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Anybody need to loose 100+ lbs

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I am overwhelmed...I was just logging in to tell you all how I am so not focused and how the stress of EVERYTHING really has me down blah blah blah.... BUT I started reading the posts first --OH MY GOD! Ms Suzanna --that is absolutely amazing-just like on the Biggest Loser! Your testimony has really cheered me up! I am on fire. I will check out the Boot camp myself. If only one thing goes right that is a start. After reading the posts from Debbi, Kathi and Tami it hit me like a big fat brick that this is ONE thing I really do have control over. This is such a big awakening that I will end my post now and really make a decision!


Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I feel the tears...tears of joy and gratitude.




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Guest suzeycruisey

Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone for your words of encouragement and congratulations. I truly feel blessed to have you guys as my online friends and support system. It is amazing what a difference it makes knowing that I have to check in here and keeps me accountable...you guys are all an inspiration to me! This is also a benefit I have found of only weighing in every few weeks...even though I realize not every month will be a 20 pound loss, it helps me tremendously to get on the scale and see big changes instead of a pound here, a pound there. Again, this is what works for me. Years ago when I went to Weight Watchers, I loved the plan but would get so frustrated getting on the scale every week and only going down a half or 3/4 of a pound. But whatever works for each individual to keep you on plan is the right thing to do!


Natalie ~ I totally can relate when you talk about the tears welling up...I think I started to cry when I got on the scale yesterday but for once they were happy tears! You are right, even one small change is a great victory...anything I can do to help please let me know...


I am trying to up my water intake for this next segment of my boot camp. Miss Oprah suggests at least 64 ounces a day, but I have noticed that even after 64 ounces I am still thirsty, and then choosing a diet soda instead of more water, so I am upping my water to 96 ounces a day and see if that helps me stay away from the soda. Also helps in not retaining water...


In three days I will be officially halfway through boot camp...I never imagined making it this far, and so now I have to start doing some research as to what I need to do after it's over...I have made a lot of cardiovascular progress, i.e. I can last a lot longer doing aerobic activity, but at the rate of adding 2 extra minutes each week, by the end of the year I will be working out all day and that is just not going to happen... ha ha ha :p . So I am on a quest to see what happens after the 12 weeks are over. Next weigh-in will be on September 1st, but I will be checking in again tomorrow!


Have a great day everyone!


Suzanna :D

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Just remember that your not alone in this process. We all need eachother for support every now and again. We will always be here no matter if your sad, happy or just plain ole want to jump for joy. Patience is the key. I know it's easier said than done BUT if you keep at it you WILL see results. We all have our ups and downs in life and the friendship i share with all of you makes a big difference. You all feel like my family on here. After all us sisters have to stick together ;)


You weren't the only one making excuses i was as well. I figured my back would hurt no matter what so at my weigh-in on Monday there was a girl there that says she does 2 miles a day on the treadmill. Well when i came home it was a huge wake-up for me. I asked myself why if she could do it why can't i? I was lying to myself. I feel so much better now knowing that i too can do 2 miles and hopefully at weigh-in on Monday it will pay off.


God Bless you in your decision. If you ever need to talk you do have ALL of us to talk with. NEVER feel like a failure because your not. Your just human like the rest of us and we all make the same mistakes.


Have a great day and take care of yourself hun {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}



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Debbi and Suzanna--Thank you thank you!


Suzanna-If you would email me directly to give me some guidance on Boot Camp, I'd really appreciate it. I wrote down what it said. I understand the cardio part. I am unsure about the weight training on consecutive days and what exercises to do??? denese96@sbcglobal.net



That was the other thing the struck me was the crazy weighing I have been doing. I used to only weigh once a month! How about today's weight is my weigh in for this month! Enough is enough.


I agree 5000% about the water. The more I drink the more I want. I read that we can safely drink half of our body weight. I don't really believe that I would not personally die! LOL


Debbie- You are so right this is my family.


At lunch I continued to ponder on this and have made the decision to "turn it over" and "just do it"!


I'll be checking in as usual. I plan to not isolate. I want to get through this difficult time.


Natalie :)

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WOW!! What an inspirational group of women! I am in awe of ALL of you.


Suzanna let me add my congratulations!


I have continued on program. I feel like such a whiner, I do .75 mile on the treadmill and feel like it is such a chore, but I do continue to add 2 minutes each week.


Well, this week I lost 2.3 lbs making the total three week loss: 12.2 lbs.


I hope everyone meets or exceeds their goals this week. Keep the faith.



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Good morning all,


I just wanted to check in and say I am feeling much better today-emotionally and physically.


I sent this to Suzanna and wanted to share with the rest of my gang:


My dearest Suzanna,


Now I am going to really cry! I have printed my "manual" you provided. Thank you so much for clarifying the weight lifting. I "knew" you should not do the same parts each day, but somehow I interpreted to say do the same thing everyday. LOL Probably that part of me looking for the escape.

I am so proud of you. When I tell you that you snapped me back into reality, I am not kidding.


I had been walking 30 minutes per day, so I will start there. When my knees were having their spasms I took some days off. :( I go to the pain doc Monday for my steroid shots and I'll be back in business no later than Wednesday. Of course my inner brat told me not to start until---you know--Monday. I am not listening to her.


I also did not get on the scale today as promised.




Everyone have a really good weekend. I plan to follow a reasonable WOE one day at a time.



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Hi all- Just a short post as I need to get out of here in a few. Had a great time at the dinner theater last night seeing Steel Magnolias. Ate way too much but brought the chocolate cake home and sent it to work with DH even though it was sugarless. It just didnt' appeal even though it is GOOD! I guess that's progress.


Back on track today. I'm so glad to see everyone posting! I'll write more tomorrow or this evening.



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Guest suzeycruisey

Good morning everyone! Happy Friday!


Tami ~ Sounds like you had a good time at the theater...and good for you for giving up the cake! I don't think I have that kind of willpower when it comes to chocolate. I can't bring it into the house or it'll be gone before you can blink.


Natalie ~ you are too sweet...I am more than happy to help, and I know you can do it! If I can be half as much help and support as you all have been to me, I will be happy. This board has become invaluable to me. Email me anytime.


I was thinking this morning about emotions and how they impact me and my success. I am an emotional eater, no doubt, but I am fighting that as best as I can. What I have noticed is my tendency to want to sabotage myself over the most trivial things. For instance lately a couple (maybe 2 or 3) people have said "oh you've lost weight", "you look good", etc...why does that not make me feel good? Why do I rebel every time someone notices my weight loss? Anyone else deal with these kinds of emotions? It's almost like inside I am saying to myself, "How dare they think I look better now than I used to", even though I know it's true. I then get emotional about it, and want to sabotage my WOE/WOEX. Why is that? That is the question of the day. You would think compliments from others would motivate me, but it seems to have the opposite effect.



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That opens a big can of ...


Yes, that is me too. I feel both proud and insulted. I enjoy and loathe the attention. I want to keep going and I want to stop. I counteracted that oppositional behavior by keeping focused on my body as a temple that really has nothing to do with other folks. I "heard" their comments and DID not take make note of them. If that makes any sense. Once I become invested in their opinions I am doomed. It does not matter if they are good or bad.


I also noticed that once the comment is made people watch my every bite. Mind you I do not discuss my WOE/WOEX with my co-workers, that is reserved for those friends that are supportive. So there is no explanation why they suddenly feel a need to "help" me. I truly suspect it is an attempt on their part to sabotage me with back handed help. So I have to disregard their well or mean intentioned intrusions. Usually after no participation in their discussion they will stop.


The other thing that causes me to sabotage myself is my own thinking. Oh I should've, would've, could've... rather than focusing on what I did do. One time I had lost over 120 pounds. Rather than basking in the glory I decided I still needed to lose 20 pounds (which I did). So I focused on how sad it was to be on the journey for 2 years and to have only lost 120 pounds...get the picture? As result I gained that 120 and then some back. I am determined this time to be humble and grateful for whatever amount I successfully lose and keep off.


I felt really good getting up and not getting on the scale. I remember that feeling!

So for today I am letting go and just doing it.


I have a busy weekend planned--the usually hair/nail appointments, banking & post office, need new tires (4 of course-LOL) and an alignment and a 70th BD bash. And that is only Saturday! My goal is to drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday no matter what and stay away fro the obvious offenders to my WOE.


I'll check in each day.


Happy Friday!

Have a great weekend.


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Hello everyone. I hope you have all had a great week and looking forward to your week-end.


Lynn~Congratulations on your weight loss. Down 12 lbs., you go girl! I am glad to hear you have stayed with your program plus increasing your work-out time.


Natalie~Your comment on not investing in other people's opinions is something we all should take with us when walking out the door. I try to remind myself (which I do quite often~:o ) that pleasing God is all I should concern myself with. I don't know why we let what others think bother us. Natalie, I wish you the best of luck on Boot Camp. You can do it...


Suzanna~As far as your question of the day...We really are our own

worst enemy. We wouldn't try to find ways to sabatoge ourselves otherwise. So your question of the day is probally centuries old. LOL Suzanna, you have done an awesome job on Boot Camp. -21.5 lbs in 5 weeks is no small feat. I am so proud of you. Keep up the good work. Looks like I am going to have to check into this Boot Camp as well.


Debbie~Way to go girl with your exercise. You are like me...need that boost in exercise to help with the rest of the weight loss. It goes to show that along with healthy choices in food that exercise and water consumption is just as important. I drink alot of water. Anywhere from 72 oz to 120 oz a day. Now I need to increase my daily work outs.


Tami~Sounds like you are doing great with your exercise as well. Keep up the good work. Glad you had a good time at the dinner theater. And cheers to you for getting rid of the chocolate cake. WILLPOWER!!!


To the Sister-hood~I think it is awesome that we can all come together on this thread from all over the country. We all bring something special to the table. Thank you for the heart warming advice, loving support and emotional understanding we give to one another. You ladies are a special group and I am looking forward to sharing this journey with all of you.


Thoughts & prayers remain with everyone. Keep the determination & stay focused.


God Bless & Much Love...


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Hi all- Well I'm sitting here in my workout clothes so I've gotten that far. :D I'm waiting for breakfast to settle and baby-man to go down for a nap so I can get on the elliptical machine. I'm going to try for at least 20 minutes on it today. I got videos from the library yesterday so I have something to occupy my mind.


Yesterday was better eating wise but not the greatest. I went to lunch with a friend and she insisted on a chinese buffet. Most of them we end up at have alot of steamed stuff so I didn't worry too much but not this one. There wasn't one thing that wasn't either fried or covered in heavy sauce. I did make up for it by making vegetarian vegetable soup with chickpeas for dinner but I still feel sluggish today.


My emotional eating issue is that I tend to be very impulsive. It's wierd because I'm not particularly impulsive about anything else but I have a hard time controlling the impulse to eat sometimes. It's getting better but there are certain situations... Gas stations are hard for me, of all things.... The candy counter calls to me and I dont' even really like candy anymore. I still have the impulse to buy and eat it even though I don't enjoy it. I'm not sure I ever really did but ever since I started taking Topamax for my headaches sweets just don't taste as good. I pretty much pay for my gas outside so I don't have to go inside and fight it.



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Good day,


I did all those errands and am pooped. I bought the water and the unsweetened cranberry juice. I have to bring it in from the car. LOL


I am off to 70th BD party.


I have really been meditating on all that has been said here over the last couple of day (heck for ever actually) and am really feeling a shift in my perception which usually translates into a shift in behavior. Plus as you know a shift in behavior usually produces a shift in perception.


I am so looking forward to the doctor's appointment, so my knees will be as excited about Boot camp as I am.



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Hi all- I'm a bit sore today. I ended up doing 30 minutes on the elliptical and 30 on the bike. wish my eating had gone as well! The whole day was good until dinner when my mom brought over fried chicken. It was 7pm by the time we got to eat and I was starving. The chicken wasn't so bad because I could peel off the skin but the cole slaw and potatoes were an issue. Tonight won't be any better because I promised DS that we could have pizza for his sleepover. At least I can have a salad with it.


Tomorrow I'm going grocery shopping and we're eating in for the rest of the week. I'm getting tired of being stuck in the same place when I'm working out so hard.



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Hi all,


Tami--I know that feeling. For me it is far worse to be actively changing things and not see any results. At least when I am not doing the things I could, I know why I am stuck. Now of course that was the logical side of me talking. The illogical side is sad and angry no matter what. LOL I do know that "eventually" you hard work will show itself. The key is to stick it out and not give up at this crucial jumping off point.


Sisterhood--The BD party was great! The guest of honor is as acute as a button. Had good food. Some of which did NOT have my name on it. I did drink the water as planned.

I went to the pain management guy this afternoon. So I will be back in business by Wednesday morning. I am going to get my exercise gear ready so that will be one less thing to tell myself. I have kept to the commitment to not weigh myself everyday.



I have had 4 glasses so far. I plan to have 4 more before bedtime.



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Hi all- Didn't get on here this morning as planned as we were having computer drama. I'm doing really well foodwise today even with having to take kids to 2 doctors appointments 60 miles apart today. I probably won't be getting any formal exercise but I figure that pushing the baby across a college campus in the stroller will have to count. My hips are tight though so I may try to do some yoga after while.


As far as water goes, it's something I really dont' have a problem drinking. I often wonder if I drink too much. Supposedly it is possible.



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Well everybody after all of the hard work i did last week on that stupid treadmill i l only lost .4 this week. I am just so disgusted that i don't even want to look at the darn thing this week :mad:


Have to go today and go for my thyroid ultrasound. I'm so sick of tests and docs already :(


Not having a very good week again as you can see. I'm just sooo depressed again.


Congrats to all who lost this week and kept up with their workouts.


Gotta run. Have a great day everybody :)



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Debbie- I was going through the same thing, losing nothing on the scale, despite a fairly good workout routine. So, I decided to keep track of measurements too. I've found that while the scale isn't budging I am losing inches so while I'm losing fat I must be putting on muscle and it takes up less space. Please don't give up your workout routine.


Also,, how long have you been doing the same routine? Maybe you've reached a plateau and it's time to change up a bit. Your muscles get used to the workout after about 3-6 weeks depending on what you've been doing and need to make a change to keep making progress. Anything from changing the incline or speed to adding some hills or short bursts of speed in your treadmill time a couple of days a week will do it.



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Debbie - I am so sorry you having such a hard time. Please remember everyone of us here are pulling for you. Try Tami's suggestions regarding changing up your exercise. You have just increased the distance on the treadmill and are probably replacing fat with muscle. I would also take Tami's suggestion to keep track of your measurements, your increased exercise should start showing up there. While it's hard not losing what you feel you should, .4 lbs is a loss and they add up.


This is not an easy path that we are on but we need to persevere. YOU ARE WORTH IT! My best wishes and prayers are with you.



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Debbie-hang in there. In addition to what has already been suggested write down your food each day as (either before or immediately after) you are eating it. The listing should include liquids too. It is interesting how much more I eat when I am not writing it down than when I am.


Suzanna-I am getting a bit nervous about Boot Camp. I think it is more perfectionist thinking than anything. What if...what if...blah blah blah. JUST DO IT! I have not know anyone who was killed for doing the best they could. LOL



I decided to return to a support group for overeating. I am very nervous about it. I know some of what it entails. I know the time and effort needed to be successful. Yet, I know from years ago the beauty of the experience. As some of you know I really can not eat flour and sugar products period. As I play around with them and choose to believe that I can, I slip further into myself and my addiction. The message at church Sunday was just the extra boost I needed to come out of my denial. I have for the last several weeks been observing how out of control my life is. I also have been reminded how peaceful and calm it had been. Not only was I thinner, I was calmer and centered.


I am to call the person who will sponsor me in the morning and get the details of the program. It is tough but the gift of physical, emotional, and spiritual health is worth it.


My biggest fear is that I will not do what is required to get what is desired. But I know to be there for my brother, for my sisterhood here, and others I have to be there for me first. I have noticed how icky I have been to myself and others.


Tami-I am getting ready to make a REAL grocery list and menu. Preparation is the key!


I also am getting my exercise clothes ready.


I am drinking my water today. But not following my WOE/WOEx--some of you know exactly what is going on. Talk about insanity!


I had my steroid shots yesterday and my knees feel soooooo much better today.


Much love,




One other thing: Please keep me lifted up in minding my own business and not letting other folks' opinions/comments deter me from my path.

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Thanks everybody for your support i really appreciate it.


I do write down everything i eat as i am on WW on the flex points. I did do the treadmill again today so that's good i guess.


Well i went for my test before and the tech told me i have modules on both sides of my neck. I called the doc as soon as i got home to find out how my blood work came out 2 weeks ago and everything was good there. So i asked the receptionest since the blood work was ok with my thyriod then i don't have to worry about cancer and she said NOT necessarily. What the heck does that mean :eek: I'm so scared right now it's not even funny. I take 2 xanax a day and asked the doc if i could take 3 today and she said just for today BUT not at the same time. LOL I told her no kidding. Does anybody here know anything about this? They are gonna call tomorrow for me and have the report faxed to them so i won't have to wait because they know what a mess i make out of my self. PLEASE..... Wish me luck :(


Sorry for bringing ALL my problems here. It seems all i do is complain to all of you. PLEASE FORGIVE ME !!!!!!!


Chat with you all later....



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Debbie-No apologies necessary. We all have our time. I am not personally familiar with what you are going through. I am supporting my brother through NHL. The doctors and nurses are talking to us like we are the crazy ones--too much double talk. I do understand scared! I also understand faith and hope. Know that you are being cared for and prayed for even if it seems like you are all alone. These issues cause extreme stress which may be (probaly are) causing your plateau. Please be more gentle with yourself as you go through this. Treat you the way you would treat me or any of the sisterhood , if the tables were turned. {{{{{{Debbie}}}}}}



I did 25 minutes of a Leslie Sansone walk tape. I will have to do the weights later today. I made the cal to the sponsor person. Talk about starting 2 boot camps! I am whining like a baby. (That's the word I am choosing for our family chat-wink)


I will eat as prescribed and drink my water just for today.


Everyone keep up the good work. Keep us all lifted in whatever we are going through.


Much love,


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Guest suzeycruisey

Hi everyone,


Just a quick post today, I have so much to do...between being sick and super busy the past five days I have missed a couple of workouts and not been as good on my WOE as I would have liked. So I decided to repeat Week 6 of boot camp starting tomorrow, and not add 2 minutes this week. I figure an extra week of boot camp can only help and not hurt, right?


Natalie, good for you for getting started today! Keep up the good work everyone!



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'Morning everyone,


OK I was going to tell you how I did on Bo Camp-not to be confused with Boot Camp yesterday. LOL I did 25 min cardio while my back screamed out in pain and then abruptly stopped??? Talk about body language. Last night I did 10 minutes free weights. I chose the wrong size--too much weight for a new beginner.


Today I did 30 minutes cardio. I have decided the time is not right for another 20 minutes each day right now. I am going to stick with the cardio and increase it 2 minutes each week as suggested.


My sponsor person expects me to spend 30 minutes of quiet time each morning. some of you may remember that I used to do that religiously. So that along with 4 phone calls a day, menu planning and preparing along with the rest of my life pretty much fills up my day.


So Ia m off for a fun filled day with women with attitudes at my work. I have been practicing minding my own business as far as getting into the conversations and drama. I am going to kick it up a notch and ignore the conversations too.


Keep up the good work everyone.


BTW There are no artificial sweetners on this plan. Hence, no coffee for me this morning. :( Now that has me really sad.

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Hi all- I finally got exercise yesterday! 45 minutes on the bike yesterday morning and then another 20 while I was letting my sister ramble on the phone last night. She doesn't normally ramble but she was on her way home from getting a shot for a migraine and she was more than a little out of it. :rolleyes: No, BTW, she was not driving.


Natalie- If you can't have artificial sweeteners you should check to see if you can use Stevia or stevia/FOS blend which is a calorie free but herbal sweetner. It's very popular in Europe. A warning though, it takes a tiny armount!



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