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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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Come on Missou, you can't take my Sarge Pic. haha. Scott we are all rooting for you. Then once you get back, you can get all sarge on my ass.


Hey, I am the smiley monster, you are the evil sarg one. We all know that if we don't do as you say, we will have you to answer to. Yes, yes, even me!!! Because of you, I now have to mess with the elevators and the escalators buttons!!! :D:D:D

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Good evening my fellow (winner) losers!


I'm heading off to the (home) gym to do my thing... just thought I'd check in before I started.


I purchased a few things through mail order and when they arrived, they were too small. Yippee. Well, except for the bother of having to exchange them, I'm pretty happy. I still have a ways to go but progress is being made.


Gotta go run!


Take care,




Brenda...you are making progress and will get to your goal weight.

Did you mean that the clothing was too big ?





Thanks everybody!!! I really appreciate the birthday wishes. :) I wish I would have received this kind of treatment at work. Since it was my last day at work for a week and a half everyone had to get that one last little thing out of me before I left. It's nice to feel like I'm needed at work, but come on - enough's enough. Getting home at 10 doesn't make for a pleasant day. On the bright side, each day's gonna get better and better from here. Time to get some sleep and wake up on vacation:D Final weigh-in tomorrow - I'm sure I made it.


PFC Scott



Scott...sorry they didn't clebrate your birthday like we did.Enjoy your vacation. I have no doubt you made the weigh in.



























Hey, I am the smiley monster, you are the evil sarg one. We all know that if we don't do as you say, we will have you to answer to. Yes, yes, even me!!! Because of you, I now have to mess with the elevators and the escalators buttons!!! :D:D:D

Don't you dare mess with those escalator buttons after thelast couple hard days I have had I will need those escalators.

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Alright Missou, Keep messing with the elevator and escalator buttons. We need more and more people to take the stairs.


I love seeing escalators that stop and watching people walk to another set instead of just walking up them. There are some really lazy people out there.


I have done my stairs up to the 8th floor 2 times today. and once down. I need to lose in a hurry.

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I have another looooonnnng day ahead of me and I didn't get home until 9:30pm yesterday.

Didn't make it to the Y because I had an early patient but I have walked my Behind off today.

I ran home for an hour during my lunch time and mowed the lawn then back to work where I will be here tying up ends so I can leave tomorrow for VEGAS.

I have decided not to weigh myself until I am back and hoping for the best.

BTW....I still have not completed my packing:eek:


Matt...thank you again for filling in for me.:)

Missou.....keep the encouraging smiley faces coming while I am gone.And keep everyone on their toes.:D

Emmysmommy.....take care and don't let those two be mean to you.

Scott.......Enjoy your vacation as I will mine What happens in Vegas will stay in Vegas.:D

riddle.....just keep getting well.

Jon and Nikki........keep up the good work.


To everyone else I wish you the best.


I will probably be so busy when I get home that I might not get to say

GOODBYE.....try really hard to miss me a little....please;)

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Vickey: OOOPs!!!! Yes, I meant to say that the clothes were too BIG! That would be hilarious to be so happy that I'm too big for my clothes! :D


I'm a rebel... I didn't take the stairs this morning. AND... I only walked half of my afternoon circuit. But... I did eat good and I plan to run (haven't gotten there yet) so it's all good.


I'll be back later after I've paid hommage to the treadmill gods.


See ya,


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Vickey: OOOPs!!!! Yes, I meant to say that the clothes were too BIG! That would be hilarious to be so happy that I'm too big for my clothes! :D


I'm a rebel... I didn't take the stairs this morning. AND... I only walked half of my afternoon circuit. But... I did eat good and I plan to run (haven't gotten there yet) so it's all good.


I'll be back later after I've paid hommage to the treadmill gods.


See ya,




Brenda...glad to hear it was meant to be too big, isn't it a nice feeling.:)

I just went through my closet trying on clothes to pack and guess what some were too big, I went to the back spare bedroom and went through the boxed up clothes(you ladies know the box it's the I will get back to that size again if it kills me box of clothing), and found several outfits I haven't worn in two years or so. Oh course I had to wash them (like I have the time):( Well then I went to Walmart and bought several new tops and 2 pairs of capris that I can alter when I loose more.

But guess what I am almost done packing so now you won't have to tune into you tube and see me NAKED going up and down the stairs /escalators/elevators in Vegas.:eek::eek::eek:

Well now I'm off to eat dinner and hopefully call it a night.

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Okay - it's the moment of truth...


Drum roll please...........


I step on to the scale, it madly swings up over 180# then recoils back down to 145# (That's what I get for having one of those cheap spring scales). The oscilations continue - now I'm up to 170# then quickly back down to 150#. Of course, another recoil and up we go again, now I'm at 165# and I'm beginning to lose my patience. "Come on" I think, "I'm sure I made it - I think?", hurry-up. Okay it's coming back down - please please please. Good, it's back down in the 150's. But oh no, now it's coming back up again. Isn't this thing ever gonna stop!!! It's back up in the 160's - "This isn't looking good" I think. Good, it's coming back down. I'm gonna make it - I'm gonna make it:D. Oh no :eek:. Yes - no - yes - no - yes. It's coming to a stop aaaaaannnnnnnnnddddddddd....... Yes! 158#. Made it with a couple of bonus pounds to spare (I knew those nightmares of Sarge would put me over the top ;) - or should that be - under the bottom?)! I'm an official loser:p. Final results:


SW 178

CW 160 goal

CW 158 actual :cool:


Hey everybody, I've really enjoyed all the encouragement and bantering. It's been a fun time. Without the group here I'd likely still be near 170. One thing is for sure, I don't want to see another scale for at least two weeks :D. Which reminds me. One of my birthday gifts I get when I return from the cruise is going to be a digital scale. But I won't be in any hurry to test it out.


Time to hit the packing!!! It's Galveston or bust come Saturday morning. Of course I'll hop back on here after my return.

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Vickey: OOOPs!!!! Yes, I meant to say that the clothes were too BIG! That would be hilarious to be so happy that I'm too big for my clothes! :D


I'm a rebel... I didn't take the stairs this morning. AND... I only walked half of my afternoon circuit. But... I did eat good and I plan to run (haven't gotten there yet) so it's all good.


I'll be back later after I've paid hommage to the treadmill gods.


See ya,



Thanks for the catch Vickey, that one had me scratchin my head a little bit. I just figured I was too caught up in my trip and my mind was already out to sea. :p Brenda - It's always good to be "shrinking out of your clothes" quicker than you can order them ;).

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Glad I could provide some entertainment for you folks tonight!! :p


Vickey: I have about 3 Rubbermaid tubs of clothes from the 90's that I kept because one day I was going to fit back into them... not that I would really wear them anywhere but....




Scott: Congratulations on exceeding your weight loss goal. Horray!!!


For the rest of us.... let's keep it up. We can do it!! :D


Take care,


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DH just called me and he is really happy with his seminar. What he is learning will be very beneficial. His teacher has worked with people like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou Ferrigno, the guy who was the Hulk in the old tv serie. I can't wait for DH to practice the new technics he is learning on me. Hopefully, walking won't be so painful after a while.


This morning, I did not take my vitamine supplements, just to see if I still needed them... I do!! I had no energy to do my exercices and was falling asleep in the afternoon:(


Tomorrow, I will be nice and take them. For now, I will get ready to go to sleep.


Btw Vickey, I have a drawer full of nice clothes that are waiting for me too :cool:


Have a nice trip in Vegas and I'll try to visit the elevators and the escalators :D


Bravo Scott on your acheivement, you must be so happy!!! Have a nice cruise and I'll try to visit the boat too :D


Thanks for the clarification Brenda, I also was confused when I read your message. I thought I was loosing my mind :confused:


Sweet dreams everyone 11_5_12.gif

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We just booked a cruise for next June. I have already lost a few pounds, but plan on working hard to loose about 60 pounds by next summer. I am glad to have found a board for support and encouragement.




countdown.pl?name=&date=6-19-2010ℑ=Beach-10&text=&ship=Carnival Freedom

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BYE just one for the road....we are heading to the airport now......but had to say one last good by to my dear friends.

I will try and do everyone proud and not gain any weight and will try for some of those STAIRS.




My dear hubby won't let me take the lap top with me ...I think he is jealous I will spend more time with you all then him

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Have a great vacation Vickey and your DH. Take care of yourselves!!!


Welcome aboard Volstate. Will you join the stair climbing and the walking clubs? If you don't Drill Sgt Matt Monster and Smiley Monster Missou will come and haunt you :p:p


How do you feel Marsha? I hope the recuparation after your surgery is not too difficult.


Brenda, if we keep on working hard, those old clothes will fit again soon.


This morning, the 6 became a 5!!!!! Hope it stays and becomes a 4 soon!!! I tried on the nice little pants I bought last August. They were really really thight, but I did tied them up!!!!! I am so happy with myself!! Did not walk a lot and that is obviously how I loose the weight, but I did it!!!! Guess I will start walking more from now on ;):p


Well I have to go, my daughter forgot to put on her alarm clock last night and I just woke up too, She needs a ride to go to school.


See you later Winning-Loosers

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Way to go Scott. You will have to continue to join us on these boards even though you are past your goal. I will add your total in on Monday.


Glad i can be of some help, being SARGE and all.


Have fun on the cruise Scott and Vickey, enjoy Vegas. I may be heading to Virginia Beach soon for work (going on Air Craft Carrier).

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Well, I am pooped. I increased all my series to 35 today, some of them were still at 20 :eek::eek:


I will not go for a walk today since I can not have a good back rub tonight. Walking is the exercice that hurts me the most... I guess it is because of my limp and I already take painkillers to help me control the pain.


DH has nothing planed for the next months so I should have my back rubs everynight :D:D


Look out everyone, here I come with the energy and the motivation I haven't had for so many years :cool::cool:

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***** Special Military Alert *****


PFC Scott has been reported AWOL!


A note was found in his room saying "I just can't take Sarge and the stairs any longer"


Send out the military police. Leave no stone unturned. (just don't bother looking on the Conquest as we're sure he won't be there).




See you later everyone.



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Happy Friday everyone!!!


Welcome Volstate. We are a really friendly bunch here. :cool:


I'm taking the day off the treadmill I think...I should climb aboard since I ate at a soup & salad buffet for lunch that was not limited to just the healthy choices. [shhhh......I ate a couple of muffins.]


Sure wish this was a three-day weekend again!


Take care,


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I just can't wait till Sunday. DH spoke about me to his teacher and he will see me on Sunday and work on me for an hour. I might have to wait till late at night, but according to what I have heard, the treatment will be very beneficial and worth the wait.


The best thing is that DH will have to practice the new technics he is learning and guess who he will be practicing on :D:D:D


My exercise routines may have to change a little or a lot. The method DH is studying is called Active Isolated Streching. The therapist will work on a client by stretching every individual muscles and when the client goes home, he will have a list of exercises to do to continue the work that has been done. Maybe, the exercises that I am doing are not good. Maybe, I will have a whole new set of exercises to do. I'll talk to you about all this next Monday.


Tomorrow morning is Green Day in my city and they are giving away some plants and trees to the residents to help florish the city. I lost my tree last summer because of very strong winds. It was a beautiful maple tree. I will go see if I can get a new one. For dinner, I am going to the restaurant to meet some 60 + travel fanatics. It will be a nice get together.


Between getting a tree, planting it and going to the restaurant, I will find some time to do my exercises. I realize that the more I do them, the more I love it and the more I need to do them. Now that the scale is showing some results, I just can't wait for the measuring tape to do the same :D:D:D


Have a good night everyone and sweet dreams.


Hey Brenda, don't take to many nights off the treadmill. If you do, you could go out for a walk outside, it is very pleasant. Take care.

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Between getting a tree, planting it and going to the restaurant, I will find some time to do my exercises. I realize that the more I do them, the more I love it and the more I need to do them. Now that the scale is showing some results, I just can't wait for the measuring tape to do the same :D:D:D

Congrats on your progess on the scale. Hang in there....the measuring tape will show results as well over time.


Hey Brenda, don't take to many nights off the treadmill. If you do, you could go out for a walk outside, it is very pleasant. Take care.

I agree... it's too easy to let one day turn into two days with can turn into a week and I've lost interest/motivation. :(


I did my ab crunches, did my push ups, did my stairs, did my morning walk, and did my squats... but... no treadmill. I will probably run at the bay today so I can get a road run in and enjoy the gorgeous day.


Take care,


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I didn't do anything yesterday and I will not do anything again today because of the pain. In an hour or so, I'm going in Burlington for a boat show and to meet DH. After the boat show, I'm off for some crab cakes and then I have a treatment scheduled for 8pm with the teacher at the seminar. I can't wait!! It took me more than a year to convince DH to go get some massage therapy classes, but now I am blessed by the results. He was afraid he wouldn't like to give massages, but now it is a passion for him and he always wants to know more.

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missou: hope you enjoy your massage.


Sure hope Vickey is missing us while she is having fun in Vegas!! :D


I did a bad thing today.... I saved up most of my calories to indulge in a favorite comfort food meal that I'm making for dinner. I also ran just so I can have dessert. :p (I never said that I was a good girl!) Hopefully tomorrow the scale won't penalize me too much.


Matt: Are you ready for tomorrow's weigh-in?? We'll be good for you.


Take care everyone,


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Morning all,


I am ready for the weigh ins. I have no change from last week. 196 still. Blame it on the holiday and then golf outing saturday.


Yesterday stunk, stayed in bed till 2 and then just lounged until the hockey game started (down 2-0 coming back to the Burgh. Still having faith in my Pens).


Now I just gotta wait for all you losers to post your results and measurements.

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