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CC Help Michell

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Everything posted by CC Help Michell

  1. Hi, all, I've been informed that a fix has been rolled out, and it does seem to have worked. Please let me know by posting here if this error pops up again. Thanks to the Community for letting us know so quickly!
  2. The reports we were getting have slowed down -- I'm crossing my fingers that it's fixed, but haven't heard officially. Will advise.
  3. We are aware of this and are taking a look at it. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  4. Hi there, You can write to help@cruisecritic.com and we can assist.
  5. A roll call is a discussion by Cruise Critic members who are on the same sailing. Members may plan an onboard gathering (Meet & Mingle), activities, share shore excursions, etc. If you are looking for instructions on finding your roll call, please see this topic: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2594924-what-is-a-roll-call-everything-you-need-to-know/#comment-55971894 Once you have located your roll call, all it takes to "join" the roll call is to post something! This is easy to do; simply click on the "Reply to this topic" at the top of the discussion: A text box will open up, and in it you can type your message (a brief introduction is always welcome if the roll call has been chatting for a while), and when you submit you will have "joined" the roll call. To be informed of new posts and keep up with the roll call discussion, you might want to "follow" the roll call at the top of the page: Once you click that button, you will have a choice of how often to receive notifications about new posts to the roll call.
  6. Hi, everyone -- please see this Help topic about popups:
  7. We're working on getting this fixed. It may take a little bit of time, but it's in the works.
  8. Hi, all! Cruise Critic has just published two articles about mobility device users who cruise. Hopefully these will be informative and useful to members. https://www.cruisecritic.com/articles/what-s-it-like-cruising-mobility-scooter https://www.cruisecritic.com/articles/10-top-tips-cruising-wheelchair-mobility-scooter
  9. Hi, Dancer Bob -- your review has to be at least 150 words -- more is awesome, for the reasons you state!
  10. Hello! Please write to reviews@cruisecritic.com from the email associated with your user name and we can take a look. When a review is submitted to us you should have received an email acknowledging receipt, then another one when the review is published (with a link to the published review). Generally we aim for a 3 business day processing time.
  11. From our Community Guidelines: Who are Community Hosts? The Community Manager? Our Community Hosts oversee specific forums. They generally have the ability to move and delete posts & threads, and perform other simple actions. Becoming a Community Host for a specific forum is usually rewarded to users who are particularly helpful and knowledgeable in the subject of the forum they are hosting. Community Hosts Are Here to Help Out; Their Opinions Are Their Own! Many of our Hosts contribute to various discussions. They are free to contribute, or not contribute, as they see fit. Their opinions are their own. Cruise Critic does not regulate what the staff says about a location, cruise line, shore excursion or travel provider. Our volunteers are drawn from a wide circle of daily life. Most of them are experienced travelers -- either realtime or "armchair." All are outside the travel field in their professional lives. You should not believe that our hosts have any additional insight or information simply because they have a "Host" prefix to their name. Cruise Critic Community Hosts are not representatives nor employees of Cruise Critic. The Community Manager has overall control of everything that happens within the Community. The Community Manager oversees how the board is styled, what forums to create and how to organize them, is responsible for our Rules of Participation, what information to require from members and who to appoint as Community Hosts. You may contact the Community Manager at: community@cruisecritic.com
  12. Hi everyone! We have received a few inquiries from members who are seeing a popup on the boards which says "Don't Miss Member Perk." The purpose of the popup is to help visitors find out about our Cruise Critic newsletter. So you will see the popup unless: you are logged into the boards or in the process of logging in, or you have clicked on an email link which took you straight to the boards, or you allow cookies on your device and you are already a newsletter subscriber, or You closed out the popup in your current session (you should not see it again in the same session nor for 7 days), or you used the popup to sign up for the newsletter. If you are browing in incognito mode, our system can't recognize if any of the above is true, so you will see the popup.
  13. Hello all, Due to the increased volume of cruises visiting Iceland and Greenland, we have opened a new Ports of Call forum for those two destinations. We'll be moving posts from here to there, so if you are looking for your post, please check: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/2705-iceland-and-greenland/ It may take a few days to move posts from this forum to that one, so in the meantime you might want to check both for information.
  14. Hi there! Please write to Help@cruisecritic.com with the link to what you'd like to delete and we can help.
  15. This sounds fun! Please post your link only once in this topic.
  16. Hi, this has been done! And Xcel also now appears in the drop down quick search on the main Celebrity forum.
  17. Hi, all, We are aware of this issue and it has been reported last week. We have not been given an estimate of when it may be working normally again.
  18. Hi, Aaron, Thanks so much for taking questions from the Community during this eagerly-awaited maiden voyage! For those who don't know him, Aaron is Cruise Critic's Senior News & Features Editor, and you can see many of his expert reviews, first looks, and live reports at https://www.cruisecritic.com.
  19. We know many members of our Community are interesting in booking a cruise. Our Find a Cruise feature, https://www.cruisecritic.com/cruiseto/, is a marketplace where travel agencies and cruise lines can feature sailings they are offering. If the sailing is available in your geographic area, there will be a link to click for more information and contact details. Find a Cruise: Search Cruises for 2023 & 2024 - Cruise Critic Find your dream cruise - one that's just right for you with Cruise Critic's Find a Cruise! Book your next cruise online using our convenient cruise search to compare future sailings. www.cruisecritic.com Cruise Critic cannot quote a sailing for you or book your travel plans. If you aren't able to use our Find a Cruise feature, please contact a local travel agency, or the cruise line directly to book.
  20. Hi, To follow up on Hallux's comment, at the top of each cruiseline forum, there is a choice to locate all threads about a particular ship. For example, for NCL when I select Prima in the drop down there, these are the results:https://boards.cruisecritic.com/search/?type=forums_topic&search_and_or=or&search_in=titles&nodes=64&q=prima pr!ma Hopefully this will help, along with the suggestions about looking at reviews of the ship as explained above.
  21. Hey, all -- apparently it is something to do with a recent change to the mobile template for our site. The number has been changed to a "home" symbol, which hopefully won't cause as much confusion!
  22. I noticed a couple of posts about the title of this topic, so I edited it to say "alone" instead of "along." Thanks to those who pointed it out. CC Help Michell
  23. Hi! Please write to help@cruisecritic.com requesting this change; include both the old and new email addresses and user names. Please also specify if you want to merge the two accounts, or just update the email on the older one and delete the new one. CC Help Michell
  24. Hi there, Please be sure you are logged into the site (the upper right corner will say "Log Out" if you are logged in), as you have to be logged in to post on the forums. If you are asking about private messaging another member, that function is not enabled on Cruise Critic. If you continue to have trouble with this, please write help@cruisecritic.com for individual assistance. CC Help Michell
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