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Tima's Breeze Wedding Review


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Ok, I dont have my Notes with me, But Wanted to try and start.. As I said Before It will take me a while to do my Full Reviews As awe are just getting back, My PT gurl has Quit so Im workking Doubles, and doing three peoples job :), and My Hersband B~Day is Today.....WoooWoooo...

It's Friday Sept 6, 2013- REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY the Day has come to Fly away from here :) All the Planning, All the tears, all the Hard work, Damm it my Day is here... Yess oh Yess, And U know I flew on Jetblue... We got to FLL about 2:40pm I thought I would have enough time to chill and set up!! Opps that didnt happen.. We had to get the rental car, & go and pick up the Cake from Costco for our Meet & Greet Party. Traffic on this Friday was a Beast half way, but It was ok... I was left with about an Hour after we checked in to set up, and get ready... Our Guest were every where, Across the street at Bayside, South Beach, chillin in their Room,etc.... Finally by 6:30/7:00pm The M&G was underway.. It was fun.. I had Raffle gifts, we brought Liquor, the Cake,and we were going to get something to eat.. After the M&G i gave everyone an Hour to prep for the Party buss. I rented it from 945-245am.. They took us every where we wanted to go and we had some Crazy Tunes to Party too.. 1st stop was Ocean Drive.. OMgoossssh Some folks have NEVER been to South Beach. so it was a MUST to hit up OD.. and then I had to take them to Wet Willies.. Got to ride around even more then it was time to hit the Strip Club up.. Ok If some of you dont know me I Married my Heart, My BFF, and Yes she is a Women.. But the Crew I had with me were Both Gay & Straight We all Love each other, Most people and my REAL friends are very open minded and DONT judge.... SO back to the Strip Club it was alll Women,and the club was Called KINGS OF DIAMONDS, ONE OF TEH TOP STRIP CLUBS AROUND THE US... There are some BAD chicks in there that can show u tricks for days to have YOUR man or Women going crazzzzzzy over you... I didnt go bc I wanted to make sure my Ladies that Didnt want to go be ok, SO we rode around and I wanted to go to find South Beach Towing..


Ok I have to go now, BUT I will be back with more, hello we still have the rest of Fri, Sat, and Weddig Day Sunday promise ;)

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As an upcoming Bride on the Breeze, I have been following your journey - I am so excited to see you back and writing a review.


I find it hysterical that you went to the strip club - GOOD for you!


Looking forward to the rest of your review and hopefully some great pics

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You looked beautiful - and congrats on all the weight loss, it ain't easy to do :)


Im sorry you lost all the info - that's frustrating! But think how we feel, we're here waiting on pins and needles :D

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You look just gorgeous either way, but congrats on the weight loss. I'm hoping to get sexy for our cruise as well. Do you mind saying what you did to loose the weight? So far I've lost 21 pounds just by cutting down on carbs and 3 days per week I eat only veggies and fruits. You'd be amazed how much of those you can eat without going over your calories for the day!

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Ok lets try this again… So as I said b4 we drop off all those that wanted to go to the Strip Club, ,and headed back south to Look for Tremount Towing.. IF you have never heard of them… They are this tow truck Company that flims in Sounth Beach Miami, Each of the Crew is Funny to me, and a good number of my Gurls.. I really wanted to see Bernice, Jermone, and Robert Jr & Sr.. They weren’t there (they had been filming earlier that day in SOB) , With that being said, we did get to meet two really nice guys that I know I have seen on the show b4 but I don’t remember there names.. They were VERY kind and let us sent in the truck and take pix.. I guess they saw the Big Party bus park out front and didn’t think we would try nothing, which I wouldn’t have anyways bc I totally respect peoples/their Jobs.. After the pix it was time to go back to FLL and pick the crew up, But please know that we were drinking and made a couple of pit stops (one being my favy store Walmart, and would you had know they were CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn’t believe it, but they did let us stop in and use the bathroom..

So we pull up to the KOD’S to pick up the other half of the Wedding Group, and let’s just say that I had to help each of them on the Bus.. If you have ever been to the Club then U know they have a Vendor outside the door and he has Steaks sandwich, Subs Hot dogs chips and drinks a couple were in line and the others couldn’t wait to get back on the bus, The once Turnt up crew was now Turnt Allllll the way down, Which means it was Much more fun then they thought.. I was hoping and praying that they wouldn’t be too hung over But Tomorrow was Saturday so they could sleep it off and be ready for the Wedding By Sunday Right? What was I thinking it was more Drinking going on Sat… lol SO I guess the Moral of My Friday is When You come down early be ready for anything to happen, Esp in South Beach………OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I almost forgot to tell yall above… Yall know each time we go and my Mom & Nanny fly with us, we pick up Mom first then Nanny.. Well we had JUST picked mom up got about 4 houses down from her house, and she screammmmmmmmmmmmmmms OMG what did we forget??? I said I don’t know crap what did u forget screaming like that U scred the **** out of me.. What is it mom??? She says where are we going? I say Miami, and she says For what, I say For vacay WHYYYYYYYY What did u forget???? Can anyone tell me WHAT was the one items we almost for got????????????????

Airline~ Jetblue oh Course

Hotel~ Holiday Inn Port Of Miami (I used y Travel Agent Becky to handle off of this about a Year out)

Party Bus~Miami Limo Coach

Oleg Chernobrodsky T: (305) 200-9804 F: (305)424-9396

E: info@miamilimocoach.com

***If you are gonna use them just put down like $100 deposit.. I put down $200 and they sub out another company to drive well at the end of the night (that’s why I didn’t get TOOOOO wasted bc I knew I was gonna have to deal with money they charge my WHOLE dam card the $750, now Im sharing this with yall bc I KEEP it real and this is what a REAL review is the good AND the bad… Now I have been talking to the owner since this Monday and he said he will credit back my money, I haven’t gotten mad yet but Im still waitied on my $200 refund.. I only charged everyone $25 bucks but NOT everyone wanted to go at the end, or they just didn’t sign up.. so it wasssssss fun but I ate up the difference you live and U learn.. For this Next Group Cruise Im putting together its gonna be A LOT different.. It would be best for him to make sure my Credit is back on the card by next week J But in All I WILL use his company again… ***

Ok stay tune for Sat.. Less then 24 hours b4 show time, so I had somethings to do.. Mom and Nanny came over to the suite, and let’s just say they were on the Ground LOL at me. My Baby and her Groom women went to Mens Warehouse, and that was a Funny Mess, and the rest of the Pre Wedding day all to come.. Ok, I have to get on some work now..Yesss this is my 6 full day of working a double and I can’t believe I can even type this much less drive..

Love yall, be back sooon

Edited by Shatima
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Hi Shatima, Just wishing you a big congrats. I know I speak for many when I say this you have been an inspiration and a huge help. I know many of us are silent but we have all been wishing, hoping and praying right along side of you. Here is to wishing you the best and thank you for all of your help. 😄

<3 Crystal

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Good Monday Morning..


Hello Everyone Back to doubles and house life.. But I will cont today.... Now off to payroll, and other To do... :) THANK YOU soooo much for all the love and Shout out, and Peek In's :) :)


Hey payroll can wait, they'll understand - we've been waiting on pins n' needles for this :D (just kidding)

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Saturday Sept 7 2013~ today was a rough start.. As I had NOT made any plans for the day (Sat was a free day for everyone to chill, sight see, whatever on their own) as I was taking pre Wedding Day to get myself together, do last min things etc… Got to sleep in Which was good 1. Bc I have been working SOOOOO hard alone to plan this Wedding bc I wanted to make sure it was Top Notch, #2. Drinking the night b4 so I should have got to sleep in.. It was Raining when I open the Curtins… First thing I said Wooo LORD Please let it rain all day today so it will be nice and Sunny on my day.. … We final wake all the way up and she starts to get ready for her and her Best Women to go to Mens Warehouse to pick up their Tux.. I get a phone call that’s its gonna take longer then they thought.. After going and trying them on b 4, 4 some reason they didn’t fit!!! NO wait gain. BC I made my baby watch her food intake too so that want it.. She said they both look like steve erkle, and I woulnt dare let her be on that State with some High Waters on!!!!!!!!!!! Well that one hour (bc it as a 25 min drive) turned into like 4 hours.. While they were fixing the Tux they happen to find a mallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.. Oh Lord Help your DD out.. I think they were having the times of their lifes. While im up now being a Bride making sure we were ready to goo..

Nanny and Mom came over for a dress fitting while they were gone, Which was great… They brought the Dress down and I got to business!!!! I had TWO different Shape wear to wear… Yes I was 250pounds and I now am 203 With that being said NO bride or female wants to have lumps in their Pix.. True they are NOT cheap (I went to sears where I normally go to get my Shape wear to try them on, THEN I went to Ebay well had my mom bc I neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr order anything on Ebay b4 I don’t even have a Pay Pal so Thank GOD for her and Ordered them for me.. HALF the price for the SAME product brand new!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I end up getting more items from there too) Ok So for dress one, that was easy got into that one good.. When I brought it, it was on SALE!!! Mom loved it so much and Got it for me.. I turned around in it, I danced in it, and I walked around in it.. PLEASEEEEE make sure though Since I lost weight I had Flab in different area’s (just being real) have u a Look out person that checks you out..I had that side front fat going and was Pissed, But hey I looked good besides that and my arms.. My dress was dropped from a 20 to 16. I DIDN’T go back to David’s Bridal to get my alteration they were tooo dern high for my liking.. it would had been over $600. PLEASE my Dress wasn’t even half off that.. SO I found this lady in Williamsburg, VA that did EVERYTHING for $45!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I started to cry, I couldn’t believe it!!!! Oh Course when David’s Bridal Call to make my Appt they had this type of Grin U can hear through the phone, and told me that they will be there for my needs if anything happens. I MADE sure to call them b 4 I left for Miami to tell them EVERYTHING went wonderfully and I saved over 95%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Back to me and nanny/Mom.. Took Dress #1 off and then switch Shape wear and put on dress#2.. This was a Hot lil short Number that I just l couldn’t wait to get in… Well I brought this shape wear a lil smaller and it took me a min to get into. I was jumping around that suite like a Bunny Rabbit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There was nothing my Mom OR Nanny could do to help me, They were tooo week to pick them selves off the ground bc they were LOL soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Hard.. I don’t think they knew Just how serious I was about this hunty! I finally got it on and the dress was more then easy to zipping up, so I may could have left her off, lolol.. I sat down, drop it low, dancing around. I was kool, this dress and the other dress, and both SW worked. After almost choking themselves to death, they finally got both dresses back in the bag and went back to their room holding their Tummys.. Right b 4 they were going to leave My Stylist came by and she wanted a piece of the Meet & Greet Cake, but too she came to check on me.. (Forgot that part she went over hair for both Dresses up & down look) once Nanny & Mom left me and Tammy set there and talked about some things, and the Best part I remember was us talking about JUST how gooooood GOD is.. I LOVE these talks yall…

Finally Baby was back and I was about to leave to go have lunch with the gurls..It had STOP raining, and so we were walking over to Bayside, I wanted my Sister to come but she was feeling sick still L If you don’t know. My ONLY BM to come out to 5 was my sister, me and her just found each 3 years ago I was 27 and she was 30. When I tell U GOD is no joke and he has Blessed me Beyond my Wildest dream that is soooo what I mean.. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok so we went to Hard Rock Café it was Soooo yummy.. Since sissy couldn’t come I went to check on her once I got back.. While over there I ran into a lot of my Wedding Party.. Eating, Drinking, taking Boat Trips, etc just having a great time!!! Again that Location was the best to have things for people to do with a cab, Now there were those that went down to South Beach and that was kool too..

Sat Early Evening I took time to pack all our Bags and get my one bag that had all the Meet & Greet items over to my Uncle since he was checking that for his free99 bag with Jetblue.. Took it to his room and come to find out him and my Step Dad was goon to south beach.. well excuse me lol.. My mom and nanny made sure he got it.. D and her Groomwomen had drifted away to some stores and other places.. glad I didn’t really need her, lol.. She was having the time of her life… I also Got my Wedding Notebook in order for tomorrow JUST incase there would be some mess. AND what do you know! Wait until Wedding Day Review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday Night~ Was Dinner with about 10 of my crew at Bubba Gump Shrimp.. That salad was the BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the drink!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMGossssh… We all LOL, and had a great time.. Off to check on my sister one last time then off to bed.. As I thught… I/we ended up get all kinda visitors to the Suite… It was funny bc I made then set on the bed as I was all ready in there in my Comfy PJ’S/// Yess D was there with me.. I was going to do the sleep apart thing. But when it boils down to it,she IS my BF, My Lover my Everything and there is no other place I wanted to wake up..

Wooooooooooooooooo,, Any Questions on Sat??

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