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Hi Julie......Is Belton near Great Yarmouth??? I'm sure it's near "Burgh Castle" caravan park where we've stayed a few times. Small world!!!!

:D Yep it sure is. That's where my Mum's sister and brother in law live. They are the main reason Mum wants to go. Its been a long time since she seen them and my uncle has been very ill. At least when we finish our cruise we're not hopping straight back home! It may make it easier to leave the ship (Well a little easier anyway):rolleyes:

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Welcome, Terrie!! You and your DH have done amazing!!


Since you've been doing this awhile, I'm wondering what happens once you meet your goal? Do your points go up and by how much? Do you and DH still count points every day?



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It is Sunday, and I feel so very fat!


I know how you feel. I had girlfriends who I haven't seen for a while over for lunch yesterday and it turned into a 5-hour grazing and chatting session. Everyone brought food so we had lots of goodies to try. Ugh, now I'm feeling really guilty. I walked on the treadmill this morning, maybe I'll do it again this evening too.

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I know how you feel. I had girlfriends who I haven't seen for a while over for lunch yesterday and it turned into a 5-hour grazing and chatting session. Everyone brought food so we had lots of goodies to try. Ugh, now I'm feeling really guilty. I walked on the treadmill this morning, maybe I'll do it again this evening too.


hey everyone!!

i think i'm going to feel the same way tonight!! soooo guilty!! we go to this italian place that has wine tastings once a month which we always go to...but since we started WW we haven't gone, but decided to do this month with our friends...since all of us are on WW we are ALL nervous!! its a 5 course meal paired with wines to compliment....man talk about going over points...EEK!! we did call ahead for the menu so we can at least TRY to calculate...so far we have calculated the dinner at about 25pts....not incl wine though :( so we have all been working out extra hard, i haven't use ANY of my points today...i'll have a 2pt bar so i'm not completly starving...and using the anytime points...i think we should be ok tonight :o pray for us...haha!

so how was everyones weekend?? and welcome newbies :D glad to have you on our thread!!

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Welcome, Terrie!! You and your DH have done amazing!!


Since you've been doing this awhile, I'm wondering what happens once you meet your goal? Do your points go up and by how much? Do you and DH still count points every day?





Thank you! It was hard work for sure! Once you meet your goal you get a new book that helps you calculate your new points target. You do get to add 4 points if you want to maintain your current weight. If you want to continue to lose, you add 0. Then each week you can add or subtract a point depending on what happens at the scale. After 6 weeks of this you have done it! And yes we still track every day! It is so easy to forget to write something down and not count it! And since we only have to weigh in once a month, you can easily get yourself into trouble. I did my first week of LT. I reeled it back in time for my next weigh in though!

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HI, everyone,


I'm Tracy and I joined WW the first week in January of this year. I was really doing very well, and I have to say it has been quite easy for me up until about 3 weeks ago. Then I stalled and got a little discouraged. I've been SO good and really am staying within my points, but am just stalled. I'm a little sad, but not enough to make me "fall off the wagon!" I know that this too shall pass and I'm in this for the rest of my life, so a year from now, I won't remember that I held steady for 3 weeks in a row, and I'm sure it won't be the last time! But I feel a whole lot better than I did in January, and I know I'm never going to get that big ever again!


My weigh in day is Tuesday, but I didn't go today because I've helped a friend join and she couldn't go today. I know that if I don't go with her in the beginning she'll quit, so we're going to go together on Thursday this week.


Oh, and I currently get 21 points per day. It's been tough to drop from 23 down to 21 but I love the empowered feeling I have from being able to make healthy choices!


I love reading everyone's success stories! Thanks for the encouragement you all give by just being yourselves!



SW: 191

CW: 173.8

GW: 125

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Welcome Tracy!!


You've done amazing, almost 20 pounds since January 1st, that's awesome!! It's very very common to plateau for a while after losing weight. I think you need to probably mix up things a bit. Try different types of exercises (do you do both cardio and strength?), and lengthen your cardio by a bit. I've also read online about the "Wendie" plan that is recommended by some for getting over a plateau. It involves moving your points around during the week so that you have some high-point days and some low-point days. If you google "Wendie Plan" you'll find it. Some say it works but I can't imagine eating less than the 20 points I'm allotted in a day! I'd be hungry!


I'm glad you found us here, good luck on your weigh-in tomorrow.



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Wow! Tracy you are doing so well. Don't let the plateau get you...we've all been there, in fact I'm there right now with you. We can get through this together. I've also heard about the Wendie Plan but haven't managed to try it yet. I've learned to make sure I'm following all the HG's and upping my exercise and writing everything down. So, I'm off for a bike ride before I get ready for work.

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good morning all...

wow everyone's stats are so amazing!! keep up the great work!! well...i had my wine tasting on monday night, food was beyond awesome!! wine was spectacular...BUT we all ended up getting sick!! first we thought maybe we got sick b/c we hadn't hardly eaten anything all day....but this was a different kind of sick, come to find out we had a stomach virus :( we thought it was just us...but people at BOTH of my jobs had it....so my poor boyfriend couldn't really enjoy his meal b/c he got sick...and by the time i got home around 2am i started getting really sick...ick!! anywho....so i don't think we went over points...but we'll see what saturdays weigh in says haha!

ok now about this "wendy" plan...i'll have to google this haha, sounds interesting...thanks for sharing :D

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Had my weigh in today and everybody on this board is doing so well I was hoping that at least I would stay the same, but noooooo- I'm down one and a half pounds!!!!! Yea for me!

SW 169.5

CW 154.5

GW 135.0:D:D:D

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:p I've finally converted my stats from kilos to pounds :-


SW 231

CW 192

GW 160


Now exercising 30 mins on treadmill - 6 times a week

Just started 15 mins on stationery bike - 3 times a week

Resistance training twice weekly


I've upped the exercise because I've plateaued in the last few weeks either losing a tiny bit then gaining a tiny bit and getting nowhere.


I hate exercise !!!!:mad: My leader says I'll learn to love it but I'm not convinced:rolleyes:


Well done everyone. You're all so inspiring

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SW 231

CW 192

GW 160


Now exercising 30 mins on treadmill - 6 times a week

Just started 15 mins on stationery bike - 3 times a week

Resistance training twice weekly



You are more than half way to goal, congratulations!!! And for someone who hates exercise you are doing quite a bit, keep up the good work!



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Well, the scale wasn't happy with me today, I was up 0.5 lbs. I'm not sure if it was due to my overindulgence in wine and food this weekend or the fact that it's my TOM. I'd like to blame TOM ;).


I'm still happy with my progress and feel confident I can get back into the 140's sometime soon!


SW: 168

CW: 151

GW: 145


Good luck to everyone else with weigh-ins coming up,


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Well, the scale wasn't happy with me today, I was up 0.5 lbs. I'm not sure if it was due to my overindulgence in wine and food this weekend or the fact that it's my TOM. I'd like to blame TOM ;).


I'm still happy with my progress and feel confident I can get back into the 140's sometime soon!


SW: 168

CW: 151

GW: 145


Good luck to everyone else with weigh-ins coming up,



hey lisa...i'll blame TOM also haha! but still great stats so far....keep up the good work!! i can't wait to break the 140's also...its just something about breaking a new weight class haha!

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hey lisa...i'll blame TOM also haha! but still great stats so far....keep up the good work!! i can't wait to break the 140's also...its just something about breaking a new weight class haha!


Thanks, Tiff. The one "positive" part of not hitting the 140's like I wanted to this week is I get to keep my same number of daily points (a measly 20). I think once I drop below 150 I will lose a point.

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:p I've finally converted my stats from kilos to pounds :-


SW 231

CW 192

GW 160


Now exercising 30 mins on treadmill - 6 times a week

Just started 15 mins on stationery bike - 3 times a week

Resistance training twice weekly


I've upped the exercise because I've plateaued in the last few weeks either losing a tiny bit then gaining a tiny bit and getting nowhere.


I hate exercise !!!!:mad: My leader says I'll learn to love it but I'm not convinced:rolleyes:


Well done everyone. You're all so inspiring




Hi Everyone,


I had to quote you Jul cause I also HATE TO EXERCISE!! HATE IT!! But common sense tells me it is a necessary evil and Thank God the better weather is finally here cause the one thing I do consistently is walk.


I missed my WW meeting yesterday. ugh I have been sick with some awful sinus head cold horrible thing for several days. The only good news is that I have not been hungry so I think I should be able to drop a couple lbs. for next weeks meeting.


Hey Tracy nice job since January! All of you ladies inspire me and motivate me to come on and be able to tell you I am still on program and losing. It can be really difficult. Thanks.

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I had my weigh in yesterday and lost 1lb, would have liked more!!! Not been tooooo bad today but could easily eat a great big cream cake......so glad the shops are shut!!!! Excercise class tomorrow, i go to the over 50's, but still get worn out.

SW 254

CW 228

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Wow, you are all doing so great! I've wanted to post a few times in the past week but have resorted to lurking. :o My DH and I have a tax prep business in addition to our day jobs, so don't have much time, but more importantly haven't had the energy to put together a post. :(


But I do want to thank you all for posting in the meantime, you really have helped keep me going. :)


You are all so inspirational -- especially you, JulShut! I hate exercise too, but I've just started using my treadmill. I've done it 4 times (30 minutes each, using the treadmill's level 1 weight loss program) since 3/15. A slow start, but I'll get there. In the past I might have decided that tax season, with its busy days, busy nights, and short sleeps would be a terrible time to start exercising, but this time is DIFFERENT. I finally realized that an exercise habit will have to be maintained, even in busy times. And really, if I can do it now, I will have ZERO excuse for the rest of the year. And JulShut, if you can do ALL the exercising you're doing, then I can stick to my light/moderate routine... and keep it progressing... and not whine!


Happily, this past week I've felt smaller. I can't really tell by my clothes, because even though I wouldn't call my clothes "baggy," I certainly don't have them clinging to my body (who wants to see that?), and it's not like I'm drowning in them yet so I can't tell if I've gone down in sizes. Plus this past week, I realized that my "worn" jeans (you know how jeans loosen up as you wear them) might have been a little baggier than usual. I found I was able to pull them off without unfastening them! :D


I have eaten a lot of points the past couple of weeks (though way less than I would have before starting WW) -- last week, I used up all my flex points and activity points (and really, but for some creative accounting, I might have gone over). This week I've been better, but there have been some splurges. So even though I started exercising, I was nervous about weigh-in today. But never fear! Down another 2 pounds for a total of 17 lbs. gone!! Woohoo!!!


Keep going ladies... you are all fabulous!


SW: 246.2

CW: 229.2

GW: 154

mini goal: 221 by cruise time 5/7/09



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I'm SO excited! My friend bailed on me but I went to meeting anyway (My weigh-in day is Tuesday, but I didn't go then in hopes of encouraging my friend to go today). And when I weighed in today I was DOWN 3.4 pounds!!!!!! That's the most I've ever lost in a week (well, technically a week +2 days, but who's counting!)


AND that means I passed my 10% goal AND hit 20.6lbs total lost!! I'm SO happy I can't stand it!!!! :D


I was so shocked because my scale at home has been acting really wacky this whole week and is up and down 2-3 lb within the course of a day, so I honestly had no idea where I was.


After 2 weeks of nothing, I was starting to get really discouraged, but I'm back on track now, and more importantly, I've lived through a plateau and kept going! YAY!!!!




CW: 170.4

GW: 125

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Down another 2 pounds for a total of 17 lbs. gone!! Woohoo!!!


GREAT job!! Congrats!


I spent 2 years in the tax department of a CPA firm and so I know how stressful tax season is. To keep focused on exercise and diet during busy season is a great accomplishment! I know you're counting the days until April 15th :)



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AND that means I passed my 10% goal AND hit 20.6lbs total lost!! I'm SO happy I can't stand it!!!! :D



YAY Tracy, "buh bye" plateau. 20+ lbs, that's amazing. You deserve to do the happy dance!! :D



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OMG!!! I am doing the Happy Dance for all of you, and that includes me. I am wearing some of my old clothes (size 12P) and not only do they fit, the jeans are baggy in the butt! I still have a problem with my tummy, and at my age (61) I'm not sure there is anything I can do except buy Spanx or get a tummy tuck!! I am just hoping I can continue to loose and then maintain...it is so very hard for me. Am I the only one having such a horrible time? Keep up the good work ladies, you are my inspiration to make sure I have a loss posted each week!!


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