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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome!


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We have been there, but it's been a while. We did an Australia - New Zealand cruise with Oceania back in January 2008. Not nearly enough time in Australia but what can you do; we really only visited Sydney, Melbourne, and Hobart.

My brother teaches at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense. He says it's a 1.5h train ride to Copenhagen. They are taking full advantage of their location and making weekend jaunts all over the place, though they've slowed down as his wife is expecting in the next few weeks.

after having so much fun in Paris, we are thinking about spending Christmas in Barcelona this year. Just in the contemplation stage at this time... We were there in 2008 pre-cruise and only had one day. We were incredibly jet-lagged and in a fog most of the time; between the two of us we managed somehow but it was tough. What I remember of Barcelona was very pleasant, but I'd like to experience it at some point while I'm conscious!


Appreciate these many added details from JP. Yes, for Australia, you need to get "out in the country" to better understand this vast nation, its character, history, beauty, wildlife, etc. That's why we loved so much doing Kangaroo Island and the Great Barrier Reef/Rainforest areas before our cruise from Sydney to Tasmania, NZ, etc.


Glad to hear your brother is enjoying Denmark, etc., plus having a baby on the way.


For Barcelona, YES, agree 100% that you need to really explore and enjoy that wonderful city with all of its great architecture, history, charm, scenic location, etc. Have been there twice and loved it so much each time. Below are a few items of Barcelona "eye candy" to spark the day and the upcoming weekend.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Dozens of nice visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc. We are now at 202,895 views for this live/blog re-cap, including much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:




For Barcelona, one of the most famous sites is its main and historic Cathedral that is over 700-years old and right around the corner from our Hotel Regincia Colon. It is also near where you catch the hop-on buses circling the town.:





Barcelona has many apartment building with interesting architectural details. Here the iron railings are wonderfully designed with a local lady taking a look as we passed below on the top level of our hop-on bus as we traveled all over this historic and interesting city with great character, charm and innovative design.:





Near one of famed architect Gaudi’s most famous building, here is a unique street light design along one of Barcelona’s major boulevards.:





Our first night in Barcelona, included wonderful tapas and a spectacular paella in a small dining place near our hotel. It is named Neyras in the neighborhood of Sant Pere Santa Caterina i la Ribera with an address of Laietana, 41. Here is the lady preparing some of the food.:





We first visited Barcelona in 1998 and loved the Las Ramblas. It is always busy with lots of tourists and locals, around the clock, participating in the spectacle that is Barcelona. Las Ramblas runs from the start of Placa de Catalunya and ends to the south at Port Vell at the Christopher Columbus statue. Las Ramblas runs through Barcelona’s center, with the Gothic Quarter and El Raval neighborhoods to either side. There are colorful street performers and vendors selling everything imaginable from flowers to caged birds. The architecture is such an interesting mix. Here is one of many examples for what is interesting with its buildings along this great walking place, including one of the many theatre in this area.:





Before boarding our ship, we visited Barcelona’s famed Mercat La Boqueria and had breakfast here. WOW!!! It is easy to see why this popular Boqueria Market is not to be missed. It has a wide range of fresh meats, cheeses, produce and delicious food options to enjoy. Here is one of the beautifully stock fruit stands.:



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Terry, lovely piccies as usual ...:)


Mrs W! Lovely to see some suggestions about Sydney ... and I so much agree with the transient quality nature of Sydney cuisine life and the observation that quality really resides outside the main CBD and touristy areas. We got the best of both worlds with having our decent lunches via the ferries (but there was a great Asian food hall just across the road ..) but a fair amount of night food delivered via the good delivery food apps ... so we had restaurant food from the suburbs delivered to us whilst on our balcony with that great view - or our dining area at what was Quay Grand and now Pullman QG. We had a great curry place deliver every three nights or so.


JP, I remember your cancelled cruise clearly. When visiting Vienna again if you do as an independent trip it is worthwhile in my view thinking of it as a city of four distinct times. Winter and Summer and Weekend and weekday. You will get the winter summer thing, but the city is overrun at weekends with day trip coaches from East European countries and this is particularly bad during the winter Christmas market seasons. Wifey and I had been visiting a few times a year and for a while work wise I also had an office. Wifey recently reckoned up that we have probably spent around a thousand nights in Vienna and we think it is now largely done for us. We have affection, but memories are better than what we have been recently enjoying. We had two short visits in the last year or so of 4 nights each.


I'm interested that you've thought of Barcelona as a potential Christmas destination. Is that just coincidental with free time or are you contemplating some sort of Christmas experience in Barcelona?


Today was a wifey meal request day with fishcakes, parsley sauce and petit pois ... one of her favourite comfort meals.






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Terry, lovely piccies as usual ...:)


I'm interested that you've thought of Barcelona as a potential Christmas destination. Is that just coincidental with free time or are you contemplating some sort of Christmas experience in Barcelona?


Today was a wifey meal request day with fishcakes, parsley sauce and petit pois ... one of her favourite comfort meals.





They are nice pics. Makes me want to revisit...


Jeff, nothing special Christmas - wise, but it's a long weekend and a nice excuse to go somewhere different, especially if we can stretch it into a Monday return. Haven't a clue what they do for Christmas in Barcelona, but will get a guidebook soon.


Nice lunch! I think tonight will be burgers on the grill. We went directly from work yesterday to get Chris' hair done so didn't get home until after 7. No cooking last night - went out for sushi. So we'll eat at home tonight...

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Terry, lovely piccies as usual ...:)Today was a wifey meal request day with fishcakes, parsley sauce and petit pois ... one of her favourite comfort meals. Jeff


Appreciate the nice picture comment, plus the wonderful meal treat visual. BUT, the sauce?? Looks great!! Does that parsley sauce have some "kick" and/or spice to it? Tell us more!! Personally, I am big on sauces, especially when they add nice dimension and character to the main food items.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 115,652 views for this posting.

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Terry ... thanks! Plain old parsley sauce ....!


JP ... is this a revisit to Barcelona ie somewhere you want to return to?




Yes, we had a day there pre-cruise in 2008. Tired and sleepwalked through most of it. Have wanted to go back ever since, and it seems like a handy place to spend a few days.

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Yes, we had a day there pre-cruise in 2008. Tired and sleepwalked through most of it. Have wanted to go back ever since, and it seems like a handy place to spend a few days.



We haven't been too often, I guess five or six times but some of that was work related. Personally, apart from the Ramblas and the market, and perhaps the cathedral, we don't think it has a lot going for it. I'd say "over-rated" and a bit "over hyped" and to be honest a lot of it outside the main street to us s bit bereft. It is certainly a very young persons city ie for clubbing etc. Lunch starts at around 2pm and dinner not unusual to start at 10pm. The crowds start clubbing at around 1am and the Ramblas is full of people looking for coffee and chorizo at 6am. After a really long flight it is an interesting dimension to accommodate. In addition to that it has become lately a reputation for being a bit of a scam capital.


I'm sure you will have a great time wherever you go and in particular if you yearn to return ... but I do suggest you just dig a bit deeper to reassure yourself it is a good decision for a weekend break for you. It's different if you are starting or finishing a cruise and have to be there and if after I've posed the question and sowed a doubt you conclude it is, then at least I have discharged my responsibilities as a cooler mate and you have done a bit more due diligence to satisfy yourself.





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Jeff, just out of curiousity (which I know killed the cat), is there anywhere you haven't yet explored in this wonderful world that you have a hankering to check out? Besides my home and native land, of course.

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Jeff, just out of curiousity (which I know killed the cat), is there anywhere you haven't yet explored in this wonderful world that you have a hankering to check out? Besides my home and native land, of course.


It is a terrible question, and if you like a part of our current boredom issue. The short asnwer is "no" because we have basically been to everywhere we really wanted to visit. There are of course places that other people wish to visit who feel that we should go to those places ... but the problem is that we hanker after no more destinations. And we have returned to them too often. We have just cancelled our extended trip to Singapore for December and January because we fear that our over familiarity has now made it too routine. As they say, a true first world problem of taking first class travel, limos and five star suites as losing it's excitement. So cancelling is more astute than proceeding otherwise we will have nothing at all travel-wise to look forward to.


When we were much younger the deal we had was that because we both had serious wanderlust we would travel, and travel and travel until we were sick of it and we never really got sick of it. Combined with the odd careers of music industry which gave me a lot of travel when very young, and then some success in the hi tec industry and then totally unexpected success in our own business which allowed us to travel where we wanted either for business or under the guise of business, we basically did all we wished far too quickly. Combined with the fact that Europe is so concentrated with extreme differences of sights and cultures meant we've been well occupied with Europe as well as long haul.


We are very, very fortunate, but that good fortune has brought with it premature boredom in a way. Not complaining, just answering your question and being factual. I guess this might generate some adverse comment, but I have answered candidly!





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I didn't intend to rub salt into a sore spot Jeff! And I have no adverse comments! In fact, the plus side of your approach is that you have not missed anything that you really wanted to explore. I am a wee bit worried that our health will fail well before we hit the spots we want to hit. I can understand that the bloom may be off the rose for you because you took the approach that you did. The alternative though is not really any better. I think you made a smart move with Singapore. You do need to leave time between some well-loved spots so that they remain just that - well-loved! That way future visits will still appeal.

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Yes, and there is also of course a further dimension, that is the fear of tarnishing and replacing memories of places that use to be wonderful with newer memories that are less good.


If you take Cyprus for example, we had a real love affair with it for many years. I had short work breaks there and we holidayed there. But it was before the opening up of the Soviet bloc and it was a slow, cultured lovely place to spend time. We were at one stage in the final stages of buying a vacation home and decided go take one last gasp ... and then the changes happened rapidly. So now we do not return because the memories we have are preferable. It is the same to a degree with Vienna. The love affair started when I worked for anAmerican corporation who wasn't allowed to have offices in Russia, so we travelled from Vienna and sold them product for "approved" purposes. Then leisure locked in and we fell truly in love. But then. It has changed for pretty much the same reasons.


One of the reasons why making our homes so self-sufficient.



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I think that is the reason that we enjoy cruising as much as we do. New places in small sips. A dainty little morsel of places and even if we hit a few duds, there are some stars to compensate. There are very few places that I would want to return to. I have fond memories of the experiences and even the not so good ports had interesting and sometimes humourous associations. But boredom can be a real downer. If you have nothing to look forward to, life can become a bit of a drag on the spirit.

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I've been really impressed with your plan, particularly now you have explained some of the motivation.


I think you should really indulge yourself fully on this WC! because it really is going to be perhaps the highlight of a life. I hope you really also indulge yourself in a really good and easy to use very expensive camera, because as you get older all those memories will be even more important.


I think when we all get to our roughly similar ages, panic does start to set in about the time one has left and the degree of inevitably reducing opportunity to travel so you must really enjoy what you are doing now, and that is the full enjoyment of the planning and then the doing and then the reliving. But don't force him to dress up too often .....





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Jeff, I love my olympus e-300 evolt! Myster bought it for me after our first cruise in 2005. It has become like a third eye for me. It is bulky I know but I find it very easy to use. We got a camera backpack for this cruise to make it easier to tote. The old camera case was one you slung over a shoulder and it was a little awkward to carry. Myster and I have been quite frugal in our lives. One car (I take the bus), living in our home for 35 years, one vacation a year, no big splurges. We have enjoyed almost every moment of our lives(of course life always throws you challenges so there were some down bits). We have no regrets. Now is the time to reap the rewards of living within our means before one or both of us develops health issues. And I do intend to take full advantage of this wonderful opportunity to celebrate our lives together in one glorious kick at the bucket! :)

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We haven't been too often, I guess five or six times but some of that was work related. Personally, apart from the Ramblas and the market, and perhaps the cathedral, we don't think it has a lot going for it. I'd say "over-rated" and a bit "over hyped" and to be honest a lot of it outside the main street to us s bit bereft. It is certainly a very young persons city ie for clubbing etc. Lunch starts at around 2pm and dinner not unusual to start at 10pm. The crowds start clubbing at around 1am and the Ramblas is full of people looking for coffee and chorizo at 6am. After a really long flight it is an interesting dimension to accommodate. In addition to that it has become lately a reputation for being a bit of a scam capital.

It's different if you are starting or finishing a cruise and have to be there and if after I've posed the question and sowed a doubt you conclude it is, then at least I have discharged my responsibilities as a cooler mate and you have done a bit more due diligence to satisfy yourself. Jeff


Excellent comments, analysis and questions from Jeff on Barcelona. Not sure that my view/conclusion would rate Barcelona as "over-rated". Quite the opposite has been our good fortune while visiting there. BUT, each of us have had different comparisons, experiences, expectation, etc. Lots of cities can be and/or have their areas that are "a bit of a scam capital".


YES for the superior point/question as to whether it is really worth it to go that far and take that much time to just get there and just spend a long holiday and/or weekend. Spending more time before and after a cruise departing from that port worked super well for us. Good trade-offs for JP and Chris to consider. It's nice to have options!!


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Dozens of nice visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc. We are now at 202,895 views for this live/blog re-cap, including much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:


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It is a terrible question, and if you like a part of our current boredom issue. The short asnwer is "no" because we have basically been to everywhere we really wanted to visit. There are of course places that other people wish to visit who feel that we should go to those places ... but the problem is that we hanker after no more destinations. We have just cancelled our extended trip to Singapore for December and January because we fear that our over familiarity has now made it too routine. When we were much younger the deal we had was that because we both had serious wanderlust we would travel, and travel and travel until we were sick of it and we never really got sick of it. Combined with the odd careers of music industry which gave me a lot of travel when very young, and then some success in the hi tec industry and then totally unexpected success in our own business which allowed us to travel where we wanted either for business or under the guise of business, we basically did all we wished far too quickly. I guess this might generate some adverse comment, but I have answered candidly! Jeff


Appreciate Jeff's very thoughtful and interesting response to the great question from our friend from Canada. Yes, everybody has to do what "FITS" for them and their personal interests. Clearly, Jeff and his wife have had an interesting life with much more to come. BUT, what's next? And, where? Agree that you do not want to just repeat what had been done previously. Finding the right time and place is not always easy. Great perspective, comments and thoughts.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 183,389 views.


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Thanks Terry,


Yes, I would expect you to disagree about Barcelona. With respect to my visits, I discounted our cruise visits which I guess add another four visits or so, because they were one nighters. A place like Barcelona is a completely different place if you are there anyway and for a short time than for a place you travel to all the way from the US imho. I dithered a lot before offering the view because iI certainly didn't want to irritate and an opinion wasn't sought but the doubt nagged so I thought it showed more friendship to float it and JP is big, and bold an clever enough to conclude for Chris and him. I just see it as a lot of travel for far too little but I am never shy of contention. Wifey sums it up as "if I were offered a free Business Class ticket and a weekend in a 5* hotel I'd turn it down and stay at home". But this is Barcelona from a European's eye, not an Americans. We do not have the same "romanticised" eye.


Generalisations about all cities having scams is true but misses the specific point I made. Barcelona has become a particular scam capital for tourists with diversion robberies a particular one and the Ramblas the focus of it.


Your other point ... I am blessed that I am never really that bored when doing nothing, and only seem to get bored when something is expected of me.





Edited by UKCruiseJeff
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But this is Barcelona from a European's eye, not an Americans. We do not have the same "romanticised" eye.

Your other point ... I am blessed that I am never really that bored when doing nothing, and only seem to get bored when something is expected of me.



Appreciate so much these two great and excellent points. Very smart in noting how things look very, very different from a Europe vantage point . . . versus . . . from here in the Americas. That is true for both travel and in part with politics.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Wonderful Kotor and nearby Montenegro? Check these postings. Have had over 24,482 views on this posting and appreciate those who have tuned-in and commented.:


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Thanks Terry,


A point I fear that many Americans may not be fully appreciating is the extremely rapid rate of change of European places that Americans feel that they know well through short visits perhaps even relatively recently.


An example I'd pick is that a few months ago, we were thinking about some of the places in Greece we fancied for a late summer week. Kos was on the list. Now it would be a barmy choice. A few weeks changes everything at the moment.



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Thanks Terry, A point I fear that many Americans may not be fully appreciating is the extremely rapid rate of change of European places that Americans feel that they know well through short visits perhaps even relatively recently. An example I'd pick is that a few months ago, we were thinking about some of the places in Greece we fancied for a late summer week. Kos was on the list. Now it would be a barmy choice. A few weeks changes everything at the moment. Jeff


Appreciate the good points for how things can change, either over time and/or quickly. Also, with luck and/or weather, the quality of the experience can vary, too! Lots of factors at play.


On Barcelona, with my American "romanticised" eye, here are a few more shots from our enjoying of this town and its people.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Dozens of nice visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc. We are now at 202,895 views for this live/blog re-cap, including much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:




Gaudi’s new Cathedral is still under construction, making progress toward a potential 2026 completion. The Pope was here in the fall of 2010 for a dedication. This design is “unique”, innovative and in some ways strange. Here is one small sampling what is being done, so far.:





Here is an additional view from the famed Mercat La Boqueria market in the heart of Barcelona right off of the La Ramblas. This includes my wife and Amy checking some of the options at one of the many stands.:





Here is a night view of Gaudi's Palau Guell taken from under the glass and iron entrance to the Hotel Gaudi that is immediately across the street from this mansion. Unique angle that plays off of the designs for both places. It was Gaudi’s first major work in Barcelona. Pictures tell part of the story. You have to see it to believe his genius. It is a mansion designed for the Catalan industrial tycoon Eusebi Guell. It is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Works of Antoni Gaudí".:





Here’s a contrast between modern art on the major Barcelona street near the harbor and the traditional buildings in the background. Never boring in this great city.:





Here are a couple of beach views in Barcelona. First, is the view looking towards the Arts Hotel, etc. Then, in the direction towards the fairly new and dramatic W Hotel.:






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I've been really impressed with your plan, particularly now you have explained some of the motivation.


I think you should really indulge yourself fully on this WC! because it really is going to be perhaps the highlight of a life. I hope you really also indulge yourself in a really good and easy to use very expensive camera, because as you get older all those memories will be even more important.


I think when we all get to our roughly similar ages, panic does start to set in about the time one has left and the degree of inevitably reducing opportunity to travel so you must really enjoy what you are doing now, and that is the full enjoyment of the planning and then the doing and then the reliving. But don't force him to dress up too often .....





I am a pragmatist Jeff! I know that the future could hold some not so pleasant surprises. I am also a planner. We had a home inspection done so that we could address any problems with the house now in case we needed to sell in a hurry, should either of us require institutional accommodation. I am also a dreamer. And I try to meld the two aspects as best I can. My focus is to enjoy the hell out of whatever time we have left! :)

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