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CCL advance tipping policy is hogwash


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carnival cruise line has threatened to withhold tips if the crewmember's rating falls below 92 percent. and on the carnival site as i read it's only the three main waiters and your 2 stewards that get the tips except for the 2.00 for the other service staff that they charge. cooks dishwashers "any ones that don't have contact with the cruiser does not share in the tips their pay is not based on tips

so if you auto-tip you possibly could only be tipping the management. all i know is what I've read, whats true whats not, i don't know the only thing i know is if we all really cared for the crew the way we act like we do, we would be calling and writing the cruise line about the way they treat their crew. and for those people that say if you don't auto-tip the crew will know and they might do something to your food. this is possible true, but when the crew has a name for all American's of "COW ANIMALS" i don't think your held in high regard anyway and i don't blame them one bit:cool: nice to your face.




if you need links just ask me

can you provide a link to this info please. thanks.

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carnival cruise line has threatened to withhold tips if the crewmember's rating falls below 92 percent. a


So you dont think Carnival should hold employees to any standards?? who cares how they do their job?? socializm at its best or what?


I had one cabin steward that needed to move on and find another job, so I hope his tips were withheld. He had a excuse for everything. Didnt do turn down 3 nights and clean one morning, wouldnt put a 2nd pillow on my sisters bed for goodness sake.. told me... Im 59... so what?? If he was too old to do all his job.. he needed to find another. took multiple calls to get more hangers (we only had 4 if you think Im just a complainer).. he was the worst!!! ..


.. and then Ive had some great ones on carnival too..


I think every job needs to hold its employees to some standard somehow.

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carnival cruise line has threatened to withhold tips if the crewmember's rating falls below 92 percent. and on the carnival site as i read it's only the three main waiters and your 2 stewards that get the tips except for the 2.00 for the other service staff that they charge. cooks dishwashers "any ones that don't have contact with the cruiser does not share in the tips their pay is not based on tips

so if you auto-tip you possibly could only be tipping the management. all i know is what I've read, whats true whats not, i don't know the only thing i know is if we all really cared for the crew the way we act like we do, we would be calling and writing the cruise line about the way they treat their crew. and for those people that say if you don't auto-tip the crew will know and they might do something to your food. this is possible true, but when the crew has a name for all American's of "COW ANIMALS" i don't think your held in high regard anyway and i don't blame them one bit:cool: nice to your face.




if you need links just ask me


actually, i remember the article, but it wasn't ccl, but a line owned by carnival corp. don't remember which one thought. p and o maybe?


it was posted on these boards.

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First and foremost, this is an article about P&O, not Carnival (yes, P&O is part of Carnival Corporation, but that is not the same thing as Carnival Cruiseline - all of the Carnival Corp cruise lines are run pretty much autonomously).


I would take what is said (as with any article appearing online) with a grain of salt. There is much sensationalism these days in journalism, with everyone trying to get the juiciest "story" out there.


Even if we take what is said in the article as truth, consider that all of the crew's needs are taken care of onboard - housing, food etc., and many extras are subsidised (alcohol, internet access etc.). $400 a month doesn't suddenly seem quite so bad, especially for those who come from countries where $1-$1.50 USD per hour would be a very good wage, and where working conditions can be much worse than what they experience on a ship. And that does NOT include tips, but simply basic salary - as we know, tips are a large portion of an employees wages.


Again, mistreatment etc. is a different subject, but when it comes to dollars, we are looking at the situation through our North American prejudice instead of the reality of the workers in question.

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So you dont think Carnival should hold employees to any standards?? who cares how they do their job?? socializm at its best or what?


I had one cabin steward that needed to move on and find another job, so I hope his tips were withheld. He had a excuse for everything. Didnt do turn down 3 nights and clean one morning, wouldnt put a 2nd pillow on my sisters bed for goodness sake.. told me... Im 59... so what?? If he was too old to do all his job.. he needed to find another. took multiple calls to get more hangers (we only had 4 if you think Im just a complainer).. he was the worst!!! ..


.. and then Ive had some great ones on carnival too..


I think every job needs to hold its employees to some standard somehow.


this is why i will pay in cash. i decide what that employee gets paid, no one else. if the line wants to hold back their base pay, that's for the line to do and suffer the consequences.


but they will NOT have access to my tips.

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So you dont think Carnival should hold employees to any standards?? who cares how they do their job?? socializm at its best or what?


I had one cabin steward that needed to move on and find another job, so I hope his tips were withheld. He had a excuse for everything. Didnt do turn down 3 nights and clean one morning, wouldnt put a 2nd pillow on my sisters bed for goodness sake.. told me... Im 59... so what?? If he was too old to do all his job.. he needed to find another. took multiple calls to get more hangers (we only had 4 if you think Im just a complainer).. he was the worst!!! ..


.. and then Ive had some great ones on carnival too..


I think every job needs to hold its employees to some standard somehow.

what i was trying to say was if they held the tips from the crew why should the crews line get them "sorry" i don't always get my point across well, i'm not that smart i use spell check every other word:cool:

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My husband is Australian and I have had to train him to tip. When we sail and invite his Austrlian friends I try and get them to pre-pay so I don't have to go through my speech of why they need to tip. I.e. they are paying 499 per person for a seven night cruise.


Now, we paid less than that for an 8 night cruise on Spirit. Now Spirit will be heading down under to sail out of Australia. I asked our Australian cruise director how they were going to handle the tipping, since cultually, they usually do not tip. He said that prices would be adjusted accordingly.


Check out the price for a cruise on the Spirit out of Sydney. It is more than double the cost of a similiar cruise out of the US. I'll take my $11.00 per day to tip out the staff and yes, I always give extra tips in addition to those I feel have done a great job. I will still be ahead 40%.

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Let's make it simple for the sheep. The sheep will meekly pay the autotip which amounts to $161 per couple on a 7 nighter. The wise cruisers, like us, will cancel the tips and pay them out in cash to the deserving service providers. Let's see how this might work.


1) First day the room attendant gets $20 shoved in his/her hand(can't you just picture the grin of appreciation?)

2) Our favorite bartender at our favorite bar gets $20 also up front to look after us for the cruise

3) $40 gets spread out to the dining room wait staff first night

4) A few fivers get given out to the pool waiters for good service(let's say a total of $20

5) A few fivers get spread out to the casino waiters for good service(let's say another $20)


That brings our tip total to $120 leaving at least another $40 to hand out to other deserving crew members. Now who do you think is going to have better service during the cruise? Us or the mindless sheep who blindly go along with CCL and hope their auto tips get distributed as advertised. Come on people........wake up and smell the coffee!!

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once carnival started taking my tip money and channeled it to pay for salary inceases for staff members that are not in the service industry


Who you tip is your business and no one else, but every staff member on the ship is in the service industry.

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this is why i will pay in cash. i decide what that employee gets paid, no one else. if the line wants to hold back their base pay, that's for the line to do and suffer the consequences.


but they will NOT have access to my tips.


I know you are one who says they always remove tips. Its your choice of course.


I know you and I feel equally strongly about what we do .. both sides of the same issue.

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Let's make it simple for the sheep. The sheep will meekly pay the autotip which amounts to $161 per couple on a 7 nighter. The wise cruisers, like us, will cancel the tips and pay them out in cash to the deserving service providers. Let's see how this might work.


1) First day the room attendant gets $20 shoved in his/her hand(can't you just picture the grin of appreciation?)

2) Our favorite bartender at our favorite bar gets $20 also up front to look after us for the cruise

3) $40 gets spread out to the dining room wait staff first night

4) A few fivers get given out to the pool waiters for good service(let's say a total of $20

5) A few fivers get spread out to the casino waiters for good service(let's say another $20)


That brings our tip total to $120 leaving at least another $40 to hand out to other deserving crew members. Now who do you think is going to have better service during the cruise? Us or the mindless sheep who blindly go along with CCL and hope their auto tips get distributed as advertised. Come on people........wake up and smell the coffee!!


If you think calling people sheep is going to change minds.. yea right..Name calling is always a great way to get people on your side.


I think people like you just need attention thats why you wave the money around... ok.. we are even. I have seen a few people like you.. its not my way. I get the service usually that is all I want. I dont want people fawning all over me.. just do their jobs. Im not really that picky...each to his own.

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My 2 cents:

This article appeared in the USA edition of Newsweek about 3 weeks ago. It sheds some light on the working conditions for the crew:




An excerpt:


"Though most companies like Carnival are headquartered in the U.S., they are able to skirt U.S. labor laws and taxes by incorporating overseas and flying foreign flags, called “flags of convenience.” Their crews are primarily foreign, with many hailing from Third World countries and knowing only rudimentary English—long considered a safety concern for communications during a disaster. Workers from the Philippines make up the largest percentage of employees, according to the Cruise Lines International Association. Asked what percentage of crew, generally, are U.S. citizens, a CLIA spokeswoman tells Newsweek, “It is a small percentage.”


It’s no wonder that few Americans work on cruise ships. Crew members are routinely taken advantage of, working months on end with few days off, often laboring under unsafe conditions and provided with poor medical care when they are ill, say critics like Miami attorney Charles Lipcon. “It’s like slavery,” Lipcon says. “It’s the modern-day version of the sweatshop.”


But the crew will work hard for every penny, and, separated from their families, agree to the long hours. Some percentage of them are likely in debt, having fallen prey to unscrupulous agents who help them get these shipboard jobs in exchange for an advance cut of their salaries (up to $4,000 in some cases, says a maritime attorney). As with the underground labor market in the U.S., crew members generally make more money than they would at home. A CLIA spokesperson notes that “crew members are often paid higher wages and provided more opportunity than is available in their home countries. When working on a cruise ship, expenses are kept low, considering housing, utilities, food, and medical and dental care are provided all by the cruise lines. In fact, 80 percent of crew members return for multiple work engagements.” Carnival boasts that “many shipboard team members support entire families in their home countries with their salary while others have used their income to send children to college, build homes, and establish businesses.”

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Just to illustrate further - the article in question states the following:


"Carnival and Royal Caribbean in the U.S. pay cleaners from Jamaica as little as $545 a month."


Now - let's be clear that we're talking wages (in other words that amount does not include tips), and room and board is included.


Here is some info about salaries in Jamaica:



You can see that a customer service rep's median wage is less than $9000. So they are making less than $750 a month, and they also need to pay for housing, food etc. etc.


Clearly, in most cases someone who is a cleaner is going to make less than a customer service rep, so it's not even a fair comparison in that sense, although one could argue that increased hours may even things out.


Still...you can see from the above that without having any sort of comparison, the article is just sensationalism (written by a personal injury lawyer, of course!).




Just for fun, since the article also mentions Indian workers. Based on info from the same website (as above), the median hourly wage for an Indian software developer is around $3.75 USD. Imagine what cleaners make there.



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Let's make it simple for the sheep. The sheep will meekly pay the autotip which amounts to $161 per couple on a 7 nighter. The wise cruisers, like us, will cancel the tips and pay them out in cash to the deserving service providers. Let's see how this might work.


1) First day the room attendant gets $20 shoved in his/her hand(can't you just picture the grin of appreciation?)

2) Our favorite bartender at our favorite bar gets $20 also up front to look after us for the cruise

3) $40 gets spread out to the dining room wait staff first night

4) A few fivers get given out to the pool waiters for good service(let's say a total of $20

5) A few fivers get spread out to the casino waiters for good service(let's say another $20)


That brings our tip total to $120 leaving at least another $40 to hand out to other deserving crew members. Now who do you think is going to have better service during the cruise? Us or the mindless sheep who blindly go along with CCL and hope their auto tips get distributed as advertised. Come on people........wake up and smell the coffee!!


right on the money. i went on a cruise with my family they auto tipped and got good service i canceled my auto except for the "other service staff" part and started tipping as soon as i got on the boat. i'm a big pop drinker and after a few tip the waiter that brought me pop on the lido started "with out me asking" a drink to my table in the MDR every night and if he saw me walking around i would get a hi and here is your drink with out asking. same with the steward, when i first got on the ship i went to my room it wasn't ready but i was just looking then the steward told me when it would be, i said thanks tipped him and started off, he stopped me and ask if we would like to leave our stuff in the room. i said no it would be in his way, he took the bag out of my hand and put it in the closet then asked me how i would like the beds arranged. never had that happen with auto-tipping:cool: and by the way i always tip more than the auto tip

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I a bit of a traditional person. My first cruise tips were done using envelopes. I liked that along with a handshake and "thank you". If I decided to remove the pre assigned tips and use cash, at least I know that Carnival supports this and has allowed this as an option. Now some say the crew would be questioned, even potentiall disciplined for me choosing the method of tipping. Now CCL does not say this is there policy so I presume it's only rumor for I believe a reputable company would not result to such deplorable business practices relating to employee relations.

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Let's make it simple for the sheep. The sheep will meekly pay the autotip which amounts to $161 per couple on a 7 nighter. The wise cruisers, like us, will cancel the tips and pay them out in cash to the deserving service providers. Let's see how this might work.


1) First day the room attendant gets $20 shoved in his/her hand(can't you just picture the grin of appreciation?)

2) Our favorite bartender at our favorite bar gets $20 also up front to look after us for the cruise

3) $40 gets spread out to the dining room wait staff first night

4) A few fivers get given out to the pool waiters for good service(let's say a total of $20

5) A few fivers get spread out to the casino waiters for good service(let's say another $20)


That brings our tip total to $120 leaving at least another $40 to hand out to other deserving crew members. Now who do you think is going to have better service during the cruise? Us or the mindless sheep who blindly go along with CCL and hope their auto tips get distributed as advertised. Come on people........wake up and smell the coffee!!

Whos AE are you:eek:



Your room steward gets $20 bucks........ so you are shorting him for the weeks work CONGRATS:rolleyes:

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Let's make it simple for the sheep. The sheep will meekly pay the autotip which amounts to $161 per couple on a 7 nighter. The wise cruisers, like us, will cancel the tips and pay them out in cash to the deserving service providers. Let's see how this might work.


1) First day the room attendant gets $20 shoved in his/her hand(can't you just picture the grin of appreciation?)

2) Our favorite bartender at our favorite bar gets $20 also up front to look after us for the cruise

3) $40 gets spread out to the dining room wait staff first night

4) A few fivers get given out to the pool waiters for good service(let's say a total of $20

5) A few fivers get spread out to the casino waiters for good service(let's say another $20)


That brings our tip total to $120 leaving at least another $40 to hand out to other deserving crew members. Now who do you think is going to have better service during the cruise? Us or the mindless sheep who blindly go along with CCL and hope their auto tips get distributed as advertised. Come on people........wake up and smell the coffee!!


Sheep? Nice generalization. I will tip how and how much I want. People like you making broad generalations wont change that especially an immature comments.


Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

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1) First day the room attendant gets $20 shoved in his/her hand(can't you just picture the grin of appreciation?)

2) Our favorite bartender at our favorite bar gets $20 also up front to look after us for the cruise

3) $40 gets spread out to the dining room wait staff first night

4) A few fivers get given out to the pool waiters for good service(let's say a total of $20

5) A few fivers get spread out to the casino waiters for good service(let's say another $20)


That brings our tip total to $120 leaving at least another $40 to hand out to other deserving crew members.


I so wanna go to a strip club with you and watch you "make it rain". LOL :D

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Whos AE are you:eek:



Your room steward gets $20 bucks........ so you are shorting him for the weeks work CONGRATS:rolleyes:


And OP thinks he is a big hot shot .. tipping his cabin steward a whole $20 .. and something extra if he is extra good!! lol


Dennis posted he looked up the OPs other posts, and he is just a pot stirrer anyway.

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Originally Posted by H82seaUgo

this is why i will pay in cash. i decide what that employee gets paid, no one else. if the line wants to hold back their base pay, that's for the line to do and suffer the consequences.


but they will NOT have access to my tips.


I know you are one who says they always remove tips. Its your choice of course.


I know you and I feel equally strongly about what we do .. both sides of the same issue. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

It does me no good to block the Presidents of the Pot-Stirrers when yall continue to post his propaganda......:)...Thanks Fire.....:)..Dennis

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