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Cruising to Healthy


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Sat. 318.6

Sun. 318.4

Mon. 320.2

Tues. 320.2

Wed. 321


I think I'm self sabotaging. maybe that news story is right. I'm having to go to the next level down, taking more food away. Maybe my body is working against me with cravings and such like the story said. I mean, if I go back through my levels of weight loss, this seems to happen in periods of transition in my weight. I mean, its seems my body fights against me for a while, then eventually it settles into the new way of things and goes to the next level. Maybe its just gonna be the process of things. I'm okay with that, as long as I can eventually lose the weight. I'm just dying to see 315 right now. I think that might be a safe zone to not go back to the 320s again. In my head it is at least. And we all know how much mind over matter can work.


Did my workout last night. I got some pain in my side last night and my breathing was a bit more labored. I will say that I took it up to level 4 last night. I think on the ellpt. that means the tension. So, pain in my side would be probable and the breathing too. Got my HR up to 180 and did one more fast song that usual. Felt good.


Got home and ate took much. Had a bbq sandwich (but just one, which is new for me) with a baked potatoe. Then I had some jelly beans about 15 pieces, then about 10 chips, one roll, 3 wheat low fat waffles with syrup and 1 tbsp of butter. yep...............no excuses.


BK: Oatmeal, 1 tbsp sugar, 1 cup skim. I was figuring the dried oatmeal amount at 7 points, when it was actually 10pts and 2 tbsp of sugar was 3 pts, 2 pts for milk. The problem was I was counting the milk and sugar in with the 7 pts. Big dif. in points. But I'm clear now, so that's good.


L: Subway turkey on wheat (6 inch), apples, parafait, water


D: I'm gonna see if I can look up something on my skinny taste sight.


W: 20 mins. intervals......level 4.


The boy and I have been giving space lately. I've been trying to be more receptive and he has tried to give me more space. The problem is I don't know where he fits in my life right now. Been doing things my way with no one else to worry about for so long......don't know how to fit him in. Maybe that's why he annoys me sometimes. Plus, he is 2 hours away. Its not like I can say, "Hey lets meet up after work for drinks." I mean he works two jobs anyway, so not like he could anyway. If he wants to get things even close to the next level, we will have to meet.


On another note, got a FB message from some guy I went to HS with. He asked if i remembered him and if I was single and wanted to go out, lol. Well, he was to the point. The problem is we didn't run in the same crowd in HS. he was popular and well.........I wasn't. Plus you can't tell my weight from my profile pic on FB, so I don't know if he realizes that I'm still overweight (was in HS, just probably like 200lbs). Makes me nervous. Have had guys add me on FB and then I guess they look at my pics and decide they don't want to be friends b/c they take me off. I think I will need to be diplomatic on this one. Reply that sure I remember him and yes I'm single. But let me add him as a friend and then we can maybe catch on old times first.


Sound good?


Anyway, I will be continuing house hunting this weekend, maybe I will find something soon. Was trying to budget yesterday on lunch. Looked at my average monthly spending from my greatest to lowest. Then looked at what i spend on average every month outside of monthly bills (eating out, OTC drugs, gas etc.). Then I created a budget with the house payment added (at a amount I thought I could do), utilities, groceries. I think I've found a good spot. But I know starting out will be more expensive b/c I will have to buy all the supplies I don't have. Like:


Garbage cans

cleaning supplies


dish soap

some pots and pans (have some from school and my brother)

Dishes (my brother gave me one set and I have a set from mom too, so maybe not)




You get the point. The little things (and some big) that add up that you kinda "have" to have. Maybe I'll just have a house warming and ask people to bring me those kind of things (cleaning supplies), lol.


Good choices.

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Came across this site and thought it would be useful to some of you here.




I have been tracking using the free on-line program www.loseit.com but you can use www.myfitnesspal.com or other free calorie counting programs.


Even if you are offically on WW, tracking Protein/Fat/Carb intake might be helpful. I like to balance mine at 30%/30%/40% and I have been having good results. When you convert to "Points" sometimes these ratios get all skewed.

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I am having a really good food day. I usually don't report on what I eat, but I will today, just for fun :D:


Breakfast: bagel with spread (a.k.a fake butter), coffee

Lunch: 2 slices turkey, lettuce, fat free Italian salad dressing on a sandwich thin with pretzels

Snacks: Pack of reduced fat peanut butter crackers, strawberry Nutrigrain bar

Dinner: Chicken stir fry (chicken, frozen stir fry veggies) and more veggies (corn and green beans) on the side (no rice...huge accomplishment for me. Okay, I was too hungry to take the time to cook it)

Beverages: Besides the morning coffee....1/2 cup milk and water


No soda!! Yaaay me. I don't follow any formal plan. I can tell right away that I should add in a fruit and perhaps calcium. But, this is typically what I eat when I am behaving myself!!


I am going to bike at 8pm after the kids go to bed. I am going to do a 1/2 hour at 17-18 mph.


I am not getting on the scale. I know I have gained. My jeans (although still my 3 size smaller jeans) are feeling snugger. :( So, once those jeans loosen up again, I will get on.


I have 287 days until I leave for Cancun. 41 weeks. If I lost 1 lb a week, that would be 41 lbs. If I lost 2 a week, it would be 82. 82 lbs would get me to my eventual goal. Wow. I may split the difference and aim for 61.50 lbs. That would be awesome.


Great, the kids want ice cream for dessert. Now I have to keep my own spoon out of the container!

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I am having a really good food day. I usually don't report on what I eat, but I will today, just for fun :D:


Breakfast: bagel with spread (a.k.a fake butter), coffee

Lunch: 2 slices turkey, lettuce, fat free Italian salad dressing on a sandwich thin with pretzels

Snacks: Pack of reduced fat peanut butter crackers, strawberry Nutrigrain bar

Dinner: Chicken stir fry (chicken, frozen stir fry veggies) and more veggies (corn and green beans) on the side (no rice...huge accomplishment for me. Okay, I was too hungry to take the time to cook it)

Beverages: Besides the morning coffee....1/2 cup milk and water


No soda!! Yaaay me. I don't follow any formal plan. I can tell right away that I should add in a fruit and perhaps calcium. But, this is typically what I eat when I am behaving myself!!


I am going to bike at 8pm after the kids go to bed. I am going to do a 1/2 hour at 17-18 mph.


I am not getting on the scale. I know I have gained. My jeans (although still my 3 size smaller jeans) are feeling snugger. :( So, once those jeans loosen up again, I will get on.


I have 287 days until I leave for Cancun. 41 weeks. If I lost 1 lb a week, that would be 41 lbs. If I lost 2 a week, it would be 82. 82 lbs would get me to my eventual goal. Wow. I may split the difference and aim for 61.50 lbs. That would be awesome.


Great, the kids want ice cream for dessert. Now I have to keep my own spoon out of the container!


I think you can do it, go for it!

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Sat. 318.6

Sun. 318.4

Mon. 320.2

Tues. 320.2

Wed. 321

Thurs. 322.2


Lovely. *rolls eyes* Hopefully, the exercise this week will give me better results for next week, as we know exercise and food have delayed reactions.


All the ellpt. were in use last night, so I hit the treadmill with 10 mins. of slow and fast. I realized that the treadmill is not my friend and I hate it. I can't go fast on it and my calves, ankles, knees and back hate it too. So I did my other 10 mins on the bike. I started with fast and kept it steady at 90 mph at level 4 for about five mins. I pushed to 100 for the last min. Then slow in the 80s, then fast again with a push to 100 for the last bit. I still only got to 174 HR. But I read up yesterday on HR and it says to within the 50-70% of you Max HR to get a good workout. So that means I was there. Had a chicken sandwich from hardees b/c i went to see my grandad who had just got out of the hospital and knew the visit would be long enough i would be hungry. I would have been okay with points had I not gone home and stuffed to min. desserts in my mouth. What is wrong with me? I think I'm just eating with my emotions and I wish I could get control on it.


BK: Oatmeal


L: grilled wrap and small fries


S: apples and lunchable snacks


D: idk.


W: Hopefully the ellpt. will be available, but if its not, I know to stick to the bike.


Stopped by Walmart this morning. I was running low on decent workout shirts to wear. I buy men's Haines t-shirts. They obviously aren't made for a women's shape, but they are cheap and are big enough to fit. They are cotton and breathable too. When I went I found some darker shirts. I usually get the white, so I can bleach them, but I have some sports bras that are bright colors so this time I found some in like dark grays and black. 5 pack v necks for about $15. That's how much they wanted for one workout shirt in the clothing section. *Miner gripe-our Walmart sucks with plus size choices. They didn't have any Danskin workout pants left in my sizes except for 5x and I didn't even see Danskin in shirts (Just My Size though). I'm glad they carry up to 5x, but its discouraging to see 5 racks of workout clothes for small sizes and 1 clearance rack with my sizes.*


Well, I have enough pants for now, though I have 2 pairs of 26/28s and they are starting to fall off, so I need to replace them. The 22/24s fit perfect. I also bought some more sports bras. They are Haines and are super comfortable. They are cotton, so they tend to stretch too, so I have to replace them every once in a while.


Oh, bought size 2x in the men's tshirts. I'm nervous about that, b/c where they are not fitted to a women's figure they will have not room for my hips. But the 3xs I have now are hanging off my upper body. I guess I might have to stretch them a bit. But maybe its a good motivation.


Looks like that house I liked may not be doable. The loan restrictions come into play. That's okay though, maybe it isn't meant to be my house. Still got some new ones to see this weekend. My aunt also seems to think we can still swing a modular and lot. I know Mods have a bad rep. but I do think they have improved them a lot. I don't think my aunt would try to sell me a piece of crap either. I like the fact that I get to design my house to (well to an extent). I walk into these houses I've been looking at and all I can do is say......."Well, I'd have to paint that, maybe that wall could come down, the carpet would have to go, it needs sheet rock and no paneling, need new countertops, the bedrooms aren't big enough, there is only one bathroom..................etc." These are things I can def. fix in a modular. But I'm not getting my hopes up b/c everytime I turn around there is a new wall going up.


I accepted that request from that guy from HS. He gave me his cell to text him after he added me back. Idk, I didn't really know him that well in HS, he ran in a different crowd, I kinda don't find him attractive either.


I really have to talk to this other guy, just lay it all out for him. I've done that with guys before and they never seem to have any answers to the problems though.


Good Choices.

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Sat. 318.6

Sun. 318.4

Mon. 320.2

Tues. 320.2

Wed. 321

Thurs. 322.2

Fri. 323


Well, this would be a little disappointing...........had I just not figured out the problem. You know how I said that I went down in points......but I have to manually adjust each time to take it down from where I did a manuel adjustment of my original points. Well, Umm.......apparently they let you manually adjust your weekly points now too and I didn't realize it...........I adjusted my weeklys and not my daily points. So I've been eating 49 points a day, to my normal 47, which was supposed to be 46. needless to say...........that will screw somethings up. But hopefully its clear now and I can hopefully kick this pounds off.


BK: Oatmeal


L: A farwell lunch for a co-worker, but I have and idea of what to order. They have a grilled chicken breast and you can choose two sides. So I'll go for the green beans and potatoes (maybe corn or something else instead of potatoes).


D: Gonna eat at subway b/c I'm going to see a play tonight at the school's theatre. I'm going to workout, then grab some dinner, then go to the show.


W: Might do the ellipt. and some bike this time, just to try it.


HS friend............yea, Do I have "needy guys apply here" written on my forehead. He actually texted me, "Do you think we will work out?" We? Who is this we? Good thing I have an out on this one.


Um, so that other guy.......well, I had to give him the 3rd degree yesterday b/c I found out his name wasn't what he told me and that he was trying to find me on FB. Well the name he gave me is his middle name and he found me on FB by my picture..........but still. Anyway, I told him we needed to figure out what was going on with "us." and he hasn't texted me back. Oh well, another one bites the dust and one less I have to worry about.


You know at this point. I'm ready to turn off the guy search and just concentrate on me, my nephews, and getting a house for myself.


I had a bit of a breakdown yesterday. I had to close my office door and just let it go. Between that guy making me mad and this HS friend..........


In college I had no self worth. I was only worth what others were willing to give me. Its not who I am now, I've learned now that I'm the only person to determine my worth. But the sting of that still hangs on sometimes. Especially, when it comes to guys b/c they were the main culprits in college.


Just having that guy kinda lie to me and then having this HS friend 'Jokingly" say a few suggestive "guy things" to me made me just have a moment. I just had to keep telling myself, "I'm worth more than this, I'm worth more than this." until I calmed down. Maybe I needed the break though, sometimes you just have to let it out or it will do more damage. I guess maybe Me, myself, and I might be the way I go for a while.


Good Choices.

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Well, that stinks, Brooke. I miss the "old fashioned" days of people just talking. None of this texting and Facebooking stuff. That way you get to know the real person right away. I did meet my husband online in 1999. But, he was very upfront about who he was and what he was all about from day one; okay, maybe email 2 or 3. He didn't hide anything. I do think that you are doing the right thing - concentrate on you for right now. When you least expect love, it will find you.


I have had a very good 3 days. I have not had any soda or junk food in that period. It's oh so hard to get back on track, but I feel great. :D

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Sat. 321.2

Sun. 322 (I didn't weigh in the morning, but tonight b/c I watched my nephews overnight)

Mon. 320.8


Well, hopefully now that my points are straight I can get back on track.


BK: Oatmeal, apple slices


L: Lean Cuisine steam bags garlic chicken. I'm gonna try the steam bags to see if they taste better, broccoli single serve, grapes


D: Idk


W: ellpt.


Went house shopping again this weekend after keeping my nephews overnight sat. We all are still alive and well, lol.


The one I liked is getting dropped. I just can't get the re-sale out of it, just not a good area. I did find two more that are possible. Its complicated thought (gee, who expected that :rolleyes:).


House 1:

About 1,000 sq ft

1 acre

ready to move in

unfinished basement

2 bd

1 bth

eat in kitchen

close to work

decent neighborhood

built in 1984.


The living room and kitchen share the same space, very small kitchen, hardly any cabinet space, "Eat In" is barely right, not nearly enough room for a 4 top. Master BD is huge (they took a wall down from a third bedroom), 2nd bd.......9x9 (tiny). Bathroom redone and nice, but only one. Basement leaks in heavy rains, laundry downstairs. Close to work, but all backroads with curves and some bad spots. Price reasonable, room to go down a bit.


House 2:

2250 sq ft.

.5 acres


needs some TLC

partially finished basement-no central heat downstairs (stove, wall heat) 3bd

2.5 bths


garage/storage under house

Bedrooms are all reasonable sizes

Master bed has the half bath in it.

Carpet in bedrooms needs to be taken up/replaces

Needs paint

New floor (linm.) in kitchen

Hall bath has lime green tile, lol

Some cracking in the ceilings, but from settling

Basement needs carpet pulled, walls need help, bathroom needs cosmetics

Close to work and town

Great neighborhood

Two wells on property????

Same price as above house, could go lower

But I probably need cash to get it or I have to do another loan with a down payment.

Re-sale value and equity.........more than I could ever put into the house.

Brick Ranch

Screened porch on back and open deck


Can you tell which one I like? I'm concerned about the work (though I have family to help) and my realtor (cousin) said a cash offer would probably win this property. Ugh, so much to think about............and still might be more to look at.


Good choices.

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House hunting is fun, but completely stressful. The only advice I will offer is - don't settle. If you like a house and all it needs is cosmetic things (paint, carpet, etc.), those are all doable and don't have to be done right away. It is much more difficult to change the size and location of a house.


If you are not sure, then don't do it. Other houses will come about. No house, even a brand new one (unless you custom design it) will not be perfect. We bought our house brand new in 2005. We still wanted to paint (and are still working on that 6 yrs later) and we finished the basement. Take your time. The right house will come.

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House hunting is fun, but completely stressful. The only advice I will offer is - don't settle. If you like a house and all it needs is cosmetic things (paint, carpet, etc.), those are all doable and don't have to be done right away. It is much more difficult to change the size and location of a house.


If you are not sure, then don't do it. Other houses will come about. No house, even a brand new one (unless you custom design it) will not be perfect. We bought our house brand new in 2005. We still wanted to paint (and are still working on that 6 yrs later) and we finished the basement. Take your time. The right house will come.


Thanks, it is a big decision and I'm trying to be really objective.

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Sat. 321.2

Sun. 322 (I didn't weigh in the morning, but tonight b/c I watched my nephews overnight)

Mon. 320.8

Tues. 319.4


Now that is looking better. I'm hoping to get to 318 and just maintain this week if possible. Now that I got my points straightened out, I hope to start losing again.


The gym was rough last night. I didn't feel well, not tired, fatigued. My stomach didn't feel right either and my knee has been giving me issues. I didn't do intervals this time, but I did push to stay in the 4.0-5.0 range for the entire 20 mins.


BK: Oatmeal


L: Oatmeal, I brought some leftover spaghetti.......but my stomach is still upset.


D: Idk, depends on my stomach


W: I will try for it today. I might go for the bike to let my knee have a break.


I'm having serious stomach issues. I don't know whats wrong. Whether I ate something, or a GI bug..........no details, but its not good I'm on the third floor and the bathroom is on the first. I ate toast for dinner last night. The smell of the spaghetti made me feel ill. Trying oatmeal for BK and lunch as something bland and solid.


Good Choices.

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Sat. 321.2

Sun. 322 (I didn't weigh in the morning, but tonight b/c I watched my nephews overnight)

Mon. 320.8

Tues. 319.4


Now that is looking better. I'm hoping to get to 318 and just maintain this week if possible. Now that I got my points straightened out, I hope to start losing again.


The gym was rough last night. I didn't feel well, not tired, fatigued. My stomach didn't feel right either and my knee has been giving me issues. I didn't do intervals this time, but I did push to stay in the 4.0-5.0 range for the entire 20 mins.


BK: Oatmeal


L: Oatmeal, I brought some leftover spaghetti.......but my stomach is still upset.


D: Idk, depends on my stomach


W: I will try for it today. I might go for the bike to let my knee have a break.


I'm having serious stomach issues. I don't know whats wrong. Whether I ate something, or a GI bug..........no details, but its not good I'm on the third floor and the bathroom is on the first. I ate toast for dinner last night. The smell of the spaghetti made me feel ill. Trying oatmeal for BK and lunch as something bland and solid.


Good Choices.


Ugh....Feel better. Think the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast/tea). I also seem to live off of saltine crackers when I am having stomach issues.


I am super hungry today. I am in a very snacky mood. My husband also just brought a cake home. Not good. We are having tacos for dinner tonight and then I shall bike.

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Ugh....Feel better. Think the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast/tea). I also seem to live off of saltine crackers when I am having stomach issues.


I am super hungry today. I am in a very snacky mood. My husband also just brought a cake home. Not good. We are having tacos for dinner tonight and then I shall bike.


I think I'm doing better........hopefully I will be back to normal by the end of the day, if not.......I might have to see a Dr.



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Sat. 321.2

Sun. 322 (I didn't weigh in the morning, but tonight b/c I watched my nephews overnight)

Mon. 320.8

Tues. 319.4

Wed. 318.4


Well, I don't know if that's from getting my points straight or my stomach problems.............I'll take it.


BK: Oatmeal


L: I'm gonna try the spaghetti and some pineapple


D: Hmmm


W: Zumba is on Wed. this week, I think I'm up to par.


I didn't workout yesterday. My stomach probably wouldn't have allowed it.......again no details. Plus my knee was more annoyed by the end of the day by having to go up and down 3 flights of stairs so many times........I gave it a day of rest. I think it was a good idea with Zumba tonight.


Well, I might make an offer on this house. First step is to run my credit to make sure the per-qualification was accurate. Step two is to have my brother and dad go back to the house and look at everything more closely. Step 3 is try to find some more info. on the 2 well situation. Step 4/5 is if I'm still good on the house then make an offer with a contract contingent upon a home inspection and make sure it will pass USDA standards. Now the "Ifs" show up. If it doesn't pass USDA standards, then I have to find a downpayment to go for an FHA. Of course all depending on if it passes Home inspection and nothing is too wrong with it than the cosmetics we already see. And of course, if they accept our offer.


I hate juggling, I was never good with the hand eye coordination part.


Good Choices.

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Sat. 321.2

Sun. 322 (I didn't weigh in the morning, but tonight b/c I watched my nephews overnight)

Mon. 320.8

Tues. 319.4

Wed. 318.4

Thurs. 319


Well, looks like I'll come in even from last week. Its amazing how much one little thing can set you back. Its okay, a little at a time.


BK: Oatmeal


S: vanilla yogurt. Though my taste for it isn't the best, my stomach is still being a bit fussy and I thought some "good bacteria" might help. Dairy seems to make it better.


L: Cereal. I didn't feel like anything else today.


D: idk, last night I ended up with fast food.


W: back to the ellpt.


We had Zumba last night, but we learned some new stuff. I always feel like I don't get a great workout when we learn new stuff b/c I'm trying so hard to get the moves right. Plus some guy students were in there just watching us and its hard enough for me to do some of those moves in front of the young college girls, but those dudes really just made it worse. We eventually asked them to join or leave. Oh well, still was moving for 45 mins.


Still waiting on step one to come through for the house, so I'm trying not to get all stressed.


On with the day.


Good Choices.

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Glad you are feeling better!


I tend to have an audience when I exercise on my bike. It is a magnet for my children. They love to be in there with me and I am not sure why. But, if anything, it is a good example for them.


I have been super good this week - exercising daily, no soda, no junk food, no fried food. I got on the scale yesterday for the first time since November. Let's just say....:eek::eek::eek:!!! I have to work on getting off what I gained. I am so mad at myself because I fought so hard for every pound last year.


I plugged my new (and very sad) information in Sparkpeople. I am aiming for 61 lbs off by November 8. More would be completely welcome, but I think that is a fair number. So, I am planning on checking in more here and reporting in.



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Glad you are feeling better!


I tend to have an audience when I exercise on my bike. It is a magnet for my children. They love to be in there with me and I am not sure why. But, if anything, it is a good example for them.


I have been super good this week - exercising daily, no soda, no junk food, no fried food. I got on the scale yesterday for the first time since November. Let's just say....:eek::eek::eek:!!! I have to work on getting off what I gained. I am so mad at myself because I fought so hard for every pound last year.


I plugged my new (and very sad) information in Sparkpeople. I am aiming for 61 lbs off by November 8. More would be completely welcome, but I think that is a fair number. So, I am planning on checking in more here and reporting in.





Kids I wouldn't mind, ppl I don't know...........lol.


Good job. I def. think you can do 61.

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Sat. 321.2

Sun. 322 (I didn't weigh in the morning, but tonight b/c I watched my nephews overnight)

Mon. 320.8

Tues. 319.4

Wed. 318.4

Thurs. 319

Fri. 318.6


So, I maintained from last week. But hopefully I'm back on track.


BK: oatmeal


L: cereal


S: yogurt, it really helped my stomach get back on track I think.


D: idk, I had leftover spaghetti last night and some Ben and Jerry's milk and cookie ice cream. But I was proud that I didn't eat the whole pint. Though I was tempted to.


W: Ellpt. I'm gonna try to convince myself to do 10 mins on the bike after. Next week, I think I'll also add in the weights during my work day now.


Well, I just keep thinking to myself.............315, 315, 315. This is the number in my head right now and I think I will just keep thinking about it and make it happen. I think I can do more than I'm doing. I just have to find a way to get myself there.


I started on fish oil yesterday. The only thing in a warning area on my wellness report was my trys. and fish oil helps with that and it is good all around. Though I read that BC kind of lessens its affects. But hopefully, it will help. I'm gonna take them at night though. The burping and the fish take was not fun yesterday. So I figure taking them at night will lessen all that.


Okay, so we got some info. on the house and the well situation. The county says they filed for a permit for the well, but never came back in for a water sample. Of course, dad says that he did the same thing.......cause he wasn't paying them $35 every time they turn down his test. Of course, if they never finished out the well, that means the first one was still working and they only drilled a second to help water flow...........I'm guessing. My brother says that it could cause problems on buying the house, but its been sold since the second well was put in, so my realtor (cousin) says it should be good. So, I'm not so worried about the well now. Next concern is that they won't let us turn on the power and water until they have a contract (bank owned and all). So, if we put one in, then we will have to see if they will sign on a contract that says "dependent upon house inspection" which would include turning things on. Then with a USDA loan you have to have them come appraise the house and if they find any issues they can deny you approval.........which could mean you have to do more paperwork.


But since my morgt. guy hasn't run my credit yet, we haven't got past step one.......lol. I did go online and do some pricing for supplies I think would be needed to do the cosmetic stuff, you can round up to about $2,000. Then $2,000 for appliances. Furniture..........well.........Walmart, I guess, lol.


One thing I thought about this morning was that this house is past town. That means no passing like 6 fast food places on my way to work anymore. In fact, I'd have to go the opposite direction to get to them. Only one on the way to work. But its DQ and though I do eat there, its not my fav. So, at least that's a positive, right?


I really hate to get exciting about this place and then not get it, but I don't think I can help it.


Good Choices.

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My new efforts are paying off! 3lbs of my gained weight gone. I am still behind, but ahead of my goal. If that make sense. :o (I want to lose 58 more before November 8. My original goal was 61, which would be 1.5 lbs a week. So, I am ahead of schedule by 1 week.)


Breakfast this morning: coffee and bagel, Lunch: Cereal (on Fridays, I need to eat lunch 11-11:30, between clients), so it has to be quick, Dinner: Haddock, roasted sweet potato and veggie of some sort (I am waiting for my husband to come home and cook it - he is the chef, and doesn't just play one on tv), Snacks: pretzels, rice crackers; Exercise: (yet to do) 10 miles on the stationary bike.


No exciting plans for us this weekend. Just how I like it!

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I did 7 straight days of exercise. Yaaay! I am afraid if I take one day off, one day will turn into one month. So, I will keep doing it as long as I can. I am back up to my 10 miles on the bike. It takes about 35 minutes and by the time I come off of it, my bum is numb. :rolleyes: Food was really good over the weekend. Those are obviously the 2 most challenging days of the week, but the weekend was even better than the weekdays.


Have a good week!

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I did 7 straight days of exercise. Yaaay! I am afraid if I take one day off, one day will turn into one month. So, I will keep doing it as long as I can. I am back up to my 10 miles on the bike. It takes about 35 minutes and by the time I come off of it, my bum is numb. :rolleyes: Food was really good over the weekend. Those are obviously the 2 most challenging days of the week, but the weekend was even better than the weekdays.


Have a good week!


I don't know if I could do 7 days in a row.........good for you.

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