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Canceling due to sick family or death in the family??


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I'm looking for advice/information on having to cancel due to severe illness or death in the immediate family.


First, let me explain the situation. My family (myself, wife and children) are booked on the Carnival Fantasy on April 18 (26 days away). We are paid in full. We are first time cruisers.


My wife's father has been battling cancer for 4 years. This weekend, he took a turn for the worse and is now in the hospital in the ICU. We still do not know what exactly is going on with him...it is day to day at this point.


Anyway, I spoke to our person at Carnival and she said that we are now in the penalty stage where we'd lose half of our money if we cancelled but we could submit documentation and that Carnival MAY allow us to get all of our fare returned or a credit for another cruise.


I have not spoken to my wife because I really feel as though she is going through too much right now to worry about something so petty as money/vacation. I wanted to get all the facts first and then wait until she brings it up.


My questions are....


What do yall think I should do? Do you think Carnival will refund the rest of my money in this situation should we cancel (I'd be more than satisified with a credit towards a future cruise)? Should I just go ahead and cancel the cruise?


Have any of you faced a similar situation? What did the cruiseline do in your situation?

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I'm looking for advice/information on having to cancel due to severe illness or death in the immediate family.


First, let me explain the situation. My family (myself, wife and children) are booked on the Carnival Fantasy on April 18 (26 days away). We are paid in full. We are first time cruisers.


My wife's father has been battling cancer for 4 years. This weekend, he took a turn for the worse and is now in the hospital in the ICU. We still do not know what exactly is going on with him...it is day to day at this point.


Anyway, I spoke to our person at Carnival and she said that we are now in the penalty stage where we'd lose half of our money if we cancelled but we could submit documentation and that Carnival MAY allow us to get all of our fare returned or a credit for another cruise.


I have not spoken to my wife because I really feel as though she is going through too much right now to worry about something so petty as money/vacation. I wanted to get all the facts first and then wait until she brings it up.


My questions are....


What do yall think I should do? Do you think Carnival will refund the rest of my money in this situation should we cancel (I'd be more than satisified with a credit towards a future cruise)? Should I just go ahead and cancel the cruise?


Have any of you faced a similar situation? What did the cruiseline do in your situation?


You did purchase Travel insurance right???

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I'm looking for advice/information on having to cancel due to severe illness or death in the immediate family.


First, let me explain the situation. My family (myself, wife and children) are booked on the Carnival Fantasy on April 18 (26 days away). We are paid in full. We are first time cruisers.


My wife's father has been battling cancer for 4 years. This weekend, he took a turn for the worse and is now in the hospital in the ICU. We still do not know what exactly is going on with him...it is day to day at this point.


Anyway, I spoke to our person at Carnival and she said that we are now in the penalty stage where we'd lose half of our money if we cancelled but we could submit documentation and that Carnival MAY allow us to get all of our fare returned or a credit for another cruise.


I have not spoken to my wife because I really feel as though she is going through too much right now to worry about something so petty as money/vacation. I wanted to get all the facts first and then wait until she brings it up.


My questions are....


What do ya think I should do? Do you think Carnival will refund the rest of my money in this situation should we cancel (I'd be more than satisfied with a credit towards a future cruise)? Should I just go ahead and cancel the cruise?


Have any of you faced a similar situation? What did the cruise line do in your situation?


First let me say how sorry I am, my thoughts and prayers to your wife, you and your family. I know what your family is going through as I just lost my Mother on the first of the month from Cancer.



I am guessing that you do not have insurance. I do not think you should expect Carnival to refund you anything, unless they want to. They may give you preference because of your problem, but please respect their decision. If you handle it right, they may help you out with something.


Again I am sorry that your family is going through this.

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So sorry to hear about your bad news. We had a similar problem about 2 years ago, June of 2007. My mother had to be hospitilized about a week before our cruise, which we had paid in full. We called our PVP and asked what to do. She referred us to a Carnival rep who was very helpful. We got a full refund, which fully surprised us as we were just hoping to be able to get a credit for a future cruise. It certainly won't hurt to call and explain your problem. Just a personal opinion,I think you will have better luck being courteous rather than belligerant and demanding, because they are not obligated to any refund at all. GOOD LUCK.

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This is the purpose for insurance.


In any case, expect to lose what the rules say you will lose if you cancel, and give it a shot to call your TA or Carnival itself. They may give you nothing, a credit, etc.




Insurance! Insurance! Insurance!

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This is the purpose for insurance.


In any case, expect to lose what the rules say you will lose if you cancel, and give it a shot to call your TA or Carnival itself. They may give you nothing, a credit, etc.




Insurance! Insurance! Insurance!


Pete, this is the third thread in two days of someone having to cancel, and no insurance :(

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I feel for you and your family. However, I wouldn't do anything without talking to your wife first. I know she is upset, but I have been in a situation very similar to yours and would have been furious if that decision had been made without my input. We did wind up cancelling, but at least I had the opportunity to have my say.

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Without insurance, you're probably out of luck. You might try calling Carnival and trying to speak to a supervisor of some sort, see if they can offer you anything. They may offer you credit on a future cruise as a goodwill gesture.

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When we just booked they told us we could purchase insurance up to 1 week before our vacation. If this is the case then maybe you can still buy it? We were nervous as we are flying in January. But we figure we'll purchase insurance closer to cruise date.

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When we just booked they told us we could purchase insurance up to 1 week before our vacation. If this is the case then maybe you can still buy it?


If he purchased insurance Now (after final payment), they'd almost certainly consider this particular poster's problem a pre-existing condition and won't cover it.

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When we just booked they told us we could purchase insurance up to 1 week before our vacation. If this is the case then maybe you can still buy it? We were nervous as we are flying in January. But we figure we'll purchase insurance closer to cruise date.




But the OP has already called Carnival, they know he is thinking of cancelling. I doubt they would sell him any, but he could go to another provider.

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I'd call Carnival and see what your options are, and give them the details of the situation. I don't think it's THAT uncommon for them to take the circumstances under consideration and attempt to help you out.


My second move would be to attempt to purchase travel insurance now. It may be more expensive, but I don't think that since it's your FIL who's ill, they take "pre-existing conditions" into consideration unless it's someone who's being covered by the policy itself (travelling).

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My second move would be to attempt to purchase travel insurance now. It may be more expensive, but I don't think that since it's your FIL who's ill, they take "pre-existing conditions" into consideration unless it's someone who's being covered by the policy itself (travelling).



Incorrect. The reason for cancellation would be the father-in-law and they would definitely consider this a pre-existing condition. Since the OP would say I'm cancelling because my FIL is sick, they would want to see the FIL's medical records to see if there is a pre-existing condition. Too late now for the OP unfortunately. At this point his only option is to be polite and hope that Carnival will be able to help them and to understand if they aren't.


To the OP, I'm sorry you've been left in this situation. My prayers are with you and your family. Definitely talk to Carnival and talk to your wife. Don't make the decision to cancel without her input. Don't look on it as being concerned about money, but about being concerned about where you need to be to be able to give your wife and your FIL the support they need.

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This is the purpose for insurance.


In any case, expect to lose what the rules say you will lose if you cancel, and give it a shot to call your TA or Carnival itself. They may give you nothing, a credit, etc.




Insurance! Insurance! Insurance!


I have all my full travel insurance through my Master card.

I pay $69 a year for it. As long as I book the trip with my mastercard..its covered.


we travel alot , We were use to paying $200 per trip for insurance each trip..a couple times a year. This way we are covered for unlimited trips up to 91 days in length each trip. $69 for a year is worth the expense!

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Fightingokra - First of all, please know that I'm thinking of your family during this time. I know it's hard to think about vacation during a time when a family member is going through cancer/complications/any illness.


Many posters have already offered great suggestions on how to approach cancelling the cruise. I always try to think of both sides of any situation so I just want to present a few questions for you to think about. No need to answer them to me....just rhetorical questions to think about.


It's still 26 days until the cruise and a lot can happen health-wise in 26 days...both good and bad. If major improvements are made with FIL's health, that would be wonderful. However, should something happen in the very near future (not pleasant to think about but anything can happen at any time), would your wife/family want to cruise as a way to escape the sadness and just getaway to regroup?


Like I said, just a few things to think about before cancelling as you know your family better than anyone. Good luck with everything, and I've said a prayer for your family.


P.S. I had to cancel a cruise and airfare due to have more surgery than anticipated. Luckily we were outside of the penalty phase on the cruise so no problem there. On the airfare, I figured we would have a huge cancellation fee to pay. However, when I talked to the airline about cancelling, they gave me full credit on a future flight. I was so appreciative of that. If you do have to cancel the cruise, hopefully you'll be able to deal with a compassionate person. Good luck!

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I wouldn't do that Pegs222.


That isn't right in my opinion.


Doesn't much matter. I doubt you will find any coverage at this late date for pre-existing conditions.


We have had 2 deaths in the last 14 months to cancer, my 29 year old daughter (ovarion cancer) and my wife's 43 year old brother (began with lung cancer-smoker) just 2 weeks ago.


I feel your pain. Please buy insurance if you rebook.

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Sadly, when I asked a similar question 1 year ago, people jumped at me and said "should have bought the insurance, don't you feel bad now" type answers. People on cruise critic are some of the snobbiest, rudest people I have ever meant.


I hope the best for your wife’s father and the rest of the family. It is very important to be with him right now, way more important than a cruise.

My BIL past away 3 weeks prior to our cruise. When I canceled we got 50% back and the Carnival Rep gave me an address for me to write a letter to. She said put in the letter why you had to cancel last minute. She said sometimes, depending if that particular ship sailed full capacity, you may get credit for the money you lost (but it’s not guaranteed).

Here is that address:

Carnival Cruise Lines

Research MSRV-25oS

3655 NW 87 Ave

Miami, FL 31179-2426


I did write the letter and Carnival was gracious enough to credit me for the other 50%. Because of their kindness, I will always be loyal to Carnival.

So my two cents is to go ahead and cancel. Even if your FIL pulls through, do you think your wife will still be in the mood to go on vacation? I wouldn’t be…



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My heart goes out to you and your family in this tough time.


It's disheartening to see the "serves you right" attitude that some people here have. We all understand about travel insurance and its intended purpose- This is not really an appropriate time for a lecture.


I work for a computer company in the training dpeartment. We have a "no cancellation" policy however will generally attempt to accomodate people in cases of bereavment. That doesn't necessarily mean that Carnival will, but you 'll never know if you don't ask.


Talk to your family and call Carnival. You may be pleasantly surprised. There are a lot of good people in the world

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I'm looking for advice/information on having to cancel due to severe illness or death in the immediate family.


First, let me explain the situation. My family (myself, wife and children) are booked on the Carnival Fantasy on April 18 (26 days away). We are paid in full. We are first time cruisers.


My wife's father has been battling cancer for 4 years. This weekend, he took a turn for the worse and is now in the hospital in the ICU. We still do not know what exactly is going on with him...it is day to day at this point.


Anyway, I spoke to our person at Carnival and she said that we are now in the penalty stage where we'd lose half of our money if we cancelled but we could submit documentation and that Carnival MAY allow us to get all of our fare returned or a credit for another cruise.


I have not spoken to my wife because I really feel as though she is going through too much right now to worry about something so petty as money/vacation. I wanted to get all the facts first and then wait until she brings it up.


My questions are....


What do yall think I should do? Do you think Carnival will refund the rest of my money in this situation should we cancel (I'd be more than satisified with a credit towards a future cruise)? Should I just go ahead and cancel the cruise?


Have any of you faced a similar situation? What did the cruiseline do in your situation?


I'd cancel right away to get at least some of the money back... The longer you wait, the less you'll receive. The chance you'll get the entire amount back is zip to none. They are strict on cancel penalties...they have to be...that's why insurance is offered.


Next time, consider trip insurance which would refund the entire amount of your cruise in a situation like this...and other reasons.

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I'd cancel right away to get at least some of the money back... The longer you wait' date=' the less you'll receive. The chance you'll get the entire amount back is zip to none. They are strict on cancel penalties...they have to be...that's why insurance is offered.


Next time, consider trip insurance which would refund the entire amount of your cruise in a situation like this...and other reasons.[/quote']


He admitted that he knew he made a mistake by not buying insurance....I don't think it's necessary to keep hitting him over the head with it. As far as the chance being zip to none that he'll get the money back, obviously that isn't 100% true because several people have posted thus far saying that Carnival was very kind to them so he DOES have some chance.


To the OP - talk to your wife first and then talk to Carnival and see what they say. It cannot hurt to ask (at the worst they will say there is nothing they can do).

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