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Carnival Glory w/Infant Cruise Review from 12/8

Sunkissed Mommy

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Great review so far, very informative


Your son is just adorable - I am afraid I am more like your Mom LOL (ie, Picky)

I loved the way some melon and a light switch made your little guy so happy haha


Now to be honest (picky) I am not sure I would like those appetizers on feast night - no choice? The lobster looked good but the dessert plopped in front of everyone does not appeal to me. I prefer choices


I can also imagine how hard this will be for those allergic to seafood (as opposed to just not liking it) etc and other food allergies, and for vegans, vegetarians etc. Some people don't eat pork for religious reasons too and there it is plopped on the plate? I wonder if they think this will be easier and quicker but will end up making dining even slower and more confused?


I too love Costa Maya - grab the $2 jitney to the little fishing town and enjoy the beach - ahhhh...sorry you had rain, we had rain last week in Belize, got soaked (of course it is jungle/rainforest right? LOL)


Oh believe me, as unpicky as I am I had issues with the menu too.

DH is Jewish but he chooses to eat everything under the sun.

My mom's boyfriend is too, but more observant and so he gave me the pork app on feast night.


I'm sure they can make changes based on special diets. At least I would hope so!

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The wait staff came out of the kitchen with these strange looking cakes with cotton candy on top. They looked like fake desserts to carry around as decoration.





Now that's funny. Maybe they are getting ready for the Dr. Seuss thing.

So who got to eat the cotton candy?

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We all went with Chocolate Melting Cake.

I love this dessert, I went on to have it 3 more times this week.

Each one of us had a slightly different level of "cooked". My mom had the best one this night!

Here is how it is plated with the new dining.




Here is my son's reaction to not being allowed to have any because he has a milk protein intolerance!




that is hilarious!

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Throughout the week there was a magician roving through the dining room. I guess they do this to occupy the guests and to get people to come to his show on Friday night. He made his way to our table on this evening.


My mom's boyfriend is a huge fan of magic. He performs it and always carries stuff with him. So when this guy came along he was thrilled! I, on the other hand, am not a fan of magic. My problem is that I can figure out the "magic" and that bothers a lot of magicians. I've learned to keep my mouth shut and not try to ruin it for them.


He chose my mom to do the trick. He had her write her name on a card and place it in the deck. He then "found" the card. He then asked for his sharpie back, but it was nowhere to be found. So my mom said, oh, I have a pen in my purse. As she opened her purse, he pulled it out.




The people at the surrounding tables were surprised and everyone seemed to enjoy his presence. Mom's boyfriend and him got in to a conversation. Nobody else seemed to pay attention other than me. I wont spill the beans on this one, but after their chat mom's boyfriend did a trick of his own.


He had the magician pick a random card. Showed it to us, put it in the deck. Then they couldn't find the card again. They searched everywhere. Then the ship magician tipped his hat to say goodbye and there was the card. I had never seen this one before, but I think I have a good idea what they did ;)


Here is my mom and the magician after his trick. He explained that he installed a device in his deck to do the trick... ;)




My mom and her boyfriend went later that week to watch his magic show. They said he did a good show but the audience was incredibly rude. Some people were talking over him, heckling him, etc. Although I am not a fan of magic I don't think it's right to give someone a hard time while they perform. To me, that's just rude. To go to an event just to hassle someone is classless. I'm very sorry to hear that this happened!

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The next day we went stopped in Roatan. This was a new port for us. Normally we'd go on an excursion. My husband and I are very adventurous so it's difficult to ride ATVs, Water Raft, and other things like that when you have a baby with you. We opted to just hang out by the port area or spend time onboard. It was overcast all day with some drizzles here and there.


First stop was breakfast, I went to the burrito bar again and saw something familiar sitting off on the side opposite the burritos. There was no label. They had arepas! They are delicious. It's basically two cornmeal patties with melted cheese in between! I was in heaven for breakfast! They had these every day, not just today. This was the first time I had noticed them.




From what I understand, Carnival funded the Mohagany Bay pier. It's very nice. I would not mind coming back just for the port area. They did a nice job. It is new and clean!


Here we are in front of the sign.




There are some indoor shops as well as a craft market where vendors can sell their things.




Every country we visit, we like to bring back a wood carved and polished trinket with the location named carved in to it. We have a turtle from Haiti, sunflower from Costa Rica, palm tree from the Bahamas, etc. So we searched the shops for something that would fit in with our collection. The search ended quickly, as my husband handed my son a wood carved toy which we could not pry from his hands! It doesn't exactly fit in with the things we have at home...




Yes, my husband gave my son a wooden ax! Leave it to men ;)




My husband bought inexpensive sunglasses because he couldn't find his regular ones. Well, let me recommend that no one buy cheap sunglasses in Roatan! He said that when he put them on he felt drunk. He went back inside and asked if they accidentally sold him prescription ones, they said no. Everything looked wobbly though them. Strangely when he wore them indoors it was fine, but outside they had that weird effect. He couldn't return them!

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We walked around the port shopping area for a bit looking checking things out. Stopped for a few photo ops as well!








I saw a sign in the craft market that I really liked. My husband's print shop is in an area with a lot of difficult people to deal with. He comes home wanting to pull his hair out because he often deals with older people who have nothing else to do all day but complain and ask for discounts. Now I'm not generalizing here, this does not apply to every retiree, I know! So please don't mistake what I am saying. It's just the types that he deals with like to give him a hard time because they think he's young and they can push him around. So I told him to buy one of these signs and put it up in his shop!




We were going to head back to the ship when we saw this lovely sign and bridge, so we decided to take a peek at the other side. I am so glad we did because there was a lot over the bridge!



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I would have also liked to try the chair lift, but I was too afraid that my wiggle worm of a child would fall out!




Over the bridge there is so much more going on. I had no idea. First we came upon the dolphin experience. Swimming and interacting with dolphins seems to be very popular these days.




A couple of photo ops between the beach and restaurants!








A playground!




Picnic area.



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Beach with a walking pier.




I really like that this was included, no extra charge for the use of most of these (Im sure the Dolphin things have a charge and I know the chairlift did.) It gave me the feel of a private island like Coco Cay or Great Stirrup Cay. Had the day been more sunny we would have used the beach, but it wasn't nice out so we opted to just kick back.


We went to Fat Tuesday for a snack and some Honduran Beers.






As you can see, my son was pooped at this point.



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On our walk back to the ship my husband and I decided to walk through the nature trail. My mom took my son in his stroller along the paved path while we explored for a little bit. it winds up and down a hill with trees and plants. There are 3-4 balcony type places to stop and sit on some benches that look out at the ships. It was rugged enough that the stroller wouldn't make it, but not too rough because we were both wearing sandals and made it out just fine.







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This is a fabulous review!! I love seeing other people's reviews with their children/babies. Isn't cruising totally different with a child? As you can see in my signature we've been on several cruises before our child, and I have to say it's quite the difference. Much more laid back with children involved. BUT, I wouldn't leave them at home either NOW. We did leave him when he was 6 months and 1yr though since we wanted the alone time, and it was our anniversary. ;)

As I type my 21 month old is sitting in my lap.



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OMG I love his diapers! I'm obsessed with anchors since that was my son's baby shower theme, and his 1st bday theme. Where did you get these?? Lol!!


The diapers are from the Honest Company. I ordered them just for the cruise. They have cute designs throughout the year. I ordered a size bigger so when we take him on a cruise in May he can have cruise diapers again!

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This is a fabulous review!! I love seeing other people's reviews with their children/babies. Isn't cruising totally different with a child? As you can see in my signature we've been on several cruises before our child, and I have to say it's quite the difference. Much more laid back with children involved. BUT, I wouldn't leave them at home either NOW. We did leave him when he was 6 months and 1yr though since we wanted the alone time, and it was our anniversary. ;)

As I type my 21 month old is sitting in my lap.





Cruising definitely has a different feel to it with a child, but not in a bad way. We are less rigid about doing things at a certain time. My son and I are going on a weekend cruise in May. Then in October my husband, son, and I are going on a California Coastal cruise. I think the next cruise after that will definitely be a quick couple trip. My mom always offers to watch him.

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Sailing away from Roatan was nice. We sat out on the balcony and watched the port fade away. Just before departing we saw a bunch of old mattresses left behind on the dock. I guess it was time to refresh some beds onboard.










That's the Legend off in the distance. Throughout the entire week we tagged along with them, or did they with us?? Same ports, other than Costa Maya. I believe they sailed out of Tampa whereas we came from Miami.

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We arrived back at our cabin to find the pack n play, yay!!!


I set it up and gave my son a bath in his tub. It was way past his bed time at this point and we were worried about his becoming unmanageable at this point. But he did really well! We put him in the crib and draped muslin blankets around the sides so he wouldn't see us. Yes I know it sounds strange, but he's a fabulous sleeper. He has slept in his own room since he first came home from the hospital. I firmly believe that babies know the smell of their parents and some of them will wake more easily knowing they are right there. So we did our best to "hide" from him in the cabin at night. Once he's asleep, we were able to watch TV without him waking.


My son's sleep habits are very routine. He woke up at 6am, just like he does at home. This is what we saw every morning peering over at us...




DH woke up soon after us, he went to the gym, then we hit the buffet for breakfast. We both had a breakfast burrito from the Blue Iguana Cantina. It was pretty good, a nice change from the typical cruise fare for breakfast. I stuffed mine with regular eggs, chicken sausage, potatoes crispies, cheese, and tomatoes. Little guy had some honeydew.








Whoa...did you bring your son's music table?? I guess that's the difference in driving vs flying to the port! I'm a mom of 2 boys 2 and under so I noticed that right away! I'm an overpacker too, but flying helps keep me in check some I guess. We were on the Glory in September with our then 8 month old (and 2yo). They had a blast and got lots of love and attention from the crew.

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Whoa...did you bring your son's music table?? I guess that's the difference in driving vs flying to the port! I'm a mom of 2 boys 2 and under so I noticed that right away! I'm an overpacker too, but flying helps keep me in check some I guess. We were on the Glory in September with our then 8 month old (and 2yo). They had a blast and got lots of love and attention from the crew.


Yes, we did bring the music table. Haha. We took the legs off and removed the batteries. It fit in the suitcase we brought for my son's stuff. He didn't end up using it but 2-3 times because he found everything else in the cabin far more amusing. Such as the light switch, or sticking his hands under the door to the bathroom. Whenever one of us was in there, the fingers would be wiggling down on the floor.


Next year when we fly to California it will be a different experience. We're going to attempt to bring 2 suitcases, but we'll see how that goes!

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I would like to apologize to anyone who thinks this review is moving very slowly! I'm a busy girl working two jobs and taking care of my son. I promise I will pick up the speed soon.


BUT, I won't be online tomorrow. We're taking a last minute trip to SeaWorld in the morning. It's about a 3 hour drive from our house and I have a friend that works there who was able to get us some last minute passes :)

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Sailing away from Roatan was nice. We sat out on the balcony and watched the port fade away. Just before departing we saw a bunch of old mattresses left behind on the dock. I guess it was time to refresh some beds onboard.










That's the Legend off in the distance. Throughout the entire week we tagged along with them, or did they with us?? Same ports, other than Costa Maya. I believe they sailed out of Tampa whereas we came from Miami.


Strange you should mention the mattresses..One of our first trips to Roatan we also saw mattresses on the dock...me, being nosey, asked what they did with them...seems they are always recycling mattresses on board and once they replace one the old mattress get stored to be dropped off in Roatan for the children's orphanage...really really like this...:)

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Strange you should mention the mattresses..One of our first trips to Roatan we also saw mattresses on the dock...me, being nosey, asked what they did with them...seems they are always recycling mattresses on board and once they replace one the old mattress get stored to be dropped off in Roatan for the children's orphanage...really really like this...:)


I love that. I really hope its true!

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I love that. I really hope its true!

Oh it is for sure..we've seen it numerous times and we have watched them come get them and take them away...cruisers even take school supplies to be sent to the orphanage...one of these trips I'd really like to visit the orphanage for sure..

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I will apologize for the lack of menu tonight. I dont know why we didnt take a picture. I was not impressed with the escargot. I don't remember what it was like last time I was on Carnival, but I felt that it was lacking something. I do enjoy the one served on Royal Caribbean- with the cheesy topping. This one has a fluffy top.




While we waiting for our entrees, my son was playing with two kids from the booth behind us. The kids loved him and he loved the kids!




I had Chicken Milanese. I dont really like this dish in general. However from my memory, there was nothing else on the menu that intrigued me. I ended up liking it quite a bit. The olives and peppers on top gave it a great flavor. I liked it much better than the one I had on NCL Epic.




My husband had Rigatoni with Mussels. I think he liked it...



My mom and her boyfriend enjoyed this beef dish, sorry I dont have a menu for reference :(



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For dessert I ordered a melting cake and something that looked interesting. Caramel Corn Creme Brulee. It was interesting and I enjoyed it.




My husband had the cheesecake.




After dinner my mom watched our son for a bit. We went to the Superstar Karaoke (I think that's what it was called). It was a nice twist on regular karaoke. There was a live band on stage that would play the background music for the people who got up on stage to sing. The only problem was that the guitars drowned out most people's voices and it was difficult to heat the singing. From the photo, it looks pretty empty, but the karaoke events were packed all week long!




We stayed for a little while, then ventured back to our cabin after some hot tea up on deck.


Up next, Grand Cayman. A port I am cursed every time I visit. Let's see if this time lives up to it's reputation!!

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