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Freaked out about flying ...help!


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I don't like to fly... scratch that I am terrified to fly. Hate it, hate it, hate it. After several years (9 to be exact) of avoiding getting on a plane I am going to have to finally do it. We are booked on the Conquest in 02/09. While I am excited to finally see an ocean other than the pacifc I am starting to have panic attacks thinking about getting on a plane.


Anyone else afraid of flying out there? If so, what do you do to help get you through it? I am not a drinker so I know alcohol won't work for me. Drugs maybe? Help!





Hope this is the right place to post this thread. :confused:

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Every time I get on a plane I am apprehensive, but what I do is start praying when we get ready for takeoff and again on landing.


You could ask your doctor for some meds to help you.:o


Congratulations on winning a free cruise ! :)

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DH absolutely will not fly~~~bad experiences in Viet Nam.


We have only taken cruises from the West Coast because of that. We did use Amtrak to get back from Alaska.


I have looked at Amtrak to get us to Galveston. It's a little pricey, but better than no cruise at all. :)


Other than that, I just don't know. Wish I did. Maybe I could cruise other areas too.



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While a certain level of fear of flying is normal, if it prevents you from flying at all, it can be considered a phobia. There are desensitization, hypnosis, therapy programs available that have been shown to work. I would avoid both alcohol and medication as a solution.

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Whichever you choose, there are certainly good programs out there that deal with desensitization. In addition, there are very good medicines that your doctor can prescribe that can calm you long enough for take-off and landing. One requires a lot of work and the other, no more complicated than swallowing a pill or two. It all depends on the level of "being cured" you want, in addition to the cost of both. One will be much more expensive than the other.

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Thanks for the link. I will research that. Hopefully it will help.


I have thought of sedation... you know, that I could just sleep through the flight. I doubt they will let me do that though. I know that my fear of flying is a phobia. I know its not really rational either. It's something I don't have alot of control over.


I read in the paper the other day about someone that was acting wierd on a flight and he was detained by security. I can see that happening to me. Getting myself so worked up about being on a plane and acting wierd because of it. I so do not want to have my 15 seconds of fame be from flipping out on an airplane.:D

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Ditto here! I use to fly alot but hadn't in about 8-9 years until this summer when I had to no choice and had to fly to Denver. I was terrified, worrying about it weeks before, not sleeping, etc.....you probably know the drill. I have bad anxiety, too. I went to my doctor and he gave me Xanax to take the night before, the day of and the same on the return flight. Worked wonderful! I would actually have no problems flying again if taking the Xanax. It helped me relax and get through the flight.



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Thanks for the link. I will research that. Hopefully it will help.


I have thought of sedation... you know, that I could just sleep through the flight. I doubt they will let me do that though. I know that my fear of flying is a phobia. I know its not really rational either. It's something I don't have alot of control over.


I read in the paper the other day about someone that was acting wierd on a flight and he was detained by security. I can see that happening to me. Getting myself so worked up about being on a plane and acting wierd because of it. I so do not want to have my 15 seconds of fame be from flipping out on an airplane.:D

Get a Xanax from your doctor and you will be set. I too am scared to death of flying but I do it with the wonder pill. It simply relaxes me so much that I simply don't care.

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X2M, I don't fly at all. Used to fly fairly frequently, many times back and forth to Hawaii (I used to live there) but now, even just thinking about it freaks me out. So please don't think you're the only one out there. Four years ago we had to fly from Sac to Burbank, an hour flight. I sobbed for the first 30 minutes. I managed to keep it together on the way back but I haven't even thought about it since.


We were supposed to fly to Las Vegas from Sacramento a few months ago, then go on a 4 day cruise out of San Diego. 4 days before the flight I told my husband, I can't do it, we have to drive. Fortunately, he is a great guy and said, No problem.


Perhaps some day I will find the strength to fly again, but for now, for me, it's not worth the anxiety. If I can't drive there, take a train there or cruise there, then I guess I'm not going right now.


I wish you the best of luck. If you find a program/solution that works for you, please come back and let us know!



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I have a fear of flying too. I tried the drugs and I would not recommend them, they left me dopey after the flight and it made for a crappy vacation. I have had to work it out myself by keeping my mind busy during take-offs by doing Sudoku puzzles and that seems to help. My need to travel outweighs my fear of flying so I had to do something. Try contacting someone who offers a program to tackle this, just don't try the drugs.

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Thanks for the link. I will research that. Hopefully it will help.


I have thought of sedation... you know, that I could just sleep through the flight. I doubt they will let me do that though. I know that my fear of flying is a phobia. I know its not really rational either. It's something I don't have alot of control over.


I read in the paper the other day about someone that was acting wierd on a flight and he was detained by security. I can see that happening to me. Getting myself so worked up about being on a plane and acting wierd because of it. I so do not want to have my 15 seconds of fame be from flipping out on an airplane.:D

Best of luck in getting over your phobia! I just have to tell you how strong I find the irony that your avatar is a flying pixie! Maybe you just need some magic dust! :)


-- And yes, folks I am joking and truly wish the best for the OP!

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My sister suffers with this same anxiety, and her MD gives her Xanax. She takes half a pill about an hour before she gets on the plane, and the other half when she sits down. Doesn't suffer with the 'hangover' dopey feeling. Her concern is more the clausterphobia, so she always chooses an aisle seat. Also, try a CD or book on tape and listen to that as soon as they allow electronics. You might consider ear plugs so those funny sounds the plane typically makes won't bother you.


Best of luck. I know that hopeless feeling when fear kicks in.

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I have a fear of flying too. I tried the drugs and I would not recommend them, they left me dopey after the flight and it made for a crappy vacation. I have had to work it out myself by keeping my mind busy during take-offs by doing Sudoku puzzles and that seems to help. My need to travel outweighs my fear of flying so I had to do something. Try contacting someone who offers a program to tackle this, just don't try the drugs.


Just so the OP knows, there are many different drugs available to calm you and no, not ALL drugs leave you loopy (unless you mix them with alcohol, of course). A slower metabolism, or any number of things that can effect one person different than another. I'm a nurse, so yes, I do know what I am talking about, this is not just hearsay.


In addition, there is a SIGNIFICANT difference between just being afraid to get on an airplane and fly (those are the people who, like the person quoted, can "occupy" themselves with other activities and get through the flight) and those who have a true phobia about it. Those people cannot just "do sudoku" and hope to have any success in getting through the flight. Still others simply think they are afraid (in their minds) because they haven't flown yet, and actually love it once they have done it once. I had the same fear of roller coasters as a child. Finally at 15 got on the Mind Bender at Six Flags over Georgia, and sweating bullets big enough to kill an elephant, thought I was going to die going up the first incline. After the ride was over (in like, 2 minutes or so), I was so excited and screamed, "I want to do it again!!!!!!!!" Same as my friend did several years ago, with her first flight. Once past her first ever take off and landing she was fine and was SOOOOOOO glad we had to fly back so she could do it again! But yeah, she sweat those huge bullets too for some time :D


OP didn't indicate if this was her first flight ever, she has flown before and is just scared (in which case the pills might work well for her) or if she truly has an incapacitating phobia. Just want her to know that not all pills to calm you are the same.

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I have only flown once and didn't like it. That was 16 years ago, before having my son.....well, he's 12 now and we will be flying in 2 weeks. It will be his first flight, I now know what to expect with the plane, and I'm not looking forward to it........PLUS, I know I have to 'hold it together' and be there for my son, just in case he decides that flying isn't for him either. DH will be with us, but when it comes to anxiety, DS ususally looks to me for comfore. He does not know of my issues with flying, I've kept them from him, so not to worry him. So, all I have to do is be strong, and confident, don't cry, and somehow manages to put on my 'everything is OK' face :eek:. Yup, I can do this!

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I don't like to fly... scratch that I am terrified to fly. Hate it, hate it, hate it. After several years (9 to be exact) of avoiding getting on a plane I am going to have to finally do it. We are booked on the Conquest in 02/09. While I am excited to finally see an ocean other than the pacifc I am starting to have panic attacks thinking about getting on a plane.






Hope this is the right place to post this thread. :confused:


What do you normally do for your panic attacks:confused:

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Gimme an old-fashioned Valium. It's the only thing to ever work *well* for me, even made me fall asleep -- not for very long, but the falling asleep alone is a big deal for me.


The best non-drug alternatives I've found are relaxation techniques and a self-hypnosis cd. Remember, the object is to make yourself relax and not spend the entire flight exhausting yourself with the mental effort of trying to not be scared.


I've sat next to a number of very understanding people (mostly grandmas and businessmen), and those who don't mind chatting have helped me tremendously through flights.


I hate hate hate takeoff, but funny enough, as soon as the pilot announces initial descent, I'm (mostly) okay, because for some reason at that point, my logic overcomes my fear. I know that everything after that moment is on purpose by the experienced pilot. (Yeah, I know, too bad I can't feel that way the entire flight.)


(Eek, now I'm getting the heebie jeebies about my flight in December! Time to hit the "submit reply" button!)

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X2M, I totally understand where you are coming from. I am from Cali too and I flew to Texas for our Conquest cruise last February. I got all sweaty palmed just thinking about going. I have always hated to fly and as I got older it seemed to get worse. I talked to my Dr. about it and she prescribed a mild medication that worked great. I was not loopy or drugged out, I was just relaxed enough to think rationally and not get so freaked out about it. My dh brought the DVD player and lots of movies to help keep me occupied. Unfortunately one of the movies he picked was "We Are Marshall" which is about a plane crash! We laughed so hard about it on the plane that I bet they thought we were crazy. I think the best thing to do is speak to your Dr. and find something that is right for you. I am flying to San Juan for our Victory cruise in 3 months and I already have my prescription filled. Although this time I am picking the movies!:D

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I do not mind the flying part - it is the take off that makes me nervous. Don't know why - never had a bad take off. Regardless, I don't like it. For my flight on Saturday, the doc has prescribed me Xanax. Hopefully it won't leave me feeling groggy. I would suggest that you talk to your doc and see what he/she has to say.

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Every time I get on a plane I am apprehensive, but what I do is start praying when we get ready for takeoff and again on landing.


I do the EXACT same thing.


You could ask your doctor for some meds to help you.:o


Did that too! :p


I feel your pain, OP! For many years I absolutely would not fly. But it so limits where you can go. My family finally convinced me to try it. I did ask my doctor for a mild tranquilizer, and that helped me a lot.


I only had to use it the first few times I flew.......now I don't even need it. I've flown a lot since that first time about 9 years ago.


Best of luck to you! :)

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I can't say I understand because I love to fly but I did have a problem with panic attacks for awhile. I tried therapy and it worked wonders and I no longer get them! I can say that for awhile I got them only when I traveled and for that I got a Xanax prescription from my Dr. ad that really helped for pleasant travel. It takes the edge off but doesn't leave you feeling too groggy. Good luck!

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Thanks for the link. I will research that. Hopefully it will help.


I have thought of sedation... you know, that I could just sleep through the flight. I doubt they will let me do that though. I know that my fear of flying is a phobia. I know its not really rational either. It's something I don't have alot of control over.


I read in the paper the other day about someone that was acting wierd on a flight and he was detained by security. I can see that happening to me. Getting myself so worked up about being on a plane and acting wierd because of it. I so do not want to have my 15 seconds of fame be from flipping out on an airplane.:D


One word-xanax. I also hate to fly and sadly I have to do it a couple of times a years cause my DH choice of land vacation is always Nassau.


Go see your doctor and explain the situation and he/she will write you a prescription for a few pills. I usually take a 1/2 of one before I leave the house and the other 1/2 right before boarding. i usually sleep through the whole flight. I keep my seatbelt on so I and don't have to wake up until we land.


DO NOT DRINK if you choose to a prescribed drug.


I always fly air XANAX

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We lived overseas and did a lot of flying. But on the final flight back from Europe two decades ago, my wife told me she would never fly again. "I'm not afraid, I just don't want to fly," she said. I told her I would take her to South Africa, via Rio, but no go.

Two years ago, she had a brain aneurysm. Her problem is that she does not create any new memories. And she has lost quite a bit of old memories, including her fear of flying. I have seen what a salutary effect cruises have. and wanted something farther away than driving distance So I suggested Venice and she agreed.

We recently got back from a wonderful TA on the Emerald Princess that did the Mediterranean's biggest hits and ended up in Fort Lauderdale. She was like a trooper on the flight from FLL as well.

We are now planning to go to South America. We'll take the Carnival Splendor from FLL to Buenos Aires in February and then fly back. Happy days are here again.

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