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what is the wildest,craziest thing you've ever seen on a cruise?


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Yes, it was.


The Rolex owner was so flabbergasted at seeing his brand new gold watch going into the water glass just like that.


The rest of the table erupted into laughter but the wife just smiled.

I'm guessing the wife was hoping he didn't jump up and punch you.



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I'm guess the wife knew you knew it wasn't a Rolex, and she was silently happy someone finally popped his big blabbermouth bubble. :D


I think the idea is that it WAS waterproof since it was a real rolex that the guy was bragging about


Frankly I never understood the presteige of having a watch that can tell time...


Mine has a voice recorder, 6 time zones, a countdown timer, a stopwatch, a full function calculator, automatic Daylight savings time, and cost $60

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So last year my fiancee (then boyfriend) decide to take his mom on a cruise with us because she said she'd watch his 3 kids and let us do whatever.:D Sounded good to us until after we realized she was as bad as the 3 kids! To start off at the first dinner she got "bored" and started playing "musical glasses" (very embarassing) :o The next day she lost the youngest kid somewhere on the ship and he came and found us to let us know how irresponible his grandmother was being.:mad: So finally we decided not to leave the kids with her anymore and let her do her own thing. Needless to say the woman is not very bright. The next night we meet up with her on the way to dinner and find her looking as red as a lobster with the worst sun burn I've ever seen.:eek: She said the sunblock she bought in port must have been old because it didn't work. I asked if I could see the "sunblock" so I could advoid using it on the kids. What I found was that she had bought after sun lotion! :eek: You know... the stuff that your supposed to used after tanning to keep your tan longer! :(

We still joke about what a disaster it was to bring her with us and every time we book a new cruise the kids ask to make sure that their grandma's NOT coming along.

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I think the idea is that it WAS waterproof since it was a real rolex that the guy was bragging about


Frankly I never understood the presteige of having a watch that can tell time...


Mine has a voice recorder, 6 time zones, a countdown timer, a stopwatch, a full function calculator, automatic Daylight savings time, and cost $60


Oops! :eek: My bad. My Old Timex is water resistant to a certain number of feet, deeper than a water glass or pool! I figured they all were.

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I think the idea is that it WAS waterproof since it was a real rolex that the guy was bragging about


Frankly I never understood the presteige of having a watch that can tell time...


Mine has a voice recorder, 6 time zones, a countdown timer, a stopwatch, a full function calculator, automatic Daylight savings time, and cost $60


LOL, I can just picture some guy walking around talking to his wrist, and everybody staring at the wannabe James Bond! :eek:

I don't think Rolexes are waterproof, BTW, buy my Timex is. And it can tell time! And the date! Woo-hoo!

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LOL' date=' I can just picture some guy walking around talking to his wrist, and everybody staring at the wannabe James Bond! :eek:

I don't think Rolexes are waterproof, BTW, buy my Timex is. And it can tell time! And the date! Woo-hoo![/quote']


I had one years ago that was also a remote for my DVD player and could change the channels on TV


I love CASIOs - that line in "Planes Trains and Automobiles" where John Candy is trying to get a motel room... "It's a CASIO"





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I'm guess the wife knew you knew it wasn't a Rolex, and she was silently happy someone finally popped his big blabbermouth bubble. :D


I think the idea is that it WAS waterproof since it was a real rolex that the guy was bragging about


Frankly I never understood the presteige of having a watch that can tell time...


Mine has a voice recorder, 6 time zones, a countdown timer, a stopwatch, a full function calculator, automatic Daylight savings time, and cost $60


Of course it was a real Rolex and waterproof - several grand bucks' worth - but DH couldn't resist getting his back at the guy's obnoxiousness and bragging!


There's not a watch in this house that cost more than $100 - we buy and wear them like fashion. I have different watches that I pick to wear to coordinate with my jewellery.

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We were on the Sun Princess for our millenium cruise in December 1999. We were travelling with two other couples. On the first formal night, one of the husbands was complaining about how uncomfortable his tux was. This gentleman and his wife are both on the large size and he doesn't usually dress up formally in tuxes, etc. Well, all through dinner he couldn't get comfortable! He kept fidgeting saying "how can you guys stand these tuxes!" Finally, he couldn't stand it anymore and just before dessert he left to change. Well, the next night at dinner we heard the real story! When he and his wife were getting ready for dinner, he took the first pair of black pants that were in the closet. They were hers!! Not only were they toos mall for him, he was wearing them backwards!! On the next formal night he was much more comfortable in his own pants!! She had to send hers out to be pressed because the knees were facing backward! :eek:



maybe its because i've been reading this thread from start to finish, and it's now almost 11pm -- but I am IN TEARS after this post!


seriously -- TOO FUNNY!!


This is an AWESOME thread!!!:D :D :D

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...so I was walking down to the restaurant with my stuffed bird on the shoulder of my life jacket, trying to keep my Burger King crown on with one hand, when this wig comes at my face from nowhere....:D




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2 days to read this thread... HYSTERICAL!


Ok I have a couple of funny and embarressing ones.


My first cruise was when I was 9. We were in Mexico, our first time there. The trip was my mother and I and my aunt and her daughter (my cousin age 10). So us 4 ladies.. all on our first cruises.


Well we were total SUCKERS in Mexico for shopping. We were running late to get back to the ship. So my cousin and I are wearing like 4 sombreros each, all stacked up, ponchos on us, and holding big straw bags that were ripping because of the marble chess sets and silver my mom and aunt just HAD to buy. People were laughing at us the whole cruise watching run back to the ship dressed like that because we were late.


Same cruise, one of our excursions was also in Mexico. We took a bus ride to some place to watch authentic dancing and food, etc.. something very cheesy. We all get on the bus and they grab their seats. The only seat left was next to this man who ALWAYS followed us around the ship. ( I think he hat the hots for my mom and aunt). He became known as "The Spitter". He would get very close to your face and with his lisp, he would spit non stop while talking to you. So I was stuck on an hour ride with him spitting on me. I just glared at them! To this day, they still make fun of me.


My mom, dad, grandmother, nephew and my boyfriend and I leave this Sunday on the Legend. I hope we don't encounter someone like that!!


Now on an embarressing note... I feel like an arse. I am going to be 34 soon. BUT when I was 17 (in 1992) and going on my Senior Graduation Cruise.. we left from Miami. We thought we were going to be sly teens and pack our own alcohol since there weren't many parents with us. Soooo, I decided to load up shampoo bottles with alcohol we all stole from our parents. We were walking around the ship drinking from the bottles with straws in them looking like idiots I am sure. We were such idiots. I remember a family reunion that was taking a photo and a few of us snuck in the photo. Someone asked me who I was and I said I was their cousin they had not seen in years. They believed me ;)


That was day 1... Day 2, we were drunk and hungover and hating life when the sirens started. The engines died and we had to be towed back to Miami. It was rough being towed back, everyone was barfing all over, sick teens all over. I got back to the port and called my mom from a payphone crying that we didn't make it anywhere.

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We were on a cruise not to long after the movie The Sixth Sense came out. A magician had several people come on stage to help with his act. He asked each one what they did and one fellow said he was a mortician and after having a "few" drinks at dinner I yelled out "I see dead people" The audience erupted and it took at least 2 minutes for them to be quiet, you had to be there and with the movie being fresh everyone knew that line from all the previews and jokes about the movie.


The worst thing my DW and I saw was on our honeymoon cruise (Fascination) a couple was poolside during the middle of the day and he had his hands, well lets just say he wasn't scratching her belly. We looked at each other with that "did you just see what I saw look?"

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Also once while on a cruise a guy fell in to the orchestra pit and severly injured himself it was nearing the end of the cruise and the last day was a private Island we stopped outside Nassau and a water taxi came by and took him away. We never found out what happened to the poor guy.

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On our cruise in ’06, DH and I went to see the R-rated comedian. We were in about the third row. The guy had some skit about how horrible women were when it was “that time of the month” and DH, not realizing how loud he was, said “Well, my wife’s not like that”. Apparently the comedian thought my husband was heckling him and gave him hell the rest of the night. He just kept picking and picking… my husband kept saying, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry” over and over again. He didn’t even know what he’d done.

The comedian just kept on, and DH finally got up, went on stage, pulled his pants down and told the guy, “You just want me to bend over and take it so you can move on or what”? The audience roared with laughter- they thought it was part of the show. The rest of the cruise we would see people all over the ship and they’d point and say, “Hey, it’s the apologize guy!” I still call him that from time to time… :D

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On our March 08 cruise on Celebrity's Millineum, we dined with a very nice family from Florida. One night, the husband excuses himself. About 1/2 hour later, he shows up, sits down, and starts laughing. His wife asks him where he's been.

He said he had gone to the cabin to pick up some champagne to share with all of us. He rushed back to the table, sat down, and asked if anyone would like a glass of champagne. He said he thought it was odd that noone responded until he realized he didn't recognize anyone. He blurted out, "Where did my family go?"

Apparently, he had gone to the right table but on the wrong deck!


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Ok, this is not first hand, but was told to me by a very good friend. He has a brother with special needs, so he does a lot of volunteer work for Special Olympics & such. His one and only cruise was as a group leader for a large group of these kids. One night at the talent show, one of the girls in the group volunteered to sing. She took the stage and gave a heartfelt rendition of “Jesus Loves Me”. Of course, the crowd went wild with applause. The CD asked the girl who she was with to which she replied “My mommy”. CD asks her if her mommy sings too and the girl says “Yes, but not as good as me!” and the crowd again goes crazy with applause. By this time everyone in the room is feeling great and has a big warm & fuzzy feeling going on. At this point, someone comes in from stage right and hands the CD a note. He reads it and announces “Hey folks, we have a very special guest with us tonight! Take a look up in the back row of the balcony, we have Bessie who is in a wheelchair. Tonight she is 111!!” Well, everyone stands up, turns around, looking up into the balcony and cheers & applauds like crazy. After a few seconds the CD goes “Wait, Wait!! I misread the note! Bessie is ILL, she’s ILL!! Will someone please help her to the infirmary?” There was stunned silence for a minute, and then the room cracks up, knowing they had been had by the devious CD.

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On our March 08 cruise on Celebrity's Millineum, we dined with a very nice family from Florida. One night, the husband excuses himself. About 1/2 hour later, he shows up, sits down, and starts laughing. His wife asks him where he's been.


He said he had gone to the cabin to pick up some champagne to share with all of us. He rushed back to the table, sat down, and asked if anyone would like a glass of champagne. He said he thought it was odd that noone responded until he realized he didn't recognize anyone. He blurted out, "Where did my family go?"


Apparently, he had gone to the right table but on the wrong deck!




That's funny as heck!

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Also once while on a cruise a guy fell in to the orchestra pit and severly injured himself it was nearing the end of the cruise and the last day was a private Island we stopped outside Nassau and a water taxi came by and took him away. We never found out what happened to the poor guy.


I'd heard something like this happened to a cruise director we once had. I think his name was Dave Graham, on the Celebrity Century in early '97. The accident happened not on our cruise but later on. I don't suppose the one you were talking about was the CD was it?

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Last year on RCCL, we were tendering into port. While getting off the tender, my aunt dropped her tote bag. They immediately backed the tender up and one of the employees "fished" for her bad as it was slowly sinking. Luckily the water was clear and her was able to get it. Everyone on the boat and on shore were clapping. She was dying of embarrassment.

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This did'nt happen on a cruise per se, but I remember my parents coming back from their first cruise and them telling us all about it. My mom had a great time and she said that they had the sweetest, cutest waiter, then she told us that he was from the Phillipines, my dad looked at her incredulously and said "he was not from the Phillipines." She said "yes he was, His name was Felipe!". Needless to say all the forks rattled to plates and we were in tears with laughter!

  • Haha 1
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This might not be weird to some, but I have lived a sheltered life... on our Honeymoon on the Conquest last August, we were on board with about 800-1000 "Women of Distinction" ... black lesbians. You sure could tell which one was the boy and which one was the girl... Nice expensive mens suits, and awesome formal dresses... but too weird for us country bumpkins!! There was also 2 other groups and one was a church group... they were the unholiest people I have ever seen... fights constantly, puking in the floors, putting cigarettes out in the carpet. One kid was going from table to table spitting in all the ketchup bottles!!! GROSS!!!!



You have lived a VERY sheltered life... lesbians aren't like that, which one is the boy/girl? Omigosh. There are different types of lesbians, just like there are different types of straight women. I know some pretty butch women who are straight...

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You have lived a VERY sheltered life... lesbians aren't like that, which one is the boy/girl? Omigosh. There are different types of lesbians, just like there are different types of straight women. I know some pretty butch women who are straight...

I'm not sure but I think she was talking about the outfits they wore. At least I don't want to jump to the conclusion she was talking about any thing else.



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