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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Are you going to the new "Royal Buffet?" It's right by my house. We ate there a couple of weeks ago.


That was the plan! But we were greeted with a sign saying that the dinner buffet would be available all day (at a price tag of $22.49). I was willing to spend 12 on a buffet, not 23 dollars.

We went to a different Chinese buffet. It was meh... Andy thoroughly enjoyed it though.

Did you like Royal Buffet? Did you try any of the dim sum? That's really all I'm interested in there. And with Jockey Wok N Roll just across the street, their dim sum better be top notch!

Breeze Buddies - Heidi lives in the mecca of Suburbian cuisine. You name the chain, it's there, along with other privately owned eateries.

Cat - That's not good that a tree was down. I hope you and Kenny enjoyed your walk!

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Hi Breeze Buddies,

Found a site that may be interesting to the Cupid's. I enjoyed seeing what is available at Bayside Market Place.




Started out by checking out the Holiday Inn Port of Miami -






Kathy...with a "K"...thanks for the links...I added them to my favorites. Love the look of Bayside Marketplace...and hoping that we can get a special rate at the Holiday Inn across the street.

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Kathy...with a "K"...thanks for the links...I added them to my favorites. Love the look of Bayside Marketplace...and hoping that we can get a special rate at the Holiday Inn across the street.



I am sure they will give us a really good rate depending on how many rooms we will need. I can't wait to get started on that.

We did not go and see Rockey and the Rollers as it is miserable out. They are still having it but I don't want to sit in the rain. So Kenny made me a wonderful pinnapple, splash of cranberry with a touch of Vodka. Cheers. It will bring my sugar down and then I will eat the Spagetti that I have had cooking since 10 this morning and it will be just right .lol

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Cathy...our daughter and SIL live on 8 acres and it is set up for horses...they have two horses...use to have three but she was put down last year due to old age she was an arabian and mother of one of the horses they have...the other is a quarter horse and only five years old so pretty frisky...but a real sweet horse. However, I do keep my distance after all they are way bigger than I am. :eek: Actually the horses belong to Kara our granddaughter who trains them...but hasn't been to any shows yet.


Here is a photo...it was on their Christmas card two years ago...the two original horses on the left are mother and daughter...they got Duke a couple months later.


Left to right...Phil, Lisa, Kassie and Kara (will try to get more photos of the property)


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That was the plan! But we were greeted with a sign saying that the dinner buffet would be available all day (at a price tag of $22.49). I was willing to spend 12 on a buffet, not 23 dollars.

We went to a different Chinese buffet. It was meh... Andy thoroughly enjoyed it though.

Did you like Royal Buffet? Did you try any of the dim sum? That's really all I'm interested in there. And with Jockey Wok N Roll just across the street, their dim sum better be top notch!

Breeze Buddies - Heidi lives in the mecca of Suburbian cuisine. You name the chain, it's there, along with other privately owned eateries.

Cat - That's not good that a tree was down. I hope you and Kenny enjoyed your walk!


I'm not the right person to ask. I'm not a huge fan of that kind of food. It was OK. My kids liked it though.They wanted to go for the sushi. And I know Rich and Sue Chee have been there and they thought it was great. I don't think I tried the Dim Sum. We live within walking distance. Royal Buffet is on the NW corner of Higgins and Roselle Roads, Jockey is on the NE corner and we are in the subdivision on the SE corner of the intersection. Our back yard overlooks Higgins Rd.

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Well, Eric FINALLY showed up, about 15 minutes before I have to leave for work. :mad: Been waiting 2 days. Now he's not even sure if he's spending the night here but I have to close tonight which means I might not be home till about midnight.

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Well, Eric FINALLY showed up, about 15 minutes before I have to leave for work. :mad: Been waiting 2 days. Now he's not even sure if he's spending the night here but I have to close tonight which means I might not be home till about midnight.


Heidi...let us know how his foot looks...crazy kids they just don't take care of injuries...unless they are imobolized by it. :rolleyes:


Speaking of foot problems I have to tell you that I got a mosquito bite...first one of the year in early April...well it didn't look quite right then got so bad that my entire ankle and part of my foot got red and swollen...then blisters appeared as well as red spots...so I went to see the doctor...kind of embarrassed to see him about a mosquito bite...but he took it very very seriously and told me that I had cellulitis which is an infection of the skin cells and can lead to a blood infection wich can be fatal...long story short I had to promise that I would come right back in if it didn't look better the next morning...he even asked me if I lived close to the hospital...because he told me that if he couldn't trust me to come back immediately he was going to put me in the hospital...well I promised with girl scouts honor that I would do what he asked...so I went home with a very strong antibiotic and bed rest for three days with my foot elevated above my heart. So now I don't leave the house without a variety of insect repellent. Jim told me not to get paranoid and I said right back at him that that was easy for him to say. :eek:

Edited by roudy1
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Well made the trip to Wausau to see Grandma.... she did remember me but the Alzheimers is really bad..... she is pretty much stuck in her recliner but the physical therapist said if she can handle it in a couple weeks they may be able to get her up walking.... we will see....


Beautiful full rainbow outside after the rain this afternoon.... but wow did it poor....


Yesterday at work I got the hibigebees..... they found a brazilian banana spider in the break room.... all we can figure is it came in in a banana case and must have transported to the break room on the produce girl.... apparently they are one of the most deadly spiders in the world.... I talked to friends who work in stores and they said that they are not that uncommon to find in the bananas:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

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Good evening Cupids,

It has been very warm here the past few days. There is a little chance for rain but not much.

Kathy, thanks for the links to Bayside and the HI. I have been inside the HI and the last time we were at the Bayside they were recovering from Hurricane Wilma. Wilma was the hurricane that distroyed Cozumel and Cancun in 05.

Renee, a brazilian banana spider, that's why we only want ours from Costa Rica. LOL

Heidi, I remember when Dave was working on your bath and I thought he had finished. Wow! and I thought I put things off. Hope you get the door fixed soon.

Char, great pics. I also have a new iPhone. My BB was giving me trouble and when I had to reboot and reload it three days in a row that was it. Did you get the 4S. That is what I have. Love it. I'm going to use it was a hot spot for my iPad.

Mimi, Bettie and I love going to Chinese, Thai and Japanese restaurants. I don't sushi but love all the other types of Japanese. We also go to Lebanese, Indian and Greek restaurants. Not always my favoite but I can find something to eat there.

Hope everyone has a great week. I'm walking in the morning. Then will walk Friday and Saturday. There has been some talk about talks this week but nothing positive.

Back later,


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Hello Breeze Buddies. It was a long and pretty slow night at the OG. I got yelled at by a lady for calling her Ma'am. She was old enough to be my mother. She must be really hung up on the age thing. She sure wouldn't like living in the south where people call you ma'am all the time.


Hope you get the door fixed soon.


Nope, didn't happen. :rolleyes:


Yesterday at work I got the hibigebees..... they found a brazilian banana spider in the break room.... all we can figure is it came in in a banana case and must have transported to the break room on the produce girl.... apparently they are one of the most deadly spiders in the world.... I talked to friends who work in stores and they said that they are not that uncommon to find in the bananas:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:


I found a spider in my house this morning that I thought might be a brown recluse. I couldn't tell for sure though. They are very poisonous too.


Heidi...let us know how his foot looks...crazy kids they just don't take care of injuries...unless they are imobolized by it.


It's pretty swollen and bruised. He is wearing a boot most of the time but can walk without it if he has to.


I didn't get home until almost midnight and I have to get up early to take Staci to the train. I should try to go to sleep but I'm not tired yet.

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Char, great pics. I also have a new iPhone. My BB was giving me trouble and when I had to reboot and reload it three days in a row that was it. Did you get the 4S. That is what I have. Love it. I'm going to use it was a hot spot for my iPad.




Dave...I have an iPhone 4...Jim has the iPhone 4S and we both love our phones. The camera's are much better on the 4S with 8mp where mine has 5mp...still not shabby for a phone but Jim's phone will take better pictures. When Jim had his Droid it was a hot spot for his Motorolla Tablet and now his iPhone is. I may get an iPad down the road...still undecided tho'.


Dave...I put up a new cover photo on FB and it has gotten quite a stir...the "mystery couple" on the right had everyone guessing...was fun. Take a look. LOL

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Good morning, Breeze buddies!

Char, what a beautiful family, horses and that view. Do you live there in a house at the other end of the pasture. I told my son if he ever wins the lottery he could put us on the other side of the lake in a beautiful log cabin.lol


Heidi, I am so sorry Eric did not get in until right before you went to work. At least he was not driving with that bumb foot.

Renee, OMG I hate spiders. We had one the half the size of my hand in the bathroom. There I was sitting on the toilet looked over by the door and there it was with his eyes staring right at me and those hairy legs. I jumped up and stood on the stop of the tub screaming for Kenny. Well he was out with the dogs so that did not good. Finally I got up the nerve to run thru the door and out in the llvingroom. He came in and I was out of breath with my inhaler in the hand Telling him to get it. He peaked around the corner and came back looking for his big shoe. As he went to hit it that thing he start running in the living room and under the bed. I was scream OMG look at the size of that thing and all that hair. It gave my legs a run for their money when I don't shave.lol I told him I was not going to bed until he found it. He got on the floor and started moving my Christmas paper out and looking inside them. He finally saw him next to him running up the wall. Finally with a splat he was gone.:eek: I was told it was a wood spider that comes from the wood behind me. So I had the place sprayed only to fine out it would not matter as they don't lick their feet .:confused:

Dave, good luck with the strike.

Off to work, have a super day.



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Good Morning! did I beat Sue today? I'm up early because I just dropped Staci off at the train.


I have an iPhone 4...Jim has the iPhone 4S and we both love our phones. The camera's are much better on the 4S with 8mp where mine has 5mp...still not shabby for a phone but Jim's phone will take better pictures. When Jim had his Droid it was a hot spot for his Motorolla Tablet and now his iPhone is. I may get an iPad down the road...still undecided tho'.


I'm planning to get an iPhone 4S this week.


Heidi, I am so sorry Eric did not get in until right before you went to work. At least he was not driving with that bumb foot.


It turns out he DID drive. It's his left foot so OK for driving. he's still here but plans on going back to Champaign today. I wish he'd stay though. He's not feeling well (sore throat and fever). I think his buddy who rode home with him might need to get back though.

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Morning, Breeze Buddies!


Another sunshine day here, and yes our snow is all melted, Heidi.


Renee ~ YIKES! Scary spider story!


Heidi ~ sorry you didn't get more time to visit with Eric.


Dave ~ darn strike, hope they get something resolved for you guys soon.


Char ~ wow, I never would have thought a mosquito bite could be so dangerous! Glad you decided to go to the doctor.


Cathy ~ we have gobs of spiders here. The cat spiders are the biggest...very ugly, but they aren't poisonous. We do have black widows and supposedly brown recluse, although I've never seen one of those (but not sure I would recognize it). The spiders don't bother me, but I don't like the snakes. Rattle snakes are very common here. I've had them in my yard, and once in my garage behind the extra refrigerator. We also have cougars that live just behind us in the hills on our property...have seen tracks within a mile of our house. Now, THOSE are some scary kitty cats! Coyotes, badgers, bobcats and even bears all live around us. Part of country living, I guess. :p


Mimi ~ sorry about the buffet, but sounds like you guys had a nice meal anyway. I've never had dim sum but I love chinese food, so would like to try it sometime.


Brian & Staci are meeting with a realtor today. They are starting a search to buy a home. They are looking into having one built...have found a lot they really like and the builder that owns it builds homes in their price range. It's a great time to buy, because home prices are starting to go up just slightly in Bend now, but are still very reasonable. The housing market absolutely CRASHED in Bend...which was good because it was super inflated 5 years ago.

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Good morning Cupids,

Hope everyone is ready for another week. I woke early this morning. Back problems.:( I need to get out more.

Char, I found the picture on FB. It's of you, Steve, Dot, Sherry and Mark.

Heidi, so funny. It's not fixed yet. That's why I always get someone to do it for me. I'm all thumbs when it comes to fixing something.

We are starting week 6 of the strike. The union had about 80 on the front gate this morning. It snarled traffic quite a bit.

Spiders, we have tarantulas in Texas. Not the poisonous kind but they can get quite big. I saw on once outside my workplace. I was on the 4th floor and it was on the ground.:eek:

Have a great day.


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Char, I found the picture on FB. It's of you, Steve, Dot, Sherry and Mark.


Dave...not sure which one you saw...but I tried a couple before I put it up...you know it is part of the new "timeline" thingy FB is doing...now I don't know how the others found it...but it should come up when you go to my "wall"?


Anyway...it is of you, Bettie, me, Jim and Bonnie and Mike in Seattle the day before we left for our Alaska cruise.


I guess I will have to check it out and see if I can figure out what happened...but I am not good with FB. :eek:

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Char, what a beautiful family, horses and that view. Do you live there in a house at the other end of the pasture. I told my son if he ever wins the lottery he could put us on the other side of the lake in a beautiful log cabin.lol


Cat...no but sure wish we did...we live in a plain ole house about 15 minutes away. However, they want us to put a mobil or modular home on part of the property someday when we get old and feeble. So we will see not ready to do that just yet. LOL

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Mimi -My schedule can change from week to week but usually the only day I work lunch is Wednesday. Then I normally work dinners Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Sunday.That's been my schedule for the last couple of months anyway. I'm usually off on Thursdays and Sundays.

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Good Morning! did I beat Sue today? I'm up early because I just dropped Staci off at the train.


Dang, you beat me by 11 minutes!! However, I WILL point out that I am 2 hours earlier than you in time-zone. LOL! I posted at 6:44 AM my time. Course, I was also in bed last night by 10:30! LOL. :rolleyes:

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