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Two Queens and Sun Princess 24th February


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A short review of our weekend (is that possible??)

Arrived at Newcastle airport and picked up Ms Cloak and Mr Dagger, had a great drive into the city, and thanks to whereis.com, had great directions to Kirribilli. Check in at Glennferrie Lodge was amusing……..and after we got sorted that we were staying one night and Karen and Chris two nights and how much deposit I had paid……we got the keys to our rooms.

Glennferrie Lodge is an Guest house with many rooms and shared bathrooms, (which I was bit skeptical about). Apparently Andy and I were upgraded as we were only staying one night, our room was a bit on the small side, but had fridge, tea/coffee making, ceiling fan and opening window, which low and behold when I opened the curtain, theres was Queen Victoria’s butt sticking out between two buildings!!! (see photo’s) The room was very clean, comfy bed and pillows and the bathrooms were very clean. At $129 for a weekend night and a buffet hot breakfast included was good value.

Kirribilli is a quiet, peaceful suburb, and we had only a minute walk to the ferry wharf.

After a drink in the garden area the 4 of us set off for the ferry over to Circular Quay and our first glimpse of the QV, what a sight and she is definitely attractive ship, not as up and down looking as the Queen Mary, and a totally different look to the QE11, the best part is Andy said he loved the look of her and would like to do a cruise!! OMG!! I think there is hope to convert him to a cruise Junkie!

As we were walking around Circular Quay we bumped into our friends Fran and Pete who were off on the Sun Princess the following afternoon, they told us the Sun Princess would be in late. We met up with Arxcards (Geoff and Barb) and had a drink at the Cruise bar, then headed across the road to Cadman house where ADF (Jane and Fiona) were waiting.

The Ghost tour was great, would recommend it to anyone interested in the history of the Rocks. We all had an accessory to carry which was linked to a story, and yes, when he asked who wanted to be the alcoholic woman, everyone pointed to me, funny thing was the other group that didn’t know us all agreed!! The tour took 2 hours and was on foot, I wouldn’t recommend it for someone who has difficulty with stairs and a lot of walking.

After we decide to get something to eat, and as per our usual trips to Sydney on a Saturday night, everything was booked out, lines out the door, or just too damn expensive, (see photos) the place was packed. We ended up at Rossinis Italian, opposite Circular Quay, ok food, and a glass of wine!! We all went our separate ways, The 4 of us were lucky to be on the ferry and have a close up of the QV at night all lit up.

Karen gave me a wakeup call at 5am:eek: , and her Chris and I wandered down to the wharf at Kirribilli for a great view of the QE11 heading in to the harbour, (see photo’s) Andy stayed in bed, ok, he not addicted yet, would prefer the sleep in. It was a spectacular, quiet, calm morning, hardly any harbour traffic, we saw the tugs go out and knew she was on her way. A few locals had gathered on the steps too. I went back to bed at about 6am, happy to just lie there with the window open and listen to the sounds of the harbour, when the QE11 sounded her horn, the usual goosbumps appeared and I wished I was on a cruise!!

Breakfast was lovely, the four of us enjoyed bacon, eggs, pancakes, hash browns, there was cereal, juice toast, fruit, coffee tea etc, and we were able to score some Nescafe for Karmac!

Geri and Hendo arrived and the 6 of us caught the ferry at Kirribilli to Circular Quay, as we got of Geoff and Barb were there and Charliegirl (Gail and Jim) and we all ferried it to darling Harbour. On arrival we headed round the corner to find the other CCers waiting. We decided to have coffee and drinks at a café nearby, after telling them we only had 15 – 20 minutes to spare, our order was late and half our drinks didn’t arrive, Andy and I went to pay the bill, and they gave us a bottle of wine for stuffing up the order, then we realized they had charged us for 2 bottles of wine instead of 3 glasses!! So they decided not to charge us at all!! We were off to a good start!:p

The Harbour cruise was lovely, food very nice, platters of antipasto and prawns, Chicken or Beef for main and cheesecake for sweets, although we didn’t have any as it was Mochuck’s hubbies birthday and we had some of his lovely cake!! thankyou!

The harbour was glorious,it turned on blue skies for us, and other than seeing the Queens close up we were able to follow the Sun Princess in and under the harbour bridge. The beauty of doing one of these smaller cruises is that they can change the itinerary to suit, which they did for us:)

After the cruise we decided to go to the Harbour View hotel and use our drink vouchers from the Ghost tour, now who’s idea was it to walk?? Oh that’s right mine!!:eek: ADF was smart and taxied it, after a few wrong turns we got there, Geri was piggy backed some of the way, I walked the streets with shoes in had (typical westie) as I had blisters, I think we lost Barb a few times, she stopped to have a snooze on some lamp posts but we made it.

Andy and I started to “hit the wall, knowing we had a big drive home, so made our way to the ferry, we all said our good byes and agreed it was a great day. At Kirribilli wharf the locals had gathered with wine and cheese and bikkies on the steps, gee wished we were staying another night!!

Trying to find our way out of Kirribilli proved to be a challenge, ended up over the harbour bridge (hey wasn’t that the reason we stayed there, so we could avoid that), but we got back to Port in good time after dropping Geoff and Barb home at Newcastle and Andy and I stopped in at Raymond Terrace pub for a dinner.

Thoughts for next time:

Re order the great weather!

Dont wear new shoes

Stay an extra night

Get whereis.com directions to get OUT of Kiriibilli

The best part was the CC company:D and seeing my best friend Geri:p




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After following this thread from its concept it is great to be able to see

photos and to read about such a wonderful day.

You were just blessed with such beautiful weather. (Did you put in a

special order) Loved the photos and review. made me feel like I was

almost there. So I gather the ghost tour wasn't all that scary. Did nothing even a little bit ghost like happen?

Thanks for sharing look forward to the rest of the pics and reviews:)

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Thankyou Lorrae:)


The Ghost tour wasnt as scary as I thought it would be, probably the only place that was bit eerie was when he took us to an underground area, where a new building had started to be built, and while digging, the relics of old housing was found, so the owners were not able to have their underground carpark and the area has been cordoned off to thec public, but the Ghost tours are able to access it, it is really earthy smelling and hot!! we go in by torch light and there has been many strange happenings there, touches on shoulders, tugs of hair etc.....and unexplained things in photos, hence all the photos I took, hoping to capture something:rolleyes:




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Thanks for the pics. Have just started the upload of mine, so will be a little while yet. One thing better than reliving a weekend like that by reviewing your pics, is seeing it all through everyone elses eyes too.


I could be wrong, but based on where I think we were, the Rocks cam photo of Sun Princess exiting under the bridge has a small vessel trailing approaching the bridge. Think it might be the Rhythm boat.

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Thanks to all for a wonderful day yesterday, Kevin & I both enjoyed it immensely. After you all left the Harbour View we stayed a little longer then headed down to Circular Quay to watch Queen V go and Liz take her place. As Liz came into dock all the crew at the back of the ship are calling out "Aussie, aussie, aussie and the crowd there watching returned the Oi ,oi oi part. It was hilarious. Thanks go especially to Chez for her organising such a great day and hope to catch up with you all again.:)


Denise & Kevin

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When I saw the webcam photo I also thought that it might have been the rythmn boat but thought we were a bit further back than that.

To scale, that is 100 - 150 metres between. Am starting to upload pics, and when we are in that spot there is only a small runabout between us - directly under the bridge. This also fits the Rocks cam shot.


I feel more confident (almost positive) about it now. There are not many boats on Sydney Harbour with that sleek areodynamic look that Rhythm boat has.

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There are not many boats on Sydney Harbour with that sleek areodynamic look that Rhythm boat has.


He he and it sure was rocking a bit:eek: :p when it got a bit choppy, but how cheap were the drinks;) :p ............oh and just to let you all know, No, I didnt skull the bottle of free wine on the trip home, I left it with Cloakndagger (Karen) as she carried it around all day in her purple bag, they were staying that night and thought they might enjoy it with their dinner:)


Chez (no, I am not an Alcoholic)


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He he and it sure was rocking a bit:eek: :p when it got a bit choppy, but how cheap were the drinks;) :p ............oh and just to let you all know, No, I didnt skull the bottle of free wine on the trip home, I left it with Cloakndagger (Karen) as she carried it around all day in her purple bag, they were staying that night and thought they might enjoy it with their dinner:)


Chez (no, I am not an Alcoholic)



No your not gourgous

Your a greatest person to be with so much fun and just a real nice person:D

Thanks for all the you made arrangements for yesterday.

Luv Gail and Jim


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A public thanks to Chez from me too, and also to everyone else who was able to come.


Here are my photos.



Great shots Jane,

Wish I had taken my camera on the ghost tour now, with screamers, men with lumpy socks, and even the occasional drunk prostitute at the bottom of a well.

Especially love the nightime shot of QV from Circular Quay rail station and moonlit Opera House.




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A huge thanks to Chez for organising such a wonderful day yesterday!!! Sorry we didn't get a chance to chat properly to everyone, but it was lovely to put some more faces to names and stories!


After leaving you all at Darling Harbour we went back to our hotel, where we discovered we could see QE2 at Gardens Island from the roof top (photo's to come).


In the evening we joined the throng on the steps of the Opera House to see the two great ladies pass each other - absolutely wonderful. Later in the week when I'm more organised (and awake after commuting from Sydney to work this morning :eek:) I'll post some of our pics and some video.

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Kym and Martin it was so good to see you both again, the day went so quick, I have decided we need a weekend away together:p ....ooooh not just us:eek: .....but everyone!!


The time just flies, cant wait to se your pics,




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I have decided we need a weekend away together:p ....ooooh not just us:eek: .....but everyone!!







A weekend away together sounds great. Would have to be half way between Sydney & Brizzy to make it fair.


Guess what Chez, we're all descending on your place sometime in the future:D



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A weekend away together sounds great. Would have to be half way between Sydney & Brizzy to make it fair.


Guess what Chez, we're all descending on your place sometime in the future:D




Yeah, think we need something like this for our next one




you can even tent it and no one has to go home:D




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A weekend away together sounds great. Would have to be half way between Sydney & Brizzy to make it fair.


Guess what Chez, we're all descending on your place sometime in the future:D




Halfway Creek is the genuine Half Way. Only accom I could find there is a bit small.

On the Coast nearby, there is Wooli and Minnie Waters.



Port is not much further south. Is there any cheap places to pitch a tent there?

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My turn!!


I have just downloaded the photo's from the weekend as well as Mexico!!


Have them on webshots.






Hope that is the right link??!!


Was lovely meeting you all. We stayed to watch the queens with Jarrod at Beulah wharf, opposite the Opera house.


Got home to Melbourne today, came over the Westgate Bridge and spied a lovely big white ship at Station Pier!! Couldn't make it out so we detoured and drove past. It was the Crystal Symphony!! So I have added a couple of shots of her too!!


I haven't sorted out the video footage yet...that one will take me a while. I am no Geoff or Nielius!! I will keep working on it!!


Oh Bugger!! It's one in the morning!! Best go to bed!!:o


Big hugs and kisses to all my new friends from this weekend...I felt like I have known most of you forever!! Sorry I didn't get a chance to chat to all of you, but I am sure that we will meet up again somewhere else!!



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I am so very sorry i missed seeing the two queens and going on the harbour cruise but most importantly missing out on catching up with all the wonderful posters from here who have shared so much.


my daughter had been very sick, leading up to an emergency visit early sunday morning with severe tonsilitis and maybe glandular fever.


Hubby said i should go on the cruises and he would stay with jade (he knows how i love CC!!)but i know i wouldnt have been able to relax. she was admitted for IV antibiotics and a drip as she was very dehydrated.


she appeared much better after treatment and was home late sunday.


last night she was having trouble breathing, spiking temp and a sore neck so back to emergency.

Not much they could do and certainly not happy with dr. treating her.


so another day off work for me and another day off school for her.



I have loved looking at all your photos and "almost" feel like i was there.


to the ladies that ordered the countdown clocks I am so sorry i wasnt able to give them out, but if you email me you address i will send them out to you.

again sorry




I am glad you all had so much fun and that the weather stayed nice for you

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I am so very sorry i missed seeing the two queens and going on the harbour cruise but most importantly missing out on catching up with all the wonderful posters from here who have shared so much.


my daughter had been very sick, leading up to an emergency visit early sunday morning with severe tonsilitis and maybe glandular fever.


Hubby said i should go on the cruises and he would stay with jade (he knows how i love CC!!)but i know i wouldnt have been able to relax. she was admitted for IV antibiotics and a drip as she was very dehydrated.


she appeared much better after treatment and was home late sunday.


last night she was having trouble breathing, spiking temp and a sore neck so back to emergency.

Not much they could do and certainly not happy with dr. treating her.


so another day off work for me and another day off school for her.



I have loved looking at all your photos and "almost" feel like i was there.


to the ladies that ordered the countdown clocks I am so sorry i wasnt able to give them out, but if you email me you address i will send them out to you.

again sorry




I am glad you all had so much fun and that the weather stayed nice for you


Actually Karon, I don't know if you want to try or not but it might be worth trying to get your money back. I didn't take my kids in your place (thanks for the offer)but as there were no other kids going I figured they would get bored and I really think they would have. Anyway, the thing is, as far as I know there were no empty seats at any of our tables (anyone on the other tables could confirm this).



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Actually Karon, I don't know if you want to try or not but it might be worth trying to get your money back. I didn't take my kids in your place (thanks for the offer)but as there were no other kids going I figured they would get bored and I really think they would have. Anyway, the thing is, as far as I know there were no empty seats at any of our tables (anyone on the other tables could confirm this).




I think there were two spare seats on the centre table, that Gail was on?? and Karen, the two at the end of your table, were they ccers?? we had 3 tables of 10.




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I think there were two spare seats on the centre table, that Gail was on?? and Karen, the two at the end of your table, were they ccers?? we had 3 tables of 10.






No, they weren't but wasn't there supposed to be 28 of us?



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