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Speedos - Square Cut & Trunks - Oh My!


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That's an attention grabber, egh? :)


This isn't the only board I've seen posters negatively comment about seeing men at the pool in their tight speedos or suits. I think for the most part, the comments are coming from straight women, but am not really sure. I've seen this on Celebrity and Princess boards, sometimes on a Roll Call board, or in other threads...but WHY? :confused: Typically there isn't a thread devoted to the man's swimming fashion, but inevitably, snide, snarky and judgmental comments surface - usally the "speedo" and it's a point of reference.


Usually the post is in a thread and it's a one liner jab like, "...men (often overweight) in their skimpy Speedo...yuck!" WTH?


Without regard to weight, as I could care less about another's body size as it doesn't determine my good time, AND who am I to judge someone else and what makes them happy? The point is, why the cracks and negativity about guys in tight suits? Big deal. Get over it. Don't look if you can't handle it...and I think most of these comments come from the good ol' USA passengers...for the most part. Just wondering, are we supposed to wear 4X boxers in the pool, with a jock underneath? Or how about a one piece with a little skirt to be "modest"? LOL...


I'm laughing now, but I read someone's post the other day and it just got to me.

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The point is, why the cracks and negativity about guys in tight suits?


I think most of these comments come from the good ol' USA passengers...for the most part.


Yep, you got it. For some reason americans are uptight about men's bodies in bathing suits. A woman can wear two postage stamps and a piece of dental floss and be OK but any man in a speedo is gross, disgusting and a pervert. :rolleyes: And to illustrate their posts they will always find a picture of the most obese, hairy man in a speedo.


I don't get it, but then again, I am not American born.

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I think Speedo's and men in general being exposed (if you will) goes against the North American way of not objectifying men. Women - go for it. Things are changing but the Speedo (especially if you are not 0% body fat and a member of a recognized swim team :p) pushes it just a bit to some.


In defense of the anti-Speedo crowd some people do not recognize that a Speedo (or a reasonable facsimile) has a limited life span - can you say saggy bottom boys? Rule of thumb: know when to throw!


I have half a dozen and take one of two on any cruise. I don't wander through the Lido without covering but at the pool or on the decks no issue.

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To Peter: True, true. Yes, "hairy" is another one I guess. Sorry, I didn't ask for my gene pool...I wear it proudly though, LOL. Again, if they don't like, don't look.


To Soldham: Traipsing through the buffet line is one thing, and for those who do in their swim attire...boundary issues? There are rules about that. I guess I'm just referring to the thread of judgmental behavior about a man and his swim suit. I do think it's more North American, for sure. Sad but true.


I'm definitely not the fashion police and don't want to be regarding anyone - fat, thin, black, white, blue, hairy or smooth. Live and let live.

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I come across those same comments you mention and they just make me cringe with disgust for the person who made the comment. It's probably a safe bet too, that the people making those negative comments are the same ones who probably look bad in their own swimsuits. And I also agree that it's usually someone from the USA who is making those comments. Let's face it, people here have been brainwashed into thinking that anything that even remotely hints at displaying the male genitalia is an evil sinful thing. It boggles my mind how it's ok for a female to wear a thong bottom and a barely-there top and no one hardly bats an eye. Why a pair of barely covered female breasts is more acceptable than a covered p3nis is beyond me. I have been running into similar negativity, arguments, and comments in another post I made about Clothing Optional sundecks as well as hanging out on my stateroom balcony au naturel. Europeans don't have a problem with the nudity. Americans are ready to cast me down for my choice to go au naturel. Dang sheeple!

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Here is another one that causes great difficulty - breast feeding. Most people are appalled to see that in public but c'mon - you are feeding your child. It is the fact that the breast has become an sexual object rather than a functional one.....


And Mike - anything I might have seen you in? I read across the pond your were 'in the industry' but did not know in what capacity.

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Here is another one that causes great difficulty - breast feeding. Most people are appalled to see that in public but c'mon - you are feeding your child. It is the fact that the breast has become an sexual object rather than a functional one.....


And Mike - anything I might have seen you in? I read across the pond your were 'in the industry' but did not know in what capacity.

Soldham, I'll pass on the information to you in a private message later. ;-)

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hi to all on this board,


im Harry from AUSTRIA and this is my first posting in this thread.


Me and My Friend will start our FIRST Cruising tour on the 5 of November with the Norwegian Epic from Miami.


so now i read a little bit in this thread and im wondering a little bit .


We are from Europe and its ABSOLUTLY NORMAL to wear Speedos !?


So Please help me and tell me about it ( because we both dont have another swimmwear .......and so we had to buy another one

thx and have a good day

greetings from Salzburg


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hi to all on this board,


im Harry from AUSTRIA and this is my first posting in this thread.


Me and My Friend will start our FIRST Cruising tour on the 5 of November with the Norwegian Epic from Miami.


so now i read a little bit in this thread and im wondering a little bit .


We are from Europe and its ABSOLUTLY NORMAL to wear Speedos !?


So Please help me and tell me about it ( because we both dont have another swimmwear .......and so we had to buy another one

thx and have a good day

greetings from Salzburg


Harry, If you're used to wearing the speedos, I say go for it and continue wearing them. As I mentioned in my earlier post, people here in the US respond negatively to guys in speedos because the outline of a man's package is visible and they see that as something that shouldn't be seen. It's unfortunate, but it's true. Nevermind that some women wear bikini tops and bottoms that leave little to the imagination, but there is presumably nothing wrong with that. Don't feel that you have to change your style of swimwear to appease the narrow minded ones. Wear what you're comfortable wearing and enjoy your trip!



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you'll see plenty of them onboard & also if you are in MIami...wow the mens bathing suits there are teenie at times.


I started swimming when I was in university & once I put the speed o style on I was hooked. I'm in my 50's now & still wear them - tho once things start sagging I will quite wearing them. I swim daily & actually have gotten compliments - onboard & ashore.


Its the way you carry yourself that counts!!!!!

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hi to all on this board,


im Harry from AUSTRIA and this is my first posting in this thread.


Me and My Friend will start our FIRST Cruising tour on the 5 of November with the Norwegian Epic from Miami.


so now i read a little bit in this thread and im wondering a little bit .


We are from Europe and its ABSOLUTLY NORMAL to wear Speedos !?


So Please help me and tell me about it ( because we both dont have another swimmwear .......and so we had to buy another one

thx and have a good day

greetings from Salzburg



Hi Harry, welcome to the Board. My post above was just a comment that there are many narrow-minded US cruisers, generally women, who look down upon men in Speedos, typically referring to older men who may even be larger than twink-size. (Hey, it's a cruise ship, LOL).


My point was, why can't we just live and let live? Who cares what someone else is wearing and for God's sake focus on yourself instead of others and being the fashion patrol. There is absolutely nothing at all inappropriate about Speedos. My partner and I don't wear that bikini style, but do wear the short square-cut. I would always just watch and then crack up watching some of the Puritans when he stepped out of the Thallossotherapy pool...:D I wasn't complaining. Just sayin...


Harry, you guys shouldn't change a thing - wear the Speedos. We need to help educate that particular crowd. ;)

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Hi Harry, welcome to the Board. My post above was just a comment that there are many narrow-minded US cruisers, generally women, who look down upon men in Speedos, typically referring to older men who may even be larger than twink-size. (Hey, it's a cruise ship, LOL).


My point was, why can't we just live and let live? Who cares what someone else is wearing and for God's sake focus on yourself instead of others and being the fashion patrol. There is absolutely nothing at all inappropriate about Speedos. My partner and I don't wear that bikini style, but do wear the short square-cut. I would always just watch and then crack up watching some of the Puritans when he stepped out of the Thallossotherapy pool...:D I wasn't complaining. Just sayin...


Harry, you guys shouldn't change a thing - wear the Speedos. We need to help educate that particular crowd. ;)

Mermen, I totally agree with you. Some people just feel the need to put others down either as a way of helping them feel as if they are better than others or to distract them and others from their own shortcomings. I'm with you. Live and Let Live. And sometimes trying to educate others is futile. So why not have some fun and watch them squirm in return? :-D



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Entirely agree!!!


I know people look at me occasionally with derision (usually men) when I am wearing one up on the sun deck but more often than not I think it is with jealously because I can still wear it well.....

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hi to all on this board,


im Harry from AUSTRIA and this is my first posting in this thread.


Me and My Friend will start our FIRST Cruising tour on the 5 of November with the Norwegian Epic from Miami.


so now i read a little bit in this thread and im wondering a little bit .


We are from Europe and its ABSOLUTLY NORMAL to wear Speedos !?


So Please help me and tell me about it ( because we both dont have another swimmwear .......and so we had to buy another one

thx and have a good day

greetings from Salzburg



People in the US wear Speedos (you can can them sold at most major retail stores in the US) although it's not considered the norm for most men in the US which prefer trunk style or board shorts. However, it's quite the opposite for most (but not all) US gay men to wear bikini type swim ware especially at the beach. There will be no issues for wearing Speedos on your cruise and you do not need to buy a new bathing suits. Most Americans could care less, but there's always a few prudish/conservative people that find it too sexy for their taste and like to write about here on Cruisecritic.

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I come across those same comments you mention and they just make me cringe with disgust for the person who made the comment. It's probably a safe bet too, that the people making those negative comments are the same ones who probably look bad in their own swimsuits. And I also agree that it's usually someone from the USA who is making those comments. Let's face it, people here have been brainwashed into thinking that anything that even remotely hints at displaying the male genitalia is an evil sinful thing. It boggles my mind how it's ok for a female to wear a thong bottom and a barely-there top and no one hardly bats an eye. Why a pair of barely covered female breasts is more acceptable than a covered p3nis is beyond me. I have been running into similar negativity, arguments, and comments in another post I made about Clothing Optional sundecks as well as hanging out on my stateroom balcony au naturel. Europeans don't have a problem with the nudity. Americans are ready to cast me down for my choice to go au naturel. Dang sheeple!


While your main point has some validity, the way in which you express it suggests that you have your own intolerance issue. If you're really OK with wearing your Speedo (or whatever), why should you care what anybody thinks about Speedos, breasts, or anything else? You react with disgust at what you would probably call others' prudishness, but they react with disgust at what they would probably call your bad taste.


The fact is, different cultures have different ideas about these things, doesn't make either way right or wrong. Just for one - forget your Speedos - try walking around St. Croix just without a shirt on, you'll get the most evil looks and someone may well speak to you about it, this just isn't done in some places, and St. C. is one of them - even though it's part of America, where most folks would say that a guy going shirtless outdoors is OK. What would you do there - conform in the name of having respect for the community or say screw 'em, go shirtless, and so become just another ugly tourist?


Americans "have been brainwashed into thinking that anything that even remotely hints at displaying the male genitalia is an evil sinful thing"...really?? You're from Atlanta - head down to Five Points or L5P or Piedmont Park some day and see how long it takes you to use up your fingers and toes counting the young men who AREN'T wearing their pants around their knees and so exposing their butts (and whatever else) - it will be a while. If you think men are hung up about exposing their bodies - or that American society disapproves of it - you must be living on a different planet than I am. The fact that people yak about it on these boards is hardly representative of society as a whole.


If you've got 'em, wear 'em. (I love the view!)

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Mermen, I totally agree with you. Some people just feel the need to put others down either as a way of helping them feel as if they are better than others or to distract them and others from their own shortcomings. I'm with you. Live and Let Live. And sometimes trying to educate others is futile. So why not have some fun and watch them squirm in return? :-D




Good point Mike, I agree with you and most of the posters here...when I say "educate" it's tongue-in-cheek. Whenever my other half and I kiss or touch in public and we see raised eyebrows or shocked expressions, he says, "Time to educate". I.E., our PDA is classroom learning for them. ;)


GaNavy: I agree that different cultures opinions don't equal "right vs. wrong" mentality, but let's face it, in-your-face behavior about something like a speedo (or "dental floss and postage stamps") breeds a conundrum which is pretty judgemental and archaic, IMHO; however, I'm sharing my experience and although this may appear to be a gross generalization, I am speaking about what I have seen or read. And generally, US cruisers, and typically women, express their distaste in seeing a man in Speedos...and even MORE so when doesn't have 6-pack abs or a GQ butt. God forbid if he's overweight. Cultures are not only across the Seas, but are categorized by: religon, education, residence, work, financial status, sexual orientation, national orientation - just to name a few. Lots to disect there with "cultures".


Sure the view is nice, I enjoy it too. Would I call down an older man who was overweight and still pulling up that Speedo? Nope. Fair to say though, I wouldn't call down a woman who wore what she wanted to wear. We all have choices thankfully. I guess I would hope I would be treated with the same respect.


Saying all that, I draw the line when the definition of "Formal Night" are sneakers, khakis and a pullover top. LOL...but that's a different thread altogether.


Live and let live.

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GaNavy. Some very good points. On many of our travels shorts are not acceptable wear and I don't say 'screw them' I sweat to death in 100+ heat wearing long pants....I call that repect for the culture/context I am in.


Perhaps it is my upbringing or my Canadianism or something else but I really do not relish making people feel uncomfortable. Simply because I have had the shoe on the other foot and know what it is like. So while I am all about live and let live and all that jazz I put my board shorts on when I get off the lounger and head somewhere else on the ship, I don't wear a hat inside, there are no PDA's from me, but I always remember these are self imposed and others may not chose to follow and that is alright as well.


Interesting chat I must say.....

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Just back from two weeks in the French Riviera.


Appeared to us that the European guys at the mainstream beaches are mostly wearing board shorts these days just like their American counterparts.

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Hi guys, wear your speedos! If people have problems with it, let them. Americans are somewhat hysterical about whatever might look like sexuality. I for my side really do not care what one might say or if I should get a funny look when wearing my speedos. Guys - enoy! It is your vacation.




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14 2007 Costa - Costa Europa - Genova-Eastern Mediterrean-Malta(Genova)

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8 2002 Orient Lines - Crown Odyssee - Southampton-Lisbon

7 2002 HAL - Amsterdam - Miami-Carribean-Miami

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Just back from two weeks in the French Riviera.


Appeared to us that the European guys at the mainstream beaches are mostly wearing board shorts these days just like their American counterparts.


Heading to Europe for 3 weeks starting week - will report back but anecdotally from my Costa experiences I would agree - it is the older folks who are Speedo inclined. And those crazy Australians of course :D

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Heading to Europe for 3 weeks starting week - will report back but anecdotally from my Costa experiences I would agree - it is the older folks who are Speedo inclined. And those crazy Australians of course :D



hi man


if you mean ME with Australian..........


im from Austria thats a few thousand km.. from Australia :D

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I did a cruise out of Brazil a couple years ago. 99% of the pax were Brazilian. I had never worn a speedo before but bought one before I went, knowing they're popular in Brazil but not knowing if I would have the courage to wear it. Well, the first day it was about 95 degrees, I went up to the pool deck wearing my speedo underneath my board shorts. I looked around and realized every single man was wearing a speedo! I promptly dropped the boardies and never looked back. For a minute or two I was a little self conscious, with the bulge showing and all, but I quickly got over it. Brazilians don't even gove a second look when it comes to minimalist swimwear for either sex. I wish North Americans were the same.

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hi man


if you mean ME with Australian..........


im from Austria thats a few thousand km.. from Australia :D


Nope - would not confuse the two - thinking more about the Aussie lifeguards......does Austria even have a major body of water? :p

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Heading to Europe for 3 weeks starting week - will report back but anecdotally from my Costa experiences I would agree - it is the older folks who are Speedo inclined. And those crazy Australians of course :D


Have fun and enjoy!! Looking forward to hearing about your trip.

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