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I'm not quite sure what is going on, but I'm just going to keep pushing forward, watching my intake and making sure I get some exercise and hop that my body is just making adjustments.


Been busy doing some cleaning this morning and I hope to jump on the bike later.

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It was 316.2...........I waited a bit.


I'm just a little annoyed. Maybe I'm still showing results from last weeks oversights. I thought perhaps I wasn't getting enough calories and was reacting so I up'ed my WW points just a bit. Still lower than what they recommended. Maybe my body is rebelling against the lower carbs or maybe it really is the need of more fiber. Idk, but you can see where I'm frustrated. I'm still trying, no quitting, but I hope I can figure out the cause of just floundering around.


This morning, I decided I was having some oatmeal w/ a little of flax meal mixed in and brown sugar (could have swore I had some splenda, but couldn't find it). I did 1 cup of uncooked grains and used almond milk. Got through most of it after cooking, but left about 1/3 c in the bowl.


I didn't get on the bike yesterday, but I def. kept busy cleaning and did a lot of things that made my stomach a bit sore today. I actually spread baking soda all over my inherited furniture and then vac'd it up later, which was super hard work. Then I went over to see my nephews and realized I'm still to fat to chase after a 4 year old.


I feel skinnier. Its so weird to see the scale not really changing day after day, but feel smaller. I did check my measurements, but most of those haven't really changed either.


I guess I'm hoping the grain will help me out today and was willing to sacrifice the carbs. My goal is to stay away from diary today, that might have something to do with it too.

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Well I have survived 8 days of a low carb plan. I have given up bread, pasta, baked goods, potatoes, etc. It's not as hard as I thought it would be, but still every day is a bit of a challenge. I have exercised daily (7 days on my stationary bike - 30-35 mins and one day I walked for 30 mins). I am down 4 lbs. Not too shabby. I have some more catching up to do, but I confident I will back to that 60 lb loss before too long.


What I did find when tracking on Spark People, that I wasn't taking in enough calories according to their recommendation. Some days were 1100, one day was 1000. So, I found myself eating a little something extra to make the minimum. I suppose it's because so many of the veggies are so low in calorie they barely register!!


Brooke...you have maintained this week and that is great! I am sure you will see another loss this week. :)

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Well I have survived 8 days of a low carb plan. I have given up bread, pasta, baked goods, potatoes, etc. It's not as hard as I thought it would be, but still every day is a bit of a challenge. I have exercised daily (7 days on my stationary bike - 30-35 mins and one day I walked for 30 mins). I am down 4 lbs. Not too shabby. I have some more catching up to do, but I confident I will back to that 60 lb loss before too long.


What I did find when tracking on Spark People, that I wasn't taking in enough calories according to their recommendation. Some days were 1100, one day was 1000. So, I found myself eating a little something extra to make the minimum. I suppose it's because so many of the veggies are so low in calorie they barely register!!


Brooke...you have maintained this week and that is great! I am sure you will see another loss this week. :)


You are doing better than me. I have cut back but def. have had a few things.


I know, so far I'm maintaining, but not where I want to be.....at least I know I'm good at maintaining, lol.

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Sat. 315.4

Sun. 315.6

Mon. 314.4


Well, finally a fall. I know some might argue with me, but I really think it was my use of oatmeal for BK and some flax mixed in. All that protein and dairy can take its toll, but the oatmeal really helped yesterday. Don't worry, I'm not going to go oatmeal crazy again. I'm just going to add it in a couple days a week, to help keep my body moving. I'm actually need to cut the portion b/c I'm not eating all of it after cooking. Which is a good sign.


BK: I measured 3/4 c of dry oats and 2tsp of flax, 3 packs of splenda. I've left about 3 tbsp of it in the bowl. Oh and 1 c almond milk. Oh yea, 4 strawberries.


L: Leftover deer tenderloin pieces about 8oz, fresh natural fruit cup w/ about 15 grams of carbs for the cup.


S: Some salami pieces and cubed cheese piece


D: Okay, so I've pushed the SW chicken back..........I get lazy with cooking and you guys know that. I think I will do it tonight though b/c I want to do a low carb wrap beans/cheese/sour cream/lettuce tomr. for lunch.


W: I will have to workout at home b/c the gym is closed again until Wed. for concerts for students.


My biggest concern this week is the impending Easter weekend. My Dad's side will be in for the weekend. Carbs will abound in our house. Snacky foods, cakes, biscuits in the morning.............it will be a real challenge and I'm really dreading having to deal with it. I don't want to be set back again and I KNOW I'm the one who has control over this, but there are times I just can't trust myself. When it comes to having my family around, I feel more relaxed and of course they all are over eaters too, so we just enable each other. I also know a positive attitude will help, so I'm going to put my best foot forward and hope for the best.


Good Choices.

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Sat. 315.4

Sun. 315.6

Mon. 314.4


Well, finally a fall. I know some might argue with me, but I really think it was my use of oatmeal for BK and some flax mixed in. All that protein and dairy can take its toll, but the oatmeal really helped yesterday. Don't worry, I'm not going to go oatmeal crazy again. I'm just going to add it in a couple days a week, to help keep my body moving. I'm actually need to cut the portion b/c I'm not eating all of it after cooking. Which is a good sign.


BK: I measured 3/4 c of dry oats and 2tsp of flax, 3 packs of splenda. I've left about 3 tbsp of it in the bowl. Oh and 1 c almond milk. Oh yea, 4 strawberries.


L: Leftover deer tenderloin pieces about 8oz, fresh natural fruit cup w/ about 15 grams of carbs for the cup.


S: Some salami pieces and cubed cheese piece


D: Okay, so I've pushed the SW chicken back..........I get lazy with cooking and you guys know that. I think I will do it tonight though b/c I want to do a low carb wrap beans/cheese/sour cream/lettuce tomr. for lunch.


W: I will have to workout at home b/c the gym is closed again until Wed. for concerts for students.


My biggest concern this week is the impending Easter weekend. My Dad's side will be in for the weekend. Carbs will abound in our house. Snacky foods, cakes, biscuits in the morning.............it will be a real challenge and I'm really dreading having to deal with it. I don't want to be set back again and I KNOW I'm the one who has control over this, but there are times I just can't trust myself. When it comes to having my family around, I feel more relaxed and of course they all are over eaters too, so we just enable each other. I also know a positive attitude will help, so I'm going to put my best foot forward and hope for the best.


Good Choices.


Good work:) you need the fiber to keep your system humming, nothing wrong with having oatmeal a few days a week, I don't care what anyone says but having all protein and no carbs which by the way have most of the fiber is not good. Keep adding foods with fiber.


As far as Easter goes, you can do this, just have small servings, let everyone else eat what they want, stick to you guns, have a nice Easter, keep up the good work:)

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:)Hopefully the scale will continue to drop for you this week it will really help with the will power over the Easter Holiday. I went out over the weekend and I did so good bcause the scale actually went down for me last week. I think you just have to change things up until you find your right combo to make it work.:) Keep losing.

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Good work:) you need the fiber to keep your system humming, nothing wrong with having oatmeal a few days a week, I don't care what anyone says but having all protein and no carbs which by the way have most of the fiber is not good. Keep adding foods with fiber.


As far as Easter goes, you can do this, just have small servings, let everyone else eat what they want, stick to you guns, have a nice Easter, keep up the good work:)


Thanks, I figure as long as they aren't straight yeast rolls and pure sugar then I'm doing okay. Complex carbs that burn slower and have fiber.


I'm hoping to see a drop that will cause me to say..........."Is that roll really worth it?"

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:)Hopefully the scale will continue to drop for you this week it will really help with the will power over the Easter Holiday. I went out over the weekend and I did so good bcause the scale actually went down for me last week. I think you just have to change things up until you find your right combo to make it work.:) Keep losing.


This is what I'm hoping for. Might use the spoonful rule. Only a spoonful of the bad stuff, that way I get a taste, but not a full serving.

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Sat. 315.4

Sun. 315.6

Mon. 314.4

Tues. 314.4


Again, with the consistent numbers? Is this just part of the process? Is this a good sign that my numbers aren't so up and down so much during the week? I wish I could show more loss though b/c I go back to see the Dr. on April 30th and I was hoping to show her some more progress. I would love to lose the 2.2lbs I gained last week, instead of it taking me two weeks to do it.


BK: Okay, so protein w/ some carbs this morning. I got eggs and a ham slice from DQ this morning. I haven't done ff in a while and I forgot to fix some turkey sausage last night. Then I've been having nasty little headaches the past two days and wonder if it was caff. w/d from me stopping taking those "energy" supplements that I was taking (still taking the vitamin part) b/c they had a healthy dose of caff. in them and I had been taking one a day. Other than those and diet soda (which I cut back on) I haven't had much caff. So, I think that and allergies have caused. it. So I thought having a Skinny latte might head off any today. We will see. But I did check on my phone for the carbs before I ordered it. Only 19 for a small.


L: I say about 3tbsp of chicken salad, some pickles slices and some slices salami and cheese bits. I will also have some fiber powder in my water on top of the fiber powder I had this morning. I figure that will help on days I don't eat oatmeal or flax.


S: I've been wanting chocolate. Now I know dark chocolate is the best for you and in small amounts and there was a study recently saying that people who ate chocolate on a reg. basis on avg. had smaller body masses. That being said........I know, I know, I know. I have been enjoying a small pack of M&Ms for 5pts and about 34 carbs. Just as much as a serving of ice cream and half the filling capacity (dairy fills me up). But I do have a ritual that I do that test my patience and makes me take my time with them. There was a time where I would just open the pack and pour right into my mouth or in my hand and throw them in large quantities in my mouth. So, to make myself learn some control I started pouring them out on a napkin and then I separate them by color, then I start with the lowest quantity color and eat around. Sounds OCD, I know, but I think it makes me have some control over eating, certainly beats my normal 2 mins. of killing a packet of M&Ms and raises it to about 5 mins.


D: I'm thinking garlic shrimp w/ a half of a baked potato w/ some smart balance butter.


Dsrt: I need to put dessert down from now on b/c I do eat it on a normal basis. I'm hoping I will find a way to nudge it out, but its a crutch for now. So, it will probably be some yogurt ice cream mixed with a little bit of milk.


W: bike for 30 mins.


I was looking forward to Zumba on Wed. seeing how I have missed two weeks of it now, but looks like I won't see again until next fall. My boss asked me to work the protocol dinner (dinner to teach you how to eat at a professional dinner for students) in her place. I did it last year and seeing how I let her down on driving for our SIFE team (very uncomfortable driving a big van with students to a major city) then I didn't want to say no to this. But I will try to exercise after that.


Thursday the nephews are coming over and doing Easter eggs so I probably won't sneak anything in there, unless I'm chasing after them. There is another factor. I was watching after the four year old the other day and it was disconcerting that I'm still not at a point where I can chase after him. What if he had run towards the road.......psssh.........what if he just wanted to play with me for real? I feel better these days. I've been walking straight up the 3 flights of stairs at work (normally I walk across and then go up the last set to catch my breath) and it isn't as hard as it used to be. I thought last night that my middle fat roll might be looking a little less. Got that compliment from a co-worker, and this past weekend I had to bend over a lot for whatever reason and I noticed it wasn't as strained or hard to bend down as it used to be. Not sure if any of this is in my head or not.


It is frustrating that I'm still only losing 1lb a week (technically). I thought I would see more from the lower carbs, but to be honest I have cheated. I remember on the Atkins diet he advocated an hour or two of eating whatever you wanted to jump start your body on ONE day. But I don't think I'm at that point and I think that was a point where you were eating like 20 carbs a day. Even when I did that in HS I was cranky and that was the first time I ever felt my blood sugar drop or go high.........whatever it does. But mom told me yesterday that they say it can take on avg. about 21 days for your body to adjust to changes and longer for some people. So maybe I just need to be more patient and remember that slow and steady wins the race.


Good Choices.

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Suggestion...cut out carbs except veggies for two weeks. I dropped 9 lbs in one week doing this, and I started at 150 lbs. After two weeks I was down to 135. You have scaled back on your carbs, but not enough to see the drops you're expecting. I know it's hard, and I know it sucks, but if you put your mind to it (you CAN do it), you can see a big drop that can further motivate you, and your cravings will subside. I know it's not what you want to hear, but I can tell you're getting frustrated by the up and downs. I bet you could drop 20 lbs by you April 30 appointment if you started Monday (enjoy the Easter goodies first :)).

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I forgot. I wanted to post a few pictures of past cruises I've been on and what I looked like then and now. I see a difference, don't know if you guys will.


This one is what really made me get serious about weightloss. I was really sad about how I looked here: April 2009



June 2010-about 20lbs or so down I think, you can only really tell in my face.





January 2011 probably around 30lbs lighter, maybe might have been after this I gained 10lbs back.






October 2011 I had just lost the 10lbs I gained, so I'm about the same as Jan.




Lets hope my next cruise pictures look even better!

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Brooke...I definitely see a difference!! Your next cruise pictures will look fabulous! You are doing well. I share your frustration in the speed of losing. But a pound a week is 52 lbs a year. That's nothing to sneeze at. The numbers are going down for sure. I sense a new dedication to your efforts and that is awesome.


So, I survived 8 days of a very low carb diet. I added in a couple carby things yesterday. I had an English muffin with breakfast and a cup of cooked pasta at dinner. It did not show up on the scale at all either way. I am still at a 4 lb loss since March 25. I was really hoping for another lb today, but it just didn't happen. I am still at the lower end (but in) my target calorie range - I am doing 1200-1400 calories a day and exercising every day.


As long as I know that I am doing everything "right", it will happen. :o

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I forgot. I wanted to post a few pictures of past cruises I've been on and what I looked like then and now. I see a difference, don't know if you guys will.


This one is what really made me get serious about weightloss. I was really sad about how I looked here: April 2009



June 2010-about 20lbs or so down I think, you can only really tell in my face.





January 2011 probably around 30lbs lighter, maybe might have been after this I gained 10lbs back.






October 2011 I had just lost the 10lbs I gained, so I'm about the same as Jan.




Lets hope my next cruise pictures look even better!


Good morning,


I have to agree with Chigirlcruzin, if you eat just salads or veggies with your dinner at night I agree too that the pounds will fall off. Since Sunday morning I did not eat my usual baked potato or other starch and just ate broccoli with my dinner, I am down 2lbs since Sunday morning. See if you can have your carbs in the morning, a good filling breakfast, a salad with protein for lunch and then protein and veggies and or salad for dinner, you should definitely see the scale go down. You can still have your mini pack of M&M's, maybe 2 a day, that should not effect your weight loss, yesterday I had 3 of them and still lost, just stay away from the cookies and cake, more carbs there.


Yes I can see the difference in your pics, especially your face. You have come a long way since that first picture was taken on the ship.


BTW, my name is Lora, the screen name might have thrown you off, my DH came up with that name because that is what I call him.


Have a good day.

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Brooke...I definitely see a difference!! Your next cruise pictures will look fabulous! You are doing well. I share your frustration in the speed of losing. But a pound a week is 52 lbs a year. That's nothing to sneeze at. The numbers are going down for sure. I sense a new dedication to your efforts and that is awesome.


So, I survived 8 days of a very low carb diet. I added in a couple carby things yesterday. I had an English muffin with breakfast and a cup of cooked pasta at dinner. It did not show up on the scale at all either way. I am still at a 4 lb loss since March 25. I was really hoping for another lb today, but it just didn't happen. I am still at the lower end (but in) my target calorie range - I am doing 1200-1400 calories a day and exercising every day.


As long as I know that I am doing everything "right", it will happen. :o


Thanks, I will def. feel better when I hit the 40lbs mark. The 30s have plagued me for such a long time I will just be super happy to not see them anymore (in the right direction of course).


I had low carb pasta with dinner the other night, net carbs are only 5, but total carbs are like 41. But I measured and only used the serving size and was very satisfied. Next time though I will remember to remove the shrimp tails so I can just eat them with the pasta, lol.

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Good morning,


I have to agree with Chigirlcruzin, if you eat just salads or veggies with your dinner at night I agree too that the pounds will fall off. Since Sunday morning I did not eat my usual baked potato or other starch and just ate broccoli with my dinner, I am down 2lbs since Sunday morning. See if you can have your carbs in the morning, a good filling breakfast, a salad with protein for lunch and then protein and veggies and or salad for dinner, you should definitely see the scale go down. You can still have your mini pack of M&M's, maybe 2 a day, that should not effect your weight loss, yesterday I had 3 of them and still lost, just stay away from the cookies and cake, more carbs there.


Yes I can see the difference in your pics, especially your face. You have come a long way since that first picture was taken on the ship.


BTW, my name is Lora, the screen name might have thrown you off, my DH came up with that name because that is what I call him.


Have a good day.


Thanks Lora. I know my relationship with veggies are lacking and I should increase them. I have the hardest time withe them and texture. If they are raw they are too grainy and if they are steamed they get too mushy or some get rubbery. I have a real problem with food and texture. It took me 15 years to be able to not gag when eating any kind of bean besides green beans (excluding limas, haven't gotten there yet) just b/c of their texture. My brother does it too, he won't touch a tomato, cooked or fresh, but I love them fresh, not so much cooked unless its pureed. Can't stand chucky salsa, i will drain all the juice out and eat that, lol. I need a better relationship with veggies, it make take some time, but I think I will get there.


Yea, my face always gets slim first. I've always had a fairly slim face, so when I saw picture No. 1 and my face was disappearing into my fat......I knew I had issues.

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Thanks Lora. I know my relationship with veggies are lacking and I should increase them. I have the hardest time withe them and texture. If they are raw they are too grainy and if they are steamed they get too mushy or some get rubbery. I have a real problem with food and texture. It took me 15 years to be able to not gag when eating any kind of bean besides green beans (excluding limas, haven't gotten there yet) just b/c of their texture. My brother does it too, he won't touch a tomato, cooked or fresh, but I love them fresh, not so much cooked unless its pureed. Can't stand chucky salsa, i will drain all the juice out and eat that, lol. I need a better relationship with veggies, it make take some time, but I think I will get there.


Yea, my face always gets slim first. I've always had a fairly slim face, so when I saw picture No. 1 and my face was disappearing into my fat......I knew I had issues.


Yes, wouldn't it be nice if we could eat corn on the cob every night;) it is my favorite. I can understand your fustration with vegetables, broccoli is about the only vegetable I like, green beans are okay but not a favorite. You ever try the butternut squash? frozen kind is pretty good, I know not like the fresh kind but another alternative. And the broccoli, I love when it is very soft but of course the longer you cook it the more nutrients that come out so what is the sense, I try to make them pretty firm. Do you like spinach? add a bit of butter and it is pretty good. And eggplant is very good to have, loads of fiber, you could make like a casserole dish, layer with spinach and some low fat cheese, put it in the oven, it is delicious. And if you like salads that is a plus.


Eventually when the time is right you will get on track, you are already making much better decisions on your food choices, keep up the good work.

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Thanks Lora. I know my relationship with veggies are lacking and I should increase them. I have the hardest time withe them and texture. If they are raw they are too grainy and if they are steamed they get too mushy or some get rubbery. I have a real problem with food and texture. It took me 15 years to be able to not gag when eating any kind of bean besides green beans (excluding limas, haven't gotten there yet) just b/c of their texture. My brother does it too, he won't touch a tomato, cooked or fresh, but I love them fresh, not so much cooked unless its pureed. Can't stand chucky salsa, i will drain all the juice out and eat that, lol. I need a better relationship with veggies, it make take some time, but I think I will get there.


Yea, my face always gets slim first. I've always had a fairly slim face, so when I saw picture No. 1 and my face was disappearing into my fat......I knew I had issues.


Oh, I meant to say I have to agree, you are a very pretty lady:)

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Brooke, I can definitely see the difference in your photos. You are losing!! You are a beautiful woman and you will make your goal. Congrats on the bike riding. I have a stationary bike at home and have not used it in about 6 months...something I need to do!!!


Count me as one of those on the low carb bandwagon. I'd suggest giving up the baked potatoes entirely!! I don't think you will lose as much with the potatoes. Also, pasta, even the low carb kind, can turn to sugar in your body.


Something we do in place of potatoes is to mash cauliflower. My son actually prefers this to mashed potatoes at our Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners. Spaghetti squash is a good substitute for pasta too. The squash takes on the flavor of whatever sauce you are using.


Have you tried flax seed (whole seeds) mixed in with yogurt? I buy the whole milk Fage yogurt (whole milk is lower carb) and mix in splenda and whole flax seeds. That, with taking Magnesium tablets per day (100 mg a day) helps with the constipation that can come with a low carb diet.


Another snack low in carbs is ricotta cheese with splenda and cinnamon mixed in. Microwave until it's warm and it's a lovely treat. I also eat 4-5 of the Emerald Cinnamon roast almonds for a treat.


I'm also very careful with vegetables. Spinach sauteed in olive oil with parmesan cheese sprinkled on top is a lovely one. Or spinach salad with real bacon bits and a low carb dressing is good. Staying away from the starchy veggies is important. I really only eat spinach, cauliflower and broccoli, and mushrooms. You can flavor them well with butter (no carbs), lemon juice and parmesan cheese.


You can also buy the pre-cooked frozen shrimp (super Walmart has a bag for around $7.99) and make a great shrimp scampi by cooking the shrimp in butter, lemon juice, garlic (lots...I buy the diced garlic in the jar), and a small amount of white wine. For my family, I serve it over pasta, but for me, it's just a bowl of shrimp with fresh parmesan on top. It's heavenly and practically no carbs.


I have found that to really jump start the weight loss, restricting the carbs as much as you can is what works. I have lost 40 lbs since Aug. 1, 2011 on a low carb diet. I wish it were more, but I'm 49 and I find the weight comes off much more slowly the older you are!!! I have also not exercised like I should!


I just returned from a week cruise and stuck to the diet pretty well. I did stray in Key West where I had a slice of Blue Heaven's key lime pie. The other desserts I had were creme brulee from the specialty restaurant and some meringue from the baked alaska (Holland America does a parade of baked alaska the last night of the cruise and puts a large baked alaska on each table). But with the creme brulee and baked alaska, I had about 3 bites and then put my fork down. I could taste the dessert, but didn't have to eat the entire thing. I didn't lose the week I was away, but I didn't gain either, which was good for me. My other meals were low carb...no bread, pasta, or potato. If a dish was served with mashed potatoes, I asked for them to be left off the plate and extra veggies to be added. One night, the waiter brought me a whole plate of brussel sprouts to go with my dinner. I didn't need (or want) a whole plate, but I appreciated the gesture.


I will fix Easter baskets for my kids and husband, but won't indulge. For me, the goal is to not be overweight for my twins' high school graduation in a year. I want the photos to show a normal sized mom...not a plus size woman squeezed into a dress. I really think before I eat and know that one bite of candy (even if it's Cadbury!) is not worth the calories!! I'm still not sure what I am cooking for Easter. I used to do the honey baked ham (from Publix, where you add the honey mixture while cooking), but that will be too high in carbs. I might do a prime rib roast or we might go out.


It's all about choices and Brooke, you seem on the right path!! BTW, I love your fashion choices. You really find a lot of fashionable clothes, which is something I struggle with as a plus size.



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These are really nice pictures and you have gorgeous skin and hair color..lucky! You are very photogenic and purple is a great color for you. Great fashion sense too!


I forgot. I wanted to post a few pictures of past cruises I've been on and what I looked like then and now. I see a difference, don't know if you guys will.


This one is what really made me get serious about weightloss. I was really sad about how I looked here: April 2009



June 2010-about 20lbs or so down I think, you can only really tell in my face.





January 2011 probably around 30lbs lighter, maybe might have been after this I gained 10lbs back.






October 2011 I had just lost the 10lbs I gained, so I'm about the same as Jan.




Lets hope my next cruise pictures look even better!

Edited by Gathina
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:) I love photos thanks for sharing, looks like you were enjoying your cruises. I agree with everyone else you are a beautiful young women, I am gald you are taking charge of your life and heading in a possitive direction. I have this crazy idea if no one sees me it eat it, it doesn't count. My DH gets a big kick out of my theory I have recently come to the conclusion that its not true, it does count.:( I did last week cut way back on my carbs maybe thats why I finally saw a 4 pound drop, I am keeping a close eye on them this week. I only weigh in once a week so I will see what hapens friday. Keep up the good work.:)

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Sadly, he is right, it does count! LOL I read somewhere once that people really underestimate what they eat and eat more than what they think. I was watchign the infomercial with Marie Osmond for Nutrisystem and she said she did the points plan and it was useless for her because she used all her points on sweets, ice cream,etc.


I think the bottom line is that sometimes you have to just suck it up and do things you dont like to get the end result, no matter what it is in life...whether its eating more vegetables, forcing yourself to exercise when you don't want to, getting up early to do it if needed, etc. You would also be surprised how disgusting formerly "loved" foods taste after you go without them after awhile as taste buds do change. Even a small change is better than no change, but nobody said losing weight was easy.


:) I love photos thanks for sharing, looks like you were enjoying your cruises. I agree with everyone else you are a beautiful young women, I am gald you are taking charge of your life and heading in a possitive direction. I have this crazy idea if no one sees me it eat it, it doesn't count. My DH gets a big kick out of my theory I have recently come to the conclusion that its not true, it does count.:( I did last week cut way back on my carbs maybe thats why I finally saw a 4 pound drop, I am keeping a close eye on them this week. I only weigh in once a week so I will see what hapens friday. Keep up the good work.:)
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:) I love photos thanks for sharing, looks like you were enjoying your cruises. I agree with everyone else you are a beautiful young women, I am gald you are taking charge of your life and heading in a possitive direction. I have this crazy idea if no one sees me it eat it, it doesn't count. My DH gets a big kick out of my theory I have recently come to the conclusion that its not true, it does count.:( I did last week cut way back on my carbs maybe thats why I finally saw a 4 pound drop, I am keeping a close eye on them this week. I only weigh in once a week so I will see what hapens friday. Keep up the good work.:)


Man, where is my 4lb drop. I must be doing the carb thing wrong. lol. But I'm glad its working for everyone else. I guess I just haven't cut back enough. I think I will go for 100 carbs a day after Easter (b/c it will hard enough to get through without cutting back more).

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