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Are the American people so sheltered that the DAWN rogue wave even made O'Reilly???


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I just watched O'Reilly on Fox. The lady who was on-Carol, Carolyn??? Berg stated she did not even put on her life jacket??? She 'just kept calling people to rescue her'. The height of stupidity and arrogance. Yes, arrogance. You are an American citizen. You are no better than the rest of the world. Live with it-your life had a rough patch (in the comfort of a cruise ship, with food, water, blankets, etc.)


Have we become such a sheltered, STUPID nation that a rogue wave, although VERY frightening, becomes such a BIG deal. People were cut by flying glass (I'm sorry for that), people had water in their cabins, people were INCONVENIENCED.


It is really ironic that my DH and I were talking in the car TODAY about the unsophistication and arrogance of the American public. Too many Americans EXPECT everything to go their way. Any inconvenience, any little thing out of the ordinary is a MAJOR disaster. Wake up America!!! You ARE the privileged ones. But sometimes that privilege come with a PRICE.


What are you complaining about??? Be thankful you were on a cruise ship and not in Sri Lanka when the wave hit. You still had all the privileges, albeit, not all the conveniences. SO WHAT, your cabin had some water in it. AT least you had a cabin. You were not HOMELESS, you were NOT without shelter, you had food to eat (without foraging), you had a blanket, you had each other. Much more than a lot of the world. No wonder a lot of the world hates us. We find it hard to survive without our pampered, privileged existence. Shame on us!!!

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I just watched O'Reilly on Fox. The lady who was on-Carol, Carolyn??? Berg stated she did not even put on her life jacket??? She 'just kept calling people to rescue her'. The heighth of stupidity and arrogance. Yes, arrogance. You are an American citizen. You are no better than the rest of the world. Live with it-your life had a rough patch (in the comfort of a cruise ship, with food, water, blankets, etc.)


Have we become such a sheltered, STUPID nation that a rogue wave, although VERY frightening, becomes such a BIG deal. People were cut by flying glass (I'm sorry for that), people had water in their cabins, people were INCONVENIENCED.


It is really ironic that my DH and I were talking in the car TODAY about the unsophistication and arrogance of the American public. Too many Americans EXPECT everything to go their way. Any inconvenience, any little thing out of the ordinary is a MAJOR disaster. Wake up America!!! You ARE the privileged ones. But sometimes that privilege come with a PRICE.


What are you complaining about??? Be thankful you were on a cruise ship and not in Sri Lanka when the wave hit. You still had all the privileges, albeit, not all the conveniences. SO WHAT, your cabin had some water in it. AT least you had a cabin. You were not HOMELESS, you were NOT without shelter, you had food to eat (without foraging), you had a blanket, you had each other. Much more than a lot of the world. No wonder a lot of the world hates us. We find it hard to survive without our pampered, privileged existence. Shame on us!!!


Like it or not, it is news. A huge wave doesn't hit a cruise ship everyday. I agree the media has blown it out of proportion, but I was on the Ship and it was 24 hours of hell, not just one big wave. This is probably the first time in my life (i'm 35) that I really thought I was going to die.

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I just watched O'Reilly on Fox. The lady who was on-Carol, Carolyn??? Berg stated she did not even put on her life jacket??? She 'just kept calling people to rescue her'. The heighth of stupidity and arrogance. Yes, arrogance. You are an American citizen. You are no better than the rest of the world. Live with it-your life had a rough patch (in the comfort of a cruise ship, with food, water, blankets, etc.)


Have we become such a sheltered, STUPID nation that a rogue wave, although VERY frightening, becomes such a BIG deal. People were cut by flying glass (I'm sorry for that), people had water in their cabins, people were INCONVENIENCED.


It is really ironic that my DH and I were talking in the car TODAY about the unsophistication and arrogance of the American public. Too many Americans EXPECT everything to go their way. Any inconvenience, any little thing out of the ordinary is a MAJOR disaster. Wake up America!!! You ARE the privileged ones. But sometimes that privilege come with a PRICE.


What are you complaining about??? Be thankful you were on a cruise ship and not in Sri Lanka when the wave hit. You still had all the privileges, albeit, not all the conveniences. SO WHAT, your cabin had some water in it. AT least you had a cabin. You were not HOMELESS, you were NOT without shelter, you had food to eat (without foraging), you had a blanket, you had each other. Much more than a lot of the world. No wonder a lot of the world hates us. We find it hard to survive without our pampered, privileged existence. Shame on us!!!


Yes, because it's all America's fault. :rolleyes:

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I just watched O'Reilly on Fox. The lady who was on-Carol, Carolyn??? Berg stated she did not even put on her life jacket??? She 'just kept calling people to rescue her'. The height of stupidity and arrogance. Yes, arrogance. You are an American citizen. You are no better than the rest of the world. Live with it-your life had a rough patch (in the comfort of a cruise ship, with food, water, blankets, etc.)


Have we become such a sheltered, STUPID nation that a rogue wave, although VERY frightening, becomes such a BIG deal. People were cut by flying glass (I'm sorry for that), people had water in their cabins, people were INCONVENIENCED.


It is really ironic that my DH and I were talking in the car TODAY about the unsophistication and arrogance of the American public. Too many Americans EXPECT everything to go their way. Any inconvenience, any little thing out of the ordinary is a MAJOR disaster. Wake up America!!! You ARE the privileged ones. But sometimes that privilege come with a PRICE.


What are you complaining about??? Be thankful you were on a cruise ship and not in Sri Lanka when the wave hit. You still had all the privileges, albeit, not all the conveniences. SO WHAT, your cabin had some water in it. AT least you had a cabin. You were not HOMELESS, you were NOT without shelter, you had food to eat (without foraging), you had a blanket, you had each other. Much more than a lot of the world. No wonder a lot of the world hates us. We find it hard to survive without our pampered, privileged existence. Shame on us!!!


A little Xanax might cure that rant in lieu of a good cruise.

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It's News! American people sheltered??? Come on...turn on the 6 o'clock news on any given night and hear about the soldiers dying in Iraq, young girls being murdered & found on the bottom of a lake, a pop-star on trial for child molestation...


"We find it hard to survive without our pampered, privileged existence. Shame on us!!!"

SHAME ON YOU for generalizing a nation! The United States is filled with bright compassionate people who out number the pampered, privileged & stupid...

If you are so ashamed you may want to consider relocation...


A Proud American, who prefers the pampered life in NJ ;)

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A few years ago I was on a cruise from New Zealand to Australia. We caught the tail end of a tropical storm and the ship was rocking and rolling. Two huge coffee urns overturned. A TV had fell off the stand onto a passenger. It broke her foot. We had an outside cabin with 2 portholes and 2 days into the cruise, the crew came and bolted them shut. They were afraid that some logs might break the glass. The photographers took pictured of huge waves going over the front of the ship. I can tell you it was very very very scary, but exciting. I did not know the extent of it until we had seen the pictures. We had also missed 3 ports of call. After that trip, I think I can outlive any storm. But I think the one that just happened was probably twice as bad.

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It's News! American people sheltered??? Come on...turn on the 6 o'clock news on any given night and hear about the soldiers dying in Iraq, young girls being murdered & found on the bottom of a lake, a pop-star on trial for child molestation...


"We find it hard to survive without our pampered, privileged existence. Shame on us!!!"

SHAME ON YOU for generalizing a nation! The United States is filled with bright compassionate people who out number the pampered, privileged & stupid...

If you are so ashamed you may want to consider relocation...


A Proud American, who prefers the pampered life in NJ ;)


Yes, add my name to the list of Proud Americans Who Prefer The Pampered Life!

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Before we condemn "Americans" lets put the blame on where your news is coming from. I was asked by the cruise line to talk about my experience on board the Dawn with national and international news people. Spent several hours on the phone with CNN, Good Morning America and Fox and the Miami Herald from the offices onboard ship.. Told about the bravery of the pax and crew...talked about the help and concern of the staff,,,talked about how much NCL had made a bad experience better. THEY DID NOT PUBLISH OR TELEVISE ANY OF THE POSITIVE COMMENTS. The media has chosen to put attention on what makes the best selling news...bad news and not all true. I refuse to acknowledge comdemnation of us as pictured in this post.

That is bull. The media has twisted this incident into something more than it was and we are NOT going to blamed for it. Don't look to the media for truth. Sell the best and hottest news to the public regardless of the truth?? and you fell for it...Then you come along and call us "Stupid and sheltered, unsophisticated and arrogant" Perhaps you should reread your own post...who are you describing? Eileen

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I think cutting you post to the above says more.




AMEN!! Want to hear a man rant and rave and scream on top of his soapbox? watch that..no need to read posts like this. although I agree with some of your points, why the need to generalization a nation?

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Guest OBAYbee
I just watched O'Reilly on Fox. The lady who was on-Carol, Carolyn??? Berg stated she did not even put on her life jacket??? She 'just kept calling people to rescue her'. The height of stupidity and arrogance. Yes, arrogance. You are an American citizen. You are no better than the rest of the world. Live with it-your life had a rough patch (in the comfort of a cruise ship, with food, water, blankets, etc.)


Have we become such a sheltered, STUPID nation that a rogue wave, although VERY frightening, becomes such a BIG deal. People were cut by flying glass (I'm sorry for that), people had water in their cabins, people were INCONVENIENCED.


It is really ironic that my DH and I were talking in the car TODAY about the unsophistication and arrogance of the American public. Too many Americans EXPECT everything to go their way. Any inconvenience, any little thing out of the ordinary is a MAJOR disaster. Wake up America!!! You ARE the privileged ones. But sometimes that privilege come with a PRICE.


What are you complaining about??? Be thankful you were on a cruise ship and not in Sri Lanka when the wave hit. You still had all the privileges, albeit, not all the conveniences. SO WHAT, your cabin had some water in it. AT least you had a cabin. You were not HOMELESS, you were NOT without shelter, you had food to eat (without foraging), you had a blanket, you had each other. Much more than a lot of the world. No wonder a lot of the world hates us. We find it hard to survive without our pampered, privileged existence. Shame on us!!!



Thank God we are in the USA where people such as yourself are free to voice their opinion, how be it negative, in a public forum and not be in fear.

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since you mentioned sri lanka, let me remind you that a lot of americans were more than inconvienced in sri lanka. more than being inconvenienced, some americans joined the other 120K dead.


look...these waves happen. there have been reports of these things for years.





this event was freakish and scary to people who were only expecting rough seas at worst.


it's a news story because it's so odd and it's what makes people talk...look at us.


has the media blown it out of proportion...maybe..maybe not. i know i want to learn more about it. see video and pictures and actually see video of the wave if its available because i want to learn.


if anyone knows of any stills or online video, please let me know. thanks!

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since you mentioned sri lanka, let me remind you that a lot of americans were more than inconvienced in sri lanka. more than being inconvenienced, some americans joined the other 120K dead.


look...these waves happen. there have been reports of these things for years.





this event was freakish and scary to people who were only expecting rough seas at worst.


it's a news story because it's so odd and it's what makes people talk...look at us.


has the media blown it out of proportion...maybe..maybe not. i know i want to learn more about it. see video and pictures and actually see video of the wave if its available because i want to learn.


if anyone knows of any stills or online video, please let me know. thanks!



You are the only one who understood the scope of my post. Sri Lanka was a true horror. The wave hitting the cruise ship was scary, no doubt in my mind, but no one died, no one lost their home, no one was foraging for food, no one was missing their loved ones.


My post was NOT about the media or their spin on people's experiences. It was about how fortunate we are and how we should not act so spoiled nor be so pampered that we cannot accept life's BIG and little bumps without throwing up our hands in despair. And also how MAYBE we should be a lot more prepared to take care of ourselves, in case of problems. The lady who was calling her friends and family to rescue her (without her life vest, mind you), was totally incapable of thinking for herself or taking care of herself. I hope most of you were better prepared to come out of your "pampered" shell than she was.

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Yes maybe we are spoiled ... God Bless America. I just know I didn't spend $5000 to watch people thow-up ... have my things throw around the room and have the scare of my life. Now I am not saying things weren't blown out of proportion but we do have the right to *itch alittle.

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This is probably the first time in my life (i'm 35) that I really thought I was going to die.
Last Tuesday I felt this exact same thing. Although I wasn't on your cruise I am 4 months pregnant and I was attacked by a pit bull. Thougth I was gonna die...anyway...sorry to digress for a minute...


greatam..I don't agree with most of what you said. I think you've lumped all Americans into a sad pathetic group. However, I'm a veteran of the U.S. Navy and I fought in the Gulf War and I'll defend your right to the death to say what you want. I sacrificed to go overseas. I had friends die. And I've never felt that I deserved anything. But again, I volunteered to give my life if it meant that I could ensure your freedom. So you're free to feel any way you want even if it means you denigrate all of us.

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You are the only one who understood the scope of my post. Sri Lanka was a true horror. The wave hitting the cruise ship was scary, no doubt in my mind, but no one died, no one lost their home, no one was foraging for food, no one was missing their loved ones.


My post was NOT about the media or their spin on people's experiences. It was about how fortunate we are and how we should not act so spoiled nor be so pampered that we cannot accept life's BIG and little bumps without throwing up our hands in despair. And also how MAYBE we should be a lot more prepared to take care of ourselves, in case of problems. The lady who was calling her friends and family to rescue her (without her life vest, mind you), was totally incapable of thinking for herself or taking care of herself. I hope most of you were better prepared to come out of your "pampered" shell than she was.


Obviously you've never been in a catostrophic situation where you thought you might die! You have no right to ridicule someone's reaction to something that was so out of control like a rogue wave! I was in two major earthquakes and after the last one had to sleep with lights on in my house for almost two years! I don't know how I thought that might help, but for some reason it did.


You can have 20 people experience the same thing and have 20 different tales to tell. Some people thought this was the end others felt it to be an inconvience. Has nothing to do with being a "pampered" American, just human nature.


Lighten up! I think most people who post here feel fortunate! Fortunate that we can all go on wonderful cruises and vacations!

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Last Tuesday I felt this exact same thing. Although I wasn't on your cruise I am 4 months pregnant and I was attacked by a pit bull. Thougth I was gonna die...anyway...sorry to digress for a minute...


greatam..I don't agree with most of what you said. I think you've lumped all Americans into a sad pathetic group. However, I'm a veteran of the U.S. Navy and I fought in the Gulf War and I'll defend your right to the death to say what you want. I sacrificed to go overseas. I had friends die. And I've never felt that I deserved anything. But again, I volunteered to give my life if it meant that I could ensure your freedom. So you're free to feel any way you want even if it means you denigrate all of us.




Hope you and your baby are okay. And thank you for your years of service. I don't think anybody should take that for granted.

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So you're free to feel any way you want even if it means you denigrate all of us.


I on the other hand don't feel denigrated at all. In fact, your backhanded support of his right to express himself, in a free and open forum (much in the O'Reilly style) adds nothing but fuel to this fire.


The guy wrote what was on his mind. We can disagree with him, but the point he made is that we, as Americans, are seen as spoiled and pampered. Saying "I'm a proud American veteran who served my country" isn't a rebuttal (although O'Reilly may want you to believe it counts as one). Neither is sticking out our tongues at him and saying "Na na na na nah. I know you are but what am I".


Those are just retorts from people with nothing constructive to add to what could have been an otherwise constructive exchange of ideas and information (keyword being: exchange). Afterall, isn't that the purpose of this site?



{you can flame me too, but I won't be reading any more of this thread. It's the flamers that have denigraded it, and many other NCL threads, beyond the host's control}

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