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So my 3yo refused to go to the kids clubs.


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...Travel with kids is not what it was before kids...staying at home with kids is not what it was before kids either.:rolleyes:



That is hilarious and TRUE and is the main reason I continue to travel even with kids. At least I'm going places and doing fun things while pulling out my hair, LOL!!!!!!!

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On next years cruise if my son just gave me an hour or two a day I'd be happy. I guess I'll just have to hope to get that much. He will at least have been in pre-school by then, but he does so poorly with change and new environments and since I know they don't let mom and dad in there it will be hard and I know that. Even going to a playground he needs to hold our hand until he gets comfortable.


I'm sorry, but it really stinks that they won't allow a parent into the kids club when you have a child that might need a little time adapting. That should be one major change those programs make. Especially for the youngest group, if a parent could stay for even 10 minutes until the child gets adjusted and interested in whatever activity they're doing, it would do a world of good. Perhaps this is something all parents need to put on the end of cruise survey. If enough people ask for this, maybe things will change.

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I'm sorry, but it really stinks that they won't allow a parent into the kids club when you have a child that might need a little time adapting. That should be one major change those programs make. Especially for the youngest group, if a parent could stay for even 10 minutes until the child gets adjusted and interested in whatever activity they're doing, it would do a world of good. Perhaps this is something all parents need to put on the end of cruise survey. If enough people ask for this, maybe things will change.


Things HAVE changed. When DD first started cruising, we had no problem checking up on her and could walk in to get her and could take pictures in the kid's club. Overprotective parents, threats of lawsuits, fears of kidnapping is what changed the policies.

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Onessa, it's one thing to have a hovering parent, but on the first day, when the kids are adjusting to all the changes, especially the youngest ones, I don't see the harm in allowing mommy to stay for a short time while the little ones adjust. I can understand not wanting the parents there at all other times, but on the first day, it should be allowed.

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Onessa, it's one thing to have a hovering parent, but on the first day, when the kids are adjusting to all the changes, especially the youngest ones, I don't see the harm in allowing mommy to stay for a short time while the little ones adjust. I can understand not wanting the parents there at all other times, but on the first day, it should be allowed.



Treat the first day as embarkation day...when the kid's clubs aren't open officially yet. Go play there for 10 minutes with your kids. Carnival let us do it. My shy and nervous 3 yo didn't even look back on the official opening day. Boy was I shocked. If I hadn't gone on embarkation day, we would have had trouble.


Honestly, I agree with you, but at the same time, I don't want any unknown adults in the kid area with MY kids when I'm not there. I approve of the security.


Just go on embarkation day and ask to look around.

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He went in just long enough for us to eat dinner the first night and refused to go after that. We had to hunt down my parents on the second night so that we could make our reservation at Chops (we were about 30 minutes late.) Ate at the Windjammer every other night because NO WAY was I going to take him to the dining room.


Yep, he a was a little peach the entire vacation. Started when we arrived at the airport and he immediately bolted down the escalator (where we were not going down). And it ended with a tantrum in the car on our way home from the airport because he couldn't sit in his brother's booster seat (he used it on the trip). And there were about 100 other things in between.


Vacation was near perfect aside from the demon spawn. I never would have thought he could cause that much trouble. :eek:


My 6yo, on the other hand, loved the clubs and had a great time!



:D :D :D Had to laugh

Been there. I OWN this T shirt...


Hugs to you!


Mine are now almost 12 and almost 15...but I still "twitch";) a little at some of the memories!

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Onessa, it's one thing to have a hovering parent, but on the first day, when the kids are adjusting to all the changes, especially the youngest ones, I don't see the harm in allowing mommy to stay for a short time while the little ones adjust. I can understand not wanting the parents there at all other times, but on the first day, it should be allowed.


My point is that RCCI used to allow parents more leaway -- It has only been the past few years that they have instituted new policies and really started to enforce them. The policies are to answer those overprotective parents who fear anyone else near their child, insurance companies who threaten enormous premium hikes unless the ships better protect their charges, etc.


The backlash to people who had DEMANDED absolute protection for their children that has gotten the ships to take these measures.


So when you state "If enough people ask for this, maybe things will change" -- people HAVE asked for the situation we have now. It is a case of the cruiselines BEING responsive to the demands of the pax and now the pax are complaining because they got what they wanted. Like my grandmother said "be careful what you ask for, because you might just get it!"

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Thanks for the idea of going and looking around with him on embarkation day. I do hope that helps. I understand the the overprotective and strangers but if it's the parent of another child I don't know I guess I'm not as worried. I would think they are in there focusing on their own child and not mine.


My major problem right now is he has never been with anyone other then family. He' been left with my neighbor but we call her Aunt. If it doesn't work on day 1 I'll keep trying every day. Hopefully the staff will be good and work with him for a bit or work with me to set him up in an activity I know he'll love. Right now I'd say coloring but I don't know what it would be a year from now.

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OP here, my son is in preschool too. He's been going for over a year, so that wasn't the issue. He did go in the first night, but asked to go home after maybe an hour--but it was late, like 9:00pm. We didn't take them back until the next night for dinner when my DH dropped them off because I was getting a pedicure. DH said he went in fine, but flipped out when he tried to leave and broke through the "gate" (just a peice of fabric held up between the desk and wall :rolleyes: ) and ran outside. DH tried for an hour to get him to stay and he wouldn't.


He wouldn't even go to pirate night and he was very upset when he saw the parade and wanted to join them. The next day was Coco Cay and he did actually go and play with AO for about 45 minutes in the morning. We took him out because they closed and he wouldn't go back again.


It's funny because we were originally planning on going on the Monarch in August. But I decided not to because I wasn't sure he would be potty trained by then. I told DH I could handle not having him go to the kids clubs, but I couldn't handle telling him he couldn't swim in the pools. He was potty trained by then, btw, and that was before his little demon stage.


And we dealt with him not going to the clubs. It was hard that second night because we had Chops reservations and it took awhile to track down my parents. It would have been nice to eat at the dining room every night and see some shows. But there were so many other problems with him--he was just out of control. He ran away from us, he was loud in the room and on the balcony--early in the morning even. :eek: He broke the lock to the door when he put a quarter in the slot. He was awful in the airport and the planes. Oh and the poor kid broke off half his toenail as we were getting on the tender boat at Coco Cay. :( Fortunately that was the last full day of our cruise and it happened as we were leaving.


I can say that I'm very wary of taking him on another vacation. We're planning on going to Disneyland in June--that's a long flight to LA. I just have to tell myself that he will be a different person in 7 months. He BETTER!!!! ;)


Beth, today at school I had a third grader who experienced the "consequences" of her behavior decision. It wasn't pretty (she is an animal lover and missed our "reptile" assembly with crocodiles and snakes and other COOL stuff, having made her behavior decision on Monday (with a "last" chance to change it Tuesday) with full knowledge of the consequences), and while I "held the line," dealt with the tears, and offered a few other fun things to do, I thought about the above-highlighted portion of your post.


For those who love children, it's always SO hard in the early years, when we are teaching them that "actions and decisions have consequences." Their distress is SO heartfelt... you want to "cave." But you know you can't -- if the goal is a responsible adult and not a temporary cessation of the tantrum/upset.


It seems so simple... "well, he didn't realize that by refusing to participate he wouldn't get to be a pirate -- he's a baby, he's only 3!" But that lesson, early on, can affect the decisions he makes later (without you) on things like drinking and drugs, and a zillion other things.


So I came back again to say "well done." I hope your Disneyland trip is a 180 degree reversal -- in fact, I'd expect it -- because you "held the line." Responsible parenting IS, without a doubt, the hardest job ever!

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It seems so simple... "well, he didn't realize that by refusing to participate he wouldn't get to be a pirate -- he's a baby, he's only 3!" But that lesson, early on, can affect the decisions he makes later (without you) on things like drinking and drugs, and a zillion other things.


So I came back again to say "well done." I hope your Disneyland trip is a 180 degree reversal -- in fact, I'd expect it -- because you "held the line." Responsible parenting IS, without a doubt, the hardest job ever!

Aw...thanks for saying that. It was really hard to see him so upset about the pirates. I was almost crying too. Partly because I missed out on seeing him in the parade. And it is hard to stand our ground but my DH and I work very hard at that---not caving. I've seen the results of people who cave into their kids, not pretty.




Oh and I forgot to mention that my DH was allowed in the kids club the second night to try to get my son acclimated. I've never heard of that being allowed.

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Oh and I forgot to mention that my DH was allowed in the kids club the second night to try to get my son acclimated. I've never heard of that being allowed.
I'm glad to know that it is a possibility. I do hope my son adjust better to change by next year but I won't hold my breath. And I'm glad you didn't cave either, but man it's hard.
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Hi Beth,

We are leaving Friday for a 7 day cruise on the Crown Princess with our 3 year old. This will be her first cruise and I have to tell you I am getting a little nervous!! The last month or so the "demon spawn" has peaked its head out but now it seems to be taking over :eek:!! She is giving me a hard time when I drop her off at preschool as well as the kids club at the gym. I guess she is giving me a preview of what is going to happen when I take her to the kids club on the ship. Just wanted to let you know I have a feeling I am going to be in your situation next week. If you have any advice please let me know.



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I have a theory though about AO for the YOUNG 3 year old. There is just so much sitting (for crafts, story time, science experiments) that my young 3 year old HATED to sit still.


She was fine at Camp Carnvial because the majority of thier activities are geared toward getting them moving (having things like bubble dance parties). So we had no problems at Camp Carnival but we had a very unhappy 3 year old at AO.


You make a really good point. My son was 3.5 at AO and they complained about him not wanting to sit but play with toys instead. So I asked why he couldn't just play with the toys and they said that if HE wasn't sitting then the other kids didn't want to sit either. Well, what does that tell you about how fun their activities were for the younger kids? Sheesh!


We haven't sailed Carnival, but on Disney and Princess my son never has these issues, There, they will hold activities, but if the kids don't want to participate they don't have to. Even at mealtimes (on Disney, they run the club all day and feed them for lunch and dinner) they only made the kids sit at the table. They didn't make them eat if they weren't interested. I think this is a much better attitude, and more in line with the cruise experience I PERSONALLY enjoy.

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Hi Beth,

We are leaving Friday for a 7 day cruise on the Crown Princess with our 3 year old. This will be her first cruise and I have to tell you I am getting a little nervous!! The last month or so the "demon spawn" has peaked its head out but now it seems to be taking over :eek:!! She is giving me a hard time when I drop her off at preschool as well as the kids club at the gym. I guess she is giving me a preview of what is going to happen when I take her to the kids club on the ship. Just wanted to let you know I have a feeling I am going to be in your situation next week. If you have any advice please let me know.




Christine, we were on the Crown in June and both of our kids loved it. They have a terrific kids area with climbing wall and those tube structures you can climb in and around. Outside (not part of the kdis' club) they have the little wading pool for younger kids. There is a playhouse (and some trikes) out there too. They're pretty good on Princess about letting the kids do what interests them, and they don't seem to have a problem if a parent walks in the club and looks around.


On embarcation day you can wlak around and get your child acclimated. I recommend that you do so, and they can meet the counselors and see what fun they will have that week.


I hope you have a terrific time! I know we did!

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Hi Beth,

We are leaving Friday for a 7 day cruise on the Crown Princess with our 3 year old. This will be her first cruise and I have to tell you I am getting a little nervous!! The last month or so the "demon spawn" has peaked its head out but now it seems to be taking over :eek:!! She is giving me a hard time when I drop her off at preschool as well as the kids club at the gym. I guess she is giving me a preview of what is going to happen when I take her to the kids club on the ship. Just wanted to let you know I have a feeling I am going to be in your situation next week. If you have any advice please let me know.




I've been there done that :D My advice is to just be mentally prepared for the possibility of her not wanting to go. If she is crying at drop-off at preschool and at the gym, I wouldn't expect much different on the ship. Instead of being able to drop her off at the kids club after dinner, you might end up walking around the ship with her, going for ice cream, looking at the stars, etc. On sea days you might end up at the pool with her, or maybe letting her watch a DVD in the cabin after naptime while you get ready for dinner. So, I would start thinking of things that you could do together, especially on those sea days, just in case.


Also, I know that my kids seem more "demon-ish" right before a big trip or something, but I think its because right before a big trip I'm dragging them to Target a bunch of times picking up stuff, trying to get things done around the house, and spending alot of time on the computer (like now, hahah), and I think that all winds my kids up cause they're looking for attention. Also I think they feel the excitement.


Anyway, hope you have a great trip. I haven't been on the Crown Princess, but I was on the Dawn Princess, and the kids club staff was great and, in my opinion, I thought they had the best little kids activities of any ship that I have been on.



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I just want to add that as we get ready for Thanksgiving and the Christmas/Hanukkah we are doing extra shopping as well in addition to preparing for the trip and with the price drops that some stores have had on toys I've been going back often and to price comparisons because internet prices don't always match in store prices.


I've also already drug my son in for returns because family members have bought him things I've bought him so that can add to it.


I think holiday time is a time for kids to get a little stressed out just like parents and hopefully things will work out for you once your on the ship. I do agree to be prepared for either way.

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Thanks for your responses. You are right we have been out shopping for Christmas and our trip and it is taking a toll on both of us!! The good news is my sweet little girl returned to normal yesterday, just keeping my fingers crossed that it stays that way!!

Thanks again everyone--Hope you have a great Turkey Day!

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Yikes! We are taking our 2.5 son on his and our first cruise-Celebrity Spirit. Hope he does not morph into the evil child that I have seen on rare occasions at home. I have been talking about how fun "boat school" will be -because he loves going to our little preschool once per week. I am trying to psych him out! He is active as well so I am glad to hear Carnival has lots of moving around in their kids club.

To the parents out there with little ones...here are my concerns and fears...please let me know if you have any info:

1.How high are the balconies and they are covered with plexiglass, right?

2.Did you ever do the nightime babysitting? I think it is basically extened hours of kids club??

3.Swimming-can the kids wear swim diapers? We are not 100% potty trained yet.

Any helpful hints would be appreciated.



Our daughter was on her second cruise at 3 years old. Only problem was having a night terror (screaming at night, but not really awakening) while we were at a post-cruise hotel in Key West. Good thing that there was mostly spring breakers in that hotel -- well, that was the only good thing about having mostly spring breakers in that hotel:rolleyes: -- so none of our neighbors seemed disturbed by her noise.


As for the cruise, she had a marvelous time in the Camp Carnival. We even left her in the post-10pm kidsitting, which was well worth it. The kids watched movies while sitting on pillows...some kids would fall asleep.


I don't think your child will be allowed in any of the pools, except maybe a toddler wading pool, if not potty-trained. A health hazard if there's an "accident."

We had a chance for a free upgrade to a balcony when our girl was 5, but we turned it down, even though we were told the barriers were pretty high. I just didn't want to risk it, just in case she wanted to climb on the loungers.

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