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Photobucket stop 3rd party access


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Never underestimate the power (at least for now) of a bunch of techies p!$$ed off at a tech company:


If you use Chrome, and I've also read Firefox, Google "photobucket embed fix". For Chrome, this is a free extension that appears to intercept the HTML call to an embedded Photobucket picture and instead link to the underlying photo and display the photo in the embedded location.


In other words, with the extension, you see the photo rather than the "PB 500" graphic. You may have to clear your photo cache. Just tested it on another forum, and it definitely works in Chrome...


Photobucket has been closing every user friendly API, such as shutting down the interface Smugmug used for its Smuglr app, and the "download folder" feature (which they claim is "broken" and being fixed). Unless this is so fundamental as to render Photobucket unusable if they close it, they'll probably close it...

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Never underestimate the power (at least for now) of a bunch of techies p!$$ed off at a tech company:


If you use Chrome, and I've also read Firefox, Google "photobucket embed fix". For Chrome, this is a free extension that appears to intercept the HTML call to an embedded Photobucket picture and instead link to the underlying photo and display the photo in the embedded location.


In other words, with the extension, you see the photo rather than the "PB 500" graphic. You may have to clear your photo cache. Just tested it on another forum, and it definitely works in Chrome...


Photobucket has been closing every user friendly API, such as shutting down the interface Smugmug used for its Smuglr app, and the "download folder" feature (which they claim is "broken" and being fixed). Unless this is so fundamental as to render Photobucket unusable if they close it, they'll probably close it...


While I understand that some people use Photobucket to store their photographs, I don't. I still have all my original photographs on my hard drive. I was not aware Photobucket was making it hard for users to download their photographs.


I am now using SmugMug and I am simply uploading my photographs from my hard drive to SmugMug. I don't need Photobucket at all. I used Photobucket (and now SmugMug) to display my photographs, not to store them.

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While I understand that some people use Photobucket to store their photographs, I don't. I still have all my original photographs on my hard drive. I was not aware Photobucket was making it hard for users to download their photographs.


I am now using SmugMug and I am simply uploading my photographs from my hard drive to SmugMug. I don't need Photobucket at all. I used Photobucket (and now SmugMug) to display my photographs, not to store them.


I have them all, but I had frequently used a Lightroom add-in to upload directly to Photobucket as almost all of the photos I uploaded were for hosting for some forum or another (mostly not this one). Photobucket had already apparently made it more difficult to upload from Lightroom, and I'll revise my file structure on my computer going forward and not directly upload from Lightroom to SmugMug without first saving the revised jpeg on my local system.


So, like you, I wasn't using PB for storage, but I also wasn't always keeping a copy of the developed, cropped, and sized jpeg since I had the original..

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I have them all, but I had frequently used a Lightroom add-in to upload directly to Photobucket as almost all of the photos I uploaded were for hosting for some forum or another (mostly not this one). Photobucket had already apparently made it more difficult to upload from Lightroom, and I'll revise my file structure on my computer going forward and not directly upload from Lightroom to SmugMug without first saving the revised jpeg on my local system.


So, like you, I wasn't using PB for storage, but I also wasn't always keeping a copy of the developed, cropped, and sized jpeg since I had the original..


Well, I keep a copy of photo that I upload also. The only exception would be if I upload a specific photo that I intend to use to help answer a question. But like you, I still have the original image that came out of the camera.

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Never underestimate the power (at least for now) of a bunch of techies p!$$ed off at a tech company:


If you use Chrome, and I've also read Firefox, Google "photobucket embed fix". For Chrome, this is a free extension that appears to intercept the HTML call to an embedded Photobucket picture and instead link to the underlying photo and display the photo in the embedded location.


In other words, with the extension, you see the photo rather than the "PB 500" graphic. You may have to clear your photo cache. Just tested it on another forum, and it definitely works in Chrome...


Photobucket has been closing every user friendly API, such as shutting down the interface Smugmug used for its Smuglr app, and the "download folder" feature (which they claim is "broken" and being fixed). Unless this is so fundamental as to render Photobucket unusable if they close it, they'll probably close it...


Thank you thank you thank you! I'm so excited! I just did exactly what you said: googled "photobucket embed fix" and it took like 3 seconds. Now my pics are showing again! I assume this will only work for people who are using google chrome but it's better than nothing.


I do these reviews not only to share with people here, but for my own benefit. I enjoy looking back at my vacations once in a while. Not often, but every now and then I take a look back at my old reviews to re-live some of the best times of my life. And it was really bugging me that my pics were gone. So even if no one else ever looks at my reviews, I am happy to find this fix. (I am going to add a post at the end of my reivews to tell people about this fix, however. At least my Tahiti review, because people still look at that one)


Thank you again!

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Never underestimate the power (at least for now) of a bunch of techies p!$$ed off at a tech company:


If you use Chrome, and I've also read Firefox, Google "photobucket embed fix". For Chrome, this is a free extension that appears to intercept the HTML call to an embedded Photobucket picture and instead link to the underlying photo and display the photo in the embedded location.


In other words, with the extension, you see the photo rather than the "PB 500" graphic. You may have to clear your photo cache. Just tested it on another forum, and it definitely works in Chrome...


Photobucket has been closing every user friendly API, such as shutting down the interface Smugmug used for its Smuglr app, and the "download folder" feature (which they claim is "broken" and being fixed). Unless this is so fundamental as to render Photobucket unusable if they close it, they'll probably close it...


Great information and thank you for sharing. We use Firefox and I just "googled" the "photobucket embed fix firefox". I haven't done anything, yet, since the pictures in my reviews are still showing and will be until my Photobucket subscription ends in early November. I'm definitely not a "techie", so I was curious...do I need to wait until my pictures actually disappear or is this something I can do now? Thanks!

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Great information and thank you for sharing. We use Firefox and I just "googled" the "photobucket embed fix firefox". I haven't done anything, yet, since the pictures in my reviews are still showing and will be until my Photobucket subscription ends in early November. I'm definitely not a "techie", so I was curious...do I need to wait until my pictures actually disappear or is this something I can do now? Thanks!


It will let you see other people's blocked embedded photos. I've seen reports that the Firefox fix wasn't working, but I've not seen problems with Chrome.

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Just downloaded the extension for Chrome, and my pics are showing again! It's a miracle! EM


Never underestimate the power (at least for now) of a bunch of techies p!$$ed off at a tech company:


If you use Chrome, and I've also read Firefox, Google "photobucket embed fix". For Chrome, this is a free extension that appears to intercept the HTML call to an embedded Photobucket picture and instead link to the underlying photo and display the photo in the embedded location.


In other words, with the extension, you see the photo rather than the "PB 500" graphic. You may have to clear your photo cache. Just tested it on another forum, and it definitely works in Chrome...


Photobucket has been closing every user friendly API, such as shutting down the interface Smugmug used for its Smuglr app, and the "download folder" feature (which they claim is "broken" and being fixed). Unless this is so fundamental as to render Photobucket unusable if they close it, they'll probably close it...


While I read your post with interest, something that doesn't fit into this whole mess has been happening to me. Most of my photographs are visible to me. I use Firefox, but I don't think the "fix" is the answer. If I understood what Photobucket said, including in an email to me, my photographs should no longer be visible after August 16 (last month). Yet they are. This was true on August 17 and before I read you post. It is even true when I use Edge. I have not added any plugins to Firefox. However, since Firefox updates itself ever couple of weeks, maybe it added the plug in itself.


Nonetheless, I am now with SmugMug, I am very happy with SmugMug, and intend to stay with SmugMgug until I become unhappy with SmugMug. The price is right and the features are just what I want, so there is no reason for me to regret my move nor look for any other service. I even asked for help and was provided a very quick reply.


I am added SmugMug pictures to my older reviews. Since I keep all my originals and I keep all my posted pictures (in their reduced size), I don't need Photobucket for anything. Eventually I'll remove all my pictures from Photobucket. I was happy with Photobucket and I had a paid account. I was paying in the $36 to $40 range. I'll be paying $48 with SmugMug (except the first year I received a 20% referral discount). I am not going to pay $500 for a service that I only use to post pictures.

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While I read your post with interest, something that doesn't fit into this whole mess has been happening to me. Most of my photographs are visible to me. I use Firefox, but I don't think the "fix" is the answer. If I understood what Photobucket said, including in an email to me, my photographs should no longer be visible after August 16 (last month). Yet they are. This was true on August 17 and before I read you post. It is even true when I use Edge. I have not added any plugins to Firefox. However, since Firefox updates itself ever couple of weeks, maybe it added the plug in itself.


Nonetheless, I am now with SmugMug, I am very happy with SmugMug, and intend to stay with SmugMgug until I become unhappy with SmugMug. The price is right and the features are just what I want, so there is no reason for me to regret my move nor look for any other service. I even asked for help and was provided a very quick reply.


I am added SmugMug pictures to my older reviews. Since I keep all my originals and I keep all my posted pictures (in their reduced size), I don't need Photobucket for anything. Eventually I'll remove all my pictures from Photobucket. I was happy with Photobucket and I had a paid account. I was paying in the $36 to $40 range. I'll be paying $48 with SmugMug (except the first year I received a 20% referral discount). I am not going to pay $500 for a service that I only use to post pictures.


My pictures that I've posted to the reviews I did & elsewhere here on CC are still visible and should continue to appear until early November, when my subscription runs out. There are a few other CC members I've gotten to *know* through CC, with a few of them having done reviews on CC. They used Photobucket for 3rd party hosting, as many of us did, but the pictures in their reviews disappeared when Photobucket made their change. Two of those reviews popped back up when this happened since other CC members posted to let them know their pictures in their reviews were no longer showing. When I looked, their pictures were replaced with that Photobucket logo. Same with many of the pictures the "Post your favorite cruise pictures" thread here on this board. I double checked before I added this little "fix" this morning and still couldn't see the pictures, but as soon as I uploaded the add on I was able to see pictures again.



So the add on (fix) may just allow those who have added it to continue seeing any pictures that were affected by Photobucket disabling the 3rd party hosting.

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So the add on (fix) may just allow those who have added it to continue seeing any pictures that were affected by Photobucket disabling the 3rd party hosting.


This is the key: If you've added the extension, you can see other people's photos that would otherwise be blocked and replaced with the PB500 graphic. You can also see your own, obviously.


For Cruizer2: Do you still have a subscription? If it's current, your photos are going to stay visible until the end of 2018, both to you and to others. I'm actually unsure if you can see your own even if "blocked". On another forum I frequent there's a user who keeps embedding photos that don't show up. I don't know what he's seeing on his computer.

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This is the key: If you've added the extension, you can see other people's photos that would otherwise be blocked and replaced with the PB500 graphic. You can also see your own, obviously.


For Cruizer2: Do you still have a subscription? If it's current, your photos are going to stay visible until the end of 2018, both to you and to others. I'm actually unsure if you can see your own even if "blocked". On another forum I frequent there's a user who keeps embedding photos that don't show up. I don't know what he's seeing on his computer.


My paid subscription ended Aug 16, 2017. I have an email saying I was changed to a free account. Per the terms of the free accounts my pictures should not be visible, yet they are, even on Edge (which could not have the "fix"). Here are links to a few of my pre-SmugMug reviews ...













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Can't explain that one at all!


PB just is doing its best to drive itself out of business. Somehow you're still good.


(And, I can't spell. It's Cuizer2, not Cruizer2!)


Just following up...markeb, I can't spell either! I also thought Cruiser2 instead of the correctly spelled Cuiser2. You're not the only one. Thank you again for providing this information, it is appreciated.

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Just following up...markeb, I can't spell either! I also thought Cruiser2 instead of the correctly spelled Cuiser2. You're not the only one. Thank you again for providing this information, it is appreciated.


Cuizer2 is not "correctly spelled." I misspelled it went I joined. It is supposed to be Cruizer2.

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All my photos are backed up to my computer and an external drive. I would need the $400 service if I put them all on PB. Maybe Cruise Critic could take the opportunity to upgrade their service... as long as it's not $400!


I've never been able to figure out how to link Shutterfly. Do you need to set up a share site and then do it from there?


Never mind! It couldn't be easier, make the image full size, copy, then paste into the body of the post. I'm glad Shutterfly upgraded last month.







Thanks for the tip, it worked.

It now appears that I have to reload all my photos to

Shutterfly and re-post them

....it may be easier to just take another cruise and start a new post

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Never underestimate the power (at least for now) of a bunch of techies p!$$ed off at a tech company:


If you use Chrome, and I've also read Firefox, Google "photobucket embed fix". For Chrome, this is a free extension that appears to intercept the HTML call to an embedded Photobucket picture and instead link to the underlying photo and display the photo in the embedded location.


In other words, with the extension, you see the photo rather than the "PB 500" graphic. You may have to clear your photo cache. Just tested it on another forum, and it definitely works in Chrome...


Photobucket has been closing every user friendly API, such as shutting down the interface Smugmug used for its Smuglr app, and the "download folder" feature (which they claim is "broken" and being fixed). Unless this is so fundamental as to render Photobucket unusable if they close it, they'll probably close it...


Great info.

I now can view images from photobucket when I use Chrome or Firefox...

....BUT can others unless they have read this ?

What if they are using Safari or Explorer ? what if they they did not add the extension?

Ugggghhh so many hours posting pics on CC

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