...I suppose if the luggage weight becomes an issue, I can always put some in their luggage, you know?


I feel that because I am sailing in May, it isn't going to be like the two August sailings I had. I should be able to bring one extra day time outfit, or maybe just one extra shirt. I won't need another outfit to change into when we arrive in Florida, because it shouldn't be cold here. If it is cool, I can wear a sweater over my outfit that I can just take off in Florida.


I think I need to scale back a bit on those late night outfits. I do re-wear that stuff a lot though. It's just hard to wear a nice dress on a lounger out on deck! Plus, I tend to get cooler at that time of the evening. I bring along a few crops.


I think it's time for some pictures! It always helps me to lay things out on the bed and sort. When I take pictures, I can refer back to them. That is exceptionally handy right now, because whatever I take out will be put back away in the under the bed storage bags until May.


Margaret, you are getting so close, and Anita, you are right behind her! I just love this stuff....

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mousey, I always think of Jessica Alba as an EARTH, but Anita would know best. Sometimes she dresses like an ICE but I think she looks better in EARTH colors:


I went to the site Anita suggested and for sure I'm Earth.:D That coral color that Jessica Alba is wearing in some of the pictures of her posted here is one that, whenever I were it, I get lots of compliments regarding what a great color it is on me. I have the same coloring as Jessica and JLo.


I haven't read all the posts, but from what I've seen, I love the choices you ladies have made in your fashion choices.:)

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Mousey, I love that shade of coral. It can be hard to find at times. I found a nice dress like that but in a deeper tone. I grabbed it right away, and I will be wearing it on my next cruise.


I think a lot of times, when you start dressing in the right colors, you start to see the difference. I actually feel much more confident about how I look when I wear warm, earthy tones.


Speaking of warm...it isn't here! Wind chill may bring it down to -24 tomorrow, and the wind is so strong, it's causing white out conditions. They are talking about a foot of snow, possibly.


I wish I didn't have to go out in the thick of it tomorrow, but work calls. My fingers are crossed that it won't be too bad.

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Mousey, I love that shade of coral. It can be hard to find at times. I found a nice dress like that but in a deeper tone. I grabbed it right away, and I will be wearing it on my next cruise.


I think a lot of times, when you start dressing in the right colors, you start to see the difference. I actually feel much more confident about how I look when I wear warm, earthy tones.


Speaking of warm...it isn't here! Wind chill may bring it down to -24 tomorrow, and the wind is so strong, it's causing white out conditions. They are talking about a foot of snow, possibly.


I wish I didn't have to go out in the thick of it tomorrow, but work calls. My fingers are crossed that it won't be too bad.


I really feel bad for my friends and family back East. My friend lives in a suburb outside of Atlanta, GA and she sent me a picture of a snowman she made in her backyard. :eek:


The next time I go out to buy some new clothes, I'm going to look at the color chart that is posted on this thread and see if I can find some of those colors.


I like this thread!:D

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Mousey, we really have a good time with our colors here.


I have seen you over on some other threads, so you know how heated it gets over casual, formal, etc. I have my opinions, but I generally choose not to chime in. It gets out of hand very quickly.


I happen to enjoy dressing up a bit, and do so every night of my cruise. You will see that we all have different levels that we dress at, but the focus is on color first, then style and fit as it pertains to our shapes. I enjoy how we are all different.


I am really looking forward to spring. I'm excited too that I only have about 84 days until I cruise. This particular trip is my husband and I, along with our two young adult daughters, ages 21 and 25. We are all really looking forward to it. When you do you cruise next?

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Anita, that is not all that far away! Do you have all your outfits planned out now? Have you taken any pictures?


I was tempted to do that this weekend, but we got pretty busy. For me, a lot of the things are in storage under my bed, but I still want to get them out and see what is what.


One thing that I think about frequently is dark colors. Do you sometimes have trouble wearing darker colors when you are out and about in the sun? I have some great tops that are darker toned that I love, and that I think look better on me than lighter colors. However, I know that lighter colors will reflect the heat while darker colors will absorb them. I tend to shy away from them when doing cruise planning. Maybe I will do things a little differently this time.


I think I will try on a lot more things together as well, to see how the outfits come together. I have a few skorts that I am definitely bringing. I also have two skirts I love as well. That has got me thinking a lot. The skirts are basic above the knee, and straight. They work very well for sea days, and they are pretty comfortable. One of the skorts is the new one from Eddie Bauer that I love so much. The other is denim, and I've had it a long time. It is very cute, but it is a bit heavier.


Is there anything you really need to get before you sail, Anita?

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Laurie, your point about dark colors is definitely one to consider. For me I find that fabric trumps color, though, unless we're talking really dark like black or navy. I try to choose linen or cotton if it's going to be really hot because even rayon can be a bit much for me, especially if it's humid. The day we climbed the Great Wall of China it was 115 degrees and I thought I was gonna die!


OMG can you believe I cruise in just over two weeks?! I'm so excited it's hard to focus on work. I made DH get out his tux today and make sure everything's in order. He's one of those pack the night before packers and it drives me crazy. He always has me running around at the last minute looking for something he needs. I'm going to make him pack the Sunday before we go just to avoid all that this time.


One of the things I love about getting my wardrobe in order color-wise is that moment when you bring home something new and realize it goes with lots of other cool things in your closet! Isn't that the best? This weekend I found some narrow capris in the same khaki/gold as the sweater I'm taking. They have a teeny tiny white polka dot pattern but not so much as to be a problem. They go with almost every top I want to bring!


They double-booked not one but both of my classrooms today, and I found out it's for the rest of the semester. So, I don't know where I'll be tomorrow since they were still scrambling to find space for me when I left today. We have to fit 45,000 students on a small urban campus so they stagger the different programs' semester start/end dates. I guess someone didn't know we weren't finished yet!

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Margaret, I have a few really cute tops that are darker. I tend not to bring them cruising, because of the heat like I've mentioned, but also because I associate like colors with tropical, vacation type settings. I have been thinking that I'm usually not really hot on sea days when the wind gets going, and that I should look to wear them on those days, if I am concerned.


I can't believe how close you are to your cruise! And Anita too! I have a bit longer to go, but I booked this cruise over 400 days in advance, and it is much closer now. I love that my family is sharing my excitement. When my daughter is home from Albany in a few weeks, one of the things we plan to do is go through her closet to get an idea of what she will bring. She has her two formal nights all situated, and she has a lot of other great options. She has a few maxi dresses, and plenty of shorter cocktail style and smart casual dresses.


My other daughter is pretty much the same - she has formal nights situated and she has to just narrow down what she wants to bring for the others nights. She has one maxi dress, but she is on the shorter side so it is hard for her to find them and have them fit right.


I couldn't find a necklace I really liked for the brown dress with the rhinestones near the waistline. I actually saw something in the last Avon book that looks like what I had in mind, so I ordered it.


I hope you find those few little things you were going to be looking for, Margaret.


How about you, Anita?

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I have everything that I need for the cruise...and depending on how things shape up in the next several weeks, I'll be choosing between a couple of different wardrobe strategies. My weight is fluctuating a LOT these days...and unfortunately, it's all in my hip/waistline...I've been swinging up and down within a 10 pound range which is making it very difficult to plan. I've measured a couple inches different even in the crucial places for wearing any sort of bottom...with this measurement changing and fluctuating within days...one day I measure X, the next day I measure X+1, then X+2...then back to X. Unfortunately...this swing isn't really anything new to me...it's very typical...I'm not actively trying to eat any one way...but my body is just, well...premenopausal is about the best description that I can give to myself right now.


In the interest of not being frustrated on the cruise, I have been trying to find those items in my wardrobe that will work no matter what size I am on the cruise. This is somewhat difficult because I do generally wear button waists for shorts and capris.


I'm struggling a bit with the whole thing because I am so very cold...I can't imagine being in a place where I will actually enjoy wearing something lightweight...or short. Sunday was a gorgeous day...high in the lower 70s...and the sun was shining and it was so wonderful...we went on a hike and I still wore long sleeves and long pants...socks and shoes. And I was fine. I was briefly too warm, but loved every minute of it. And as soon as we were in the shade...I was grateful for the coverage. And now we have freeze warnings again...and I'm wondering what the weather will really be like on the cruise...


And if it will rain in Florida...


So...again...I'm a bit in wait and see mode for the major planning...I've mentally picked things out...

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