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MITSUGIRLY lets the BREEZE flow through her hair-Spring Break Review/Pictorial


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I don't know who these belonged to since the jet ski station was closed up.





I did see plenty of people out on the banana boat.






The workers down on this end repairing/remodeling the building.






It looks like everything is all set up for the wedding now.






Walking down toward the other end





Ah ha! I found the rental place, which I assume is for the Divi Bay Resort. That explains the jet skis and banana boats.



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We were starting to get hungry and I gave some money to the hubby and told him to go get some food. I had researched the price of the food prior to going and knew what to expect. The hubby came back with a menu and it was a little different than what I had found online.



















He ordered the Divi Sampler and I had the Divi Burger. I believe Sakari either shared mine or got a kids cheeseburger, I can't remember.


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One thing I did find weird is that they didn't have anyone running up and down the beach taking orders for drinks or food. You had to walk up to the restaurant to get your own (which is fine with me, but I don't think I have ever seen that before). Of course there wasn't vendors walking up and down the beach trying to get you to buy their homemade junk from china on the beach either, which was super nice.


(So the only beach we had vendors at was St Kitts at Reggae and it was a guy that was trying to sell his homemade CD's of either steel drums or reggae music. The hubby kept telling him "You have ask me 3x's already, asking again is not going to change my mind". The guy informed him that sometimes it does. So we got to talking to him and ask just how many people still buy cd's when most people use ipad's/ipods with ear buds these days and also you can download your own music from the internet and burn it on to a cd. I know a lot of cars these days also can't play a homemade cd if it's a factory radio. The guy said on a good day, he makes about $200. I just can't imagine buying a cd that someone else has burned from songs that are free on the internet and you can do it yourself.)


While the hubby was up at "Gizmo's" ordering food and waiting on it, Sakari and I were swimming. I noticed twice now that whenever I went swimming, more and more people were coming (the sun had come out and was shining full force by 10am) and they kept moving the chairs closer and closer together. The last time the attendant had taken my chair, moved it over so far, up against the people to my left, that it drug our bag under the chair, tipped over the hubby's shoes and got sand in them, and knocked over my open pop sitting inside the cooler staying cold. Then he squeezed in 2 more chairs right up against ours. Sigh. Now that's what I hate. I can stand for the chairs to be tight like that. It kinda ruins it for me. We had a small space in between us that we kept our bags and now there was no longer that small space either.


The hubby came back carrying all the food and I told him that I wanted to find a table and chairs to sit at. The sand was scorching hot and we didn't have our shoes on because sand was all over our feet from swimming. We looked like we were playing hopscotch on the sand going from shade spot to shade spot and at one point the only shade spot before the next spot was the shade from someone's chair...."Well hello there! Just passing by and using your shade spot for a moment" I thought I had always heard that sand in the caribbean doesn't get hot like it does in "normal" places. That was not the case here!


All the chairs in the shade were taken of course.





Then all the chairs in the sun were open...but would you look at these chairs? They are all metal. Metal sitting in the sun is a no-no! Who thought of this idea???





We did find chairs that surrounded a building (which I think might have been another restaurant, but there wasn't anyone in there) and decided to head up the steps to find a table.





Notice to the left, at the other building, there was also an area with chairs in the shade, but that's where they were having the wedding party reception and cake.








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This cheeseburger was massive! Like I think they gave it steroids. I couldn't believe how big it was and it was yummy. My meal was supposed to come with fries and coleslaw. There was no coleslaw. Although I was disappointed (and so was Sakari because she loves coleslaw) there was so much food that I didn't bother going to ask for it. The fries were cooked perfect and were crispy.










Our view from the table.






The person at Gizmo's told the hubby that it was much cheaper to go buy drinks from their "store" within the building. The hubby went around the corner to get them and they were the throw away bottles and he got 3 of them for $4.50.


Sakari was having a good time.





Daddy is always making her laugh






A trip to the bathroom inside the building showed a nicely decorated place to potty.



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After eating, we spent a little more time in the water knowing that it would soon be time to go.




















We packed up our things and headed to the front. We hated to say goodbye and both agreed that it was a nice day at a nice place and was definitely worth the time coming here.



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There was talk on these boards about the van drivers taking any of the ship towels that people leave behind and using them as seat covers. I found one. lol





Pulling out of the resort











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There's our beauty waiting for us in port.










Along the way home.






Before long we were back at the port.














We left the resort at 2:48 and arrived back at the port at 3:01pm







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We seen this in the port and wondered if Divi Bay is really rated #1 on the island or if this was just an advertisement to get people to go there.













I had to laugh at the size of the Breeze when I took this picture.






She looked so small, but it was the perspective of her being parked so far back from Celebrity.



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We were back on the ship by 4pm, headed to the shower and then upstairs to try out the ropes course. It was closed of course. I started to wonder if they ever opened it up. We never experienced this on NCL before...unless there REALLY was very high winds.


So we hung out for awhile and Sakari worked out for awhile.























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Celebrity pulled out






And the Allure was right behind her.






We were next to go around 5:25pm and we left the other "X" in port.








We dropped off Sakari at "dinner" with the kids and this time we were able to find food on our own.


I was making up for lost "food time".






I had to try a little of everything for desert. I'm not a big desert person, but like to try them just in case I find something appealing. Of course if I did, I would probably not find it again on the cruise because I was lucky to find anything during the evening to eat.




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We headed to the casino for about 45 minutes and nothing eventful happened so it was time to go find our pictures from the day.







We then went to catch a show "The Two Men Without Assistance" The Funtimes said it was a comedy and magic and that's my kind of show! The beginning of the show started out pretty neat and was in the dark with lights. Then the guys started their "talking/magic" part of the show and I quickly lost interest. I mean these guys talked as if everything was scripted to the tee and they were reading off a teleprompter or something. It was not entertaining and even some of their magic tricks were "bloopers" in my book because they weren't far enough back on the stage that I actually watched them switch places in a cage and when the curtain was pulled off, they had switched places, but yet I watched them do it. The show was just bad. All the people on our roll call even complained about the show. Where do they find these people? This is one thing that I don't think Carnival exceeds in...their entertainment. NCL is so much better and more professional. I really wanted to leave the show (as many did) but the chairs we were in sat straight up and down, there was no leg room and you had to sit sideways and there were people on both sides of us. I felt trapped.




It was time to pick Sakari up from the kids club and we knew that tomorrow was a sea day and we could sleep in. We ask if she wanted to stay longer and of course her reply was "No, I want to go with you guys." I told her we were going to check out a dance party and if she wanted to go and dance she could. So off we went to the pool deck (which is directly outside of the kids club).


The party was already started and the CD had everyone dancing....how low can you go?






Everyone looked like they were having a good time, but Sakari was refusing to come down and dance. Once again I reminded her that she wanted to leave the kids club and come do what we were doing and this is what we had planned on doing. She pouted and didn't want to dance all of a sudden. This is really weird for her because she is always out there dancing and having a good time and we usually have to drag her off the floor to leave. I'm not sure what's going on with her these last 2 cruises.





I knew tonight was the night they had the Blue Iguana Mexican Fiesta and the last cruise the nacho's and dips were great and I wasn't about to miss it. I had to put my foot down with Sakari and tell her that tonight, we're not going anywhere and definitely not going back to the room yet.


They opened up the food at 10:30pm and we were some of the first people in line. It was yummy like always.





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We made it back to the room to find a stingray towel animal.






The rest of the towel animals must have been scared off by the stingray and were gathered in the corner of Sakari's bed.






Well, there was nothing to pack for the following day, there was nothing on t.v. and we had a cranky child. So, off to bed we went on this night that could have been full of dancing fun and a late night due to not having to get up the following morning...but here we are going to bed like an old couple. :(

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I love this picture. It looks like a toy boat in a tub with pretty water and a beautiful backdrop! I envy you for your photography skills.




Aww, thank you. But, it's really simple with my camera. You just have to focus on one item that you want to be clear in the picture and everything else around it will blur making it look this way. :D If you get the perfect lighting with the picture, it turns out a very nice colorful picture. There are always tons of pictures I take that don't turn out so nice and of course no one ever sees those. :p

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Still enjoying your review. The name of the resort next to Divi is the Belair Beach Hotel, I have stayed there 3 times and love it!!!


Glad you are still here enjoying the review. Do any of these resorts have a pool? Just wondering since I didn't notice any.

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BANG, CLANG, BOOM...4am and these are the noises coming from outside my balcony. Could this just be an April fools joke someone was playing on us? Nope, it sure wasn't. It was time for the nightly "dropping of the pots and pan symphony". I popped a few melatonin, dug my head under the pillow, and started counting anchors in my head trying to fall asleep. This crap was really ridiculous. Seriously. It would be another restless night for me as I stare off into the darkness, getting chills rushing threw my body each time I think the banging has stopped and it happens again. Every time feels as if it's the first time I have heard it before and it catches me off guard every time.


I must have drifted off again because the next time I woke up to banging was 7am. This can't be real. PEOPLE, GO TO FRICKEN SLEEP SOME TIME WILL YA?


By 9am, I decided sleep just wasn't in my cards for the night and I might as well get up. I look at the Funtimes and see that the Dr Seuss Breakfast is listed. Wait, what? I was told when we signed up that it would be the last sea day, on Saturday. Could I have misunderstood? Was this an April Fools joke? I looked again at the date of the Funtimes and flipped the paper over again...it clearly states:



Dr Seuss Breakfast $, Sapphire Restaurant, 3 Fwd...8:30am


Dab-nabbit! Seriously? Sakari didn't want to participate in the Dr Seuss Parade, she didn't want to go to the storybook time, she didn't want her pictures taken in her outfit with the characters. THIS was the one thing that she DID want to go to and now we had missed it! I was so sad and wasn't sure how I was going to break the news to her.


We headed to breakfast in the MDR. I was tired of the same thing every morning in the buffet and we usually try to do the MDR on sea days. Also, what better way to drown your sorrows than with food right?


This time I decided no matter what, we were going to tell them we wanted a table for 3 and we would wait if we had to. However, we were quickly seated with no wait and no table for more than one family without asking. Maybe it was because everyone else was at the Dr Seuss breakfast. Ugh.


I decided to order the cheesy grits. I'm from the south originally and my parents use to always make grits for breakfast. I loved them. I don't get them often and I can't say I have ever had them with cheese. I know others, on here, have mentioned they are good. So I gave it a shot and liked them. Of course I can put cheese on just about anything and love it. After ordering, our food came so quick I didn't have time to break the news to Sakari about the Dr Seuss breakfast.






After her meal came, I figured this was as good as time as any to tell her. I think her heart was broken.






We were in and out of the MDR within probably 45 minutes. That was the most amazing service I think I have ever had before in any MDR.


I decided it was time to stop asking Sakari if she wanted to go do ______ because her reply was always no. From here on out, we were just going to go do it and surprise her.


I noticed they had the towel animal theater. We were going to head there and see if she liked it. But not before stopping at the jungle to tinkle.






When we arrived, we discovered they were having a towel folding display going on. Daddy wanted her to go up and gets some towels to participate, but I told him the show is supposed to start in about 7 minutes and they were probably at the end of the folding. From looking around, everyone had already made the entire body of an elephant and was already working on the head. There's no way we can catch up. But, he insisted and went and got the towels. As I said, it did no good because they were already done. He would put his tail between his legs and come back and sit down and wait for the show.






The towel animal show started (we had never been before) and Sakari seemed to like it.







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After the towel theater, I ask the hubby what we should do next. Oh I know, we haven't even went to the 4D movies yet and that's one of the main things I wanted to do on this cruise. How could I have forgot to do this already? Oh that's right, every time we passed it, it was either closed or we didn't have Sakari with us and I wanted her to do it because I knew she would like it.


We headed to the theater, paid for our admission, then waited in their waiting room for them to let us in.





We were the first ones there and sat down to watch the "commercials" on the tv in the waiting room. People would pile in after us and by the time the theater opened up, since we were sitting, we were almost the last in the theater! Lesson learned, don't go in and sit down if you expect to get a good seat either in the front row or enough seats to sit together if you are a bigger group. You might want to stand by the door instead.


We managed to get seats in the second row on the end and noticed there were several chairs that were "out of order". They only have 24 seats total and I believe there were at least 5 not working. If you have a big crowd waiting for the show, that puts a damper on things even at 24 seats working.


They say a show starts every 15-30 minutes, but they could probably fit a lot more shows in if they'd just start the movie once the theater was full instead of waiting so long.





We watched a movie called "Just the Rides" and it simulated being on a roller coaster but it was cute because it was a cartoon type coaster with movies that are currently out. I felt like I was actually in some type of Sonic the Hedgehog game. The seats moved, water hit you in the face, air blew on your legs...and Sakari was amazed! At one point birds were flapping their wings hard on the screen and you all of a sudden felt their wings flapping on your legs. That just blew her away. After the movie, she would look under her seat several times wanting to know where the birds were at. It was hilarious. I'm glad I found something she liked.


We then decided to head to the water park for the day. That's one thing Sakari will never turn down...ever.


She was super excited.






Once we made it out to the deck, there was absolutely no place to sit, no place to even put our things along the edge and all the seats around the pool were taken too. It was a mad house. I told her the only way we were going to get wet is if we went back up to the water park and up we went.


This is usually what the pools looked like unless you went much later in the day after everyone left to get ready for dinner.






After arriving at the water park, again, no place to sit. We circled several times and 3 different decks with no luck. We decided to put our things down by one of the outside walls and a nice family told us they would move their things down some and we could at least have a portion of their long plastic chair. How nice. That doesn't happen often.


Then Sakari was off with a flash of the eye and I don't even think I had my shoes off yet.



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It was seriously hot out today. Like you could go get wet and go back to your chair and within 5 minutes you couldn't take it anymore and had to head back to the water.


I decided I would just find a spot along the back wall and sit in the water. The best of both worlds!





This is my view, watching the water bucket dump, and every so often Sakari come flying around the corner dodging the water.






The hubby soon joined me and Sakari was busy splashing him.









Then off she'd go...





She came back to tell us she was going on the funnel slide. Now last time she did this on the Dream, she was sitting up (not sure if I mentioned this from the other day or not). When you come out of the funnel tube, it slings you back if you are sitting up and it can give you whiplash. She was hurt last time and vowed to never go on one again. Now, 3 years later, she wanted to try it again. I reminded her of what happened last time and how she HAS to lay back and not sit up. We went over her posture of crossing her arms in front of her and crossing her feet at the ankles. "Got it" she said and off she ran.


Daddy & I headed up the steps to get a good shot of her coming out of the tube. He would spend the rest of his time up there squirting people as they came out of the tunnel and tried to scurry down the steps in the middle of the funnel. Big kids gotta have fun too.



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