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Hello everyone who follows Atkins. I cannot find our thread from before so I will start this one. I think most of my posts were to that board and I had over 430. Now I have only 32. I am not a conspiracy buff, but why is a thread cancelled that had 20 pages of posts???? Anyway, Carolyn , how are you doing? I see you started cortislim. Tell us how it well it works. Linda and Barbie, I have said prayers everyday for us...and you guys must be praying, since I have turned my life around these past four days. I had some mixed nuts last night. That was the only thing I had that I shouldn't, since I am trying to do induction for two weeks. Nuts are still healthy so I'm not down about it. Thank you those of you who prayed for me...it's working.

Linda ,.. how's the stopping smoking going. Hope you are doing well. Caryolyn, hope things are going better family-wise. Have missed all of you this week. Please let me here from you that we are not lost!! Mary

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well, im back on the diet--again.


i did so well and lost 60 lbs for my cruise last sept but over the holidays and just having lost my willpower i am up about 20lbs :( . i am going to pheonix in sept to visit my brother and i am adiment to be back down to my 140 weight when i go. so eggs, salads, meat and lots of water are back on my shopping list. i did it once and i know i can do it again. good luck to all of us. it is tough to try and have a body that will fit in the clothes i have already bought and would love to wear again this summer :o .

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Hi Guys,


I had to get a new computer so was unable to post or read for a couple of weeks. I had a heck of a time logging on, and had to re register. I have lost all my information and avatar. Anyway as an avid atkins advocate, I'm glad to be back to these wonderful boards. They inspire me, make me laugh and cry and give us all hope. I have had a yo yo couple of months. Too much travel and not enough self control. But I'm back in the saddle again, and know I'll be at my normal weight soon.

Glad to be back home.


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Hi Mary, Cruise critic changed the format of the boards everything prior to 4/1 is gone but I don't know where the stuff from then on is. Oh well all in the name of progress. I'm still smoking but considerable less. Yesterday I had four cigs, today I didn't have my first one till 4 PM and friends came over drank some wine and grub cigs. I have 2 cigs left in my pack and I'm saving them for tomorrow, and after that I hope to not to smoke. I'm taking Wellbutrin and it helps with not having desire to smoke but it's still mind over matter. I'm trying hard not to over eat and I've just had a couple of extra snack bars each day. I don't want to regain any weight. I'm glad things have turned around for you. You sound much more upbeat.


Carolyn, how are things going with your parents? Have you been able to make the arrangements? I know what your going through and its very difficult.


Lets keep praying it seems to be working.



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Hey everyone...

I just got back "home" but not for long...

need to go back south (LI) on Sunday night after sending Alex off to camp...

Libby'll have to be "good" w/Dad for the week...

Mary, I haven't tried Cortislim.. been thinking about trying it...

seen it at a discount at Vitamin Shoppe.. but as of yet haven't sent the order in.. the same w/Atkins supplements. Have tried Dieter's Advantage but not sure if it's done anything.

Good luck everyone for staying on track...

For me I've got some good days and then come back to "my" home and get sent off by little stuff... I'm tired of everything and there's just no end in site.

Hoping everyone has a great weekend planned.


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So glad to hear from everyone. Still many missing, but the boards have only been "up" for one day. The email notification is not working..don't know what's with that. When I have time this weekend I'll read all the info and I know yesterday there were questions about the email not working. As long as when I get on I can find this thread, ok., but it would be nice to know when people checked in by getting our email notification.

I am still "up", although yesterday was my birthday, and no one was around , so I had pizza. Had 2 pieces and ate the topping off the rest. If was good and I enjoyed it, but wish I didn't do it. Am going to be on track today. And I'll be thinking of you, Linda, having your last cig today. GOOD LUCK!!

Everyone stay well and happy this weekend. (I just said a quick prayer for everyone...it's working!!)

Carolyn, have fun on your trip. Mary

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Hey, I'm new to this board, but can you include me in on that prayer?? I've been doing a low carb diet for a year and have lost 55 pounds but for the last two months I haven't lost anything and I've been very good. I'm even exercising. It gets so discouraging expecially when you know no one else dieting and I have no help from home (family of 6). Just which somthing would start happening. When I started the diet i had a goal of 64 pounds before our cruise. It's 2 weeks away and i'm not going to make it. That's OK, becuase my ultimate goal is 104. But at this rate it'll take FOREVER. Any suggestions??

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Sister, Have you tried going off and then going on again. Have a big carb meal and then go back to induction. Sometimes that jolts the system. We will definately put you on the prayer list. It is working for me, so I hope you see something happening for you. Welcome aboard>>and where are you cruising? Mary

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"I've been doing a low carb diet for a year and have lost 55 pounds but for the last two months I haven't lost anything and I've been very good. I'm even exercising. It gets so discouraging expecially when you know no one else dieting and I have no help from home (family of 6). "


Sisterbell- Wow! 55 pounds is pretty darned impressive! You may not make the 64 you had hoped for but you still have made a major accomplishment and you're moving in the right direction. If it were easy to lose 104 pounds quickly it would be just as easy to put that and more back on. Just ask Oprah or any of the people who did all those powdered shake programs 10 years ago. You're making great progress in making yourself healthier and that is what counts the most.


I can also feel your pain on the family issue. It's not that they aren't supportive, but I've got one child that can't have dairy due to asthma and another who can't have eggs, corn or peanuts due to food allergies. It's amazing because my kids are adopted from all different areas, different racial backgrounds and different birth families and I STILL managed to have kids who inherited my allergies. LOL,


Seriously though, I feel like a short order cook alot of days because at the very least I have to make things two different ways if it uses eggs. (There is decent egg substitute out there but I can't use it because it's pure potato starch.) Forget about prepackaged stuff or convenience stuff too. If it doesn't have corn it has eggs or peanuts.

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Sister, Have you tried going off and then going on again. Have a big carb meal and then go back to induction. Sometimes that jolts the system. We will definately put you on the prayer list. It is working for me, so I hope you see something happening for you. Welcome aboard>>and where are you cruising? Mary


Wow, glad to hear about the big carb meal thing. We have a family reunion on Sunday that I was really stressing about. Maybe it'll give me the kick I need. How long do you stay on induction after 1 week, 2 weeks ?

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Hi everyone!


I was here last year and lost 40lbs but gained some of it back over the holidays. I started atkins on Monday and so far I've lost 6lbs. I'm not really good at staying low carb so I tend to switch back and forth between Atkins and WW. I just can't eat meat everyday for weeks on end! I need my pasta and bread. I also get alot of headaches when I do Atkins (if anyone has any suggestions on how to avoid them I'm open). Any hints, suggestions, etc would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi Gang,


We do LC lifestyle ala atkins between cruises and are so accostomed to it that a few obvious exceptions aside pretty much adhere even during the "what the hell" phase.


Between us, we have lost a family of four over the years. Currently getting ready for our September 5th Sapphire Princess Alaska run.



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Ok I finally had the guts to get on the scale this morning and I've gained 7 lbs That's my vacation weight plus this past week of reducing my smoking. Today will be the first day without cigarettes. I keep telling myself I can quit smoking and not gain weight, but I've got to lose the 7 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!


Banderboo I've found when I follow Atkins I have a lot less headaches and alot less problems with my stomach. There must be an additive in something you eat that causes the headaches. Have you tried to pinpoint what you ate to the headache. Bacon can cause wicked headaches.


Carolyn, how are things going with your parents. It's quite a drive from you down to your parents. Any brothers/sisters that can help?


Mary Happy Birthday I hope you enjoyed your pizza it's my favorite food. I had 3 slices of sicilian last night. :(

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I don't post often, but read the Atkin's thread religiously. Just wanted to get back my email notification.


sisterbell - I had a long, long stall over the winter after losing 40 pounds. The weight finally started moving again. I tried to focus on how happy I was with the loss I had had, and figured my body just needed some adjustment time.

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I've really never been a gum chewer but find now I need oral gratification other than food. DH has trident white it has 2 carbs and 2 sugar alcohol carbs. So this should be 0 net carbs? Am I doing this net carb thing right? If I am this will be great. Today is day 2 no smoking and have not pigged out yet.

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Hello everybody,


I have been on a low carb diet since last August. It was orginally Atkins, but I now am just trying to keep my carbs at 20 or less per day. Since I began I have lost 73 pounds, started running (OK Jogging) and I have ran a 5K and a 10K with more races coming up. I do stall at times and also eat more carbs sometimes. They are also coming out with more and more low carb stuff all the time.


Just can't wait until our legend cruise in October....


Good luck on all of your diet success.

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Hi everyone!


I just started Atkins this week and am trying to keep carbs at 20 each day, which I understand is the induction phase. I do not lose weight easily while my husband drops it very easily....ugh!....and never had to diet!! Anyway, I bought the Atkins books to read but in the meantime do you know if I can drink Crystal Lite Diet Iced tea during the induction phase? I love this stuff....it says no carb, but a friend told me that during the first 2 weeks don't have no-calorie sweetners, is that true? :eek: Do I have to stick with water? I'm not a soda drinker.


Thanks for any suggestions or helpful hints you have used. My 33rd wedding anniversary cruise is in October on the Caribbean Princess and I want to lose before then (hopefully 50 lbs???).


I also have no support at home but I am determined that I am going to do this.

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There's lots of useful info on the Atkins web page Atkins.com. They don't recommend crystal lite because of the sweetener.


I've been on Atkins for about 6 weeks now and lost about 30 lbs. I even stayed on it while on a cruise and it really wasn't that difficult until the desserts came out - sometimes you just have to say no.


Anyway, good luck to all my fellow Atkinites! Pass me the eggs will ya

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BigR , I would be iterested in what your basic menus have been in the 6 weeks on Atkins, as I am starting the Induction again on Monday, and I need to lose 35lbs. for our 9/26 cruise. Any info you can share would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks for your support.



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Banderboo I've found when I follow Atkins I have a lot less headaches and alot less problems with my stomach. There must be an additive in something you eat that causes the headaches. Have you tried to pinpoint what you ate to the headache. Bacon can cause wicked headaches.


. :(


I get headaches when I go off atkins and then go back into induction, but then I get headaches when the weather changes too. Regarding the bacon be sure to watch out for things with sulfites, nitrites, and MSG. All of those things can trigger headaches and especially migraines. MSG can also cause irritable bowel type symptoms.



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Wow, I've been away from the boards all weekend and so many people have checked in ...it's great. Didn't do well this weekend . Back on induction today. ( Well it WAS my birthday.....). Am not DOWN mentally. Got back to Curves Saturday and I can honestly say , I felt great. I think the major difference between low carb and low fat/calorie for me is that I don't gain when I eat too many carbs now. I have stayed the same since March and trust me, I haven't been the greatest. Still try to avoid bread and potatos, but haven't been 100% in that area either. Before when I would go on a "diet" I would lose , but the Minute I ate more calories...I would gain. I really believe your body does adjust to the calories you are eating. With Atkins ( and other low carb plans) you don't watch the calories, so you are not cutting them down drastically, if at all. Therefore, when you do splurge your body really is not aware of it. That's just my take on it.

Now, as for induction I stay on it for two weeks. BUT I do try after two weeks to keep my net carbs down to around 20/30 so that I lose. But I have other carbs not allowed on induction, such as nuts and the other products made with sugar alcohols that are not alowed during that phase.

Linda, don't worry about the weight at this time...smoking is the important task. Glad you hear you are on track. Just said a quick prayer. I'm sure once your body adjusted to the smokeless lifestyle you will lose those pesky 7 pounds quickly!!

Carolyn, how did your weekend go?

Beachlover...don't you Hate the way men diet?? Life is so unfair at times!! and as far as support goes...we will be your support.

Travel a lot... don't think the email notification is working yet. At least I didn't get any of these new responses. Hope they get it fixed soon.

Banderboo...weight watchers is a healty plan but I just wanted to add that you do not have to eat meat at every meal on Atkins.... You just have to have protien ( and as far a WW is conserned....you should have balanced meals there as well). You can have eggs, cheese, fish, tofu, etc at your meals. Variety is the spice of life!!

Adopt a mom. Let us know if the carb load worked for you.

Steve, nice to see you checking in. Although what banderboo said it true. You men really lose so much easier than us. I am glad to see you living low carb and having success at it. It gives us all encourgement.

Lastly, ( sorry this post is too long) try to watch the LOW CARB AND LOVING IT show on the food network. It is great. Has some good recipie ideas for those not still on induction ( and we ALL hope to be off induction soon!!). Great to hear from everyone and everyone have a great week. Mary

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I think the best advice that I could give anyone would be to check with their doctor first, then buy the book and then consult the web page.


I will tell you that I have 3 eggs with bacon or sausage every morning. I'm getting quite creative with omlettes and I've found that some of the packaged sauces are very good when added to eggs.

Lunch is usually a salad, chicken or a burger without the bun. Lunch is my toughest meal since I usually eat out, but many restaurants now try to get some Atkins-type offering on the menu - altho most still have more carbs than I want.

Dinner varies but some kind of meat, melon, vegatables. I've tried to cut out snacks, but when I do snack it's peanuts, pork rinds, summer sausage, cheese or something like that. Just read the labels and pay attention to serving sizes and take vitamins.

Again, check with your doctor because this diet can affect people differently. My chlolesteral drops, but I know of others who had their's go thru the roof.

Hope that helps, but if you have questions, feel free to email me - put Atkins & cruise critic in the subject line and I'll try not to dump it with the junk email.

good luck!

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