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Dinner dress code- or lack of it??


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Seriously????? :eek::eek:


You seriously don't think that respect doesn't come into play??????????

Did you not think enough about your grandfather to warrant putting on a pair of regular pants??????? :eek:



I will never understand that kind of thought...ever.


I wore jeans to my brothers wake and funeral.. Too much crying and sobbing to worry about dress clothes...


When my grandmother died, at 56! We buried her in her favorite jordache jeans (it was the 80s) and high heels.. Her son also put a carton of cigarettes and a six pack of beer in the casket.. Now before you all think we are white trash, my grandmother was the coolest! She smoked.. and loved her rolling rock..


And no she did not die from smoking.. My grandfather died Jan 2 from stomach cancer (never drank, smoked and went to church 2x week).. She, my grandmother told my mother the day he died that she would not live without him. Feb 1.. came and they went to the cemetary and my grandmother died right there... right at the gravesite...in my mother's arms.


Anyway.. my point is neither she nor my brother would want any of us to be anything we weren't.. and She always told my mother that when she died she wanted to be buried in 'her clothes', she wanted cigs and beer to take with her.. it was a running joke in the family...


My poor mother lost both her parents before they were 60 and her son before he was 36- Think she or anyone cared what any of us wore?

Its the love that counts...





If I were going to strangers wake or funneral, I would dress more appropriately.. ;)

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I think that many rednecks would know enough to dress respectfully at a funeral, even if it is uncomfortable for a little while.


Still I guess to me the difference is, was he dressed down because he knew his late grandpa and family wouldn't care about what he or each other was wearing, or was he dressed down because he didn't care what he was wearing?

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I wore jeans to my brothers wake and funeral.. Too much crying and sobbing to worry about dress clothes...


When my grandmother died, at 56! We buried her in her favorite jordache jeans (it was the 80s) and high heels.. Her son also put a carton of cigarettes and a six pack of beer in the casket.. Now before you all think we are white trash, my grandmother was the coolest! She smoked.. and loved her rolling rock..


And no she did not die from smoking.. My grandfather died Jan 2 from stomach cancer (never drank, smoked and went to church 2x week).. She, my grandmother told my mother the day he died that she would not live without him. Feb 1.. came and they went to the cemetary and my grandmother died right there... right at the gravesite...in my mother's arms.


Anyway.. my point is neither she nor my brother would want any of us to be anything we weren't.. and She always told my mother that when she died she wanted to be buried in 'her clothes', she wanted cigs and beer to take with her.. it was a running joke in the family...


My poor mother lost both her parents before they were 60 and her son before he was 36- Think she or anyone cared what any of us wore?

Its the love that counts...





If I were going to strangers wake or funneral, I would dress more appropriately.. ;)


While I am truly sorry for your loss, I find this story very touching as well. I didn't want to come off as unsympathetic, but this is a moving story of such love and devotion. May your Grandma rest in peace with the man she loved more than life itself.

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While I am truly sorry for your loss, I find this story very touching as well. I didn't want to come off as unsympathetic, but this is a moving story of such love and devotion. May your Grandma rest in peace with the man she loved more than life itself.



Thank you... that was so sweet.. I come to the resolution (my way of dealing with it??) that is what she wanted.. they were together since they were teenagers.. and she was not going to live without him.. too coincidental for me that they died 4 weeks apart... She was in perfect health.. and she was a little spitfire too... I loved my grandmother.. she was my friend too.. and it was a tremendous loss in my life as was my brother....

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I wore jeans to my brothers wake and funeral.. Too much crying and sobbing to worry about dress clothes...


When my grandmother died, at 56! We buried her in her favorite jordache jeans (it was the 80s) and high heels.. Her son also put a carton of cigarettes and a six pack of beer in the casket.. Now before you all think we are white trash, my grandmother was the coolest! She smoked.. and loved her rolling rock..


And no she did not die from smoking.. My grandfather died Jan 2 from stomach cancer (never drank, smoked and went to church 2x week).. She, my grandmother told my mother the day he died that she would not live without him. Feb 1.. came and they went to the cemetary and my grandmother died right there... right at the gravesite...in my mother's arms.


Anyway.. my point is neither she nor my brother would want any of us to be anything we weren't.. and She always told my mother that when she died she wanted to be buried in 'her clothes', she wanted cigs and beer to take with her.. it was a running joke in the family...


My poor mother lost both her parents before they were 60 and her son before he was 36- Think she or anyone cared what any of us wore?

Its the love that counts...





If I were going to strangers wake or funneral, I would dress more appropriately.. ;)


Different strokes for different folks I guess ;) It's just something I wouldn't do. Maybe it has to do with how or where I grew up (???)

My Mother sounds just like your grandmother, right down to the jeans and the Rolling Rock, but has never expressed a desire to be burried in her jeans and I certainly would be wearing something other than denim to her funeral.


I don't think putting on more formal clothing during certain times in your life makes you 'something you are not', so I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that one as well.

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Different strokes for different folks I guess ;) It's just something I wouldn't do. Maybe it has to do with how or where I grew up (???)

My Mother sounds just like your grandmother, right down to the jeans and the Rolling Rock, but has never expressed a desire to be burried in her jeans and I certainly would be wearing something other than denim to her funeral.


I don't think putting on more formal clothing during certain times in your life makes you 'something you are not', so I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that one as well.



I dont know.. we were raised that you dressed for such a day as this appropriately and would never attend someone elses funeral or wake as such..I had a very strict upbringing.. catholic school.. etc etc..


I guess because it literally hit home so closely, we were all such a mess that it just didnt matter... I mean don't get me wrong, when I say i wore jeans, i also wore black turtleneck and blazer etc...



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i think the point is, and correct me if im wrong... but people come on cruises bringing their best clothes and expecting others to do the same. Now i feel that when im in my newly bought knee length little black dress and the person beside me is in cut offs and a bathing suite cover up that someone didnt get the message. it just defeats the whole purpose of me looking fabulous. and takes the fun out of it. besides, ill never get my man to dress nice once he sees this crap.lol

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I wore jeans to my brothers wake and funeral.. Too much crying and sobbing to worry about dress clothes...


When my grandmother died, at 56! We buried her in her favorite jordache jeans (it was the 80s) and high heels.. Her son also put a carton of cigarettes and a six pack of beer in the casket.. Now before you all think we are white trash, my grandmother was the coolest! She smoked.. and loved her rolling rock..


And no she did not die from smoking.. My grandfather died Jan 2 from stomach cancer (never drank, smoked and went to church 2x week).. She, my grandmother told my mother the day he died that she would not live without him. Feb 1.. came and they went to the cemetary and my grandmother died right there... right at the gravesite...in my mother's arms.


Anyway.. my point is neither she nor my brother would want any of us to be anything we weren't.. and She always told my mother that when she died she wanted to be buried in 'her clothes', she wanted cigs and beer to take with her.. it was a running joke in the family...


My poor mother lost both her parents before they were 60 and her son before he was 36- Think she or anyone cared what any of us wore?

Its the love that counts...





If I were going to strangers wake or funneral, I would dress more appropriately.. ;)


Great story Trock! We have worn the same at few funerals too;) It has nothing to do with respect.........probably alot to do with how we were raised. We also were raised to be who we were.... and my brother would have turned over in his casket if he saw any of his friends dressed in a suit and tie at his funeral:D

I wouldn't expect any of my friends to get dressed up to say good by to me lol!

Like someone said.......different strokes for different folks....

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i think the point is, and correct me if im wrong... but people come on cruises bringing their best clothes and expecting others to do the same. Now i feel that when im in my newly bought knee length little black dress and the person beside me is in cut offs and a bathing suite cover up that someone didnt get the message. it just defeats the whole purpose of me looking fabulous. and takes the fun out of it. besides, ill never get my man to dress nice once he sees this crap.lol


why does it defeat the purpose? Your purpose is to get dressed up... someone elses purpose may not.. Just think how much more fabulous you will look next to them ...;)

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Great story Trock! We have worn the same at few funerals too;) It has nothing to do with respect.........probably alot to do with how we were raised. We also were raised to be who we were.... and my brother would have turned over in his casket if he saw any of his friends dressed in a suit and tie at his funeral:D

I wouldn't expect any of my friends to get dressed up to say good by to me lol!

Like someone said.......different strokes for different folks....


My brother was a fireman... his illness was linked to 911.. I can not tell you how many people came to his wake.. it was madness.. Guys coming straight from work, in their business suits, construction clothes, police uniforms.. etc. you get the point..

We were just so overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness of the community

no one cared (or thought about) how anyone was dressed... My girlfriend was such a mess she totaled her car on the way to the wake.. She made the policeman drive her to the wake! But since she was a mess from the accident all she had in the car were gym clothes.. guess what she was wearing..


Anyway back on topic... one can be casual and appropriate.. to each his own.. I have worn gowns to cocktail dresses to sundresses to capris...


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Thank you... that was so sweet.. I come to the resolution (my way of dealing with it??) that is what she wanted.. they were together since they were teenagers.. and she was not going to live without him.. too coincidental for me that they died 4 weeks apart... She was in perfect health.. and she was a little spitfire too... I loved my grandmother.. she was my friend too.. and it was a tremendous loss in my life as was my brother....


I'm glad to see you realized I meant no disrespect nor meant to trivialize the death of your grandmother. I was worried when I posted that you might think that. :o


My Grandma was more my Mom than my own mother was. I was devastated when we lost her to pancreatic cancer almost 13 years ago. I was pregnant with my son at the time and she kept telling me she was going to hold on to see her first great grandchild. She fought hard but passed on 5 days before he was born. My son was born 8 weeks early. My resolution was that my son came early because she was reborn into him.


I understand your pain well.


To keep it on topic (sort of), I wore maternity jeans to her funeral. I was a young single mom at the time and couldn't afford anything newer or nicer to wear. I don't think Grandma minded much. She probably would have ripped me a new one if I HAD bought something nicer to wear instead of saving my money for my child like I had been. ;)

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... but people come on cruises bringing their best clothes and expecting others to do the same. Now i feel that when im in my newly bought knee length little black dress and the person beside me is in cut offs and a bathing suite cover up that someone didnt get the message. it just defeats the whole purpose of me looking fabulous. and takes the fun out of it. besides, ill never get my man to dress nice once he sees this crap.lol


If that is what the expectation is, then someone misrepresented the cruising experience.


The dress code of the significant other always supersedes the cruise line's, so firmly put your foot down. If that doesn't work, firmly plant it somewhere.

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3000 posts....5000+ posts...as slow as his board responds to my computer, I would have to live here for a week to get to 100...Also, I get the feeling that most of those posting regularly are of the female persuasion....No offense intended. Discussing the dress code with the hope of getting some guys to change the way they dress is an exercise of futiilty(sp). How do you get aguy who has spent a big part of his life eating dinner at home in his bvds to wear a jacket to dinner??? Whoknows...Whocares...Hope we aren't seated beside him.....if so, we will move!

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3000 posts....5000+ posts...as slow as his board responds to my computer, I would have to live here for a week to get to 100...


If the signatures/tickers/avatars are slowing you down, check the option to disable them. That has sped up my load time tremendously.


I'm with you on the posting, some have more in 4 months than I have after nearly 4 years. :)

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I'm a 32 year old professional male. I dress in suit and tie everyday. While on Vacation I value dressing down and will not pack dress cloths for any trip. Hell I wore Jeans to my grandpa's funeral last month. It's not about respect it's about being comfortable. If you don't like my level of comfort DON'T LOOK:eek:



I think I'd remove the word "professional" from that post! And, Jared, when it's a funeral, YES, it IS about respect---not how comfortable you want to be.

Now, I totally understand why this table of 25-30 year old guys wore jeans, baseball caps and their Kwik-E Mart work shirts in the dining room on the Elation last Oct. Maybe they were "professional" men, too.

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Those "me me me"s are the MAJORITY, not the minority and it is multi-generational.


The MINORITY are the "me me me" fashion police that incorrectly assert that it is about respect, honor, values, or any of the other hogwash they spout off.


The aristocrass can huff and puff all they want, but are just blowing smoke.


A simple question, answerable with yes or no. Do you dress for dinner in the dining room within the confines of the dress code? Yes or No?



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A simple question, answerable with yes or no. Do you dress for dinner in the dining room within the confines of the dress code? Yes or No?




First, there would have to be a dress code. But no, I do not wear t-shirts or bathing suits to dinner. I did wear a toga once, but do not think they are prohibited.

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I think I'd remove the word "professional" from that post! And, Jared, when it's a funeral, YES, it IS about respect---not how comfortable you want to be.


Now, I totally understand why this table of 25-30 year old guys wore jeans, baseball caps and their Kwik-E Mart work shirts in the dining room on the Elation last Oct. Maybe they were "professional" men, too.



A great aunt of mine, appropriated dressed for a funeral, dropped dead at one from some sort of stroke bought on by extreme heat. I'll choose comfort over stupidity any day.

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First, there would have to be a dress code. But no, I do not wear t-shirts or bathing suits to dinner. I did wear a toga once, but do not think they are prohibited.


There is a dress code and you know what that dress code says. What Carnival does about it is not the question. The question was and is, what do you do about the dress code. Comply or not, YES or NO?



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All of this is just another reason to dine in the supper club. The focus there is on great service, food, and elegant entertainment.


One thing I don't understand, all of these comments that say they want to wear jeans because it's more comfortable.....dress pants or a dress are way more comfortable then jeans. Granted, maybe my jeans could be a size larger (thanks to the supper club). Also, if you're on a Caribbean cruise it's HOT. How are jeans comfortable in 80 or 90 degree weather?


I really don't care what people wear, it's the goof balls who try to be the center of attention while my family and I are dining that I'd like to avoid. I won't give examples of those because that's a whole other thread.


Party on Garth.

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One thing I don't understand, all of these comments that say they want to wear jeans because it's more comfortable.....dress pants or a dress are way more comfortable then jeans.


I guess comfort is defined differently with different people. To each his/her own, but I would never wear dress pants to be comfortable.


I wont even wear dress socks with a suit unless I have comfy cotton sweat socks under them. :p

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