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  1. Sounds like the dog who has now done a few Seabourn cruises - attracting quite a lot of interest, so we may be in for a lot more posts about this.
  2. The top rugby players were often overweight (usually the forwards) in the olden days, but very few look fat now. The backs are almost always slim, being the fast runners of course. My DH was a very fast slim wing threequarter, though admittedly after he was about 50 he became a bit more like a forward in build. I still enjoy looking at them on TV of course, especially the really tall ones.
  3. Love that breakfast - OK to have it just now and again. The BMI idea is crackers, certainly does not work for athletes like ruby players. You can tell if people are genuinely too fat - and it is fat that is the problem, not muscle or bone - just by looking at them. At my GP practice the nurse who does your annual tests is I am afraid huge, and would have a problem in telling you were too heavy unless you were bigger than her! I have noticed in hospitals and care homes the staff are often overweight (and some have type 2 diabetes), and sadly I think this often due to them having too little time to eat properly, and grabbing sugary snacks when they can.
  4. Reading the Grand Duchess's life story makes me realise what a comparatively dull, boring, but easy life I have had for the most part. Kind loving parents who stayed together, two much younger siblings, to whom I was not particularly attached at the time, as the star of the family apparently. (No good reason for that). A partial excuse for not working hard at school, as everything came easily up to the age of about 14, so no real work ethic. I had to toughen up with childbirth and two tiny ones to care for virtually on my own 12 hours a day, but then for many years no real problems. I feel I have toughened up and improved as a person mainly in the last 10 years or so, with various problems to deal with, and am consequently at last really empathetic to others and better at just 'getting on with it'. But it has taken a long time! I do have two really worthwhile children, both happily married for many years, unlike many of my contemporaries. Who is to say which makes for the more rounded, cheerful, glass half full person? Sorry, a bit early in the day in the UK for any deep introspection, and maybe a bit too serious for the cooler. Lola
  5. I love Lucca too. Just read a description that is new to me - 'overserved', regarding a cruise entertainer whose set was cut short. I assume it means drunk, bladdered, or any other word for the condition, but does seem more graceful than most. I will try to use it in the future, if I accidentally overserve myself.
  6. Congratulations to you all - a big little boy indeed. It does give them a good start in life to be a bit on the heavy side, though not much fun for mum at the time.
  7. I loved The Eagles, the Beach Boys - all those good melodies and gorgeous harmonies. But did not include them in music which moved me to tears, as did Jeff Beck and John Williams - and I also loved Laurindo Almeida's version of the Rodrigo concerto. It does seem to be guitars beautifully played which sets me off!
  8. No, not removed here either. If it is, then I guess mine should be too.
  9. I certainly think that having a royal family is much better than the alternative, having studied various Presidents of different countries over the years. And Kate is their best ambassador, hardly ever putting a foot wrong. She has had a hard time over the past few years, as she must have been stressed by the Harry/Meghan debacle, before her op. and treatment.
  10. I suspect that staff on the 'luxury' lines are better paid than others, but even so think it is fair enough to give anyone who has gone out of their way to be helpful, maybe your room attendant, or some members of restaurant staff who have looked after you frequently, but it is really fairer to all the staff and crew to donate to their fund - there are so many we never see who still work hard - maybe physically harder than passenger facing staff, and are from poorer backgrounds and sending most of their pay home.
  11. Julie - I hope you didn't mind me mentioning jp's posts, but having met you years ago I know you are a generous spirited person, and I would guess always willing to share. I hope you are getting back up to speed, and you are in the best possible place to just relax, of course.
  12. I have just been watching a report from Silver Cloud, anchored near you, with fabulous pictures of the waterfalls - I imagine you are doing the same expeditions. Look forward to hearing about your adventures - but if you are short of time to post, anyone can have a look at jp's posts from Cloud at the same spot.
  13. Same here - unbelievably lovely, and thanks so much for taking the trouble for those of us who have not been here and are unlikely to to be able to see it all. Lola
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