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.......idle jottings


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Well that brought the perverts out Poppy !

No, not surprised at all really.

Yes, had suspicions for a long time.

One's a shoe feti****ist too you know.

How odd is that ?

Stars have appeared !


Sincerest apologies gentlemen and highly esteemed chums of impeccable conduct.

The terminology was unfortunate and could be ignorantly mis-construed.

Perverted thinking was the intention to comment upon.

Mea culpe.

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Some chums are saying that this particular forum has descended into foul language and "smutty" innuendo and has very little to do with SD.

Hum would object to this.

It BEGAN like that !


Hum does have his "Guest Comment Review" waiting to pist, if anyone is interested.


Anyone ?


And if the Contessa is "passing by". Hum was not gloating.

Would never be like that ....well to you, anyways.


Just passing by again for my daily fix of foul language and a bit of smut. Such a refreshing forum vs the other stuffy and PC boards I also peruse.


Hum gloat? No need to worry, I have Jim to take care of those issues and all will be known this November. We will either be more government or a country run by it's people. I hope that the "fat lady is not up there singing" especially with her often mentioned health concerns of late. Did Hum happen to see that pic of her huge, green (you know what) being "assisted" up those steps?


Wishing you a lovely evening and Contessa would never gloat with Hum either.




Contessa di P

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Well thanks for that most entertaining contribuion Poppy (Hum thinks?)



Obviously you rewarded yourself with quite a few glasses of the Amontillado after weedkill spraying the drive.

Well you deserve it darling.

You did wear breathing protection ?

Maybe it's the fumes ?


"Hateful old bag"..hahahahaha

That's so funny !!!

Love it !


Ho Hum. Are you suggesting I've been on the cooking sherry already?? Too wet here at the mo, need a few dry days before I tackle the drive! Breathing protection? No way, I'm a hardy old lassie:)

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SeaDream is coming up on its 15th anniversary in September. Time really does fly when you are having fun. Congratulations to all the hard working crew of the last 15 years.


Thanks for the reminder old chum, very thoughtful of you (as usual).

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Just passing by again for my daily fix of foul language and a bit of smut. Such a refreshing forum vs the other stuffy and PC boards I also peruse.


Hum gloat? No need to worry, I have Jim to take care of those issues and all will be known this November. We will either be more government or a country run by it's people. I hope that the "fat lady is not up there singing" especially with her often mentioned health concerns of late. Did Hum happen to see that pic of her huge, green (you know what) being "assisted" up those steps?


Wishing you a lovely evening and Contessa would never gloat with Hum either.




Contessa di P


Well what can H say ?

Probably best to say nuttin' this time.

Except to send his love.

"It'll all come out in the wash"

The people spoke in Britain and sure as "eggs are eggs" they'll say it in the US too.

Hum's done US politics.

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Ho Hum. Are you suggesting I've been on the cooking sherry already?? Too wet here at the mo, need a few dry days before I tackle the drive! Breathing protection? No way, I'm a hardy old lassie:)


Hum does'nt doubt it (tough as old boots).

Dem weeds love da rain, gal.

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Yes, Hum is now shopping at the Big and Tall girl's boutique in Las Vegas

and having her (um, his) outfits shipped by poor Jim. Didn't I hint at this

in my previous post?


Can't wait for the crossing to see Hum turned out in her (damn it, his) new pant-suit for the Repeat Guests cocktail party. Rumor has it that a big LGBT

travel agency has secured the few remaining cabins in support of his "coming

out" declaration. The "choker chains" were a dead giveaway!


Am trying to imagine what a "first time" reader to this column must be thinking ... HA! But nearly a quarter million hits can't be wrong! :)


Hum "coming out" Commander ?


Very sorry to disappoint.

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Hum does have his "Guest Comment Review" waiting to pist, if anyone is interested.


I keep checking in, hoping to see the latest Guest Comment Review!!! I hope you will consider posting it. Past reviews have always been so thorough and a pleasure to read.

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I keep checking in, hoping to see the latest Guest Comment Review!!! I hope you will consider posting it. Past reviews have always been so thorough and a pleasure to read.


Aaaahhh !

Someone........someone out there wants to read the Masters appraisal.

Well, good kind, intelligent, perceptive "Muddleaged" (Hum sees what you did with the name there: very clever old chum) the post of said GCR will be dedicated to you.


And do you know what was the most wonderful thing this time was Muddled, was that Hum wrote it more in the style of Hum and do you know what ?

They replied in an equally funny way !!!

Hum was amazed.

Norwegians with humour !

Never thought Hum would see the day.

Now does Hum post their replies too ?

Hum would love too but you know it could do more harm than good.

It could send them running back into their shell and none of us want that.

We want a more open shoreside management and for this to happen, Hum must be respectful and appropriate.

Hahaha, Hum Respectful and appropriate !

Well good luck with that one !

So he wont post their replies, suffice to say you really feel they take into account ALL our comments.

To finally have the beginnings of a developing good relationship with the "old enemy" is very satisfying.

Very satisfying indeed.

There have been some other developments behind the scenes which have given Hum a sense that "they" are listening.

All very good stuff chums.


So it's a coming dear chum.....very soon (the GCR).

Just need to edit out the bad language.

So you see it could take a bit of time !


Have a tickety-boo weekend to all dear chums.

Now take some time for yourself dear chum.

Remember what Jeezus said about charity, it begins at Hum.

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Here in the colonies, Ho, we have two holidays dedicated to the military. Memorial Day honors the fallen, except that it has become to be recognized as the beginning of summer and is more often a time of picnics and other assorted diversions. Veterans' Day (formerly Armistice Day) is celebrated on November 11, and in some parts it is even recognized on the eleventh hour. In recent years it has also recognized those who are currently in uniform. Fortunately, it is too cold in most parts of the US for picnics, so the holiday hasn't taken on a different character, although many businesses no longer give the day off because it is only two or three weeks before the four-day Thanksgiving weekend. Zimmy and I always fly the flag that day and buy poppies from one of the veterans' organizations.


What we should have is another holiday giving honor to our service men and women who have EARNED the Purple Heart, our oldest military medal for those wounded in combat. None of them had ever gone into battle wanting to win this medal.


True, true.

They all were just regular guys and ladies and it is these "ordinary" people that should be respected and appreciated when they are called onto do extraordinary things and view it as their duty to protect us.

Instead we the media idolises and gives the headline to the less worthy and downright bad.

None of you dear chums need to hear the ruddy obvious from Hum, you know it already.

What a world we live in sometimes.

The people who serve have Hum's greatest respect.

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I blame myself...it all started with those damn green loafers....


Never blame yourself for being fashion forward, Abenaki.


No, DO blame him !


You know Hum forgot to take them on the SD Italian voyage and Hum cant tell you how many crew commented on it !


Hum will give the Great Abenaki (sounds like a magician: yes Hum wishes he would disappear. Sorry, low blow and completely un-true. Hum adores the ground he walks on).

Sorry, Hum appreciates Abenaki for all his most perceptive opinions and views.

The world is deprived of his extremely funny observations and writing style.

Do more dearest chum or should that be, pray, post more Master ?

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SEA DREAM II: 23 July - 3 August, 2016. Rome to Venice


1. Yacht Embarkation: 9.0

no map of port (again)

Rome port baggage handlers efficient

Rome port lady in charge very personable

Rome port covered area and seats well equipped

Rome port SD refreshment counter not attended

champagne offered (to me, at least)

canapes very good

greetings wonderful as always. An exceptionally important aspect which SD lady crew do exceedingly well

processing very efficient and friendly

bags delivered to room in good time

Clothes taken for pressing quickly


2. Stateroom Appointments: 8.5

sporadic problems with toilet

Occasional paint or varnish fumes through a/c: most unpleasant

Black soot from a/c on two nights

internet basic

cannot turn tv off permanently using remote control: it comes back on

new make up mirror

despite very high temperatures, the air conditioning worked wonders

toilet paper poor quality; its a waste buying cheap paper, do I Need to really explain ?

TVs should have some facility to prevent children watching certain films. Saw a truly terrible film on the tv featuring a ghastly Englishman with funny hair, in his 80s on holiday on a wonderful boat (Sea Bream ?) But seriously poor darlings could have nightmares watching some films shown !


3. Stateroom Stewardesses: 10* (1 star)

- bedrock of ship experience, always so kind and cheerful.

Jeanesa looked after us so well assisted by other wonderful ladies

Head of Housekeeping: Ivana. Impressive as always and an amazing ambassador for company

public areas always kept well (Crystal Esprit is poor by comparison to SD standards)


4. Cuisine: 10*** (3 star)

Fantastic standard

presentation improved: some were art

Salad lunches in hot weather are perfect.

A steak at a moments notice for lunch: incredible

I now love chicken ! Chef Tomasz explained slow cooking method enabling meat to be not dry

Chef Tomasz explained use of Maldon flake salt. SD spend money on great ingredients and it tastes like they do. Congratulations.

Pastry chef Girry is ALWAYS producing great dishes and croissants. How they are never too sweet is miraculous.

Chef Tomasz on the form of his life and brilliant on chef's walk. Giving credit to his kitchen too is nice (and honest and of course fully warranted).

great job sous chef and galley


And the minor critiques:

bread and rolls lacking which helps the waistline

cheeses should be labelled (how many times guys, come on, it ain't that difficult and waiters are clueless)

The okra curry sauce was suspiciously like the sublime spicy lentil soup (cant pull that one over my eyes...true is'nt it ?)


5. Restaurant Services: 8.0

don't ask ! (personal issue but it detracted voyage experience, suffice to say there is a form of service that I abhor).

Carlos: great guy

Robert looks an amazing appointment. Sophisticated, intelligent and with flair. Very perceptive and humorous.

Nemed: huge personal work on himself. Service was sanity, efficient, un-obtrusive, respectful of table.

Dejan: huge confidence gain and smart (knows how to present himself in hot and sweaty weather conditions)


6. Bar Services & Sommelier: 8.5

again don't ask ! (just "not my cuppa tea")

Loud clinking of glasses and banging of equipment behind Main Salon bar occasionally when Gareth or Captain speaking (difficult enough to hear at best of times).

Cameron's "Bloody Mary" mix was bloody MARVELLOUS !

Alberto, the new sommelier is highly personable and knowledgable and saved me potential embarrassment when a wine was very faintly "corked" or had some other defect. A positive addition. But he needs to cover more ground ...... and quickly for those dining on rear deck! Yes, it is a tough ask. Cameron's support is vital.

I was delighted to be able to taste the national wines of the countries we visited. It was only Croatian wine but although it wasn't the greatest example, it nevertheless introduced to wholly different styles of wine which were well made. National beers, cheeses etc... would be welcome additions too, otherwise you are travelling in a cultural bubble alienated from the true flavours of the countries you are visiting. So a fantastic start but it is just a start. More please, much, much, more.


7. Concierge / Reception, Shop & Purser: 10 (*1 star)

- FRUD, Katherine and Arla are AMAZING

- concierge must be staffed from 7.0am on LAST day


8. Onboard Recreation: 10

Club Director: Gareth very good and professional and a wonderful dinner host. An extra level of ability and assurance added to his game: really at his best ever. Great idea about showing THAT film on tv.

Activity Director: Tony. A hugely impressive lady and makes a great dinner host. Also finally plays good disco music but sadly no WHO, STONES, OASIS, JETHRO TULL (I know where there could be a large collection of "Tull" onboard). We also have a disco aficionado onboard in the Hotel department and he could provide a contemporary playlist.

Casino Manager: Dragonania. Doubles up her duties in flower arranging and check in. Immensely personable. Sadly no ocasssion to dine with her.

Michael Buble.........aaaarrgghhhh !

love the soft jazz at the TOYB before lunch time


9. Shoreside Activities: N/A

none undertaken (too hot, too lazy)

all seemed to go well (reported by other guests)


10. Ports of Call: 10

fine but the hot weather prevented exploration: will not travel in June and August again

Choggia ?


11. Spa Services: 10

Piro is a fantastic addition. Bright, well presented, great attitude and lovely dinner host. Good sense of humour too.

Pla's service was exceptional as always

prices expensive but it does not deter: spa was very busy (possibly busiest I've ever known it)


12. Overall Appearance of the Yacht: 9.0

looks fine to me

fans on rear deck are FANTASTIC. Every man and his dog are taking credit !! Haha. Why not !

fantastic (and much needed) tender interior re-fit. Great job (finally)

tender and deck hand uniforms and shoes (paint splatters) need to be smarter but dont change Pappa Tony's hat ! But do give it a clean.

floor around TOYB "grubby" and needs clean

install digital thermometer at TOYB


13. Overall Impression of your Voyage: 10.0

a few surprising issues this time that detracted from experience, a few areas remain at a high standard and one improvement of an already high standard

a discreet framed small notice about "Crew Fund" should be positioned somewhere on Concierge

an onboard credit should be given to the person offering the most helpful Guest Comment Card ! Yes I mean it. Do you want feedback or not? If so, incentivise it or put it in a draw

Guest Comment Cards should be calibrated to reflect nationality of guest giving feedback (an Englishman giving a 7 is equivalent to an American giving a 10 or a Norwegian giving a 4 !) thankyou to all crew, Captain, Hotel Manager, Chief Officer, Chief Engineer, Purser and those generally behind the scenes

I have fallen in love with SDII all over again

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COCOYOTE dear chum, Hum came across this wonderful article about your namesake and kept it back in case you may be interested:






Thank you for the article, Hum. I believe the below shows a picture of my namesake, though (hope this works :))



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COCOYOTE dear chum, Hum came across this wonderful article about your namesake and kept it back in case you may be interested:



Thank you for the article, Hum. I believe the below shows a picture of my namesake, though (hope this works :))




Dearest chum, you may not believe this but it's true, Hum came across the very same article and Hum was going to send it to you !!

Chum it's true.

Hum loves the Aeon articles and following that article was a wonderful article on Nelson Mandela and how we overcame hatred. Not in a religious sense but on the level of a basic humanity.

The introduction stated "Anger is the emotion that has come to saturate our politics and culture. Philosophy can help us out of this dark vortex."


It came at a time when the battle in US politics was displaying greater and greater expressions of hatred, not just occasionally but daily.

The battle for "hearts and minds" has been lost if it descends to this level.

In essence, Hum is saying it is a turn off and would go as far as to call it revolting.

Hum returns the kind consideration and forwards you the article:




Aeon online articles are so diverse, beautifully photographed and intelligently written about aspects in our world that are truly fascinating.

Hum would encourage chums to check it out.


Hum loves the coyote because of it's "street wise" wisdom. It is a survivor and it uses it's brain. It would readily back down if it met a force it couldn't easily defeat. It is so contrary to the ethos of religion and national identity and the defending or proselytising of them.

It is an animal revered by the indigenous Indians in your wonderful country for very good reasons.

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We have lots of coyotes in our neighborhood. Unwary northern visitors inevitably lose the beloved poodle or two each winter. They are very capable creatures. A 6' block wall is a mere hop for them. In fact, they can hop over said wall or hop up and walk along the top of the wall. Absolutely amazing to watch. At night, in the cooler times when sleeping with windows open, the howling can be quite dramatic. Other than the howls, you always know when Wylie Coyote is around as the rabbits become quite scarce.....Oh, and the piles of poo with rabbit fur in them are a tip off too. :eek::D To keep on topic with SD, cleaning coyote poo makes me want to sail on SeaDream with Ho-Hum!

Edited by Jim Avery
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We have lots of coyotes in our neighborhood. Unwary northern visitors inevitably lose the beloved poodle or two each winter. They are very capable creatures. A 6' block wall is a mere hop for them. In fact, they can hop over said wall or hop up and walk along the top of the wall. Absolutely amazing to watch. At night, in the cooler times when sleeping with windows open, the howling can be quite dramatic. Other than the howls, you always know when Wylie Coyote is around as the rabbits become quite scarce.....Oh, and the piles of poo with rabbit fur in them are a tip off too. :eek::D


Hey Jim, it's so funny you mention about howling 'cos on the November xings, Hum could have sworn he heard howling late at night.

You don't think it was one of those wily coyotes ?

Will be careful where Hum treads too ! Eeewww.

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Hey Jim, it's so funny you mention about howling 'cos on the November xings, Hum could have sworn he heard howling late at night.

You don't think it was one of those wily coyotes ?

Will be careful where Hum treads too ! Eeewww.


Now Hum, what happens on the crossings stays on the crossings. So looking forward to seeing you and Blondie again. Howl at the moon. :)


Jim, as we are moving close but a little bit north of you, we promise not to howl loudly.

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Now Hum, what happens on the crossings stays on the crossings. So looking forward to seeing you and Blondie again. Howl at the moon. :)


Jim, as we are moving close but a little bit north of you, we promise not to howl loudly.


How close? Might have to meet at an appropriate setting:D Lots of nice places just North of here. Love the coyote howls, especially when they howl back at the night time train horns.

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How close? Might have to meet at an appropriate setting:D Lots of nice places just North of here. Love the coyote howls, especially when they howl back at the night time train horns.


Not to be outdone !

We have the neighbour's cat come over, miaow loudly and then do a "whoopsie" on the drive.

Sure wish we had a bunch of coyotes to say hello to "Mr. Black" (name of cat): if you get Hum's meanin'.

Darn cat !

Yes Hum does have a vengeful streak !


Oh but then Hum may discover the un-mentionable with cat fur on his drive.

Here kitty, here kitty.....

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An man is stumbling through the woods, totally drunk, when he comes upon a preacher baptizing people in the river.

He proceeds into the water, subsequently bumping into the preacher.

The preacher turns around and is almost overcome by the smell of alcohol, whereupon, he asks the drunk, “Are you ready to find Jesus?”

The drunk shouts, “Yes, I am.”

So the preacher grabs him and dunks him in the water.

He pulls him back and asks, “Brother, have you found Jesus?”

The preacher, shocked at the answer "no", dunks him again but for a little longer.

He again pulls him out of the water and asks, “Have you found Jesus, brother?”

The drunk answers, “No, I haven’t found Jesus!”

By this time, the preacher is at his wit's end and dunks the drunk again – but this time holds him down for about 30 seconds, and when he begins kicking his arms and legs about, he pulls him up.

The preacher again asks the drunk, “For the love of God, have you found Jesus?!”

The drunk staggers upright, wipes his eyes, coughs up a bit of water, catches his breath, and says to the preacher, "Are you sure this is where he fell in?”


Dined with Cruise Critic chums at lunch and dinner yesterday.

Have a nice weekend.



Hahahahahaha Good one! :D

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How close? Might have to meet at an appropriate setting:D Lots of nice places just North of here. Love the coyote howls, especially when they howl back at the night time train horns.


Just a little south of Carefree off of Scottsdale Rd., Jim.

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