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5-23-24 Thursday Weigh-In ---- Did You Smile Or Frown?

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Day of the scale

Tells the tale


Know we weigh every day

But keep record every Thursday


Did you have a good week

Skip foods you shouldn't eat


If went off track, did you get right back to eating right

If you did your smart and bright


So, we weigh today and hope for a Smile

If a frown, then go walk a mile


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Posted (edited)

Sorry I haven't been in much when telling you need to come

in more. I'm having some medical issues. Taking meds that

are good but can have side effects---guess who had/have them

I'm special. Boo


Still eating good most of the time. Few days didn't do as well.

Had takeout two days in a row. Not good especially being Tues.

and Wed. Day before weigh int. Bad and stupid!


Go for a Mri next Wed. Will try to come in more, you too!

Edited by Belle
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Today the scale says "no change". Meals were all very sensible this week.  Lots of really good salads and fresh vegetables, fish, shrimp.  In the winter I eat a lot of blueberries, raspberries and strawberries with yogurt.  Now the watermelons and cantaloupes are coming in and they are good!  I got some decent peaches but they were a little tart.  A good peach is my favorite fruit.  I have a peach tree, but long before they grow to maturity, the birds take them.  Ah well, I love the birds.  I hope they enjoy them.  


Warm weather is typically pretty kind to me.  I love the food and it offers more variety that if I don't gorge myself, do not affect me on the scale.  I also am more active.  I can get in the pool in the evenings, tons of yard work to do, opportunities to get out and move more without having to be in a gym.  


My husband is in a manual wheelchair and he is a fairly big man.  If he could stand he would probably be about 6'3" tall. When we get out and about, I do a lot of pushing.  We have our cruise and European vacation coming up next spring and I am determined to get in shape because Portugal in particular is pretty hilly.  We purchased a "Freewheel" that you can snap onto the footrest and it lifts the casters off the ground and places a larger wheel in front.  It makes rolling over rougher terrain a lot easier.  I want to rent a bike and take it out to a paved or dirt/gravel trail and get him a long bungee cord to hang onto with one hand and pull him along.  Not this weekend though.  Due to the Memorial Day holiday, all the trails will be very busy.  


Belle I am sorry you are having some medical issues.  I hope it is nothing serious and that they resolve soon.  



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Hello everyone! Sorry I've been MIA, I just checked and it's been almost a month since I've posted here 🤪 This past month has been unbelievably busy, and I worked a lot more than usual. Still have a couple of graduation celebrations and a wedding to attend. Sadly, a couple of weeks ago I lost all of my weight loss history in the tracking app I use. Ugh, it was my record of all the way back to February 2023 and I was so disappointed to lose it. Nothing to be done about it though, it just makes me annoyed because it was so motivating to me to be able to look back to like a year ago and see how far I've come in my weight loss journey. 


So anyway, I have been up and down all of May by anywhere from 1-3 lbs. I was really beginning to get concerned because my tendency in the past was to just slowly stop weighing when I saw consistent ups on the scales, and then continue to gain even more. I made myself weigh daily though, even when what I saw on the scales made me cringe! However, I do feel my motivation kicking back in this past week. This morning I weighed 1.5# less than I did on May 2nd (that's the first Thursday weigh in record on my "new" app installation). I'm very happy about that, as it is within a pound of my goal weight! I'm also happy to report that my early May nurse practioner appointment was excellent - my A1C was the same as 3 months earlier (low 5's), which is a real positive for me personally in 2 respects: 1.) It reflects some consistency/lifestyle changes in my food and movement habits. 2.) Low 5's compared to the high 7's that it consistently was prior to February 2023. My weight was also about the same as the previous visit 3 months ago. She said she had nothing to get onto me about haha! Now that my health is better, I look forward to my NP visits - she is an avid cruiser as well, and around my age, so we have lots in common!


I've been walking a mile most days again, which I know is good for me. I'm going to try the squats method using a chair that someone posted about (sorry, I don't remember for sure which of you it was - I just read all of the past 2-3 weeks' posts at one time! Maybe Hopeful??). That sounds like something I can easily work into my summertime routine. And my friend, who loves to have a huge garden, will soon be bringing lots of delicious fresh tomatoes for me to enjoy! Summertime eating is so much easier for me with all the local/fresh options. Well, there is also that local ice cream place....😉


I hope this weekend finds you all feeling better if you've been struggling with your health. That is no fun. Talk to you soon!





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Happy Friday - Forgot to post yesterday as we are on vacation. DH's DB & DSIL have joined us at the coast of Maine (near Bar Harbor) for the week.  We have been having some wonderful dinners/lunches, but have also been doing a lot of walking.  I do not have a scale down here to weigh ... won't be surprised to see some of a gain .... but, I am now more motivated to walk more.  


Belle, hope everything goes well with you.


Hopeful, Having a week of no change is not a bad thing - love fresh fruit when it is in season - living in Maine we have low bush blueberries that are so amazing .... small but so full of flavor. We will be doing a TA next year (end of March) and one of our stops is Portugal .... I have never been there - didn't realize that it was hilly!


Terri - Sounds as if things are going well for you - nice you had a loss.  Great that you are walking - I should start doing it more.  Your A1C's are great!!!


Hope everyone has a good week.  Jan

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it was nice the 2 takeouts didn't make me gain, think because only the meal of the day.

In fact almost all week had one meal a day, sometimes a snack,

Down 2 pounds!


Terri and hopeful sound you two are doing good, doing the right things. Keep it up.


Hopefull have you thought of renting electric chair for Europe? Parts of

Portugal is hilly, other European city's too.


Jan glad you're having a good time on vacation.


Izena hope you're doing better and feeling better each day.


Everyone enjoy your Holiday weekend.

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Belle I hope your feeling better.  

still not getting on scale.   For some reason the dog and I are not tolerating the heat.  Jazzper just wants to walk to the end of 13 house cul de sac to do his business in the morning and doesn’t last more than 15-20 minutes in the evening.   I’m the same I’m lucky if I walk .5 - 1 mile a day.   I’m half way at controlling the sweets.  Going to just try and limit to 4 /180 cal meal replacement drink for a few days. To get into the swing of things.   Blood pressure is a bit higher than so working on that.  

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Posted (edited)

Terri, it sounds like you have some good momentum going.  Your daily walks, and access to healthy fresh fruits and veggies is a winning recipe.  I am sorry you lost the data in your logger.  It's interesting to know the things that can help give us inspiration or motivation.  Success does seem to generate a drive to improve upon that last milestone.  


Izena, it must be a lot warmer in Texas than in SC.  We have had a pretty wet spring and a few days in the lower 80's, but mostly high 60's and low 70's.  I grew up in central Florida and I can't take that kind of heat anymore.  I know it can sap strength and make it harder to breathe, especially with exertion.  When I lived outside of Asheville, NC (some 15 years ago), I used to load up and drive about 45 minutes to a walking/jogging park and at one end was a dog park.  It meandered along the French Broad river and was a mix of sunny and shady paved trails.  A loop was about 3 miles.  It was very pleasant walking that loop and if I had not had access to it, I don't know that I would have made the commitment to walk it as frequently as I did.   It was always fun to come to the dog park where owners would let their dogs off the leash to run and play, and then continue on with my walk.  Are there any parks that sound similar near where you live?  I know it can be a hassle to load up and go, but a change of scenery and all the distractions can make the walk easier sometimes.


Jan, my husband and I made a trip up to Acadia back in 2011.  My husband hiked the Appalachian Trail when he was 18.  So we took a trip with my folks and we hit it right at peak color season.  I loved Mount Katahdin, but my favorite place was the Carriage Trails.  Below is a favorite picture from that time.  My husband didn't have the "Free Wheel" on that trip (we were about 13 years younger too).  I'd love to go back and have the assistance of this device.  We still have to push but that bigger wheel will provide a lot less resistance.    And yes, Portugal is very hilly.  I think we will be spending a good deal of time in Olhao, which is close to the coast and with areas that are a bit flatter.  We'll venture out to other areas and towns, but make Olhao our home base for about 10 days.  Then branch out to other areas of Portugal, Spain and France.   I'm studying, studying, studying all things wheelchair accessible and planning out our trip. 


Congratulations Belle on the 2 pounder loss!  That would supercharge my efforts if I saw that much of a drop in one week.  Of course, the flip side of that is that I ALSO would tend to overdo it, which I did this week anyway.  I will be 65 next Saturday and I started my fitness quest last fall really out of shape.  The physical therapy for my bulging discs kicked off my desire to get back in shape.  I will be pushing my husband in his manual chair in Portugal next year (he won't consider an electric chair even temporarily. The mere suggestion is a conversation killer) and that has also been the impetus for me to get in shape and be prepared.  So this past Tuesday the trainer (I have had about 15 sessions so far) had me perform some "assisted pull ups".  I have never been able to do even one pull up before.  I just don't have the upper body strength for that.  I had a trainer many years ago that wrapped towels around the bars and made loops for me to hang onto.  Even with that, I could only get my feet about 2 inches off the ground, the top of my head not even coming close to approaching the bar (and me making sounds that sounded eerily like a death rattle).  Well, the assisted pull up made the pull up possible.  The bar is set low, arms are wide, and I position myself below the bar with my legs at a 90 degree angle (like I am sitting in a chair, but there is no chair).  As I pulled myself up, I could brace myself against the floor with my feet.  It made the pull up 90% easier.  It was so easy, in fact, that I did 3 sets of 10!!!.....!!!...!!!  I remember thinking that this can't possibly be doing any good, it was too easy.  Well, ladies, let me tell you.  My arms have been basically useless ever since.  I can't sleep on either side, if I bend my arms (like I am doing right now as I type), it is very painful and almost impossible to straighten them back out..  My back spasms in the night and Voltaren has become my new best friend.  This morning the right side feels a little better, the left still very uncomfortable.  I might try some KT tape so that I can do some yard word.  I don't want to lose the relative strength I have achieved and I know the physical workout is part of my weight-loss regime.  Fortunately, I still have the treadmill.  And if all else fails, I can always overdo a leg workout so I can take my mind off my arms. 🙊



Edited by HopefulCruiser123
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