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Carnival fantasy halloween 2012 cruise


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I have been meaning to get around to writing this review for the last month now, but it seems like something always got in the way. Between the Holiday’s and getting ready for them, then add in everyday life with kids and there is just not much time left over. Or so I tell myself, but I have a feeling the real reason for my procrastination was the fact that the cruise was over and that sadness that always hits when you know, it will be awhile before you are being waited on every night, not cleaning your house, and just being able to enjoy the sun and sea.

Well, I am out of my funk now, thanks to the upcoming cruise, I have planned on the Dream and am excited to be sharing my review with you.....so here we go.

Background: DH and I live in PA and are in our mid 30’s (cannot believe I just admitted that). We have five children between the two of us and this was their very first cruise. Our children’s ages are 4, 9, 10, 14, and 17. Now you see why I am so busy, right? We also invited the grandparents and my DBIL to join us.

We booked this cruise about two months or so before sailing. We choose the Fantasy because it went to HMC and this is our favorite place. Ever since the first time I went there I wanted to show my children this port. Well, Sandy had other ideas, but more about that later. Also the port was 13 hours from our house, so we could drive it easily.

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Traveling Day:

Since we were sailing while hurricane Sandy was suppose hit I spent the day, and week before checking the updates but Carnival got us out in time.


We booked a room at Hawthorne Suites in Charleston and were meeting the rest of the family there. We live in PA but my in laws were coming from Iowa, and my DBIL was flying in from Washington state.


We decided to leave early Friday morning and start our long trip. By some miracle we were on the road before the time I planned on leaving. This never happens. My oldest started the first leg of driving. About a half hour into it my husband realized that he had forgot the pin number (that slip of paper they mail you, before you change it to one you actually remember) for his new debit card at home. Ok, no problem we will just stop at a branch along the way. Another half hour later, I realized I forgot my purse. Now, how did I manage that??? I still have no idea. So now we have to turn around and go back. We get the purse and load into the car AGAIN and Bryan (10) says I have to use the bathroom, ok, go before we leave. Not so simple, he let the cat out and we spent the next ½ hour chasing her. Of course we had people coming over every day to feed and check on her but she needed to stay inside. So, we leave AGAIN, smooth sailing, or so we think.


On our first stop Michael (14) fills the gas tank. A few hours later at a stop DH askS for his other debit card, Michael lost it. Last November DH lost our debit card the same way, so how can this be happening twice. I swear to you in Feb he will not be holding any of our cards. It was like we were not meant to go on this cruise. I was really starting to wonder. So I call the bank and leave a message to cancel the card, we still have mine so we will be fine. Disaster averted. Then a little later, the GPS dies, just goes out, out of no where and we are forced to resort to navigating the old fashion way, through Mapquest directions, how primitive.


After what felt like a trip from hell, we finally arrived at the Hawthorne Suite and I was very happy with it. We booked a room that had two queens and a pull out. Loved having the separate living area. The breakfast had everything: eggs, sausage, bacon, grits, pastries, waffles, I could go on and on. But fair warning some of the stuff was gone early like the sausage there was none left at 9:00am.













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I read a lot of reviews on here about embarkation and thought I knew what to expect. But I have decided that embarkation is just a nightmare no matter where you embark.

We all left the hotel together and headed for the port. We made a few stops along the way and made it to port before the scheduled time to board. It was just before 11:00. We pulled right in and the line appeared to be small. But for some reason it took forever to get through. I think they should have a separate lane for handicap since they do not pay to park in Charleston. Thank you very much for that Port of Charleston, that saved us a bundle.

By the time we parked and caught a shuttle it was close to noon. Now DH cannot handle lines. He has back problems from and injury he got in Iraq and just cannot stand for extremely long times. We were supposed to have assisted embarkation because of this.

Sorry, but you guys are going to end up with some venting here.DFIL is in a scooter, DMIL is in a wheelchair of their own. They have very limited mobility due to health reasons Parkinson’s and MD. Like, I said hubby has his own issues. DBIL planned on helping the in-laws through security. I requested a wheel chair for DH, we waited for a long time and was pushed through security, still no wheelchair. I asked again, and again. After the fourth time I got upset and the manager came over and apologized. She assured we would get one soon.

Before we left I was assured by guest services by both email and phone that I would be able to go through security and embarkation with the kids and DH, They assured me that they would not separate a family. Claiming it would be different if it was a group of extended family or friends.

When we finally got a wheel chair they tried to separate us. Needless to say I was upset. It actually took us longer to get a wheelchair than if we had don’t through ourselves because they dropped the ball. I am not exaggerating when I tell you it was 2:30 by the time we boarded. I am sorry but that is too long to wait for a wheel chair. We were allowed to sit while we waited though.

But moving on, we were on the ship and brought to our rooms by the nice guys that pushed DH. He was very helpful and showed us lots of stuff. After this the trip went great.

We were in an interior Aft Empress deck (E235 & E231). We had four in each cabin. DBIL bunked with our older boys. We had no noise issues or smelled any bad smells. We actually really like the location. Camp Carnival was just a few floors up and the Lido Buffet too.

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After we got to the cabin, we unpacked some and headed to the Lido for lunch. Then we took the kids on a tour of the ship and headed for the Camp Carnival registration.


I think they were in awe of the ship. They really did not know what to expect. But I loved seeing their faces light up when they saw everything that a ship can contain.


We choose Anytime Dining, it just works better for us. I do not like being locked into a time to go. The flexibility is the big reason we choose this option. We all headed to the MDR for dinner. Which was great, every night we enjoyed the food. I have four boys and two of them are teens and let me tell you, boy can they eat, and they did. They ordered two main dishes, as well as two appetizers every night and they ate every bit of it. It amazes me how much two teen boys can eat. I wanted to take food pics but somehow only ended up with a few. This desert was amazing, wish they had it every night. It was the Black Forest Cake.




Because of Hurricane Sandy, the ship was not able to refuel on the way to Charleston, so they had to wait until they got there to do it. Or at least this is the explanation they gave everyone. Anyways, this caused sail away to not happen until 8:00 pm. Which was fine cause we were on the ship and we did not care, something about crossing that gangway just makes all your cares disappear.


Now, my DH birthday was a couple days before the cruise and you know I fully intended to embarrass with with all the singing wait staff. My plan had been to order a cake from Formalities and have it delivered at dinner, however, because we were in port it was not open in time. I talked to the hostess and she arranged for them to sing anyway. I also arranged for a cake to be delivered on the second evening and they sang to him again. It was so funny, he was really not expecting it either night. One of the waiter was so funny he changed some of the lyrics and exaggerated the yoooooouuuu. Made it a lot more fun.




After dinner DH headed back the cabin with Drew (4), he was worn out. I took the other kids to go see the sail away and the Welcome Aboard Show. It was funny, I always like the Welcome Aboard Show. After this we called it a night.

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This morning we headed to the MDR for breakfast and had Kitty as our server. She was very fast and really nice. Drinks never got low and food was out quickly. We usually like eating in the MDR for breakfast but somehow this was the only day we made it there. We also really enjoy sitting outside watching the water and the kids loved that part too, which is probably the main reason we did not dine in there.


The food was good as usual, most of us ordered the Egg's Benedict. I always order the sauce on the side, seems like you get more and makes it less dry.


After this we took the younger kids to check out Camp Carnival. They were nervous at first but they ended up really enjoying it. They would actually beg us to go back there. We really enjoyed having it too. It was nice to see a show and not worry about the kids getting bored. Made it much easier to relax.


The day was spent enjoying the ship activities. We mini-golfed and of course caught the hairy chest competition. It does not matter how many times I see that or the Marriage Game, I spend the entire time laughing through it.


At 2:00 we also had a meet and greet from our CC roll call. I have to tell you that this was the best roll call ever. We just had an amazing group of people. From the boards to seeing everyone on the ship they were all just great!!!!


We did the Lido for lunch and always MDR for dinner. Now I may get this mixed up cause I waited to long to write this. But I am pretty sure we did Tea Time as well today. The older two opted out but the rest of the kids joined us. I love Tea Time, the deserts and piano music, what a combination. Drew loved to look out the window we, had tons of pics of him just staring out the window watching the ocean.



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Really enjoying your review! We leave this Saturday the 8th and sure hope we make it to HMC! Our roll call is probably the biggest I have been a part of.


P.S.--I cannot believe we sail this Saturday!!!! :D


Yup, Saturday can't get here fast enough. Praying for great weather.

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They had elegant night tonight and the food was good. The lobster a bit small so I just ordered two. The kids really enjoyed being able to try new things. I have always been an adventurous eater and never allowed the kids to be picky, so they have developed this as well. They were eating sushi by the time they were 5. Anyways, over the week they tried all the DIDJA items.


The service tonight was not good at all. Our waiter actually apologized to us for it being so slow without us even saying a word. So you know it was slow. But the food was good and so was the company so we were ok. However, Drew was not. He asked to go back to the room several times but we told him he had to wait until we finished. So my strong minded son decided to just get up and leave the dining room on his own. I guess he had really had enough, so DH brought him to Camp Carnival and he had a blast and we enjoyed the rest of our dinner. Drew is usually pretty good out. But for the rest of the week we fed him early and took him to Camp Carnival when we went to dinner. It was nice being able to do that.


After dinner the kids wanted to go to Camp Carnival. They were having a party and would keep the kids until midnight. The party started at 10 but of course the kids were ready to go as soon as we were done. It cost $13 to send them to this party, but they had fun and also got some free items. A stuffed "Night Owl" and tooth brush.Worked out great and gave DH and I some much needed down time.


We took advantage by catching one the adults only comedy shows. Wish I could remember his name because he was hilarious. Take the time to see the comedy shows they are side splitting.


After the show we headed to the Disco and met up with some CC friends and had a few drinks before we had to pick the kiddos up. They had a drink in a disco ball shaped cup. Yes, I am a total sucker for the cups, no idea why but the get me every time with them. At least it came with a string to hang it up at home when your done.



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Everyone sleep in today so by the time we got up the dining room was closed. We headed to the Lido and had a quick bite. Before we were done the kids were asking about Camp Carnival, However, we made them stay with us and play mini golf. After mini golf we wanted to catch the Marriage Show so we let the kids go to CC and picked the up for lunch.


We ate lunch in the MDR and the food was again very good. I had the trout and so did most of us. The service was excellent. I had to leave early though so I did not stay for desert.


Remember how I said we had an awesome roll call. Well I had put together a private party for our group at the Cat's Lounge and had to get there by 2:00 to set up. We had a 1 hour open bar party. It was soooo worth it!! The barteders made up a bunch of yummy drinks and had the waiters walking around with them on trays and they just kept coming and coming!!! One CC'er said he had 10 in that hour. I put together some games and prizes for them and everyone really seem to enjoy it. After this a few of us went to to a friends cabin and checked out her suite, very nice!!! One day we will get one.


My older boys took the younger ones golfing while we went to the party so when we were done we met back up and took them to the water slides. It was a bit windy and cold but the kids enjoyed it anyway.





At some point we heard the sad, sad news that Sandy had wreaked havoc on HMC and we would not be able to stop there:( They also said that there were no available ports to stop at but they extended our time at Grand Turk by four hours. Of course we were very disappointed but I was determined not to dwell on this.


Tonight we met our favorite waiter Alecksander. Ask for him his service is beyond excellent!! Glasses never got low, food was out fast, and he was just a nice guy. The rest of the week we made sure to get stationed in Alecksander's area, seriously insist on him, you won't be disappointed. There was another night we brought Drew and he fell out of his chair and started crying Alecksander was right there and almost instantly made him a rabbit out of a napkin to distract him. I really cannot say enough good things about him.


We headed back to the room early since we were going to Grand Turk in the AM. I set my room service menu outside and got my coffee delivered right at 6:00. Best way to wake up.

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We got up early and headed to the buffet. We had a quick breakfast, filled our water bottles, and grab some apples to take with us.




This is the beach right off the pier.


We had rented golf carts from Nathan. I highly recommend doing this!!! We were able to see the entire island. We went to the light house and just drove down every random dirt road we found. The kids thought this was the highlight of the trip.




Nathans is just outside the cruise port terminal, we followed the road to the gates to town and there they were on the pull off. We rented two carts and here we are getting ready to take off.




It did not take long before we found some of the wild horses I had read about on here. I felt so bad for them they really looked malnourished. We stopped and feed them the apples we brought for them.




We found this at the end of a random dirt road, we got stuck and had to push the carts out of the said. only added to our adventure :D

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Some scenes from arouund the island.




These next two are the cliffs at the light house






This path was up at the light house too




More randon but beautiful scenery, we really liked the island it was just breath taking



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We also stopped in Cockburn town they have some stands with the typical tourist junk that is sold everywhere but if you look hard you can find some authentic local crafts. The second stand in was selling some beautiful island paintings. The woman said her husband painted them, we bought two.


Next to them was this area where we parked our carts and the kids stared out at the ocean and then all of the sudden a wave came over the sea wall and splashed everyone. This then became a game and they enjoyed waiting for the waves to come.




Next stop the conch grave yard to round up some shells. Some more fun on random dirt roads. We got lost a few times and then we found it. There was a nice view of the ship.




The shells were everywhere






After this we headed to Jack's Shack. I really wanted some cracked conch but we got there to late and all of his was gone. But they sent us down to the Village Bar and we had the cracked conch and conch fritters. They were very good.


We really liked Jack's Shack, Jack was very friends and the drinks good. If you go there try the rum punch, the best I have had. The atmophere was very laid back and the kids enjoyed swimming there. We liked both places but I enjoyed Jack's more with the kids. The Village Bar had a younger, rowdier crowd and with the kids we just wanted laid back. Here are some pics of Jack's.








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Today we were suppose to be going to HMC but as I already told you guys that did not happen. But the ship seem to arrange some activities for people to do. We spent most of the day between mini-golf and the waterslides, the kids are little addicts to these.


After lunch and such activities we noticed that most of the kids were already in costume, so of course our younger ones wanted to get theirs on.




Vampire by day, Pubert Adam's by night.






The ship decorated the place with the blow up's but that was really it for Halloween decor. They did have a couple of special deserts that night for dinner. A pumpkin cheesecake, they placed phyllo dough over the top and shaped it like a ghost. They were cute, they also had a chocolate walnut cake with bats shapes and pumpkins decorated the plate.





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Camp Carnival had trick or treating but I really feel they could have done much better. They only allowed a half hour to trick or treat and then they were having a kid's Halloween party and everyone had to meet there. They gave out little bags and each kids got two pieces of candy at each stop. They gave a map out that you had to follow and get stickers placed on the map. Not really sure why. We did not make it half way through the map is the half hour because there were tons of kids on the ship. The kids got maybe 16 pieces of candy. Glad that they were not high on sugar all night but they were disappointed by it.




Getting ready to hand out the bags




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